It Seems Like an Old Friend Has Come

Chapter 39: This section is too heavy, please do not buy it


We had so much fun in our hometown in the county that we went to the riverside and immersed ourselves in the old days and didn't want to go back, so much so that we almost missed the birthday party my father had booked for me.

I hurried to the Haiyi Hotel. It was already 7pm. My father and mother were inside. I ran in a bit overwhelmed and pulled out a chair to sit down. My heart was pounding. My mother didn't smile, but looked at me carefully. As if she had discovered something, she turned her face slightly, touched my father's elbow and said, "Look at this girl, so anxious! She was rarely so wild before."

My father, on the other hand, spread his arms and patted the back of my chair, smiling sensibly, "Girls, nowadays, ask guys to wait for you on dates. It's hard to change bad habits."

I reached out to brush away the loose hair on my forehead, and found that it was covered in sweat!

Before my mother could say anything, the door of the private room opened and the waiter brought a birthday cake with 24 candles. At this time, a birthday song was played. My father signaled the waiter to turn off the lights and told me to make a wish. It was strange. When did he learn this trick to coax little girls? Then I remembered, wasn't there a Cao Lingxi in the past

I suddenly remembered that the old abbot of Nanshan Temple had warned me that I would have emotional setbacks when I was 25 years old, so in the dim room, in the warm candlelight, I prayed silently in my heart, never miss him, never miss him. I opened my eyes, blew out the candle, and felt lost. Who was the love of my life? Shu Ming

No, I'm not sure.

The next morning, when I went to work, I saw my colleagues gathered together and had a great time. I thought, is there some new news? I walked over and saw a bunch of blue roses on my desk. The newly opened petals were full and moist, and there was a charming aura. It was so eye-catching that it really scared me.

My colleagues were all asking, Qinqin, who is chasing you? Qiufang pulled me aside and smiled at me, "Hey, are you guys getting married soon? Don't forget to treat me when the time comes." After that, she winked at me and returned to her seat.

I had no time to explain, let alone where to start. There was a small envelope among the flowers, which I opened and read.

“The gardens of heaven are gorgeous and splendid, coming from the garden where I met you.”

The familiar handwriting, square and powerful, but not elegant, is his. The next line of the poem is: The blazing fire of the underworld below. From the flames of separation from you. Many years ago, he also wrote this in a letter.

I became anxious and uneasy. Yesterday afternoon should have been more like a dream than any other dream because it should have been lost forever. But why did it feel so real at this moment

I put the flowers in the corner beside the table, covered them tightly with newspaper, sat for a while, and thought of what Qiufang had just said. She thought Li Shuming sent them, so how could I treat them so carelessly? I picked them up and put them behind the small bookshelf on the table, and then I felt relieved.

I opened my computer and received an email from Shuming. I took photos of twelve different styles of ring settings. The bezel-set ones made the diamond look stingy, the four-claw ones were more moderate, and the six-claw crown ones were more solid...

Then I suddenly realized, patted my head and said to myself, my fiancé wants me to choose the diamond ring!

No matter how beautiful the dream is, I have to wake up and return to the real world.

I received a call from Shu Ming at noon. Because of what happened yesterday, I felt guilty and wanted to make up for it. I was surprisingly enthusiastic towards him, and my voice unconsciously rose eight degrees. "Shu Ming, Shu Ming, I received the pictures. They are all very beautiful."

"Which one do you like?" Shu Ming's tone was like the gurgling of running water.

"What about you? I only like the ones you pick for me."

"You made a good choice."

I suddenly got an inspiration and wanted to please him very much, "No, your love is my love."

The title sighed softly, as if being entangled by a cute child, and smiled lovingly, "The Crown with Six Paws, it is said to be a classic."

"Good, stable and reliable!" We should listen to him. When people are confused, they always hope to have a bright light to guide them.

"Qinqin, I hope our marriage will be stable and long-lasting." Shu Ming's voice suddenly lowered. "I know that what I give you is not enough. Lovers need more intimacy and passion. When I come back, I will arrange things in Beijing as soon as possible and pick you up. Then we can enjoy our world of two, okay?"

Of course I answered yes, but I was a little surprised. The last three words were very gentle, with a slightly pleading tone, and suddenly my nose felt sour, and I missed that strong, reliable, tall and slender figure, and his chin could gently rest on my head when we danced. "Shu Ming, when will you come back?"

"Next week if possible."

"So early?" I didn't know whether to be happy or surprised.

"I don't know why, but I can't stay here any longer, so I'm leaving a little earlier. Ha, it's better to come back early."

I was speechless for a moment. Could it be that something was really wrong between us? Even he had noticed it? I felt that I owed him something, and I couldn't bring myself to mention Wang Biyun's matter anymore.

I received a card from Blue Enchantress on time for three days in a row. There were two lines of poetry on the card: I always miss you most at sunrise, between the morning light and the morning dew, in the quiet atmosphere… It was unsigned, but it became more and more explicit. I began to worry that I could not bear it.

There was no call, so I had to take the initiative to contact him, "Nanfang, such a good leisure time, don't use it in the wrong place."

"I thought you liked it." He was slightly surprised.

"No, there must be many beautiful girls in Shanghai. You can apply it to them."

"I understand, Qinqin, your mother doesn't like me because I'm missing half a leg." His tone suddenly became dull.

I couldn't bear to hear him say this. I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. However, my mind told me that procrastination was not a solution and I must be firm. "No, that's not the reason. Shuming and I are getting married soon. Nan Fang, maybe you're back too late..." As she spoke, her voice choked up unconsciously.

There was silence on the phone for a long time before he asked, "Have you really decided?"

"South, please bless us."

After hanging up the phone, I realized my eyes were wet and my heart was filled with sadness.

I was in a bad mood for several days. My mother understood me and saw through my thoughts. She suggested that I ask my boss for a few days off and go to Beijing to wait for Shuming to come back.

I was greatly surprised by my mother's suggestion. "Mom, he has only been gone for less than a month. Is it not necessary?"

"It seems like you haven't seen each other for two months. Your relationship needs to be repaired." My mother held my shoulders and smiled meaningfully.

"But we didn't quarrel." I defended myself.

"Come back, mom knows that you girls need some passion occasionally, but you can create passion yourself."

I really didn't expect that my mother would worry about me so much.

My father mentioned that Uncle Xu would come to Chongqing in a few days, and maybe Nan Fang would come as well. No, I had a feeling that he would definitely come. So, I obediently took three days off to wait for Shu Ming. I was away for a few days, and missed Nan Fang. Let's leave some space for each other to cool down. Let's stop here and leave some good memories.

There are so many things to talk about between Shuming and me. Maybe I should tell him firmly, Shuming, I will follow you for the rest of my life. Maybe he should also talk to me about Wang Biyun... .

I went to Beijing two days in advance, with Shuming's key in hand, and lived alone in his house. The simple furniture showed a bit of loneliness. At night, the moon cast a haggard shadow through the thin clouds, and I felt a lot of emotions in my heart. In the past, there was another woman living here. They were also sweet, but for what reason, they separated so decisively... I am here to guess their story, but I don't have a reason, I don't know where to start.

Wang Biyun seems like an lingering shadow.

I called Su Liang tentatively, saying that my relative in Beijing was sick and I was coming to visit. He took the initiative to invite me to dinner at Banana Leaf Restaurant. During the meal, I pretended to ask him casually if he knew Wang Biyun. He thought for a moment and nodded, "Oh, that one, tall and thin, with big wavy hair." Su Liang smiled.

I responded vaguely. To be honest, I really didn't know what Wang Biyun looked like. "She was originally posted in Hong Kong and recently returned."

The waiter brought green curry chicken nuggets. Su Liang moved the plate closer to me and said, "Why are you talking about him? Do you recognize him?"

"Not really. There's a colleague in our branch who was her former classmate. I've mentioned her and she's said to be very pretty?" I tested him.

"It's okay. By the way, I heard them call her hot mom." Su Liang grinned.

Oh, she was even quicker than him and remarried so early. It seems that divorced women are still popular. I really underestimated them.

Su Liang pursed his lips and smiled, "I'm not in the same place as her, and she's been in Hong Kong for more than two years since I came here to work. She seldom comes back for meetings, so we're not familiar with each other."

"Just asking, let's eat..."

Shuming's schedule changed unexpectedly, so he had to return two days later. On the phone, he sounded helpless and apologetic. I couldn't help but tell him that I was in Beijing. He was surprised and happy, and asked me to wait for him to come back so that he could discuss future work with me.

I was bored and tidied my room. I couldn't help but open the bookcase to see if there were any traces of the past. I was really curious about Wang Biyun. But I couldn't find anything. I was a little disappointed. I had something on my mind and was bored, so I had to open the computer to look. I have to admit that it is not a glorious thing to look through things on someone's computer without permission, but who told Li Shuming to keep so many past events from me? I could only rack my brains to guess.

There are many folders on the computer, layer upon layer, but they are organized very neatly. I finally found a group photo of the department, which seemed to be taken two or three years ago, because Su Liang was not there at that time, and Shu Ming was stronger than he is now. I looked at each woman's face and almost immediately recognized it as her! In the photo, there was only a beautiful woman of similar age, with brown wavy hair, the curling style was a little different from now, with a full forehead, oval face, and phoenix eyes, exuding a charming feminine aura, and a little shrewd. She and Shu Ming stood in the two farthest corners...

As I was staring at the photo in a daze, my cell phone rang. It was Xu Nanfang. I hesitated whether to answer it. It kept ringing for half a minute before I finally picked up the phone.

“You’re in Beijing?”


"He hasn't come back yet."

"I'll be back the day after tomorrow."

"Well, come out and sit with me tomorrow?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Is this what it means that we will meet again in life? Just as I was thinking about how to respond to him, I heard him chuckle twice and asked, "I probably can't attend your wedding, so how about we just treat it as our last date before the wedding?"

“But Shuming is not happy.”

"Can you please have pity on a cripple like me? I'll go back to Taipei in a few days." He laughed at himself. It was obviously a joke, but it made people feel extremely sad.

I have no reason to refuse. (To be continued)