It Turns Out I am a Dao Ancestor

Chapter 103: Daozhiyan [recommended ticket plus more]


"Are you all hungry? Come on, eat!"

Sun Hao's voice woke everyone up.

Looking along where Sun Hao was, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"That... that's a dragon! God, the son actually killed a dragon?"

"Master... Master is really going to eat dragon meat this time?"

The five Luo Liuyan muttered to themselves, their faces shocked.

The five of them knew that Sun Hao had eaten the ancient dragon race, so they could accept it.

Xuanyuan Shi stood there completely dumbfounded, pinched himself a few times, and grinned in pain.

"This... This is really a dragon! The son actually stewed it in a pot, and still wants to eat it?"

"Could it be that the son doesn't even care about the Lord of the Dragon Clan?"

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Shi gasped, and it took a long time to calm down.

She stood up, walked in front of Sun Hao, bowed her body and saluted, "I've seen your son!"

"Miss Xuanyuan, you're welcome!" Sun Hao said.

Xuanyuan Shi took out the Xuanyuan lamp and presented it in front of Sun Hao respectfully, "Young Master, please accept a small gift!"


A little gift

I'm afraid this is the treasure of the Xuanyuan family - Xuanyuanzhan, right

Others don't know, Mu Bing naturally knows.

She has heard a little about Xuanyuanzhan, the three major families of the Holy Land.

Today, she even brought all the treasures of the town.

Ruthless enough!

This dog licking is perfect!

Aren't you afraid to lick to the end and have nothing

Mu Bing muttered to herself, the sour smell flooded her body.

Afterwards, she clenched her fist secretly, "Looks like I'm going home too!"

"Do you think that only your family has the treasure of the family? My Mu family naturally has it too!" Mu Bing murmured.

Sun Hao looked at the Xuanyuan lamp in Xuanyuan Shi's hand, his eyes lit up.

This thing is like a lamp.

In the middle, there is a spherical space.

Not long ago, Miss Liu Yan gave herself a night pearl, but it has not been used since she has not made a shelf.

Wouldn't it be nice if the night pearl was placed in this lamp

In the future, put it in front of the desk, and you can also write and draw at night.

It's really good that this girl Xuanyuan is so attentive!

Sun Hao held the Xuanyuan lamp and kept looking at it.

"Miss Xuanyuan, you really care! I like this gift!" Sun Hao said.

As soon as the words came out.

Tremors all around.

The eyes on everyone's face changed.

It's not easy to hear the love from the son's mouth!

Xuanyuan Shi is very good at giving gifts!

Thinking like this, Luo Liuyan and the others all stared at Xuanyuan Shi, envious.

Especially Mu Bing, as if eating vinegar, sour.

Xuanyuan Shi breathed a long sigh of relief, sensing a look of envy and jealousy behind him, his head slightly raised, his face full of arrogance.

"Young Master, if you like it!" Xuanyuan Shi said.

"Several, don't stand still, come and sit down!" Sun Hao said.

"Okay, son!"

After reacting, several people took their seats one by one.

Sun Hao took out the fine wine and raised it in front of everyone, "This is the fruit wine that I have collected for more than ten years. Today, I will let everyone enjoy it, and you won't go home if you don't get drunk!"

"Beautiful wine? Young master, I like this thing!" Chen Daoming's eyes flashed brightly.

"Young master, but I've never had a drink!" Su Yiling was eager to see through her eyes, and her heart was itching.

"If you haven't had it before, you can try it!"

Sun Hao said while pouring wine for everyone.

Later, Sun Hao found that there was someone standing beside him, hesitating to speak.

"Brother Ning, what are you doing? Sit down and eat hot pot together!" Sun Hao shouted.

When Ning Mingming heard this, his body trembled and his hands clasped together, "It's good, it's good, the little monk has become a monk, so he won't be tainted with meat, son, the little monk is saying goodbye!"

"Stupid!" Sun Hao snorted softly, frightening Ning Mingming to the ground.

"Young Master? You..." Ning Mingming looked puzzled.

"Why don't you eat meat and fish?" Sun Hao said.

"Young master, a monk, he is compassionate and can't kill, so just eat fast!" Ning Mingzhi said.

"Be compassionate! Isn't the rice you usually eat kills?"

"Is it possible that you think plants are not life?"

"If this is mercy? What's the use of it?"

After Sun Hao asked a few words, Ning Mingzhi was speechless.

Indeed, every grain of rice is made from peeled rice.

They can germinate, bloom, and bear fruit.

Finally, a lot of rice can grow again.

In this way, for every grain of rice eaten, I don't know how many lives will be killed.

Ning Mingzhi couldn't help trembling, his eyes twinkling, as if he had realized something.

"All things are born, the weak eat the strong, this is the law of nature!"

"If this yellow eel, one day, cultivated into a fine man and ate us, then he would be a strong man. Now, if it is eaten by us, then we are a strong man!"

"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains in his heart. There is kindness in his heart and good deeds. That is kindness!"

"Eating meat and eating meat is the same thing!"

Sun Hao's voice, like the sound of the avenue, rang in everyone's mind.

The people present stood there, quietly comprehending every word and every sentence of Sun Hao.

The cherry tree, the multicolored lotus, Yingyou... At this moment, they all stayed in place, motionless.

In front of the courtyard, one horse, one monkey and one pig were all dumbfounded at the moment, as if they had realized something.

"Thank you for your teaching, I understand!"

Ning Mingming sat down directly.

"Master, can I drink?" Ning Mingming asked.

"Of course, come, let's go first!" Sun Hao raised his cup and said.

"Sir, cheers!"

"Sir, do it!"

Everyone took a cup and took a sip.


A thick and mellow fragrance filled the mouth, and at this moment, every cell in the body seemed to be active.

The whole person is refreshed.

Like nectar, the entrance is smooth.

A wave of immortal power, along the meridians, surged all over the body, quickly strengthening the physical body.

Xuanyuan Shi was stunned in place.

"This... This is immortal wine! This small sip of wine actually made my body ten times stronger! Ancestor, what kind of luck did I have?"

"It's a great blessing for the young master to see the head of our family's sect!"

Xuanyuan Shi murmured, his heart trembled.

"Come on, eat meat, this is the big guy I caught with my own hands, you are welcome! Come on and eat!"

Sun Hao took the lead and took a piece of yellow dragon meat.

Xuanyuan Shi was stunned as he looked at the large pot of dragon meat.

She followed the crowd, took a piece, and took a small bite.


The dragon meat is springy and chewy.

At this moment, the taste buds that have been dusty for many years are fully active.

too delicious!

If the son wasn't here, Xuanyuan Shi would have screamed with excitement.

It turns out that delicious food in this world can be so refreshing.

One bite of meat.


Demon power mixed with immortal power surged all over the body.


Xuanyuan Shi's realm membrane cracked open.

At this moment, she broke through.

"One bite of meat actually made me break through to the Four-Step Ascension Realm?"

"This… "

Xuanyuan Shi was shocked, words could not describe.