It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 101: Bad men and bad women



Song Ci's response couldn't be any lower, but Jiang Xingzhou was listening attentively.

He accurately captured Song Ci's answer, swallowed his saliva, and his eyes fell on Song Ci's feet again.

Because of the stockings, Song Ci's toes were also covered, and the position of each of her toes could not be clearly distinguished.

Just as he was about to lift Song Ci's feet and put them on his legs, Song Ci's feet bounced slightly, and then she asked, "Aren't you going to watch it yet?"

Jiang Xingzhou's throat was so hoarse that he couldn't even make a sound. He coughed twice to cover it up, and then said seriously: "Song Song, come closer."

"Feet, put them on my legs." He pinched Song Ci's calf.

He thought he didn't use any strength at all, but Song Ci was so shocked that even his legs bounced and he turned his head to look at him.

“… It hurts.”

Song Ci complained quietly as she moved her butt towards him.

Jiang Xingzhou was puzzled: "... I didn't use any strength."

Song Ci said stubbornly: "It just hurts."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for my mistake," Jiang Xingzhou admitted his mistake quickly, and his hands became lighter, "Put it up and lift it up again."

Song Ci curled her lips and kept a tense expression. After a while, she replied, "Okay."

Jiang Xingzhou also moved the cushion under his butt and leaned towards Song Ci, letting Song Ci put her entire foot on his leg.

Song Ci was too stiff, and the soft flesh on his calves was now tense, which made Jiang Xingzhou very helpless, as if he was going to eat someone.

He freed one hand to grab Song Ci's hand on the sofa, scratched her palm, and said, "Relax."

Song Ci looked at him for a moment, then completely softened and nodded: "Yeah."

It took Song Ci a while to completely relax. Not only was his legs no longer tense, but his feet also became more casual.

Looking at the feet resting on his legs without protection, Jiang Xingzhou felt helpless. It was really...

Easy to cheat

Song Ci's foot was placed between his legs, with half of her foot on his other leg. As time passed, the warmth from her foot could be felt through the two layers of cloth.

Conversely, the temperature from Jiang Xingzhou's legs was also fed back to Song Ci through the fabric.

This is an interaction of temperature.

Jiang Xingzhou did not forget Song Ci's words, he could see it by lifting up his trouser legs.

There was no need to lift it up now, because due to the movement of stretching legs, Song Ci's loose pants moved up a little, exposing a lot of her ankles and above.

But he still obediently opened it a little, and even warned Song Ci: "Then I will open it."

Looking closely, Jiang Xingzhou discovered that the flesh-colored stockings were not so real after all, and were still different from the skin color of the Song Dynasty porcelain itself.

And it's too smooth, without a single blemish, it looks fake at first glance.

He didn't notice it in the morning, probably partly because he was far away, and partly because his attention was basically on Song Ci's skirt.

At this point, the question of whether Song Dynasty porcelain was wearing leggings has been completely answered.

At the same time, the doubts in his heart were also answered.

Song Ci is so obedient, and it would be unreasonable if I didn't like it if I showed him such things.

Otherwise, you are just stupid.

Otherwise, she's a real scumbag.

But he was willing to believe that Song Ci liked him.

I do have some confidence.

Resisting the urge to touch her, Jiang Xingzhou reluctantly let go of Song Ci's trouser leg.

"Okay, make sure you wear it."

Hearing this, Song Ci quickly retracted her legs, curled them up on the sofa, and pressed them under her buttocks.

Jiang Xingzhou laughed. He didn't do anything excessive. He had endured the indescribable scenes. Why did Song Ci still react like this

He attacked Song Ci's head and ruffled her hair viciously.

Song Ci glared at him angrily, feeling a bit like a bullied young wife.

She complained: "You always touch my hair and it makes it messy."

"It's not a mess, everything is fine." Jiang Xingzhou lied with his eyes open.

Song Ci slapped his hand away in dissatisfaction, obviously not believing his lies: "You're lying."

Then she remembered: "You didn't wash your hands, you just touched my feet."

"No," Jiang Xingzhou was really wronged, he denied, "I touched your calf, not your foot."



Liang Ting: Oh my god, he is such a pervert.

Liang Ting: So you really let him see it

Liang Ting: Heartbroken.jpg

Wood shingle: shy.jpg

Muwa: I saw it, but I didn’t let him lift it up to the knee bend, I just let him see the ankle.

Liang Ting: So is there any difference

Liang Ting: Baby, are you stupid

Liang Ting: I doubt that one day he will take advantage of you completely without you even realizing it.

Liang Ting: You were really sold and you still help others count money.

Liang Ting: Be more careful, my dear Cici!

Muwa: But I like him. Finger to finger.jpg

Liang Ting: Liking someone is not an excuse to let him do whatever he wants!

Liang Ting: Besides, do you two have a legitimate relationship? Huh?!

Liang Ting: Song Xiaoci, why are you so unreserved!

Song Ci's face suddenly felt like it was on fire.

Muwa: Yes!

Liang Ting: Ah? What

Liang Ting: Are you together

Liang Ting: Oh my god! I didn’t expect that you, Cici, who looks so weak and afraid of everything, would be so brave when encountering such a thing.

Mu Wa: We are a fake couple.

Shingle: And we are partners.

Liang Ting: …

Liang Ting: Headache.jpg

Liang Ting: It’s fake! It’s fake! Did you see it? You yourself said it was fake!

Liang Ting: So you still have no status!

Liang Ting: Baby, listen to me and just go for A!

Liang Ting: He will definitely agree to you.

Liang Ting: With his perverted look, I guess you’re the only one who can stand it.

Muwa: Ah...

Liang Ting: Ahem, no, I didn’t mean to say your man, I meant he…

Liang Ting: Okay, he is just very perverted.

Liang Ting: Baby, don’t you think his request is excessive and abnormal

Liang Ting: crying.jpg×3

Muwa: On the fingers.jpg, there was a little bit, but that was what we agreed on before.

Liang Ting: I understand. The reason why he is so perverted and can continue like this is because you indulge him.

Liang Ting: The love-brained person is right beside me!

Liang Ting: Wang Baochuan digging wild vegetables.jpg

Liang Ting: Read it every day to prevent yourself from falling in love.

Liang Ting: I am tired.jpg

Liang Ting: Cici, the situation between you two is not right. Normal friends and normal partners don't get along like this. If you really like him, just confess to him and get a formal relationship.

Liang Ting: Don't hesitate, trust me. He really likes you.

Liang Ting: If he doesn't like you but still does this with you, he is a scumbag and it's better to leave him as soon as possible.

Liang Ting: Baby, take care of yourself.