It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 104: Remarks on the launch


It's about to be released, spread the flowers~

Congratulations to myself first.

After polishing for 440,000 words, the two books are finally ready to be put on the shelves. First of all, I would like to thank my editor Lan Guang. I think he must be annoyed by my asking, so he said he would arrange for them to be put on the shelves this Friday. Originally, he said he would discuss the putting on the shelves after seeing the recommendation results this week.

I can finally get on the shelf and eat full attendance!!!

Ahem, let’s get back to the topic and talk about something serious.

Let’s talk about the book Black Fan first. Actually, I had this idea when the previous book Qingmei was finished. I just took a look. The name Jiang Xingzhou first appeared in my notes on 7.26, but he died in childbirth!

The initial idea was to start writing about two people who happened to share a house by chance. Jiang Xingzhou and Song Ci were even alumni of the same school, and Song Ci's roommate was a fan of Jiang Xingzhou.

In the heavy rain, Jiang Xingzhou picked up Song Ci who was cheated in renting a house. Song Ci recognized Jiang Xingzhou at a glance, and then a lot of things happened. The two of them rented a house together... (The subsequent developments are no different from the current version)

In fact, the first version was written in the same way, and then it was rejected three times in a row. The editors Ziliang, Jiangcha and Haoyun all didn’t want me. I really cried, but as a writer who was often rejected, this little hardship was nothing, so I submitted it to Penglai Gagaga.

However, ideals are full and reality is skinny. The automatic reply from Penglai asked for an outline, but I didn’t have one, which made it difficult for me to make an outline, so I withdrew the emailΣ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ

I checked my mailbox and found that these submissions were all from July 27 to July 29. I didn't expect it to be so early. (ps. Jiangcha and Good Luck read the manuscripts really quickly.)

Then, my first submission career ended here. I was too lazy to waste time anymore, so I just sent the beginning directly. Of course, I didn’t send a short message to the site.

What's more important is that, from picking up the Song Dynasty porcelain to taking it home, I got more and more stuck in writing this short paragraph and couldn't continue writing at all. The two of them often sat on the sofa with nothing to say, which was extremely awkward. Not to mention the psychological struggle between the two people later on, about how to propose to each other to share a house, which is simply unimaginable.

The final outcome is the deletion of the book.

Fortunately, I was using a small account at the time and no one knew about it hahaha!

Oh, there was an interesting thing at that time. After I sent it directly, I received a comment asking me if I had any internal investment or something. It was probably asking if I could sign a contract and if I wanted to get investment. I told the truth that I didn’t pass the internal investment, so I tried direct sending.

Then! When I woke up the next day, that person had deleted his comment and ran away!

So sad!

Ahem, back to the topic. After that, I was depressed for a while.

I have a lot of ideas every day, but I just can’t write them down. It’s really torturous.

Then one day, I read a book and the first sentence really brightened my eyes, and then everything became clear to me.

Since I can't write about the process from when the two people met to when they decided to share a house, I can just not write about it. I can just start by saying that they have been sharing a house for a while. Why don't I just give a simple reason and not describe the detailed mental process

Simply perfect.

And so, this book begins.

"This is the eighteenth day of renting together."

This is the inspiration for the opening of this book. I am very grateful to that book, but it feels like I am trying to make trouble when I say it out loud. After all, the other party is a big brand of high-quality products, and my book is just a small flop. I’ll be thankful if the first order can reach 100 (covering my face).

Since the inspiration comes from someone else, I might as well talk about it - the cat who doesn't sleep in in "After Becoming Roommates with My Marriage Partner".

The book begins with "I have been married to her for more than half a year", this sentence really helped me a lot. (tears)

In order to appear sincere, I decided to wait and order the entire book.

Back to this book, it was after I had this inspiration that I wrote this version of the beginning. Although it is slightly different from the original idea, it is basically the same overall.

It was already the end of August at that time. After writing 6,000 words, I submitted it to my current editor Lan Guang. He accepted it in one go, hehe~ (applause) (ps. He also reads manuscripts on weekends. If you have manuscripts to submit, please submit them to him~)

The highlight is here!

Update: The early updates of this book were terrible. Sorry, this is my fault. Thanks to my family members who insisted from the beginning! Bow!

Then at the end of October, my dormitory was locked up, so I decided to give it a try and started studying four days a week.

Before the fourth day, the collection was only around 160, and it was dropping every day. After the fourth day, the collection started to increase by 20 to 30 percent. About a week after the fourth day, I reached the milestone of 300 collections. The collection doubled, and the number of readers also doubled. So, my family members, you really have to do the fourth day, even during the new book period. I cried.

I have been able to stick with this book because its collection is better than the previous one. I insisted that this book could still be saved, so I kept going until the fourth day. Later, the editor even recommended it to me. Wow, I have collected more and read more. I will probably reach the milestone of one thousand collections today. Spread the flowers again~

Ah... I have written so much, so I will make it short.

Thanks to the family members who have been reading the book, especially to the family members who have been encouraging me in the group, and especially to the family members who gave me py chapters as soon as I joined the group. In addition, I would like to thank the family members who did not despise my poor grades and my py chapters. "Tokyo Girlfriend Picture Book", those who are interested can go and have a look~

That’s basically it. If I continue writing, you will be able to say that my speech is longer than the main text. I won’t give you that opportunity.

Uh... no, the update hasn't been mentioned yet.

Generally speaking, it will be available at 12 noon today, but I am not sure when the first update will be available. I will try to update the first chapter on time. After all, I really don’t have a single word saved. I am such a loser…

Today, I will try my best to reach a minimum of 6,000, and update more on this basis, but my family members, seeing how I usually act, please don't hold too high hopes.

As for the follow-up, I will be busy before December, as December is really an exam month. And I’m not sure whether I can take the CET-4 and CET-6 (the stupid author hasn’t even passed the CET-4), so I can only guarantee 4,000 words in December with full attendance. Please forgive me, my family members.

After the winter vacation, I will perform a six-day non-stop show for everyone.

Regarding the content, the confession will be made soon, but not too soon, after all, there is still some content to be written, and it will not be delayed for too long. We are all people who follow the updates, and we understand the pain, so...

Please place your first order!

Please subscribe!

Woohoo, my dear family members, whether the first order can exceed 100 depends on you!

Love you!

Bow down and prostrate yourself!

Meh meh

-Love me, please give me money