It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 109: Porcelain sauce is out of stock


When Song Ci went out this morning, he thought that just like last time, the two of them would at most go for a stroll in the commercial street.

I didn't expect them to run so far. After today, Song Ci probably also went to all the shops he had visited.

If he went to those places on his date, it would be meaningless and he would have to redo his strategy, and time was running out.

Jiang Xingzhou went to search overnight for other fun things in Asakawa that he had missed.

A lot of bars were found during the search, but of course these places are not to be visited.

Jiang Xingzhou had a headache and went to find Wu Hangfei again.

Wu Hangfei: Brother Jiang, I think you are wasting your time. Don’t bother with strategies. If you like, just confess directly.

Wu Hangfei: You two live under the same roof every day, and spend so much time together. You can just say something anytime. Why do you have to go out? I don't understand. jpg

Xingyun Zaizhou: A sense of ritual...

Wu Hangfei: Is the sense of ceremony important? It’s your attitude and your heart.

Wu Hangfei: Besides, I don’t think your man cares about those superficial things.

Wu Hangfei: Does she have anything she likes

Wu Hangfei: After I bought it, I confessed my feelings to her while we were having dinner together. Saying it from the heart speaks louder than anything else.

Xingyunzaizhou: She seems to like money.

Wu Hangfei: ? Then go and earn it. At worst you can just hand it over to your salary card. Isn’t it the easiest to satisfy people who like money? You don’t have to spend time guessing.

行云载舟:静思.jpg, it seems to be the truth.

Xingyunzaizhou: Then I won’t make any plans and just confess directly

Wu Hangfei: Yeah.jpg

Wu Hangfei: Brother Jiang, go, go, go!

Wu Hangfei: I wish you success~


Jiang Xingzhou never thought that the reason why he and Song Ci confirmed their relationship was because Song Ci confessed his feelings first.

According to his plan, he should have asked to be together when they were having breakfast.

However, Song Dynasty porcelain brought this time forward.

He bought breakfast as usual and was about to put it on the coffee table and go take a shower when he noticed a mobile phone with the screen on it.

His cell phone was in his hand, and the cell phone on the coffee table was naturally a Song Dynasty porcelain one.

He didn't intend to peek at Song Ci's phone, but when he walked past the phone, his eyes inevitably glanced up.

With just one glance, he discovered something extraordinary.

Song Ci's screen showed her personal homepage interface of Bilibili, and her nickname on the phone, which was supposed to be "Cijiang who cooks", had actually changed to "Cijiang who loves to eat".

Jiang Xingzhou: “!


Love porcelain sauce?!

Jiang Xingzhou shook his head, thinking that he was probably too tired after exercising, so he felt dizzy.

However, after shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, he looked again and saw that the nickname column was still "Cijiang who loves to eat".

And he was sure that this was the homepage that "Cijiang Who Loves Food" saw herself.

The content you see when you click on your own homepage is different from the content you see when someone else clicks on their homepage.

For example, now, Jiang Xingzhou saw a line of small words asking to add a school.

So why is Song Ci’s phone logged in with the Bilibili account of “爱吃的瓷酱”

In other words, the porcelain sauce that I love to eat is really Song Dynasty porcelain!

He couldn't understand why there were such coincidences in the world.

He once suspected that the Song Dynasty porcelain that he had stamped with his own hands was impossible was actually the porcelain sauce that had been haunting him for a year on the Internet.

Porcelain sauce for food = Porcelain sauce for cooking = Song Dynasty porcelain

This equation came true so suddenly that Jiang Xingzhou felt like he might not have woken up yet.

But he had tried it before

Song Ci was so surprised, eh... no, surprised

So Song Ci's surprise at that time was not because of Cijiang's sudden change of attitude, but because she was surprised that he mentioned Cijiang in front of him again, afraid that he would discover her identity.


It all makes sense.

No wonder.

He looked down at the avatar on the screen and didn't know when it turned into a cat avatar.

Just changed

He remembered that after the new video was released yesterday, when Cijiang came to comment, the avatar was still Bai Yao.

Considering the time it took for Song Dynasty porcelain to shed its powder, it should have been replaced long ago.

Jiang Xingzhou felt that he was too stupid. He should at least click on Cijiang's avatar to take a look. But he couldn't load Cijiang's new avatar.

If he clicks once, he will find that Cijiang’s avatar has changed into a cat avatar in the same series as Songci’s WeChat avatar.

It’s not too late to know now, at least he hasn’t confessed yet.

Of course, this is not because he dislikes Song Ci because of his behavior on the Internet, but he is confessing that he had said bad things about Cijiang in front of Song Ci before!

Jiang Xingzhou was scared again when he said bad things about her second account in front of Song Ci herself and then turned around and confessed his love to Song Ci.

I struggled with myself all night before mustering up the courage to confess this morning, but ended up giving him this.

Damn it.

The girlfriend I got flew away again.

Little did he know that Song Ci was watching his series of performances silently.

She stealthily peeked out from the crack of the bathroom door, staring at Jiang Xingzhou's every move, observing his reaction, not missing any of his subtle expressions.

This was the idea Liang Ting gave her.

Last night she suddenly remembered that she had hidden from Jiang Xingzhou the fact that she was the one who loved to eat porcelain sauce.

Liang Ting: Huh? That popular girl Cijiang is you

Liang Ting: Kneel.jpg

Muwa: to the finger.jpg, at that time, I liked Bai Yao, so...

Muwa: I can’t stand others saying bad things about him…

Wood tile: wiping sweat.jpg

Liang Ting: One photo 6.jpg

Liang Ting: No, you are Cijiang and have nothing to do with Jiang Xingzhou. It’s not like he is that Zhoujiang. What are you worried about

Muwa: He likes Zhou-chan’s videos and even laughed at me before.

What she said was a bit strange, but Liang Ting still understood it. When Jiang Xingzhou didn't know that Song Ci was Cijiang, he laughed at Cijiang together with Song Ci as a spectator.

It was most likely Jiang Xingzhou who was laughing, Song Ci would not laugh at herself.


Liang Ting: So you don’t like him anymore because of this

Muwa: Doubt.jpg, no, I'm worried that he knows that I'm online...

Liang Ting: OK, I understand.

Liang Ting: Let me ask you, baby, he laughs at you, don’t you feel uncomfortable about this

Shingle: A little bit.

Muwa: But you know, I wasn’t wearing a filter at the time, and what I said was really funny, so it’s normal to laugh.

Liang Ting: ... Jiang Xingzhou’s brain

Wood shingle: shy.jpg

Liang Ting: I'm not praising you!

Liang Ting: You are really hopeless, you know that!

Muwa: Little rabbit acting cute.jpg

Liang Ting: Okay, okay, I’ll find a solution for you.

Liang Ting: How about this, you take advantage of the opportunity to pretend to be unconscious and let him see that you really like to eat porcelain sauce, and observe his reaction secretly.

Liang Ting: He laughed at you before, so he must be feeling guilty and doesn't dare to point out the matter of Cijiang directly. When the time comes, please find some time to tell me his specific reaction and I will analyze it for you.