It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 20: I dare not


The last day of July was Sunday. At noon, Jiang Xingzhou released the last video of July.

For complaints.

This is an ancient idol drama that only exists within the filter of the male and female protagonists' fans.

As soon as you open this drama on the streaming platform, the barrage of comments is all about the male and female protagonists' fans frantically spamming their names, with almost no one spamming the character's name.

It's really out of show.

As he continued watching, the plot did not disappoint Jiang Xingzhou at all, and he also understood why fans were spamming the name of the lead actor at the beginning.

Because the plot of this drama is not only old-fashioned, but also illogical. To put it bluntly, the plot is sick.

There are few real passers-by watching, and the data is all supported by fans. If you don’t watch it more, how can the data look good

After posting it, Jiang Xingzhou reread his complaints and found them to be well-reasoned and perfect.

After reviewing it, Jiang Xingzhou did not rush to read the comments, but ordered a takeaway first and prepared to have his lunch.

The news about Song Dynasty porcelain came at this time.

Song Dynasty Porcelain: Cat Peeks Out.jpg

Jiang Xingzhou: “?”

Cute emoticons.

Xingyunzaizhou: What happened

Song Porcelain: Soybean Blushing.jpg, are you busy

Song Ci: I would like to ask you what you think of yesterday’s iced drinks.

Song Ci: I would like to combine our tastes to make the evaluation more objective.

Song Ci: Are you free

Song Dynasty Porcelain: Shy.jpg

In the blink of an eye, Song Ci's messages came one after another, which surprised Jiang Xingzhou slightly.

The typing speed is quite fast.

The matter was serious, so Jiang Xingzhou did not delay and replied immediately.

The boat moves with the clouds: not busy.

Xingyunzaizhou: What kind of description do you want

Xingyunzaizhou: Should you just say whether it tastes good or not, or should you write down a description of the specific taste

Jiang Xingzhou: Xiong Er is curious.jpg

Jiang Xingzhou looked at the several messages he had sent out and inexplicably felt that he was competing with others, as his typing speed was also very fast.

Soon I felt myself being childish and laughed silently.

Song Porcelain: Just tell me whether it tastes good or not!

That's quite simple, Jiang Xingzhou thought. If Song Ci wanted him to describe it in detail, he would really have to think about it and try to regain the feeling of writing like squeezing toothpaste.

Xingyunzaizhou: Delicious!

After sending this sentence, Jiang Xingzhou remembered that he had woken up several times last night, which was unusual, and silently added a sentence.

Xingyunzaizhou: But it is also true that diarrhea is easy to occur.

Although the power of the three old popsicles he ate later was enhanced, he believed that the watermelon Sprite with ice was definitely more powerful.

Song Ci looked at the vulgar words in the dialog box and felt a little hot in her ears.

But also keep in mind that it may cause diarrhea.

As for why it was possible, it was because she didn't have diarrhea yesterday.

Moreover, the portion she ate had been in the refrigerator for another ten minutes, so it was cooler than Jiang Xingzhou's.

Maybe Jiang Xingzhou has a stomach problem.

So Song Ci silently opened the memo and wrote this down, thinking to herself that she should make less cold and spicy food in the future so as not to irritate Jiang Xingzhou's stomach.

After doing all this, Song Ci was a little confused again about whether to talk about the issue of tools now.

She edited the video these two days and learned the editing techniques of other comparative videos. If she doesn't understand something, she can just use a little search to deal with it.

There is nothing technical at the moment, so she has no questions to ask about editing.

After thinking about it, I decided to talk to Jiang Xingzhou about this next time I buy tools.

While he was thinking, news about Jiang Xingzhou came in again.

Jiang Xingzhou: Have you finished editing the video? Are there any parts you don’t understand

Song Ci silently replied no.

Jiang Xingzhou was stunned when he received the reply and didn't know what to say for a moment.



End of conversation.

The two people were not embarrassed at all and just thought about their own things, and the conversation ended there.

Jiang Xingzhou, who originally wanted to express his enthusiasm and offer help, had other things to do at the moment, so he opened his own comment section to post comments.

Jiang Xingzhou struggled to find Cijiang's comment among a bunch of comments that were complaining about the plot and the costumes and makeup.

Unexpectedly, Cijiang’s comment still hasn’t arrived today.

Looking back at the last video, it seemed that Cijiang only heard the news and rushed over an hour later, and Cijiang didn’t seem to be keen on complaining about him anymore.

I will soon be free from the list of black fans.

As for Jiang Xingzhou himself, he has not been so enthusiastic about his own affairs recently because of the Song Ci incident. For example, now he is not in the same mood as before.

Cijiang can come or not.

No one likes to be scolded.

Thinking of Cijiang, Jiang Xingzhou remembered that he didn’t know the nickname of Song Ci’s video platform.

I don’t know whether Song Ci will tell me her nickname at that time.

He didn't hesitate for too long, and soon got the result.

The next day, Song Ci came to him with his computer and said that he wanted to release the first video and asked him to help check the final product.

The computer was placed on the coffee table, and the two of them were still sitting on the sofa together with the Milky Way between them, just like before.

Song Ci was a little nervous.

Now she felt like a student giving a graduation report.

Jiang Xingzhou is her teacher in her career as a food blogger, and she took her finished products to show her teacher, hoping to gain his recognition.

Teacher Jiang had no idea what Song was thinking. He stared intently at the computer screen, watching the images switching back and forth in the video and listening to the immersive and soothing music.

After the video was finished, Song Ci looked at Jiang Xingzhou nervously and expectantly. Her cheeks turned slightly red and hot because of her nervousness.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't say anything. Song Ci encouraged himself in his heart, but his tone was still a little timid.

It seemed as if he really regarded Jiang Xingzhou as his teacher.

"Is it okay?" The voice was low and weak, revealing a deep sense of guilt.

Even though I have watched it many times and feel very satisfied with it, I still feel embarrassed and nervous when I actually have to show it to others and wait for their comments.

Jiang Xingzhou nodded hesitantly, but made a sound as if he was thinking: "Hmm... —"

Song Ci's heart was lifted up and he felt a slight suffocation.

I didn't expect it would be so exciting just for Jiang Xingzhou to watch.

Song Ci felt that she was even more nervous than when she was submitting her novel and waiting for the results.

Face-to-face tension is the most exciting and is most likely to arouse a person's entire mood.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't keep the audience in suspense. He organized his words and said directly: "The video is still complete, but I still have some suggestions for revisions, and I have a question for you."

Song Ci immediately became alert and was on guard.

"You say." He even used honorifics.

Jiang Xingzhou was helpless and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I don't eat people."

Song Dynasty porcelain is even more embarrassing.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Jiang Xingzhou put on a serious expression, "What I want to say is that you'd better adjust the filter of your video. The current one is not harmonious and the difference with the original video is quite obvious. You can adjust it according to the filter of Wan Anini's original video."

"Ah, this..." Song Ci hesitated a little.

Jiang Xingzhou was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Song Ci lowered her head, her entire head drooped, as if she was wilting. She said in a very low voice: "I couldn't tell the original filter of Wan Anini's video, so I replaced it with this similar filter."

Jiang Xingzhou was stunned.


It is indeed a problem.

"It's okay," Song Ci raised her head and put on a stubborn expression. She looked at Jiang Xingzhou with a stern face, "Go on, I will solve all these problems."

Song Ci already had a general idea in his mind.

In a flash, she thought of her internet star-chasing friends.

They are fans of celebrities and often save all kinds of beautiful pictures. They should know more about filters. I will ask them later.

I don’t know what Jiang Xingzhou wants to ask.

Compared to making a suggestion, this question made Song Ci more frightened.

If making suggestions is just a euphemism for saying you have other ideas, let me tell you, it's up to you whether you listen to them or not.

But asking questions is directly questioning.

Song Ci had to worry.

Jiang Xingzhou was shocked that Song Ci's mood changed so quickly.

Looking at Song Ci's face, which was trying hard to be strong, Jiang Xingzhou smiled softly.

He said again: "Really don't be nervous, I just want to ask if you are planning to make an immersive comparison video?"

Throughout the entire video of Song Ci, there is no other sound except the music.

The plan he first proposed was to reproduce the background music of the original video, but the video presented by Song Ci directly discarded the background music of the original video.

And expressive words such as "Others cut the watermelon" and "I cut the watermelon" were not spoken by human voice, but were just displayed on the screen.

The whole video is an immersive comparison video.

This approach is completely different from the original idea he provided.

This made Jiang Xingzhou a little distressed.

He originally wanted to use the sound of Song Dynasty porcelain as a selling point.

It's a shame to say nothing about such a good voice.

Song Ci was a little flustered, she knew what Jiang Xingzhou meant.

She realized it when she was editing, but she didn't dare.

She didn't dare to speak out in such a public place.

At first she tried to sing along with two pieces of music from Late Anini's videos, but when she almost turned off the video and planned to record, she felt so ashamed that she even forgot how to make the sound.

If you don't want to lie, you can only admit your mistake honestly.

With her head lowered to the point where she couldn't lower it any further, Song Ci apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't dare to sing."

The more you speak, the more quietly you speak. That's really too embarrassing.

It feels really silly to sing alone into a microphone, and the sound sounds weird after being converted by the equipment.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't expect this reason.

In these few short minutes, he thought about Song Ci because he felt that this way of immersion would be more favorable, so he chose this editing technique.

But I never thought it was because I was afraid to sing.