It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 223: The Extra 2 What to do if my wife becomes smaller 2 is still popular


Although this matter is quite scary, at least Song Ci is currently healthy, which makes Jiang Xingzhou not so scared.

Picking up Song Ci from his lap, Jiang Xingzhou said softly, "Good baby, are you hungry?"

Song Ci felt a little embarrassed. She raised her short hands to cover her cheeks and said in a baby voice, "Don't call me baby. I just got smaller."

"No," Jiang Xingzhou said with a serious expression, "If I call you my wife, I'll feel like I'm not a human being."



"You're such a pervert!"

Jiang Xingzhou laughed twice and poked Song Ci's cheek with his finger, "Don't say that, I'm only 26 years old, not old yet."

Song Dynasty Porcelain: “…”

So it's really not serious.

Jiang Xingzhou got off the bed and carried Song Ci to the study. He put Song Ci on the desk and turned on the computer.

Song Ci looked at the computer screen curiously. She swept the back of Jiang Xingzhou's hand with her newly transformed tail.

Jiang Xingzhou felt a chill as the furry and smooth touch slid across the back of his hand.

He grabbed Song Ci's tail with his backhand and started to knead it, then poked her cheek with her tail.

"So bad?"

Song Ci looked at him aggrievedly, with a pitiful look.

What's wrong with her? It's Jiang Xingzhou who is bad!

She even poked herself with her tail.

That’s too bad!

Jiang Xingzhou couldn't bear to see such a small girl cry, so he let go of Song Ci's tail after playing with her for a while, pinched her ears, and then focused his attention on the computer.

Song Ci quickly retracted her tail and put it under her buttocks, then gathered her clothes and asked with her head tilted, "What are you going to do?"

“Look online to see if there are any similar experiences.”

Song Ci blinked her big eyes and said cutely, "But can I find it on the Internet?"

"Let's try it," Jiang Xingzhou pressed the search button and rubbed Song Ci's little head with one hand, "otherwise I can't take you to the hospital."


When he said that, Song Ci immediately became scared.

She didn't want to go to the hospital, as she would definitely be locked up and studied by a group of people.

She sniffed and hugged Jiang Xingzhou's right hand which was holding the mouse.

She threw herself on top of him and wrapped Song Ci's hand tightly with her belly: "Don't send me to the hospital."

"Jiang Jiang~husband~"

In order to please Jiang Xingzhou, her tail appeared again and wrapped around Jiang Xingzhou's wrist.

Jiang Xingzhou felt helpless and distressed. He pinched the cat ears that appeared on Song Ci and comforted him softly, "Don't worry, I won't send you there. Be good, baby. I'll check it out."

If he had been sent to the hospital, his wife would have really died.

Jiang Xingzhou is not that stupid.

He let go of the mouse and simply raised his hand. Song Ci instantly flew into the air. He was so scared that he hugged him tightly again and tried his best to cling to him.

Her voice was trembling: “Jiang, Jiang Jiang, don’t, don’t do this, I’m scared.”

Jiang Xingzhou immediately held her little butt with his left hand: "Okay, okay, that's good enough. I won't let you fall."

Within reach is Song Ci's smooth little butt.

Because of his action just now, Song Ci's ill-fitting clothes fell apart.

"Jiang, Jiang..."

Song Ci immediately felt something was wrong.

Jiang Xingzhou's hands were so hot.

She wanted to dodge, but if she did she would fall, and she could only look up at Jiang Xingzhou pitifully.

Jiang Xingzhou chuckled: "Sorry, I forgot to find you a suitable piece of clothing."

Song Ci pouted her lips, lowered her head and bit Jiang Xingzhou's thumb.

Jiang Xingzhou felt that this scene made his heart melt.

He glanced at the computer screen, stood up, picked up Song Ci and went to the closet to find suitable clothes.

But there are really no clothes that small at home.

Orange runs naked every day and has no clothes at all, so there is nothing to steal from him.

Jiang Xingzhou held his forehead with his hand. This was indeed a big problem.

Jiang Xingzhou looked again and again and saw the rabbit doll they bought last year.

Jiang Xingzhou took it and took off the clothes of the rabbit doll.

"Wear this for now, forbearance. I'll take you to buy new clothes later."

Song Ci reached out and hugged the clothes that Jiang Xingzhou had helped her take off the rabbit doll, her face slightly red.

Jiang Xingzhou suddenly remembered something, leaned close to Song Ci's little ear and whispered something, and then Song Ci's cheeks became hot again.

She stammered in refusal: "No... No need... I'll just bear with it for a while, maybe it will be fine in a few days."

In fact, she herself didn't know, but she didn't know how to solve the problem Jiang Xingzhou mentioned. She definitely couldn't wear it originally, so now she could only bear it like this.

Jiang Xingzhou shook his head: "No, what if you get sick? Let me sew you a pair of underwear."

Song Ci's cheeks were red as blood.

Jiang Xingzhou told it all out somehow.

Jiang Xingzhou had already forcefully put the small clothes on her, and coincidentally, they fit her perfectly, which was quite gratifying.

Then, regardless of Song Ci's objection, Jiang Xingzhou carried Song Ci to the cabinet and found two pairs of Song Ci's panties.

He gestured at the Song Dynasty porcelain and found that it was much bigger.

Song Ci didn't understand what he meant. Didn't he just say that he wanted to sew it himself

Why are you starting to gesture now? This is even more embarrassing than Jiang Xingzhou doing it himself!

Song Ci sat down on the bed with a squeak and turned her body to express her resistance.

Jiang Xingzhou expressed excitedly.

"Baby, I think I can just sew this and wear it."

He pinched the edges on both sides and then gestured on Song Ci's body.

After making sure, he folded it and turned to find needle and thread.

They actually have needlework at home.

Song Ci's cat ears moved flexibly and found that there was no sound behind him.

She hugged her tail and turned around, but Jiang Xingzhou was gone.

Song Ci became anxious.

It was scary to suddenly become smaller. Jiang Xingzhou was not here yet, and Song Ci called Jiang Xingzhou in a crying voice.

"Hubby, Jiang Jiang..."

She moved to the bed and tried to get out, but the bed was too high for her now.

She was scared.

Tears came out all at once, big and pearl-like.

"Jiang Xingzhou—"

"Here I come, what's wrong, wife?"

Jiang Xingzhou heard Song Ci's voice and ran over immediately.

He had good eyesight and saw tears on Song Ci's cheeks at the door, and he felt heartbroken.

"Why are you crying? I didn't leave. I went out to find needle and thread."

When he reached the bed, Song Ci threw herself on him and sobbed, "I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"I won't abandon you. Don't cry. I just went to find a needle and thread."

"Did you find it?"

Jiang Xingzhou raised his hand to wipe away the tears on Song Ci's cheek and whispered, "No."

Song Ci buried her cheek in him again and said in a muffled voice, "Then take me with you to find it."

From Song Ci's dependent behavior, Jiang Xingzhou seemed to understand Song Ci's mentality, so he softened his voice.

"Okay, I was wrong just now. I ran away without telling you. I'm sorry, baby."

Compared to the shame of being a pair of underwear, Song Ci was more afraid that Jiang Xingzhou would be out of her sight.

Song Ci rubbed her little face on Jiang Xingzhou's clothes and wrapped her tail around Jiang Xingzhou's wrist. She was determined to follow Jiang Xingzhou all the time.

Jiang Xingzhou held her in his arms and went to find needle and thread, and the two returned to the bedside again.

"Baby, can you sit on the bed first and let me sew this?" He discussed with Song Ci.

Song Ci's emotions had stabilized. She nodded and sat obediently aside, but her tail would come to the front and secretly glance at the panties hanging on the quilt, making Jiang Xingzhou laugh and cry.

It doesn't need any modification, just make it smaller. Jiang Xingzhou is still capable of doing such a thing.

Although the stitches look crooked, fortunately the Song porcelain fits the body perfectly when worn.

"Okay," he admired his work with satisfaction, "I'll take you out to the tailor shop later to have some clothes made."

Song Ci's big eyes were suddenly filled with fear.

"Are you going to take me out?"

"Yeah, do you want me to leave you at home?"

Jiang Xingzhou raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of teasing: "I don't know who started crying just because she didn't see me for a while. If I leave her alone at home, I think the Great Wall will be broken by her crying."

Song Ci lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

She was just too scared.

She changed the subject: "But if you take me out, what if others see me?"

She didn't want to be captured and studied.

That way, I will never see Jiang Xingzhou again.

Song Ci was very distressed.

What should I do

Looking at her conflicted little expression, Jiang Xingzhou burst out laughing, poked her little forehead with his finger, and with a little force, he pushed Song Ci flat on the bed.

"What are you thinking? I just took you out, I didn't say anything about letting anyone see you."

"But..." Song Ci had another question, "Didn't you say you would make clothes for me?"

If I make clothes for her but don't measure her first, how can I know if they will fit her

She looked a little aggrieved.

She was right.

Jiang Xingzhou was silent: "..."

Jiang Xingzhou poked Song Ci's forehead again and said, "You said your IQ hasn't dropped, but I think you've regressed to the level of a child."


"A rabbit."

Jiang Xingzhou reached out and tugged at her clothes: "Don't forget, this set of clothes was taken from a doll."


Song Ci covered her mouth in surprise and forgot about it.

Well, her IQ may have really regressed.

She smiled ingratiatingly at Jiang Xingzhou, raised her arms and legs, wrapped her limbs around Jiang Xingzhou's arms, and giggled.

"Okay, I just seemed to see a question asking about a similar experience. Let's go, I'll take you to see it." Jiang Xingzhou supported Song Ci's back with his left hand and carried her to the study.

The computer screen was black. After reopening it, Jiang Xingzhou looked at the screen carefully and found that it was indeed there.

He clicked on the question.

The answerer said that his wife also had the same experience. One morning, she woke up and suddenly turned into a little person the size of a rabbit, with rabbit ears and a rabbit tail, which was extremely similar to the situation with Song Dynasty porcelain.

But no one could answer him.

The respondent did not ask any more questions.

After thinking about it, he clicked on the person's homepage and asked in private chat.

"There have been such examples before." Song Ci found it magical that there were other people whose experiences were as wonderful as hers.

"It's good to have precedents. We can always learn from other people's experiences."

Jiang Xingzhou now only prays that if the answerer gives a reply, it will be positive news.

The answerer didn't come online for a while, Jiang Xingzhou picked up Song Ci again: "Let's go, go wash up."

Song Ci was still dazed when Jiang Xingzhou put her on the sink.

"I, I, I'm scared."

Song Ci looked down at the pool. Although it was not very high, she still felt scared.

Song Ci shrank back, and Jiang Xingzhou quickly raised his hand to protect her.

He simply took a towel and put it under Song Ci's body.

"Just sit here and wait for a moment. Don't look down. I'll brush your teeth for you later."

Song Ci sat down obediently and looked at Jiang Xingzhou with her round eyes.

Jiang Xingzhou looked over with foam in his mouth, and Han Hu asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Ci pursed her lips and shook her head, smiling a little reservedly.

While Jiang Xingzhou was rinsing his mouth, she quietly put her fingers into her mouth.

Well, the teeth are still fine. Although they have become smaller, they are not reduced to only one or two teeth.

Song Ci smiled happily, held her calves and shook her body, happily waiting for Jiang Xingzhou to help her brush her teeth.

As she was looking at it, she suddenly realized: "Jiang Jiang, this toothbrush is so big."


Jiang Xingzhou spat out the water in his mouth, rinsed the toothbrush and put it back in its place.

"It's okay, I'll cut some off later."

Jiang Xingzhou glanced at the towel on which Song Ci was sitting, and shrugged helplessly: "Baby."

"What's the matter?"

"This, let me use it." He pointed to Song Ci's face towel.

"Yeah!" Song Ci nodded with a smile.

Jiang Xingzhou used Song Ci's face towel to wipe his face, then picked up Song Ci's toothbrush, hugged Song Ci again and ran to cut the toothbrush.

After cutting off a small piece of the toothbrush, Jiang Xingzhou polished the edge a bit before carrying Song Ci back to the sink.

There was only a small piece of toothbrush, which couldn't hold much toothpaste. Jiang Xingzhou just took the small toothbrush and rubbed the toothpaste.

"Here, ah—" Jiang Xingzhou tilted his head and handed the toothbrush to Song Ci's mouth, "Open your mouth and brush your teeth."

Song Ci looked at him embarrassedly. This was the first time in her life that someone had brushed her teeth with her care.

She whispered, "I can do it myself."

As he said that, he raised his hand to take the small piece of toothbrush.

"I'll do it." Jiang Xingzhou waved his hand and dodged.

