It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 225: The Extra 2 What to do if my wife becomes smaller 4 is available at the county


After lunch, Jiang Xingzhou put Song Ci into his schoolbag again and went to get Song Ci's clothes.

Song Ci shook her head in her schoolbag and said, "Jiang Jiang, I will be transformed back tomorrow. Will there be no one to wear all these clothes?"

Jiang Xingzhou also considered the problem she mentioned, which was why he only made five pieces at the beginning.

However, even if the Song Dynasty porcelain is not worn, there are rabbit dolls that can be worn, so it is not a waste.

Jiang Xingzhou scratched her little ear and said, "It's okay. You can wear them all once when you get home. I'll take a picture for you as a souvenir. I won't let you not wear them."

He is so understanding.

When Song Ci heard this, she immediately raised her little hand and slapped Jiang Xingzhou's hand away.

That's not what she meant!

Jiang Xingzhou is really too bad!

He was bad before, and he is still so bad even after being married for several years!

She pouted and complained aggrievedly: "You just bully me."

"How could that be possible? You are my wife, how could I bully you? If you don't believe me, ask your parents."

Song Dynasty Porcelain: “…”


After taking the clothes home, Jiang Xingzhou put Song Ci down and laid out the clothes one by one on the bed.

"Take a look, baby, and see which one you like."

Song Ci looked over with big eyes: "Can I not wear it if I don't like it?"

"Of course not. If you don't like it, you can keep it for later."

Song Ci pouted and swept her tail across the back of Jiang Xingzhou's hand, causing Jiang Xingzhou to feel a slight tingling sensation.

He shook his head, hugged Song Ci, put him in front of him, and unfolded one set after another for Song Ci to see: "How about this one? Little skirt, do you like it?"

Song Ci shook her tail: "No."

Jiang Xingzhou tried to hold back his laughter. He said, "Baby, don't move your tail. It's blocking my view."

She raised her tail high, almost reaching it in front of Jiang Xingzhou's eyes, which made him feel as if Song Ci's tail would sweep across his face in the next second.

Song Ci pouted, put her tail in front of herself, and held her tail with her hand, fearing that Jiang Xingzhou would grab her tail and do something strange.

"Not this, but that!"

She pointed her short little finger at a pair of overalls at the edge.

Jiang Xingzhou bent down and took the clothes from him: "You want this?"


"Okay, then change them and try them on first. They should all fit."

Song Ci turned around and looked over, blinking.

"Can I not change it?"

"No." Jiang Xingzhou smiled and shook his head.

Song Dynasty Porcelain: "qaq"

"Then you better get out quickly~!" Song Ci used all his strength to push Jiang Xingzhou, trying to get him out.

He didn't listen to her in the morning and forced her to change into this little dress. She still feels ashamed when she thinks about it now.

Song Ci's cheeks flushed red, and she said in a baby voice, "Go!"

However, her strength was not enough to tickle Jiang Xingzhou.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't move at all.

He said, "I'll turn my back, okay? If there's anything you can't do, I can still help you here."

Song Ci was conflicted.


"Song Song~"


Song Dynasty Porcelain: “…”

"Oh, alright, alright, then turn your back!"

Jiang Xingzhou did not push his luck any further and turned around obediently. Soon, he heard the sound of clothes rubbing against each other from behind.

After a while, Song Ci said softly: "Okay~"

Jiang Xingzhou couldn't wait to turn around and immediately saw Song Ci wearing overalls.

When making it, Jiang Xingzhou specifically told them not to use denim fabric, as everything was very soft and there was no need to worry about scratching Song Ci's skin.

However, I seem to have forgotten to tell my boss that I wanted to make a top.

The boss thought it was really for the rabbit doll to wear, so he only made a pair of overalls for this outfit.

Song Ci's tail was curled up in front of him, with his little hands clasped in front of his chest, and his little face looked fierce.

Very fierce and aggressive.

It's something like this.

Jiang Xingzhou burst out laughing: "Sorry, sorry, I forgot to make the top, hahahaha baby, let go and let me take a look, should it be okay?"

"Hmph!" Song Ci suddenly turned her head away.

“Look at the camera!”

Jiang Xingzhou's phone clicked a few times, and he even captured Song Ci's surprised expression as she turned around.

"You look really good. Don't block it. I've seen all the photos of you naked as a child anyway."

I get even angrier when I talk about Song Dynasty porcelain.

She hid the photo album carefully, but her mother took the initiative to show Jiang Xingzhou all those shameful photos of her childhood, and talked about them as she watched!

This caused Jiang Xingzhou to make fun of her for a long time.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Xingzhou leaned over and whispered, "I've bathed you countless times, why are you still so shy?"

Song Ci: “!



Song Ci was so excited that he took away his tail and stammered, "Clap, clap if you want!"

Jiang Xingzhou raised his eyebrows. Song Ci was really indulgent towards him.

Jiang Xingzhou naturally enjoyed such indulgence. After all, he usually indulged Song Ci.

So Jiang Xingzhou changed the remaining sets of clothes for Song Ci and took dozens of photos of each set before he was satisfied.

After struggling for so long, Song Ci had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

After changing into the most comfortable outfit, Song Ci lay on the bed, breathing heavily.

"I'm so tired~"

"I'm tired, but I'm okay." Jiang Xingzhou admired the beautiful photos of Song Dynasty porcelain on his mobile phone.

Song Ci pouted. Of course he was not tired.

He made me change clothes one after another and strike one pose after another. He only needed to press the shutter, so he naturally didn't feel tired.

Song Ci snorted softly, turned over and rubbed against Jiang Xingzhou's legs, and swept Jiang Xingzhou's chin with her tail in a naughty manner.

She covered her mouth and giggled, her eyes full of triumph. When Jiang Xingzhou looked over, she immediately pursed her lips and pretended that she was not laughing.

Jiang Xingzhou: “…”

Jiang Xingzhou grabbed her tail, threw his phone aside, then put his hands on her back and picked her up with a slight push.

He pinched Song Ci's armpits with both hands, making Song Ci's eyes level with his own, and said with a stern face: "Baby, don't forget, you will be transformed back tomorrow."

Song Dynasty Porcelain: “…”

So scary~

Song Ci opened her little mouth and smiled as she swept her tail across Jiang Xingzhou's cheek, gently and slowly, from right to left.

Jiang Xingzhou's forehead jumped, Song Dynasty porcelain is really amazing.

Seeing his expression change but unable to do anything to herself, Song Ci chuckled happily.

When she thought the matter was over, she happily lay on Jiang Xingzhou's chest at night. Then at three o'clock in the morning, Jiang Xingzhou felt a heaviness on his chest and could hardly breathe.

When I opened my eyes, the Song Dynasty porcelain had returned to its original state.

He rubbed Song Ci awake without mercy and whispered in her ear: "Wife, I told you that you will be transformed today."

Song Ci was suddenly awakened, and while still in a daze, Jiang Xingzhou turned over and pressed him down.

"You, you... um..."

It was another beautiful night.

—End of article—