It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 27: Video editing completed


Now that the reason has been found, Jiang Xingzhou is no longer in a hurry.

He scrolled down and looked through the hundreds of group messages, and sure enough, they were all accusing him of having a girlfriend and not telling him.

He didn't reply, but checked WeChat to see if his mother had seen it.

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: [Video]

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: When did you get a girlfriend

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: If your aunt hadn’t called me and asked me, I wouldn’t have known.

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: ? It’s seven o’clock and you’re still not getting up

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: Give me a definite answer when you see the news. If you have a girlfriend, I will not let the matchmakers in your family pay attention to you.

Jiang Xingzhou held his forehead with his hand. This was a huge misunderstanding. It seemed that not only his mother knew about it, but all the relatives in the family also knew about it. There were millions of likes and it was estimated that there were tens of millions of views. It was really amazing.

But Jiang Xingzhou felt that this was a good opportunity.

The Clouds Carry the Boat: The Dog Blushes.jpg

Xingyunzaizhou: She’s not my girlfriend yet, but I’m pursuing her.

Xingyunzaizhou: … Then there’s no need for a matchmaker, I already have someone I like.

Ms. Lin directly made a video call.

"What? You have a girl you like?"

"Well, I just fell in love with you in the past two days. Don't worry about my marriage. I can handle it on my own. Maybe you will have a grandson next year." Jiang Xingzhou spoke nonsense without blushing or beating his heart.

"What's the story behind that video on TikTok? Was it really about you buying flowers for your girlfriend?" Ms. Lin wondered.

Jiang Xingzhou nodded, "Of course. Isn't today Chinese Valentine's Day? It's only natural to buy a bunch of flowers. Girls like this. It cost several hundred yuan. Mom, do you want to help my love fund?"

The most beautiful and generous Ms. Lin: [Transfer] Please receive the payment.

"Is this for real?"

"Otherwise, your pursuit of a girlfriend is such a serious matter, your dad and I will definitely support you, so be quick and catch up with her as soon as possible and bring her home to show me."

Jiang Xingzhou took a look at the amount. Ms. Lin directly transferred five thousand yuan to him. He blushed slightly and felt embarrassed.

He coughed twice and said playfully, "Got it, I promise I will fulfill my mission!"

"Okay, it's good to know what happened. Hurry up and pack up and go to work. It's already sunny and you haven't gotten up yet. You'll be stupid if your wife dislikes you then."

"I know, I know, I'm hanging up now."

Jiang Xingzhou whispered that it was only a little after eight o'clock, and Song Ci would not mind.

Wait, that’s not right. Song Ci is not my wife.

Cough cough.

Compared to QQ, the people who sent messages on WeChat were all relatives. Jiang Xingzhou simply replied to each one before going to QQ.

After picking out a few important people to reply to, I sent explanations to the rest of the people I wasn’t so familiar with in a group and finally went to the dormitory group to explain.

This is a big project.

The only person in this group said: Brother Jiang, you still say she is not your girlfriend, but this has been exposed online.

The only person in this group: treat me.

Erha is destroying the house: [Picture]

The Husky who is destroying the house: You made a solemn promise to me just a few hours ago, but you didn't expect that you would be slapped in the face so soon.

The Husky who is destroying the house: There is no need to pet Chuan'er anymore, just stay at home and accompany your girlfriend.

The Husky is destroying the house: the stinky couple.

The only person in this group: QAQ Brother Yang, don’t be so picky, there are couples like us too.

The Husky who is destroying the house: Go away, you are even more hateful.

The only person in this group: Okay!

The only person in this group: @阿拉 who is ready to tear the family apart, Jiang Ge, please come out and explain!

Jiang Xingzhou has a headache.

Typing feebly.

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: I really didn’t lie to you, what I said last time was true, I don’t have a girlfriend, I just really am a roommate.

The only person in this group: Do you think I believe it

The only person in this group: You bought flowers for my roommate? I don't remember you having the habit of putting flowers at home.

Ara, who is ready to tear the house apart:…

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: That flower... If I say it was for taking pictures, would you believe me

The only person in this group: I believe it, of course I believe it, why not

The only person in this group: I’m giving it to my girlfriend to take photos. Isn’t that normal? I didn’t think you were buying it for yourself.

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: ... Not a girlfriend.

Jiang Xingzhou had no choice but to tell Song Ci about being a food blogger and even provided Song Ci's nickname.

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: The cook Cijiang, this is the account, you can wait for it at 12 o'clock today, and you will know then, the flowers are just for taking pictures, there is no other meaning.

This wave of sacrifices barely earned these people's trust for a few hours.

After a quick wash, Jiang Xingzhou received news from Song Ci again.

Song Dynasty Porcelain: [Video]

Song Ci: It seems like you were photographed.

Song Ci: Will there be any problem

Jiang Xingzhou felt like vomiting when he saw the news about the video. Almost everyone who asked him about it sent him a video or a screenshot. He watched his own video many times.

But Song Ci's focus was different from everyone else's, and finally someone asked him how he felt.

Although he didn't care about the person who took a video of him and uploaded it online, he was still a little uncomfortable with suddenly showing his face in front of tens of millions of people. Fortunately, the netizens didn't know him.

His heart softened and he replied to Song Ci.

Xingyunzaizhou: It’s okay, just a video.

Song Ci: Yeah!

Song Ci: Then I will continue editing!

Song Ci: There’s only the finishing touches left. I can finish editing it before 10:30 and I’ll send you the finished product then.

The Clouds Carry the Boat: OK.jpg

Xingyunzaizhou: Go ahead, go ahead!

There wasn't much productive conversation during the entire chat, but Jiang Xingzhou's mood improved a lot.

He is looking forward to the finished product of Song Dynasty porcelain.

But this girl is pretty cool. She didn't even ask him any more questions about editing. She's pretty cool.


Just after 10 o'clock, Songci sent the video. The editing was perfect, the whole video was very smooth, and the filters were also harmonious.

Jiang Xingzhou sent an emoticon with the word "great".

However, there was one thing that surprised him. Song Ci actually edited the video of him carrying peach jelly milk to the living room during the recording, and his clothes appeared in the video.

A white short-sleeved shirt with an indescribable pattern printed on the front of the chest.

The last scene was the two of them clinking their plates together to form a heart, and then Song Ci added two sentences to wish a happy Chinese Valentine's Day, and then the video ended.

Surprisingly, his part didn't seem out of place and it felt seamless when added in. Jiang Xingzhou didn't say anything since he didn't show his face anyway.

Just wait until 12 o'clock to release the video on time.