It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 46: You won't tease others, right?


"How do I comfort my girlfriend when she's angry?"

[To hug, you must first hug the other person tightly...]

Without even taking a second look, Jiang Xingzhou withdrew. Hugging at this time would only make Song Ci even more unhappy.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xingzhou felt that it might be his choice of words. As soon as the word "girlfriend" came out, the answers on Baidu started to go crazy.

That won't work, he has to change the word.

"How do I comfort my female friend when she's angry?"

Jiang Xingzhou was a little nervous when he clicked the "Search" button. He would soon see the method, and he didn't know how Baidu would coax him.

However, after the page was loaded, Jiang Xingzhou found that people did not agree with him coaxing his female friends at all. The words "How to coax your girlfriend when she is angry" were domineeringly marked in red, and the word "sex" seemed to be eaten.

After changing the search terms and finding nothing, Jiang Xingzhou sighed, took out an old popsicle and lingered back to the bedroom.

While biting the old popsicle, Jiang Xingzhou suddenly thought that maybe he could ask for help from the guys in the dormitory, especially Wu Hangfei, who had a lot of experience.

Of course, don't think that since it's Wu Hangfei, it's natural to think that he was asked about his experience in coaxing his "girlfriend". Jiang Xingzhou was just asking him how he coaxed his girlfriend when she pissed him off before they were together.

That experience was in line with his and Song Ci's current situation.

However, what he didn't know was that that stage was called the ambiguous period.

The only person in this group: Huh? How do you comfort my girlfriend when she is angry

The only person in this group: When we first got together, I was shameless enough to approach her and act like a spoiled child, but after a while she couldn't stand it anymore and forgave me.

The only person in this group: Now I am more direct. I just take her shopping. She won’t be angry if she is happy.

The only person in this group: It’s just trivial matters. We have never had any disagreements on big issues, and as you know my girlfriend, she is easy to please.

Real person:? To coax your girlfriend

Real person: @Ara who is ready to tear the family apart, have you made your girlfriend angry

Real person: Where did you get your girlfriend

The Husky that is destroying the house: They said they were pretending to be a couple, but it’s only been a few days and it’s confirmed.

The Husky who is destroying the house: Poor me, I’m still eating instant noodles in the hotel, but you, your roommate has become your wife.

The three of them bombarded Jiang Xingzhou with messages at the same time. He had to reply to one and refute another. Many times he wrote a paragraph and then deleted it. His old popsicle was about to melt.

Finally caught the most outrageous one.

The Ala who is preparing to tear down the house: @The Husky who is tearing down the house, don’t talk nonsense, she is not my wife.

The only person in this group: So it is confirmed that she is my girlfriend.

Jiang Xingzhou: “…”

The Husky who is destroying the house: According to your personality, you start dating after graduation with the intention of getting married. What's the difference between your girlfriend and your wife? It's just a certificate. I'm not wrong.

The only person in this group: Identify.jpg

Real people: recognition.jpg

The Husky who is tearing down the house: Really not, not a girlfriend, not even a wife, just a roommate, and if we are closer, we are just business partners at most.

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: I really didn’t lie to you, didn’t I explain it clearly before.

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: vomiting blood.jpg

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: @The only person in this group, what I mean is, before you were with your girlfriend, when you were pursuing her, how did you comfort her if you made her angry

The only person in the group: Huh? Are you chasing after your roommate

The only person in this group: Doing irritating things while pursuing someone, that's stupid.

The only person in this group said: I didn't pursue anyone. My girlfriend and I fell in love with each other and got together right away. There was no such thing as pursuing anyone.

Ara, who is ready to tear the house apart:…

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: So suppose you have the time to pursue someone and make her angry, how would you coax her

The only person in this group said: Stop talking nonsense, Brother Jiang, I will show you a way. Apologize sincerely, sincerely. Women are emotional animals. If you are sincere, they will easily forgive you.

Real People: What did you do to make your roommate angry

Jiang Xingzhou: “!!!”

As expected of Tan Yi, he got to the point right away!

Can you tell me why you are angry

Of course not.

Even this is considered to be a secret from them. If they knew that he has successfully held hands with Song Ci and even teased her by calling her "baby" in a friendly manner, who knows how he would be condemned.

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: No, I just ask in advance, just in case

The only person in this group: I don’t believe it.

The only person in this group: My intuition tells me that there must be some big news that will shock my whole family.

The only person in this group said: Brother Jiang, did you tease others while filming the video

How does he know

Ala, who is ready to tear down the house: Let’s go, let’s go and cook.

The only person in this group: When did you learn to cook

The only person in this group said: Don’t run away. There was no rebuttal. Are you just teasing me

The only person in this group: @阿拉 who is ready to tear the house apart

Jiang Xingzhou crawled out of the group chat. After just a few minutes, he was seen through.

But think about it, his behavior is called teasing, and more serious is sexual harassment.

It was a sin, a sin, he really had no other idea.

Although the methods of clinging and acting like a spoiled child, and the method of buying, buying, buying, buying provided by Wu Hangfei were of no reference value to him, the method of sincerity mentioned at the end could be adopted.

Sincerity can always touch people.

After eating the last bite of the popsicle and throwing the packaging into the trash can, Jiang Xingzhou got up and knocked on the door of Song Ci's room.

Opening your mouth to apologize won't cost you anything.

Jiang Xingzhou decided to make the simplest verbal analysis of himself. Based on his understanding of Song Ci, he believed that Song Ci would forgive him.

Song Ci was running a computer with his fingers moving quickly, and the words on the screen were neatly arranged in lines.

On the way back from the supermarket, she suddenly thought of a setting that could fill the gap in her previous outline. She was currently full of inspiration and was trying hard to write it down.

When she heard the knock on the door, she frowned her delicate eyebrows and finished the conversation before running to open the door.

As expected, it was Jiang Xingzhou who was outside the door.

She half-opened the door, squeezed out from the crack, then closed the door and stood in front of Jiang Xingzhou.

Of course, a private place like the bedroom cannot be shown to Jiang Xingzhou.

She looked up: "What's the matter?"


"Huh?" Song Ci didn't expect that he was knocking on the door just to say sorry.

In fact, she got angry quickly and calmed down quickly. She was so embarrassed when she was called that, but Jiang Xingzhou's expression was playful, which formed a contrast with her, which made her so angry.

But the sudden inspiration on her way out dispelled her anger. By now, her mind was full of the settings for her new book, and she was no longer angry.

Her drinks had just been placed, but Jiang Xingzhou came over and asked her to place the drinks for her, which delayed her for a while.

Fortunately, she has already written down the core of the inspiration, and all she needs to do is modify the details and embed it into the previous outline.

Now that Jiang Xingzhou was willing to come and apologize, she thought about it and decided to make it clear to Jiang Xingzhou about how to address him.