It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 47: shy.jpg


When it came time to really say it, Song Ci was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to start.

Especially those two words, she really couldn't say them as freely as Jiang Xingzhou.

"Hmm?" Jiang Xingzhou looked at Song Ci and asked curiously as she seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Thinking that Song Ci was not satisfied with his apology, Jiang Xingzhou took a deep breath and began to analyze himself: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have joked like that, but I really didn't mean any harm, I just thought you were too..."

Jiang Xingzhou paused and swallowed the word "cute" that was about to come to his lips.

He passed the little bit of lake to you, and continued, "And I didn't mean to not give you a bag. You know, the supermarket only gave you a big bag, and there were no extra bags to take out to put two more bottles of drinks. If you really want to say it, you can only take out the bag of vegetables, but those bags are sealed, so I really didn't mean it."

"Anyway, I'm really sorry." Jiang Xingzhou said again.

Song Ci was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Jiang Xingzhou to give her a direct self-analysis, which seemed to mean "this is all wrong, everything is wrong".

I was just amused.

Jiang Xingzhou: “?”


What does this mean

Not angry anymore

Song Ci smiled and stopped being shy, saying directly: "I'm not angry anymore, but you should not do that again in the future. It's too early to call her that now. I think we should wait until we are more desensitized before calling her that."

After that, she looked into Jiang Xingzhou's eyes again and asked cautiously and softly, "Is it okay?"

Jiang Xingzhou's heart softened instantly.

I originally came here to apologize. It seemed that Song Ci not only forgave me, but was even asking for my opinion in a kind voice.

This soft voice, this expectant expression, Jiang Xingzhou simply responded to whatever she said.

He nodded: "Okay."

Song Ci laughed again instantly, a different smile from the one she had just shown when she was amused. Instead, it was a reserved smile with her lips slightly pursed, and she looked at him with curved eyes.

Soft and cute, Jiang Xingzhou thought.

Jiang Xingzhou laughed unconsciously, thinking of the ingredients he bought, and asked again: "Are you still cooking at noon?"

Song Ci nodded: "Yes, but wait a moment, let me finish writing this."


"Inspiration, I have to record it."

"Okay, I'll go put those dishes in the fridge and wait for you outside."


With the experience from the first time, the two seemed to be at ease the second time and did not even forget to make the staple food.

Of course, the main reason was that the two of them were making clear soup noodles, so they couldn’t forget it even if they wanted to, otherwise they would just have to drink water.

As for why they made clear soup noodles, the fundamental reason was that when the two went to steam rice, they found that there was no rice cooker at home.

Jiang Xingzhou: “…”

Song Ci: “.”

It was a bad idea.

Fortunately, clear soup noodles are easy to make and taste good.

Jiang Xingzhou was quite satisfied with this lunch, and at the same time, he admired Song Ci even more for being able to learn cooking so quickly.

"Let me edit the video this time." After dinner, Song Ci took the initiative to offer.

Jiang Xingzhou nodded. It was indeed time for him to edit his own videos. He had been slacking off on his videos recently and it was time to update them again, but he hadn't finished yet.

"Okay, I'll package the videos and send them to you later," he said.


Jiang Xingzhou stood up and said, "I'm going to wash the dishes. You can go back to your room first. Don't you still need to write?"

Song Ci tilted his head, so considerate of others sailing on the river.

“Thank you for your hard work~”

"Go ahead."

Fortunately, Jiang Xingzhou already had an idea about the new video, so he was not panicked.

Recently, a short drama was released. Jiang Xingzhou found that the quality of the short dramas was unexpectedly good, and they were becoming more and more popular.

He recommended this short play.

Still without the support of traffic, a group of small-time celebrities spent more than half a month shooting this short drama.

Jiang Xingzhou paid close attention and found that the director's name was quite familiar. It seemed that the drama that he had promoted before was also shot by this director.

The show hasn't finished airing yet, there are less than twenty episodes in total, and only half of it has been aired now, but it's still quite worth watching.

Jiang Xingzhou stayed up late to watch this drama.

In fact, Jiang Xingzhou is quite proud of himself. Under normal circumstances, staying up late is not a necessary choice and he can choose to do so. But now, because he has to run the video account "Cijiang Cooking", he has devoted a lot of thought to it, so that his own video production time has been compressed and the time for watching dramas has to be compressed to midnight.

My days have become more fulfilling and I am no longer as lazy as usual.

Jiang Xingzhou spent several hours writing the script and then began editing.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Song Ci sent the edited video over, and Jiang Xingzhou switched the interface and clicked on the video.

Song Ci seemed to have studied the editing techniques of his previous video. Some of the jokes were exactly the same as his ideas, and the processing techniques were also similar.

From this perspective, Song Dynasty porcelain is undoubtedly a good student.

Jiang Xingzhou couldn't help but smile. It turned out that people with strong learning abilities could quickly master anything.

However, after a few times, the editing of Song Porcelain is now ready for direct release.

The Clouds Carry the Boat: Stick.jpg

Xingyunzaizhou: The editing is very good. I don’t have anything to change. You can publish it directly.

Xingyunzaizhou: However, the previous video has just been released, so this one can wait until tomorrow.

Song Ci: Why don’t we set the video release time at midnight.

Floating clouds carry the boat:

What is the update time of the underworld? Jiang Xingzhou thought, wasn't it to get some popularity last time? Why is he addicted to the underworld again

Song Dynasty Porcelain: Shy.jpg

Song Ci: Didn’t you say you wanted stable updates

Song Ci: Our last video was updated at midnight, and I think it will be more stable in the future by updating at this time.

Xingyunzaizhou: …It’s not impossible.

Song Ci: Then wait for the update at 12 o'clock tomorrow night!

Xingyunzaizhou: Yes.

Song Ci: Have you had dinner

Song Ci suddenly changed the subject. Jiang Xingzhou blinked and reacted.

He glanced at the time and realized that it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. He was so engrossed in editing that he didn't check the time.

Of course I didn’t have dinner.

Jiang Xingzhou glanced at the video sent by Song Ci. He probably hadn't had dinner because he had been editing it.

Xingyunzaizhou: No, what about you

Song Ci: Me neither.

Song Dynasty Porcelain: Little Rabbit Sighs.jpg

Xingyunzaizhou: A takeaway

Song Ci: I want to cook.

Song Dynasty Porcelain: Shy.jpg

Jiang Xingzhou: “?”

Why is cooking still embarrassing

But since Song Ci wanted to cook it, he naturally wouldn't stop her. He had bought so many ingredients in the morning and he had to eat them.

Xingyunzaizhou: Of course!