It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 49: like


At present, this table is for four people, so naturally there comes the question of Jiang Xingzhou.

Song Ci was in trouble again.

Based on her observation of other couples, at times like this they would definitely sit on the same side if possible rather than opposite each other.

But Song Ci was a little scared. Such intimate actions between lovers had no less effect on her than hearing the word "baby".

"Across the street."

Still backed out.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't think as much as Song Ci, and he didn't plan to do anything intimate during the meal. He just wanted to extend the time they were outside.


While waiting for the meal, Song Ci was trembling with fear, but Jiang Xingzhou was leisurely watching videos.

His own new video will be released at noon today. In order to make sure it is correct, Jiang Xingzhou opened his homepage again, checked the settings for scheduled release, and then clicked on the video again.

Having forgotten to bring his headphones, Jiang Xingzhou turned the volume down to the lowest setting, which made it inconspicuous in the slightly noisy environment.

However, Song Ci had been paying close attention to his movements and managed to overhear the content of his video.

The most important thing is that Song Ci could tell that this was the video style of "Long-Mouth Zhoujiang" just by listening to the sound.

It turns out that Jiang Xingzhou likes this person's style

A UP host who always makes money by cheating others.

Gain traffic by discrediting other people's efforts.

Although she admitted that his videos were sometimes funny and even made her laugh from time to time, as a fan of Bai Yao, she would not be bought so easily.

It was unfair that Bai Yao spent several months working hard on the crew to complete the work, but it was easily denied by him with just a hint of lip service.

It's like he worked hard to write something, but someone came up and criticized him. Song Ci felt that he could empathize with others.

Song Ci's expression visibly fell. Why would Jiang Xingzhou like this person's videos

Suddenly I felt betrayed.

It’s like there is someone you particularly hate, but someone very close to you likes that person.

It feels very uncomfortable.

Her brain had already resisted.

She raised her foot and kicked Jiang Xingzhou's leg.

Jiang Xingzhou's attention was immediately drawn. He lowered his head to look under the table, then looked at Song Ci: "What's wrong?"

After being caught doing something bad, Song Ci immediately felt guilty.

She waved her hands quickly, pretending to cross her legs: "No, I just want to change my posture."

Jiang Xingzhou understood the misunderstanding.


He remembered that Song Ci was wearing a skirt, so he reminded her, "Don't do that if you're wearing a skirt."

Song Ci was not very interested: "Oh."

Jiang Xingzhou: "?"

Why are you suddenly unhappy

At this time, breakfast was served. He didn't think about it anymore. He took the breakfast and put it on the table, urging Song Ci to eat breakfast.

Song Ci drank a mouthful of porridge reluctantly, but still couldn't help calling him: "Jiang Xingzhou."

"Hmm?" Jiang Xingzhou had a bun stuffed in his mouth and spoke in a vague and unclear manner.

Song Ci put down the spoon and mustered up the courage to ask, "Do you like that person's video too?"

Jiang Xingzhou swallowed the bun: "Who?"

Song Ci reluctantly said the name: "... Zhou-chan with a long mouth."

Jiang Xingzhou was stunned. Where did this conclusion about Song porcelain come from



“Do you like his videos?”

Songci likes his videos?!

This discovery made Jiang Xingzhou a little excited.

Hearing Jiang Xingzhou's question, Song Ci felt a little unhappy. It was obviously her who asked the question first, and Jiang Xingzhou not only didn't answer, but also asked her back.

Of course she didn't like it.

But since Jiang Xingzhou liked it, she had no choice but to pretend that she liked it.

I can't tell Jiang Xingzhou that I hate Zhoujiang with a long mouth.

Fortunately, she has watched every video of Longzui Zhoujiang. Although she was unable to watch the latest new videos several times to pay attention to the details due to her own schedule, she still knows the content.

I don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

After all, if Jiang Xingzhou asked, she could answer a few questions.

Song Ci nodded against her conscience, and was too stubborn to say that she liked him.

Jiang Xingzhou was so excited that he felt like he was taking off. Song Ci liked his videos.

Song Dynasty porcelain likes the things he makes.

It’s an indescribable feeling, but it’s very wonderful.

If anyone else said they liked his video, he wouldn't be as excited as he is now. At most he would just thank the other person for liking it. However, that person is Song Ci.

Just a word of "like" made him feel as if he was praised, which made him happier than gaining followers.

No matter how excited he was inside, Jiang Xingzhou remained very reserved on the surface. He nodded and said, "I like it too."

Of course I like what I make.

Song Ci's mood instantly fell to the bottom.

Well, the last glimmer of hope is gone.

It would be great if Jiang Xingzhou said that he just happened to see that person’s video and didn’t know him.

This completely confirmed that the two people were in different camps.

Song Ci lowered her eyelashes, and the originally sweet eight-treasure porridge seemed to have no taste.

The food has no taste.

How can we make Jiang Xingzhou understand that the long-mouthed Zhoujiang is not a good person

Jiang Xingzhou was immersed in his own joy and didn't notice her mood.

He was thinking that now was not the right time to tell Song Ci his identity, and he couldn't let Song Ci succeed in chasing his idol too quickly.

After a while, when the time is right, he will tell Song Ci his identity. At that time, Song Ci will definitely be very surprised.

The UP host I like is actually my roommate!

It’s exciting just thinking about it.

Jiang Xingzhou couldn't help but want to know more about the feedback on his video from Songci.

He asked: "By the way, Zhou Jiang has so many videos, do you have a favorite one?"

Song Ci pouted. If she said she hated her she could answer immediately, but it was really difficult to say she liked her.

Even if she liked him, how could she say it out loud as a fan of Bai Yao

That is disloyalty to the idol.

But Jiang Xingzhou was staring at her expectantly from the opposite side. Song Ci felt uneasy and said in despair, "Let's just go with that one. This is the first time I complain about Bai Yao."

Jiang Xingzhou was so excited that he almost slammed the table.

He likes that one the best too!

He had a lot of fun complaining in the video that day, and it increased the number of views on his video, and even gained tens of thousands of followers overnight.

The most controversial and popular one, he likes it the most.

Song porcelain was exactly what he thought of.

Oh my God, how can there be such a coincidence in the world.

There are so many coincidences between her and Song Ci. Now even such a small thing fits perfectly. He begins to doubt whether Song Ci is another him in the world.

The perfect other half.

Jiang Xingzhou commented modestly: "You have good taste."

In fact, I don’t know where my heart is going.

Song Ci: “.”

Not happy :-D

Because of this episode, Song Ci forgot his original embarrassment.

I don’t have the mood to think about pretending to be a couple, I’m busy pretending to be a fan.

After the breakfast shop owner finished his work, he turned around and saw them. He immediately felt strange. What was going on with this young couple

They actually sat together to eat without getting bored.

Be aware.