It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 8: Get up pretty early


Normally, when it comes to such an iconic event, everyone has some memories of it to some extent.

But Jiang Xingzhou was not normal and he really couldn’t remember.

He really couldn't remember anyone ever handing him a love letter.

Oh, no, now I remember there is such a thing as a "love letter".

Jiang Xingzhou dug out those memories from the depths of his memory. He was already a sophomore at the time. One day, his roommate Wu Hangfei, who was the "only person in the group" in the dormitory group chat, came back from outside and brought back a pink envelope.

The envelope was written with "From Jiang Xingzhou himself".

Although it was pink, Jiang Xingzhou didn't regard it as a love letter at all, because just the five words "Written by Jiang Xingzhou" were enough to make him feel embarrassed.

His handwriting is really ugly, even uglier than when he was in elementary school.

How could someone allow such ugly handwriting to appear on their love letter, and on the outer cover? He couldn't agree with it.

Just as he was about to open it, Wu Hangfei said it was a love letter, and he immediately threw the letter away as if it was too hot.

"You're not kidding me, are you?" He stared at Wu Hangfei suspiciously, believing deep down that Wu Hangfei was playing a prank on him.

Wu Hangfei just smiled and said nothing. He asked who gave it to him, and Wu Hangfei said that they asked him to keep it a secret and would not tell him no matter how he asked. In the end, Jiang Xingzhou did not open the letter.

Because in his mind, it was just a prank played by his classmates, and Wu Hangfei didn't urge him to take it apart.

The matter just passed like that. Three years had passed and the letter had been thrown away somewhere long ago, but it was suddenly brought up now.

Jiang Xingzhou felt a little sad.

Ara is ready to tear the house apart: the fairy frowns.jpg

Ala, who was ready to tear the house apart: No, that thing at that time was really a love letter

The only person in this group said: Of course, I told you it was really a love letter from a girl, but you didn’t believe me and insisted that I was playing a prank.

Ala who is ready to tear the house apart: You had such a mean expression on your face at that time, I really couldn’t tell it was real.

The only person in this group:…

Ala, who is ready to tear the family apart: You won’t tell me who sent it even if you kill me. How can I believe it

The only person in this group: My mother tongue is speechless.jpg

The only person in this group: Don’t girls have any dignity

The only person in this group said: They specifically told me not to tell you, I am too shy to do that.

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: You bastard, you didn’t say anything when people told you not to, so what are you saying now, are you not shameless now

The only person in this group: Isn't this what you are asking

Jiang Xingzhou was so angry that his head hurt. It was too late to say anything at this time. He didn't even know where he had lost the letter.

Thinking about it carefully, in the next few days, I always seemed to feel like someone was staring at me during class.

His video account was just starting out at that time, and he was always distracted in class. He thought the teacher was staring at him, and he was scared.

That's the result.

Ala, who is ready to tear the house apart: I even beat you on the bed before, and you didn’t tell me.

The only person in this group: How can it be the same? In the past, we had to attend classes together. We would see each other every time we looked up or down. How embarrassing. Now that we have graduated, I guess we may not see each other again for several years after this gathering. I am not so squeamish anymore.

The only person in this group: But you are really amazing. It’s been three years and I still miss you.

The only person in this group: But you actually forgot who she is. It seems like there is no hope. I will still be the only person in 507 for a long time to come.

Jiang Xingzhou: “…”

Is it great to have a girlfriend

Wu Hangfei has been bragging about his girlfriend in their dormitory for four years. This guy hooked up with his current girlfriend during military training in his freshman year. In the past four years, the single guys have eaten more dog food than rice.

Jiang Xingzhou rubbed his hair, sat up and started typing again.

Ala who is ready to tear the family apart: Is there any way to refuse the party

For those of you who are ready to tear your family apart: Here’s a tip.

Jiang Xingzhou really didn't understand how someone who was too embarrassed to even tell him his name in college could directly tag him in the group and let him go.

This character is OOC.

Jiang Xingzhou thought hard for a while, but couldn't remember what Zhao Feiyun looked like.

I resigned myself to my fate and looked for the graduation photo, and found a girl in the class who matched my name with Zhao Feiyun.

He couldn't figure it out for a long time, and then he saw Wu Hangfei's smug look in the graduation photo, which made him even more angry.

In the group, Wu Hangfei gave another reply.

The only person in this group: Why refuse? Just go ahead. You represent the spirit of our 507.

Ala, who is ready to tear the house apart: If you say that it represents your last will, I can still go there reluctantly.

The only person in this group: Then just treat me as dead.

Ara, who is ready to tear the house apart:…

It’s so fucking cruel.

The other two people were silent. They probably didn't check the group chat and were busy. Only Wu Hangfei was arguing with him.

After chatting for a while, Wu Hangfei really couldn't come up with any solution, so Jiang Xingzhou stopped talking nonsense with him.

At this time, a message mentioning all members appeared in the WeChat group again.

The result has been discussed and everyone will be free three days later, which is Saturday.

Immediately afterwards, someone organized a small group for those who were going to the party. Jiang Xingzhou took a look and found that there were thirteen people in it.

There was a person from the next city who drove two hours to come to the party, so some people teased Jiang Xingzhou, saying that it would be unreasonable for someone from this city not to come.

Jiang Xingzhou replied perfunctorily and threw the phone away. He was so annoying.


Because of this incident, Jiang Xingzhou didn't sleep well all night. The next morning, he heard the ping-pong sounds again, and his mood became even worse.

He climbed out of bed like a ghost and walked into the kitchen, where Song Ci was scrubbing pots and pans.

He was a big man and had a strong presence standing at the kitchen door, so Song Ci noticed him immediately.

Seeing that his expression didn't look very good and he seemed not to have woken up yet, I suddenly felt a little guilty.

She put down the plate in her hand and apologized in a low voice: "Did I wake you up? Sorry, I'm not very experienced yet. I will be more gentle later. If you still think the noise is too loud, I can wash it later."

From Jiang Xingzhou's angle, he could see the entire top of Song Ci's head. She lowered her head, and her two foam-covered hands were rubbing back and forth in front of her body nervously. She looked so pitiful that Jiang Xingzhou felt embarrassed.

The little bit of irritability he had when he woke up disappeared in an instant.

He groaned and said, "No, I just came over to take a look, you go on."

Song Ci blinked, and seeing his expression return to its warm state, she breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Thank you."

She turned around and continued to clean the dishes. Jiang Xingzhou was quite embarrassed standing there alone. He made small talk: "You got up pretty early today."

Normally, Song Ci has a similar schedule to him, and would not move around until around ten in the morning to go wash up, but today he was up so early.

Song Ci replied: "It's late, it's already half past nine."

Jiang Xingzhou: “…”