It turns out that my roommate is my hater

Chapter 91: You don't want Liang Ting to know that we are not a real couple, right?


A group of two becomes a group of three.

Liang Ting turned her head and found that their hands were already holding each other without her knowing when. The thing that was supposed to be in Song Ci's hand also ended up in Jiang Xingzhou's hand.

Liang Ting: “?”

"No more wandering around, no more wandering around, do you two still want to live?!" Liang Ting just threw in the towel.

Why are you still shopping? She's like a big light bulb. Anyone who sees the three of them will think she's crazy.

Song Ci was so shocked that she immediately pulled her hand away from Jiang Xingzhou's and tried to comfort him: "Ting..."

Before she even finished calling her name, Jiang Xingzhou interrupted her and said, "It's just right that we're not going to go shopping. We're going home. You can do whatever you want."

Liang Ting: “?”

It's not easy to meet each other, I don't want to go home so early, not to mention that Jiang Xingzhou is a dog's mouth that can't spit out ivory, so I can't let him have his way.

Liang Ting immediately pulled Song Ci's arm and hugged her tightly: "No, Ci Ci, let's go to the movies."

Before Jiang Xingzhou could grab Song Ci's hand, she dragged him away.

Jiang Xingzhou originally thought he was going to the cinema, but unexpectedly he was going to the square to watch an open-air movie.

"Are you sure you want to watch a movie here?" Jiang Xingzhou felt that this place was not very good.

Not to mention that the movie was a cartoon to please children, the key point was that there was no place to sit. Children had no burden and sat on the floor. At most, they would get their clothes dirty and be scolded when they got home. But the three adults...

Another point is that the skirt Song Ci was wearing was not suitable for sitting on the ground.

He suggested: "Why don't you just watch here, and we two will wait for you outside."

Liang Ting: “?”


It’s definitely a character setting!

The perfect roommate Jiang in the video is indeed just a character setting!

Liang Ting's filter was shattered.

Song Ci was in a dilemma. She had to ask Jiang Xingzhou not to bully Liang Ting, but she also had to comfort Liang Ting by not arguing with Jiang Xingzhou.

After strolling around the whole day with great enthusiasm, Liang Ting felt tired now that she had some free time. Jiang Xingzhou was standing by, waiting to take Song Ci away. After arguing for a while, Liang Ting became too lazy to fight.


He grabbed Song Ci and accused her for a long time. After a lot of trouble, he reluctantly returned Song Ci to Jiang Xingzhou and hailed a taxi to go home.

"Is it not a good idea for us to do this?" Song Ci looked annoyed and felt very sorry for Liang Ting.

Jiang Xingzhou always had a lot of crooked ideas: "What's wrong with that? She occupied my girlfriend for the whole day, and there are only a few hours left today. Can't I get my girlfriend back?"

"Song Song, please be reasonable. Your boyfriend also needs company." Jiang Xingzhou said with a feeling of grievance, but he didn't blush at all when he said such sour words.

"But..." Song Ci subconsciously wanted to deny it.

They are not, not yet boyfriend and girlfriend.

So this reason is not valid.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't give her a chance to deny it. He leaned close to her ear and whispered to her, "You don't want Liang Ting to know that we're not a real couple, do you?"

Song Ci's eyes suddenly widened.

So that's how it is.

Jiang Xingzhou is so dedicated. He is still working hard to maintain the image of the two of them in public.

Although their videos are not as popular as when they first appeared on the trending searches, each episode still has good traffic, and their fan base is about to exceed one million.

They have to maintain their status as a couple in public, otherwise their previous desensitization treatment will be meaningless.

Song Ci understood and immediately took the initiative to put her hand into Jiang Xingzhou's palm, raised her head and asked him: "Have you had dinner?"

Jiang Xingzhou suppressed the upward curve of his lips and said even more pitifully, "Not yet."

"I was waiting for you to bring me dinner at home, but you told me you would not be home until midnight," he complained.

Song Ci blushed and corrected in a low voice, "It's not midnight, it's just ten o'clock."

Jiang Xingzhou is quite good at taking advantage of others: "Isn't ten o'clock too late? What time do we usually eat?"

Song Ci felt even more ashamed, and put his other hand on his, with the two small hands wrapping around his big palm.

She gently shook Jiang Xingzhou's arm and apologized coquettishly: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect Tingting to be so energetic."

"Then can I accompany you to eat now?"

Jiang Xingzhou originally wanted to hold on for a while, but after hearing this he really couldn't hold on any longer because he had just eaten.

He decisively rejected Song Ci's request, and took the initiative to care about Song Ci, so as not to let her guilt be relieved: "No, are your feet tired? Do you want to rest for a while?"

As he expected, Song Ci became depressed and shook her head: "Not tired."

She looked up at Jiang Xingzhou, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Jiang Xingzhou couldn't help but give her a chance: "If you feel guilty, then accompany me for a while."

"May I?"

Song Ci's eyes were red, and she looked like she was bullied, which made Jiang Xingzhou feel guilty...

and excitement.

But he didn't say anything, did he

Jiang Xingzhou had no choice but to hold her hand: "Okay, okay, just follow me closely."


Jiang Xingzhou was not very interested in shopping, so he just took Song Ci to walk slowly on the brightly lit streets. Occasionally, when he saw something delicious or fun, he would ask Song Ci if he liked it, trying to make him laugh again.

Obviously, Song Ci was still immersed in the guilt of having stood him up and causing him to miss dinner, and she spoke even less along the way.

Now Jiang Xingzhou finally understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

Sighing, he scratched Song Ci's palm with his fingers, and Song Ci looked up blankly.

Jiang Xingzhou confessed honestly: "I've already eaten, and I don't mean to blame you, don't be unhappy, just now..."

Tsk, how could he say that

"Forget it, let's go back. Don't we want to watch a movie? Let's go home and watch it." He still spoke out what was in his heart.

Song Ci was visibly happy, and she didn't care that Jiang Xingzhou had just lied to her. She was thinking that Jiang Xingzhou had already eaten and would not be hungry.

Jiang Xingzhou sighed and whispered, "Are you stupid?"

Song Ci didn't hear him, so she answered his last sentence: "So are we going home now?"

"Well, go home and watch it. What do you want to watch?"

Song Ci's thoughts immediately became active. After thinking for a while, she found that there was no movie that attracted her, so she said, "If there is no movie you want to watch, can we watch a TV series?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xingzhou raised his eyebrows slightly. The pillow was delivered just when he was about to fall asleep.

"Of course, what kind of TV series do you want to watch?"

Song Ci mentioned several in a row, and Jiang Xingzhou was a little surprised. There were various dramas here, from low-cost web dramas to big-budget TV series. However, there was one thing in common, that is, these dramas were all exciting dramas.

Don't ask him why he knows this. After all, he's his bread and butter, so he naturally knows it.

He selected several relatively successful dramas whose plots did not drop in the later stages.

"These are better. Tonight, we can start with the one about traveling through a book. This play is short and we can finish it tonight." He made a serious suggestion.

"Great," Song Ci said in surprise and admiration, "Jiang Xingzhou, you know a lot."

Jiang Xingzhou felt embarrassed by what he said, and he coughed twice and explained, "I edit videos and pay attention to these things."

"Is that so?" Song Ci thought happily, "Then can I ask you for recommendations for dramas in the future?"

“You can have this.”

Jiang Xingzhou didn't want to bring the topic back to himself, for fear that his mouthy Zhoujiang vest would fall off if he wasn't careful.

That won't work.

If it weren't for the last incident, he wouldn't have known that Song Ci liked Bai Yao, and the vest would have fallen off.

Now we know that Song Ci's former idol was Bai Yao. Although she has stopped being a fan, we don't know to what extent Song Ci has stopped being a fan. It's better to be safe and not tell Song Ci. He really put 100% of his energy into complaining about Bai Yao in those two videos. He doesn't want the cute and well-behaved Ci Jiang in front of him to become the weird Ci Jiang on the Internet.

The candlelight outweighs the gain.

He asked Song Ci: "Why do you suddenly want to watch this type of TV series? Traveling through books, rebirth, all about revenge."

Song Ci was a little excited: "Because I will publish a new book tomorrow. The new book is about cool writing. I want to learn more cool writing techniques."

Jiang Xingzhou was surprised: "A new book is going to be published tomorrow?"

"Yes, the previous book was just completed not long ago, and I have been preparing for this one for more than half a month." Song Ci said.

"Do you have any saved drafts?" Jiang Xingzhou asked the fatal blow.

Speaking of the manuscripts, Song Ci became even more excited. She turned around and stretched out two fingers to him with her empty hand as if offering a treasure: "I have so many manuscripts."

"Twenty thousand?" Jiang Xingzhou laughed. Is that a lot

Song Ci was even happier. She shook her head and said, "No, it's not 20,000."

Jiang Xingzhou then became a little interested. If it was more than 20,000, that was not bad.

But Song Ci stretched out two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger, which was clearly a way of indicating the number two. If it wasn't two, then how many would it be

He looked at the shape and guessed uncertainly: "One hundred and ten thousand?"

"That's right!" Song Ci stretched out her hand, "It's 110,000. I have so many manuscripts saved this time."

"Wow," Jiang Xingzhou showed his surprise just right, giving Song Ci plenty of positive feedback, "So many saved drafts, so impressive."

Song Ci was so dizzy from the compliments that she smiled less ostentatiously, pursing her lips shyly and saying, "Not really~"

Jiang Xingzhou saw her performance and smiled.

He wanted to touch her head, pinch her cheeks, or poke her dimples, but unfortunately he had no free hands, so he gave up and squeezed Song Ci's hand hard.

"Great, then I wish our Song Song's new book a big hit. I wonder if I have the honor to go and read it?"

Want to know everything about Song Dynasty porcelain.

Song Ci stopped and shook her head seriously: "No, Jiang Jiang."

Although they had called each other these affectionate nicknames before, he usually called Song Ci Song Song more often. Song Ci was more accustomed to calling him by his name, and calling him Jiang Jiang even made him blush.

He asked a little uncomfortably, "Why?"

"Because I'm such a flop, you know what I mean by flop, it means very poor grades," Song Ci's high spirits dropped again, but she soon smiled again, "I hope I can become as famous as Jiang Jiang said, and then I'll tell Jiang Jiang."

"Proud to tell you."

The girl's behavior was as if she was used to falling. She was already able to comfort herself and her emotions recovered so quickly.

Jiang Xingzhou gently pulled the person into his arms. He was not very good at comforting people, so he just said in the simplest and most straightforward language: "Well, wait for Song Song to become a big hit, and proudly tell me the title of the book. Song Song will definitely be able to do it!"

Song Ci was frightened by this sudden hug and her face turned red. She understood from Jiang Xingzhou's words that he was encouraging her.

Song Ci let her forehead rest against Jiang Xingzhou's chest. She gently shook her head and knocked it against his chest twice, and became happy.

"Thank you, Jiang Xingzhou."


Jiang Xingzhou often needs to go to various video websites to find materials, so he is a member of most video websites.

After taking out his computer, he checked the nicknames of his various accounts in advance to make sure they would not be exposed, and then he found the short web drama about traveling through a book.

Song Ci had just removed her makeup, and now her bare face looked even more natural and pure.

Her hair was tied into a small bun on top of her head, and Jiang Xingzhou couldn't help but pinch it.

Originally, the two of them moved the coffee table and took some cushions to sit on the floor to watch the show together, but Song Ci did not change her short skirt, and the posture of sitting on the floor was not very comfortable, and her legs became numb after a while.

The two of them moved to the sofa.

It would be weird to watch the drama together straight away, so Jiang Xingzhou suggested desensitization treatment and hugged Song Ci in his arms. The two of them lay on the sofa to watch the drama together, but this would be too far away from the computer screen, so Jiang Xingzhou put the computer on his legs.

He once again found a comfortable position, held Song Ci in his arms and started watching the show.

Just this posture was enough to make Song Ci blush and her heart beat fast. How could she have the heart to watch any drama

When they sat on the floor, each of them sat on their own, but Jiang Xingzhou's arm would rest on the sofa, just enough to touch the little ball on top of her head.

That was their only physical contact in that position.

And now, she curled up in Jiang Xingzhou's arms, with her head resting on his shoulder. Jiang Xingzhou's arm was stretched behind her neck as always, and then folded back, just touching her little balls.

The hair on the back of her head was squeezed into various shapes in Jiang Xingzhou's hands. She held her breath and dared not move.

Only after she got used to it could she focus on the TV series, but the TV series was really short. When she focused her attention on it, the third episode had already started.

When she looked at it, she found that each episode was only ten minutes long, and she automatically skipped the opening and ending credits, leaving only seven or eight minutes.

The plot didn't connect, and Song Ci was too embarrassed to say it out loud, so she just lay in Jiang Xingzhou's arms and watched silently.

In the living room, two people were quietly huddled on the sofa. Not far away, three balloons were floating in the air. Occasionally, a gust of evening breeze blew in from the window, and the balloons began to drift in the wind, making sounds of colliding with each other. Combined with the voices of the characters in the play speaking their lines, the sounds were quite unique.

Everything was quiet and beautiful, and both of them were enjoying this peaceful night.

Jiang Xingzhou occasionally lowered his head to look at the person in his arms, and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

Although it was different from his expectation of watching a sweet drama together, the current situation was still good.

What's more, this drama is ultimately a romance drama, and there is still a lot of interaction between the main characters. As far as he remembers, there was a kissing scene in the fourth episode.