Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 1: Doctor Kou


I heard that people outside Dashan have used new energy. I heard that the house of those people in the city is a computer. They can talk, chat, and do whatever they want. I heard that they are far away. It's like sitting across from you, as real as you can touch it. I heard about the theory of what scientists are studying... what space... what the theory, one day in the future, those city people may be able to go very far by opening the door outside work units.

It is said that…

But those have nothing to do with this small mountain village. Although the roads here have been used for many years, the road conditions are still not good due to geological reasons. There are eighteen bends and nine consecutive links, and many accidents occur every year, whether it is the transportation of foreign materials, It is very difficult for mountain people to get out of the mountains.

The aid materials from many areas were sent here by manpower, building houses for the villagers that are more beautiful than the houses in the city, building roads, and building schools and hospitals. In the future, I don’t want to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

So many people don't know that people's hearts can also get sick, and being sick can be fatal.

In the attic room, the girl who woke up from the big dream sat up, her face still a little dazed. At this moment, the curtain was gently opened, and the evening sunlight slanted into the house. The man who opened the curtain lowered his head, leaned on the window sill, lowered his head, and took a deep breath. The aroma of a small pot of camellia.

Then he turned around, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "How is it, are you awake?"

This is a very young man - not that he is young, but it just makes people feel that even if he becomes a middle-aged man, or even an old man with gray hair, he is still young because he has a pair of Especially happy eyes.

He has short hair that always looks a little messy. Because of his tall legs and long legs, he looks thinner and thinner. He has a smiling face that seems to sparkle, so people can't help but laugh with him, very flattering like.

The girl looked at him, her eyes suddenly felt hot, she didn't know how to express it for a while, she could only cry instinctively: "Doctor Kou..."

Dr. Kou didn't interrupt, and let her cry all the time. He was gently sorting out his instruments, and he always carried a very retro small satchel on his back. When she was almost crying, he took it out. A small box the size of a slap handed it over with a pack of napkins: "Here, wipe, the last treatment session is over. In the box are the efforts we have made together these days. You can leave it as a souvenir."


"The memory of you living again." Dr. Kou blinked at her, picked up the large backpack with the instruments in one hand, and carried it on his shoulders, like an unreliable long-distance traveler with overweight luggage. He opened the door with a humdrum tune, and nodded to the parents of the girl who had been waiting at the door for a long time, "You can go in and see her."

The middle-aged woman suddenly covered her mouth and whimpered in a suppressed way. She walked into the house, and the girl called out "Mom" softly, and then the suppressed whimper turned into a hug and a cry. Dr. Kou stood at the door, Nodding to the grateful man, he turned and left, as if he had never stopped or done anything.

Kou Tong, he is a traveling doctor.

"Traveling doctor" generally has a more popular synonym called "liar". Kou Tong, a wandering doctor, is more like a liar than an ordinary wandering doctor, because he is a psychiatrist.

According to the understanding of ordinary people, as long as he is a person and eats whole grains, he has to be happy, angry, sad, and happy. There will always be times when he wants to fight or scold others. Isn't that what the psychiatrist says

If you say that you are sick, you will be sick, and you will be fine if you say it is okay. Isn't that a liar

It's not as good as a professional dancer, at least they're real knives and guns, screaming and rolling their eyes for so long, how can it be worth the price of a theater ticket.

But Kou Tong is such a magical person. It is said that he has a job, and he works in the most mysterious department in the world - the "relevant department" of his country.

Dr. Kou has made great contributions to the relevant departments. To what extent? Cough, the affairs of the relevant departments are classified as first-class secrets, so this matter cannot be said too much.

Anyway, it is said that the senior psychiatrists on the market have changed their guns. With newer therapeutic instruments, they can really see what is in people's consciousness through a certain method, and this instrument called "projector" is related to Dr. Kou. A great relationship, it is said that he is one of the developers.

It can be seen that although Dr. Kou is very low-key, he has been quietly arrogant.

But the awesome Dr. Kou doesn't always have so much scientific research work. He usually works a little leisurely, probably so leisurely that he often feels a little bit painful, so five people imitate the Erlang Shen on TV, and call it a blessing The broad masses of the people have since listened to the tune and not the propaganda.

When I have nothing to do, I use this as an excuse to run around, carrying his instrument bag like a gangster, don't believe him, call him a liar, he doesn't care, anyway, his skin is thicker than the city wall, others believe him, Ask him to help with the treatment, and he will stay there for a while, and then leave after curing the person. How much the patient pays is entirely voluntary—he is a public traveler anyway... The practitioner, um, of course, I can't say too much about it.

Kou Tong came out of the girl's house, put on a pair of large sunglasses on his face, whistled, sent the instrument back to the hotel, then rolled up his arms and sleeves, and happily went to the appointment - a group of half-sized teenagers in the village The invitation they made to him, because they all admired him.

Dr. Kou is a magical figure in the eyes of the villagers, especially the young people.

They all knew that the girl from the old Huang family was a freak. For some reason, she wanted to die every three days. However, the people in the village have been taking it easy, because her death-seeking behavior seems to be more frequent than that of her aunt—there are always a few days a month.

But after Dr. Kou came and lived in her house for just over a month, Miss Huang has become a lot more human, and she will go out without a case of seeking death. After more than a month, Miss Huang actually changed her past, and her parents are the same as the original enemy.

Speaking with facts, Dr. Kou is indeed much more amazing than someone who can dance.

So the teenagers intend to pay him the highest respect - to invite Dr. Kou to the big slope at the south entrance of the village to participate in their traditional activity, racing.

Of course, it is bicycles who are racing. There is no road here. It is a natural and steep slope. Ordinary villagers do not pass through here, so it has become a children's paradise. In the spring, the wild flowers and grasses all over the mountains grow into a blanket, and in the middle of the blanket is a dirt road that has been trampled by these "racers" all the year round, which is very smooth.

Riding a bike from here, taking both feet off the pedals, doing all kinds of difficult movements, and rushing straight down, it is the first test place for boys to become "manly" - um, self-proclaimed of.

The truth is that every year, many bear children break their legs here, so many parents have threatened their own children with brooms and bumps, and then they go to the big slope to ride a bicycle, and they will break your dog's legs!

It's a pity that no matter whether it is a broken leg or a broken leg, the final result is the same, so the coercion failed, and the racing party is still in full swing.

When Kou Tong arrived, the boys had already started.

When a small boy saw him coming, he immediately greeted him, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and shouted, "Doctor Kou is here!"

Except for those who were still sliding down the big slope and couldn't care less, all the other boys rushed up and talked to him about the rules and boasted how good they were in front of their idols.

They are willing to classify him as their own country, because Dr. Kou has never been like the "adults", with a stern face, as if he is too great and unfathomable to say that this is not good and that is not good - even though he really It's amazing.

Kou Tong happily squatted on the side and watched the battle for two sets, and finally couldn't help itching his hands.

The teenagers struggled to give him their car. Kou Tong put aside the satchel and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, just like an older middle-aged patient, learning how the teenagers let go of their pedals, "Whoosh" He rushed out and shouted, "Yo hoo-"

His already messy hair was even more violent, and he rushed to the bottom of the hillside, and then pushed the car all the way up, showing a brighter smile: "Come on, who will come down with me?"

The "Wild Rabbit" team was ready to go. The teenagers stretched their necks together and screamed. Kou Tong even let go of the handlebars this time. Only his buttocks were attached to the bicycle, which made people feel frightened. His little fans Shouting from behind: "Damn it! Dr. Kou, you are really a man! Pure!"

"Where is this going? I'll show you a more difficult one." Kou Tong pushed the car for the third time, and climbed up a little out of breath. The crowd's applause made him a little crazy.

This time, he put his hands on the handlebars, and after walking steadily, he suddenly lifted his spread feet and put them on the handlebars, then spread his hands like a big bird, and stepped on the handlebars with his bent legs. Rush forward, applauding soaring into the sky.

At this exciting moment, suddenly, the eldest sister of the Zhang family came with a group of adults. She probably got the news and was about to encircle and suppress illegal racing activities, and she saw Kou Tong's personal performance.

Sister Zhang was so scared that her face turned pale, and she shouted at the top of her voice: "It's amazing! Doctor Kou! Doctor Kou, come down quickly! Oh my mother, why are you making fun of these bastards? This place If you fall, you will break your leg!"

Kou Tong laughed and answered her: "No."

Sister Zhang stood on tiptoe, and while she was busy, she did not forget to pull her unfortunate child, and slapped her back twice: "Dangerous, Dr. Kou!"

Kou Tong said, "It doesn't matter!"

"Mother, why doesn't it matter? Come down quickly!"


Then Kou Tong really came down - since his legs were too long, they bent up to block his view, and he didn't see a big rock rolled on the front wheel, so he fell down.

At that time, Kou Tong heard a rather ominous noise. He lay on the ground in a falling position and buried his face in his knees. On the one hand, it was too painful, and on the other hand, it was too embarrassing.

He thought he might be very unfortunate... really broke his leg.

The story starts from an unreliable traveling doctor who broke his leg in an even more unreliable way.

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