Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 14: seven people


"Starting at 16 o'clock this afternoon, due to the abnormal activity on the surface of the sun and the impact of different degrees of magnetic storms around the world, the communication was interrupted for a time. It is reported that it was repaired two hours ago..."

General Zhong nodded expressionlessly and cut off the news. Five or six base technicians were surrounding the large boiler that had already quieted down, their hands up and down... No, they were overhauling it very seriously.

General Zhong asked, "How about it, can the communication equipment contact Dr. Kou?"

The technician with the goatee shook his head: "No, the instrument contact channel is broken, and it is impossible to confirm their location."

General Zhong: "How could it be broken?"

"According to Dr. Kou's initial design, after entering the projection space, the controller will be held by a shielded person, and the system will automatically consider him to be the 'subject character'. Even if the controller is accidentally damaged, he can follow the system prompts. Find one of the other backup controllers. If everyone who enters is not blocked, you need to set up a subject with controller permissions before entering. Now I'm afraid this subject's permissions have been cancelled."

The tone of this guy's speech is very strange, like a robot, jumping out one word at a time and one word at a time, as if he can't reflect his accuracy if he doesn't speak like this.

General Zhong looked at him with a toothache expression.

Goatee looked up at his colleagues who were climbing ladders and walls, uncovering circuit boards one after another, and calmly said to General Zhong: "According to my personal speculation, Dr. Kou should have shielded his consciousness, as a The main body entered, and due to the magnetic field confusion in the afternoon and the equipment failure, according to the records, seven random conscious bodies were involved in the original single-person projection space, including Dr. Kou himself, so the system automatically deprived him of the main body authority. ."

General Zhong nodded: "Very good, do you mean that Kou Tong can't come out now because he can't find the controller inside?"

The goatee pushed the glasses aside: "According to the design book, if the subject is deprived of authority, and there is no other second subject person before, they should now be in a situation without a subject."

General Zhong heard that one head turned into two big ones, rubbed his brow bones, and took a deep breath: "Okay, do you have love? You can find a way to get them out first. I don't understand this thing, it's called Kou Tong will fix it himself."

The goatee still said calmly, "I'm afraid that won't work either."

General Zhong really felt that at this time, he actually just rolled his eyes.

Goatee continued: "According to the principle of multi-frequency space superposition, when the consciousness space is formed by the superposition of two or more people, it will be very unstable due to various conflicts. Support, the superposition of four people will collapse within 30 seconds. However, due to the abnormal magnetic field, after a short period of confusion in the system, seven unrecognizable people were involved in unknown reasons, making the current projection space…”

General Zhong's eyes lit up: "When the space collapses, can't they come out automatically?"

The goatee paused: "No, so far, they have been inside for more than four hours, and the space is still very stable, indicating that there is some unknown infinite loop in the projector. In layman's terms, we can't determine Kou The doctor's spatial dimension can't disintegrate their space from the outside world. They may fall into an unknown coordinate, and there is an 86.7% probability that the projection rules will no longer be used."

General Zhong nodded numbly: "Oh, I understand, so you mean, Kou Tong's grandson's RP card is in arrears, right?"

The goatee thought for a while, then said solemnly, "You can understand that."

"Then if they figure it out now, they have to find a spare controller somewhere..." General Zhong muttered to himself.

The goatee seemed to be determined to break his every ray of hope, and replied flatly: "The location of the backup controller is very random. In the projection world with alienated rules, it may be placed on the bottom of a certain ocean, a certain seat The top of a snow-capped mountain, the crater of an erupting volcano, or the belly of a carnivorous prehistoric animal…”

General Zhong couldn't bear it any longer: "Wu Xiangxiang, shut up!"

The two mouths of the goatee chattering like a voice-controlled device, immediately closed tightly.

General Zhong turned around the big boiler twice as if pulling a donkey: "What do you think now?"

No one paid attention to him, General Zhong was angry: "Wu Xiangxiang!"

"Report, you told me to shut up."

"I'll let you speak now!"

"The first plan is to break through the technical difficulties of full-dimensional space communication as soon as possible, use the contactor to contact Dr. Kou, and inform him of the location of the backup controller."

General Zhong nodded, sounding quite reliable.

Wu Xiangxiang continued: "It is estimated that the completion time will be eight to ten years."

General Zhong: "..."

"The second plan is to repair the projector equipment as soon as possible, upgrade the system in it, locate the space where they are, release the projection, and send the people back. It is expected... "

"Estimate your size!" General Zhong raised his hand and slapped a heavy folder on Wu Xiangxiang's head like his father, "I'll give you thirty days, no more!"

Wu Xiangxiang continued the second half of the sentence with a blank expression: "...It is expected to be completed within 30 days."

Kou Tong and the others were not buried by the mountain. The mountain they were on and the wall that would shoot guns all the way behind their buttocks disappeared suddenly, as if they had disappeared from mid-air. Then the three of them were like cotton, and they fell from the air slowly and slowly... at a constant speed.

Even the year-round acceleration of gravity is on strike.

After Huang Jinchen's initial adaptation, he was enjoying himself with his peculiar thick nerves, performing various stunts in the process of falling slowly in mid-air, turning somersaults for a while, and then posing for a while. Also happy.

Yao Shuo kept his body upright and turned his head in contempt.

Kou Tong knew that this time it was a big deal, and quickly checked all the equipment on his body.

It was only then that Huang Jinchen discovered that Dr. Kou's human-like appearance concealed an unknown number of electronic products. There was a line here and there, and he couldn't help pointing at him and said, "Wow! Teletubbies!"

Kou Tong grinned, his facial expression a little paralyzed.

"What's wrong?" Huang Jinchen "swam" over like him in freestyle.

"All the equipment failed, and the contact with the outside world was also interrupted." Kou Tong said, "In addition, I was suddenly deprived of the main authority by the system."

"That is to say..."

"That is to say, we can't find the controller now, so we can't go out by ourselves." Kou Tong scratched twice in his hair, making a mess, "This usually doesn't happen, unless the projector is affected by the outside. Physical interference…”

"How could your authority be deprived of the system?" Yao Shuo finally opened his mouth.

"When I was on the tree just now, I noticed that the consciousness in the projection space suddenly increased. That is to say, the space we are in is a very complex superimposed space, which is likely to be formed by the superposition of seven people." Kou Tong Frowning, he doesn't seem to understand why it hasn't collapsed, "Of course there may be more... Because when the number shows seven, my authority disappears. As far as I understand, it's because my own consciousness shield has been cancelled."

"The two of us were also involved?" Huang Jinchen frowned, "Then... that last time, the monster that was caught by us, won't run out to seek revenge again?"

Kou Tong smiled bleakly: "I hope..."

At this moment, they finally landed on the ground, which was surprisingly soft and pale pink, as if the three of them were standing on a large jelly. Kou Tong stomped his feet on the ground and found that it was quite elastic. They returned to the outermost layer of Lao Yao's consciousness projection space - that busy street with people coming and going, and people didn't have a deep understanding on the soft ground. With a shallow foot, the balance is maintained quite well, and even the vehicle can drive normally.

And the weird coffee shop they had stayed in was on the side of the street. A tall street light was erected at the door. It was a very unconventional pentagram with fairy tale characteristics, emitting a soft milky white light.

Kou Tong's hand was unconsciously placed on the pole of the street lamp, and suddenly it felt wrong. When he scratched it lightly, there was a layer of chocolate-colored crumbs on his fingernail. "This rod is made of chocolate!"

Huang Jinchen said, "What?"

Then he broke off a piece of the street light pole very boldly, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it twice, judging: "Well, milk chocolate, it's delicious—hey, the light above looks like a candy cube to me, no Yes… "

Before he finished speaking, Kou Tong grabbed the collar and dragged him into the cafe.

"What are you doing, eating street lamps in a crowd?" Kou Tong lowered his voice and asked a strange question in a strange tone.

Yao Shuo sneered, it seems that he has already recognized the fact that his two companions are a bit brainless.

The contents of the cafe were not very different from the last time they came, but the deep-rooted darkness was gone. Kou Tong did not let Lao Yao act alone this time, and took a small table by the window to sit down.

"This matter is very strange now." Kou Tong glanced at the street, lowered his voice and said to the other two people, "I don't know what happened outside, but theoretically, the overlapping of multiple people The projection space is very fragile, even if it does not collapse, it is absolutely impossible for people to exist."

Yao Shuo thought for a while: "When I first came here, I didn't know why. It seemed like I knew I was going to walk into this cafe, but I didn't feel that way at the door just now."

"Because this is not your place anymore." Huang Jinchen said with a smile, then he turned his head and asked Kou Tong, "There are many people here, what does that mean?"

"I participated in the invention of this machine," Kou Tong sighed, and absently took a sip from the cup in front of him, but he didn't notice the coffee he had just rated as "Chinese medicine residue flavor" not long ago, "So I understand, In theory, this situation is impossible, and now the projector must have some kind of failure that I have never encountered before, and it may be difficult for technicians to rush to repair."

"It's not like a good thing." Huang Jinchen stopped smiling.

Yao Shuo frowned. At that moment, they all thought he was going to say something unpleasant, but he just stretched his legs, relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair, picked up his own drink and drank it slowly Get up, turn your head and look out the window.

It looked like he was relieved.

Kou Tong also fell silent, followed his gaze and looked out, suddenly, his cell phone rang. The three were stunned for a moment at the same time, and Huang Jinchen asked, "Didn't you check just now that all the contacts are invalid?"

Kou Tong touched the phone for a long time, took it out and looked at the caller ID, the whole person suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Huang Jinchen asked, "Who?"

"I... my mother?" Kou Tong's voice trembled slightly.

Huang Jinchen blinked: "What happened to your mother?"

Kou Tong suddenly raised his head: "My mother... passed away fifteen years ago."

… wipe! What a hell!