Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 2: gun


The man has a face that is well-defined but not too tough, showing a little cynical handsomeness in the sun, his fingers are like a pianist, slender and handsome, and extremely dexterous. Man finds it pleasing to the eye - even if he's fiddling with a sniper rifle.

There was already an exchange of fire ahead, and people kept shouting in the liaison device hanging in the ear. This was a battle for the armed police to clear the remnants of the technology militants.

"Request for support, request for support, the backdoor firepower is too strong, it can't hold it anymore! These people are desperados!"


"Attention all troops, be careful not to let go of the dangerous person No. 002, all troops pay attention..."

He still held the gun unhurriedly, loaded, loaded, and aimed slowly.

"Discover No. 002, here is the fourth team, find No. 002!"

"Received, the fourth unit reports the location."

The man narrowed his eyes and glanced at it from a distance, shook his head, laughed softly, and muttered vaguely, "Number 002."

"Already close to the back door, No. 002 is trying to escape!"

"Stop him!"

"The first team support is in place."


There was another fierce exchange of fire. The man picked up the binoculars at hand, squinted at it, pouted, picked up the gun, tilted his head, and seemed to aim casually.

"Alarm! Alert! An abnormal energy reaction was detected on No. 002, and he wants to activate the space energy device!"

"Stop him!"

"Okay." The man muttered to himself - as if others could really hear him, then he suddenly pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out meticulously according to the precisely calculated trajectory, and the man didn't even look at it. After taking a look, he put down the sniper rifle after firing, neatly packed it up, stretched out his hand to support the delicate contactor, adjusted the channel, and said in a serious tone, "Report, the target person has been killed."

The chaotic contactor was quiet for a moment, and then a voice that was obviously a recruit said timidly: "The fourth team No. 5 reported that the dangerous person has died, and the space energy equipment alarm has been lifted."

Then, as if no one else could hear him, he added in a low voice, "Where did you invite the sniper? It's so powerful."

Then there was a light sound—must be the comrade next to him was afraid of his shame and turned off his contactor.

The man put on his sunglasses, carried the large bag with the gun on his shoulders, rolled up his trousers, hummed a little tune, and left the roof slowly, took out his mobile phone and dialed another number, saying half-deadly: " solved."

The other party laughed: "It's so fast, it's the best gun."

The man put the phone between his ears and shoulders, took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it, and said "um" vaguely, as if he was a little disinterested: "When will my order come down?"

The other party was silent for a while, and after a while, he asked, "Jin Chen, do you really want to leave?"

The man spat out his eyes and walked downstairs. A car was parked there long ago. He threw his bag on the back seat, sat down on the co-pilot, pulled down the window, and bounced out. After flicking the ashes, he didn't look like an elusive sniper, but like a big lazy cat.

He said: "I have sold my life for the country for so many years, and now I want to go back to old age. Is this not too demanding?"

The other party sighed: "I understand what you mean, and it has already reacted. You go back to rest for two days and organize the arrangements for you. I will notify you this Thursday at the latest."

The man whistled: "Take your trouble!"

His name is Huang Jinchen, but not many people know this name. In the past ten years, he has had another title and identity.

With the rapid progress of science and technology, technological terrorism also seems to be born. In this world, a technological terrorist organization called "Utopia" has just been arrested - no, it is better to say that after a period of A difficult war, the international coalition narrowly won.

This is a technological terrorism with "energy" as the core existence. It uses the human body itself as a carrier and human emotions as fuel. Through a special mechanism, it obtains the "emotional energy" that burns the lives and spirits of innocent people, and develops All kinds of incredible weapons. Almost dragged the whole world into their crazy "Utopia" in an attempt to make new rules.

And one of the undercover agents who played the most crucial role in this war was Huang Jinchen, who was turned into a "gun" by a core member of the Utopia organization, numbered "11235".

No one who was targeted by this gun was spared. People who use guns all over the world can't help but be afraid of this legendary man. He is not an abnormal human body that has been transformed by utopia. He cannot use those incredible energy systems, let alone those weird The ability is just an ordinary person.

But he is an "ordinary person" who can easily hunt and kill superhumans.

No matter how incredible the situation is, even in the abnormal space where all the instruments are blocked, or even the place where the physical rules are changed, the place where the energy reacts abnormally, the person he is targeting cannot escape the end of a shot through the eyebrow.

Whether it is an enemy or a comrade-in-arms, they all have a strange fear of this legendary "gun", because the gun in his hand is not a murder weapon, not even a weapon, but some kind of artifact, and because he is not even a person, even if There are also such rumors among comrades who also serve a country. "That gun" is not a living person at all, but a robot created by the state's secret research base.

So he can be so precise, just like his code name in Utopia, "11235" - the Fibonacci sequence, perfect.

How can people have such a terrifying psychological quality

However, in fact, Huang Jinchen does not drink engine oil. He likes a certain brand of carbonated beverages that has been warned by the relevant authorities for several times because of excessive preservatives. His usual entertainment is not gun cleaning and target shooting, but online games. Of course, this online game is neither a holographic party. The martial arts series is not the keyboard party's World of Warcraft, he likes to play Lianliankan.

Besides, despite the generous salary and benefits given to him by the government, he still has hobbies to earn a little extra money in his spare time - such as street performances.

When he has no assignments, he wears colorful sunglasses, an acoustic guitar on his back, a faded T-shirt wholesale from the zoo, and tattered jeans. Sneakers, to the subway to sing. Sometimes it's a classic nostalgic old song, and sometimes he charges a lot of money, and he also rushes an original song like a madman.

On Thursday afternoon, when the middle-aged man came to him, Huang Jinchen was singing the English version of "Two Tigers" exclusively for two blond foreign children in the subway—the lyrics were improvised by him, and for some reason, he sang it out At the same time, with a strange Russian accent: "Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast..."

The two foreign children were stunned when they sang, and they felt that the national nursery rhymes were so broad and spirited that they couldn't understand them at all!

A middle-aged man with a pair of gentle glasses on the bridge of his nose, dressed like a beast, walked over and patted Huang Jinchen on the shoulder after waiting for the thunderous applause and laughter of the crowd, "Sir, I don't know about you. Do you have any interest in developing in the entertainment industry?"

Huang Jinchen looked disdainful: "You scouts are too slow, I've been wandering around this subway line for several months before I was discovered by you, what kind of eyes are they? ."

After finishing speaking, when the subway arrived at the station, he bowed to the surrounding audience in a big way, and then walked away with his acoustic guitar swaggeringly. The middle-aged man with glasses followed him calmly in the crowd watching. .

At that time, people who liked live broadcasts posted the full version of Huang Jinchen's "Two tigers" video on the Internet, and they even called it "The King of Singers, a song that shocked the world".

After coming out of the subway station, a car was already waiting there. The middle-aged man took the lead, opened the car door for him, and made a "please" gesture: "Big star, please get on the bus."

Huang Jinchen was not polite at all, he sat up on his butt, twisted, and commented, "I said, what company are you, it's not a leather bag, right? This broken car seat is harder than the back seat of a bicycle, so poor and want to sign Father, can you afford an agent?"

The middle-aged man turned his head and took off his glasses, revealing a pair of calm eyes: "How about you see me as your manager?"

Huang Jinchen sneered: "You? I don't like you, and you don't look good."

The two laughed at the same time. Huang Jinchen put down the acoustic guitar and raised Erlang's legs: "Why, they want to transfer me to you?"

"Yeah, how's it going?" The middle-aged man blinked, "I sit in the office every day, I don't have to go around in the wind and rain, I don't have to carry guns around to smash other people's heads, the level is higher than before, and the location is special, in a special training base. No one in other places can instruct you. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the back mountain to grow vegetables. There is land and the environment is good, so it is suitable for old age.”

Huang Jinchen thought about it for two seconds, then shook his head decisively: "No, General Zhong, don't fool us illiterate rude people, I know that you are a treasure land, the 'final contact base', no one can tell you, it's fine. It's retirement, you have to play your life if you have something, don't think I don't know you just came out of the hospital."

Before waiting for General Zhong to speak, Huang Jinchen continued: "But... I heard that the treatment at the 'ST base' is the best, and it's true that no one can tell me. , don't assign me specific positions. I think the job of serving tea and pouring water is not bad. I don't need to do it when I have something. It is estimated that I don’t need a small waiter, I can still skip work and play the guitar to make some extra money, maybe one day it will become popular.”

General Zhong didn't say a word, just looked back at him from the co-pilot, and told him with those calm and distant eyes - wake up, child, the harazis are down.

Huang Jinchen then hummed indifferently: "Sister, go ahead boldly—"

General Zhong sighed, looking at this thorn with a headache: "Are you determined to be discharged from the army?"

Huang Jinchen sang: "Go forward—"

General Zhong was silent for a while, and suddenly reported the name of the hospital to the driver, interrupting Huang Jinchen's magic voice to pierce his ears: "Well, I'll help you hang the system at the base, you don't need to come to work at ordinary times, I'll hang it for you. Special Expert Group' there."

"You are so unwilling to let me go?" Huang Jinchen asked back.

"You are the best, and no one wants to lose your talent."

The corners of Huang Jinchen's mouth curved slightly, revealing a somewhat ambiguous smile: "What expert? Are you calling me a 'homicide expert'?"

"Special medical experts... team." General Zhong paused subtly, "Before without you, I only called the special medical experts. To tell you the truth, there was only one person here. When he was fine, he didn't come to the base very often. , I will take you to meet this expert, maybe you will be interested in his work, and then you will decide whether to stay or not."

Huang Jinchen didn't object. He sat quietly in the back seat and played the guitar out of tune. He felt that the world was a little impermanent, and one day he would be able to do something that could not be done by a medical expert.

General Zhong took him directly to the ward, led the way in front and said, "He had an accident a while ago and was in the hospital. Although we haven't seen each other, I think that in the war with Utopia, you should have contacted him through liaison. Whoever spoke to him, he was…”

His voice stopped after he pushed open the door of the ward. He saw a tall and thin man with a plaster cast on his leg standing in the single ward. His muscles were broken. He was still dishonestly standing there alone, swaying to keep the Balancing, holding a bowl of instant noodles from somewhere, sharing it with a stray cat squatting on the tree by the window.

Drink the soup by yourself and pick a noodle for the cat, which is very impressive.

"... Doctor Kou." General Zhong looked at the unusual doctor silently for a long time before finishing his sentence without changing his face.