Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 20: monitor


The word "slaughter" is too easy to think of historical events. Generally speaking, except for the super devils in movies and TV series, ordinary people want to commit this crime. In fact, it is not so easy. As soon as the hat was buckled, the little boy was immediately fooled. He stared at Kou Tong blankly for a long time, and made a monophonic sound like a mentally handicapped child: "Huh?"

Kou Tong decided to add more fire, so he turned back and shouted: "Rhubarb!"

While the teenager who committed suicide was stunned, Da Huang, who had been hiding behind the scenes for a long time, ran over: "Here!"

Kou Tong stretched out his hand: "Telescope!"

Huang Jinchen covered his chest in shock: "What? I don't have a telescope! I'm not a perverted voyeur!"

Yes, you blatantly climbed the window and went in to see - Kou Tong looked at him with condemning eyes - when is it, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and cooperate!

Huang Jinchen pouted, "Oh..." He felt around in his trouser pocket and took out a small telescope the size of his thumb.

Kou Tong picked up the binoculars and looked at it, then put it into the young He Xiaozhi, pointed to a taxi on the street that was smashed by a tree, and said, "Look at that."

The boy's lips were pale, and the hand holding the telescope was a little trembling.

The ambulances on the street came quickly. Many people who took refuge because of this strange earthquake gathered on the street and parked on the side of the road. Some were calling their relatives and friends to confirm each other's safety, and some slowly. Surrounded by the past, go up to help.

The crane couldn't come over for a while, and an old man who was probably some famous stood up automatically and acted as the on-site commander. Several men in pajamas worked together to remove the tree that was on the car, and He Xiaozhi saw the car being carried out. A man, presumably a taxi driver, parked there to wait for customers, or just took a break by himself, only to run into this big tree from the sky.

I couldn't tell if he was dead. Anyway, until he was carried into the ambulance covered in blood by the medical staff, the man didn't move. When he came out, Huang Jinchen grabbed him and grabbed it, and said in shock, "I brought this one in, be careful!"

He Xiaozhi pointed to the distance and asked Kou Tong, "Then... is it also because of me?"

Kou Tong carefully observed his expression and reaction, and said coldly, "What do you think?"

He Xiaozhi hesitated for a moment, then shook his head vigorously: "Impossible? How is this possible? Such a thing cannot happen in the world, I don't believe it!"

Kou Tong's answer was that he unceremoniously pushed him down from the guardrail. He Xiaozhi himself was suspended in the air, and the intense weightlessness made his heart skip a beat. Although he had just decided to jump off the building, that Under the premise of being prepared and knowing what he is going to do, when he is pushed down directly, he will still scream and struggle subconsciously like all living things - even kicking off his shoes.

Huang Jinchen looked at the side and felt very hung up. He was afraid that Dr. Kou would become a murderer, so he had to help and drag He Xiaozhi. Amid the fierce fear and screams of the teenager, the already unstable space began to collapse again. The trains parked on the street began to sing in unison again, and the highway trembled again.

He Xiaozhi looked down with a pale face, and suddenly his feet could step on the ground. When he looked up, he found that the scumbag doctor Kou Tong had pulled him back again.

"See?" Kou Tong said.

Regarding what happened in front of him, He Xiaozhi felt that his IQ board was a little short-circuited.

Kou Tong patted him on the head: "Come with me, let's find a way to get out together, and when we get out, you like to jump off the building or cut your wrists, you can do whatever you want."

He Xiaozhi hesitated for half a minute, and finally determined that he had nothing to do, so he followed them downstairs silently.

The stray child was just kidnapped by him.

When walking down the narrow and dark stairs, He Xiaozhi walked in a trance in front, Huang Jinchen and Kou Tong walked behind, suddenly, Huang Jinchen turned back suddenly, his muscles were tensed, and there was some kind of large carnivore on his body. 's atmosphere. Then there was a "bang" in the corner of the roof. It turned out that a little mouse was scared and hit the wall by him.

"Rat?" Huang Jinchen raised his eyebrows, then looked around cautiously, this restrained the hostility he released, and took two steps to catch up with Kou Tong.

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Jinchen patted Kou Tong's forearm and asked, "How did you get that...?"

In the dark corridor, Kou Tong turned his head to look at him, only a faint light reflected from his eyes, and the car lights shining in the window flickered, Huang Jinchen actually gave birth to "this person's eyes are full of brilliance" such an illusion.

Kou Tong said: "Some manic patients are not always easy to deal with."

Huang Jinchen imitated He Xiaozhi's tone and said, "Liar."

Kou Tong didn't say anything, it was a tacit acceptance of the word "liar".

Huang Jinchen took another two steps forward, walked side by side with him in the small space, grabbed Kou Tong's arm very gently, and slowly rolled up his sleeves, this time Kou Tong didn't dodge or dodge, Obviously, the mental construction has been done well.

Huang Jinchen's palms and fingertips were relatively rough, covered with calluses, scraping on Kou Tong's exposed skin, moving very carefully, as if he was not holding a human arm, but a rare treasure.

Kou Tong's heart jumped, feeling that it would be very dangerous to go on like this, so he immediately pulled his arm out of his hand.

Huang Jinchen's voice was low, he sighed, and without looking at his expression, he could know how regretful his face is now.

"It's a pity." Huang Jinchen said, "Is it an old scar? It looks like it's been a while, but it was made when I was a kid?"

Kou Tong said nothing, and Huang Jinchen almost pressed his ear and whispered again: "Unfortunately, I didn't know you at that time."

At this time, He Xiaozhi was standing on the dilapidated street, staring blankly at everything that might have been caused by himself. Kou Tong then shook off Huang Jinchen and walked up to pat him on the shoulder: "Come here, go this way."

Huang Jinchen put one hand in his trouser pocket and followed them not far or near.

Kou Tong only turned his head to look at Huang Jinchen when he walked around the corner, and saw the man lowered his head slightly, as if he was staring at the ground casually. He was still wearing baggy trousers, with the cuffs rolled up, revealing a pair of colorful bootleg sneakers underneath.

The words Huang Jinchen said just now seemed to give people the feeling that he was cherished as a treasure. As long as he was not a stone, his ears would be shaken for a moment.

But Kou Tong knew that every time he saw Huang Jinchen walking on the road like this, he would have a feeling that this retired sniper had a deep-rooted indifference, Kou Tong could see it in his eyes, he seemed to have a kind of indifference. All people have the habit of "objectification". In his eyes, people are like something.

Some are trash, some are gems, and some are beautiful works of art.

Whether it was the "things" he liked or disliked, after all, they were just "things", not "human life", or just a string of cold code names, some with parentheses, some with square brackets.

Not even himself.

He's the most appalling gun in this country.

Kou Tong went home, and before he had time to go upstairs, he met Kou Tong's mother and Yao Shuo who were temporarily evacuated downstairs by the earthquake. Kou Tong's mother rushed up from a distance, and a fierce bear hug threw Kou Tong back three steps, and then in the public, he raised his hand without any hesitation, and beat his ass hard, Kou Tong. I opened my eyes, and for a moment, I suddenly didn't know what to do.

She cried and said, "Where have you been? I don't know if my mother is in a hurry? Why are you so disobedient? Do you want to kill me in such a hurry?"

It's like her son is not an adult man, but a little boy who runs out of school and plays crazy and can't come home.

… Although when she left the world, her son was still such a young boy.

Her time was stagnant for a long, long time ago, and Kou Tong suddenly felt sad.

For some people, the things they want to get in their hearts are always long after a long time, so long that they are no longer needed, in order to realize those wishes that have become obsolete - for example, when he was four years old, he used to want a small train, every day. When I come back from kindergarten, I will lie out of the window and look for a long time, and I can't sleep at night thinking about it. It used to be expensive, but after more than two decades, he was rich and stopped outside the children's toy store.

For example, when he was ten years old, he once wanted a hug full of fragrance and warmth, even if he was reprimanded by her, scolded by her in the street, and poured a glass of unpleasant milk every night...

These things, which he once thought he could exchange for everything, even things of life and even soul, suddenly fell on him again in an imposed form more than ten years later, but Kou Tong found himself embarrassed .

Probably because of the passage of time, or something.

He slowly raised his hand and hugged the woman who had just passed his chin... Is she really that short? Then he lowered his head, buried his face in her long, fruit-scented soft hair, and said vaguely, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry—he closed his eyes, thinking to himself, but... you're dead.

At a distance of less than fifty meters from them, a little mouse opened its small eyes and watched from a distance. It was probably because of animal instinct that it was a little afraid of Huang Jinchen. It did not dare to lean forward and watched for a while. , it made a very humane action - stretched out its front paws, ground an incomprehensible mark on the corner of the wall, and then ran away.

It ran past the mediocre houses, past the rubbish bins in the hutong, and came to another street - this street is like another world, it is the one in front of the cafe - colorful and soft like jelly. , with street lamps made of chocolate and light bulbs made of glowing candies.

The mouse got into a small hole along the street, and the other mouse was waiting at the door. They got together as if they were exchanging information with each other, and then ran downhill at the same time.

There is a bridge at the end of the road, connecting the mainland of the coastal city and a small island. The island is brightly lit, like a fairy tale. If you look closely, there is even a castle there.

The two mice crossed the bridge and ran straight to the castle.

This is a world where... anything can happen, no rules apply anymore, the whole city has been shrouded in a pair of eyes, and those who are being watched are not yet prepared.