Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 22: Embrace


Program repair failed...

Retrieval failed...


Restoring, in preparation...

"I told you it won't work like that." Outside the big boiler, the technicians of the ST base were busy, and even Chang Dou from the zero-return team followed. He picked up a sentence behind him.

Chang Dou turned around, his whole face was wrinkled, thinking how could this person be so annoying? I really want to cut off his ragged beard.

Wu Xiangxiang stroked the goatee, looked at him calmly, and said, "Even if you squeeze your face into SpongeBob SquarePants, it won't change your appearance, it will determine the reality of your low IQ."

Then floated away.

Chang Zhuo followed up decisively, saw Wu Xiangxiang pull out the control panel on one side, connect to the administrator mode through the internal line, and explained to Chang Zhuo: "I think you probably don't understand, all our advanced instruments here can be connected through emergency mode. in administrator mode."

I often wondered to myself that such a rudimentary solution would definitely not be useful.

Wu Xiangxiang said as if he was instructing mentally handicapped children: "The administrator mode in an emergency can locate the conscious subject through a small command - I will enter the command slowly, and you can take notes if you want."

Often funny to think, hum!

Then the screen says: Searching...

Chang Jou then silently recites: I can't find it, I can't find it, I can't find it...

After a while, a dialog box popped up on the screen with a big fork: Search failed!

Wu Xiangxiang: "..."

Chang Dou thought: Oh yeah!

Wu Xiangxiang helped her glasses, her goatee trembled and she looked a little unhappy. Chang Dou deliberately said, "It doesn't seem to work, so should I continue to repair the instrument problem?"

Wu Xiangxiang glanced at him, turned away, and Chang Dou read a word from his eyes - hum!

So he shook his head contentedly, almost jumped back to his mess, and turned his head and waved cheerfully to Fang Xiu who was looking here not far away.

Fang Xiu sighed and glared at him: I wipe, this worldly treasure, it's shameful to come out again.

Chang Dou waved his hands perseveringly, as if he was a great hero who had just won a battle and would not give up until he got a response from the "beautiful", Fang Xiu was finally helpless, and weakly pulled the corners of his mouth to both sides, smiling in disbelief. Bared his teeth with a smile.

Chang Dou was satisfied with this, and went to work.

Su Qing of the Returning Team was chatting with General Zhong to understand the situation. When he was talking about Huang Jinchen, Su Qing did not react: "Who is Huang Jinchen?"

General Zhong coughed dryly: "It was our undercover agent in Utopia back then. He was a very famous sniper, number 11235. After retiring, he was named to our base."

Su Qing's face showed a tangled expression of stomach pain and egg pain.

General Zhong had no choice but to say, "You know, Jin Chen was in a special position back then, but he didn't mean to target you. He had to gain the trust of that side, and that's why he had a few conflicts with you..."

Su Qing reluctantly said, "Well, I understand. Is that sniper inside with Dr. Kou now?"

General Zhong nodded: "I heard from the technicians that their consciousness was involved together and became the mandatory subject of consciousness."

Su Qing rubbed his eyebrows: "The perverted sniper is also inside. How monsters and ghosts must that space be? Can Dr. Kou survive?"

General Zhong was silent, and the two looked at each other, each speechless.

Kou Tong retrieved He Xiaozhi, a stray boy, and Manman, a genius girl.

The guest room soon ran out of sleep. After the earthquake, He Xiaozhi could only sleep in the living room. As for Manman, he received the treatment of sharing a room with the hostess of the room.

Kou Tongma quickly discovered Manman's specialness, but accepted it almost without any hindrance.

In her words, the more people, the better. It's best to fill every room in the house. Kou Tong couldn't help but ask, "Are there too many people, I'll take them out to live?"

Kou Tong's mother smiled and said, "It's good, it's good, I like to be lively."

After a while, she added: "Probably you don't go home forever. I always have the illusion that I feel like I have lived my whole life alone."

This sentence hit Dr. Kou's heart on the spot, and the health bar dropped to a negative number, a complete defeat.

The first night was quite chaotic, and the next day I finally went back to sleep in the house, and it was still very chaotic.

Kou Tong bought rodenticide and sprinkled it in every corner. Sadly, Kou Tong's mother was very inexplicable: "How can there be mice in our house?"

"Just in case." Kou Tong said, he seemed to have suddenly become a cleanliness addict, turning the whole house upside down, including the corridor, dragging out every corner to clean it.

Huang Jinchen patted Manman's head and said meanly, "Little girl, look at it, it's rat medicine, not sugar, you can't pick it up, you'll die if you eat it."

Manman raised her head to look at him, and the old rabbit with lascivious expression she was holding also raised her head, which made Huang Jinchen have an illusion - as if he was a fool who was watched by the people.

Manman said: "I know that it is rat poison. The main ingredient is tetramethylene disulfane tetramine. It will be like this after eating it."

As she spoke, she staggered up in place, stuck out her tongue, made a grimacing face, and cramped irregularly.

Huang Jinchen: "..."

That kind of unpleasantness that sticks in the throat is really inhumane. So he asked, "What do you care about the rat medicine?"

Manman said: "In case someone who doesn't know eats it by mistake, it becomes like this..." She started sticking out her tongue as she spoke.

Huang Jinchen took two deep breaths, thinking to himself, why are you looking at me and talking to this nasty little bastard

Kou Tong came over and asked Manman quietly, "Apart from mice, is there anything else?"

Manman thought for a while and said precisely, "I haven't found it yet."

"Okay." Kou Tong thought for a moment, nodded, and when Kou Tong's mother went to the kitchen to cook, she whispered, "Everyone, I don't have enough evidence to judge what kind of state we are in right now. , the overlapping consciousness space of many people is dangerous, all kinds of unimaginable things may happen, and according to Manman, we may still have a potential enemy... So I ask everyone not to act alone at will."

"Watch out for mice," Manman added solemnly.

Huang Jinchen patted her on the back of the head: "Okay, the child has nothing to do with you, you can watch the cartoon."

Manman said, "Oh."

Then she obediently sat in front of the TV, stared at the screen for a while, raised her head and asked Kou Tong, "Uncle, does your TV have an instruction manual?"

Kou Tong turned on the TV switch and picked up the remote control: "Young genius can't turn on the TV?"

"I can't watch TV at home." Manman was sitting on the sofa. The sofa at Kou Tong's house was probably a little high. In order to lean on the backrest, her two short legs had to hang in the air. The little guy said very calmly, " My mother has a nervous breakdown, so I'm not allowed to make a sound, or I'll be beaten."

Kou Tong paused for a moment, patted her head silently, used the remote control to dial her to a channel that was playing cartoons, put the remote control beside her, and asked, "I see why uncle dialed. Is it? Will it be?"

Unsurprisingly, Manman nodded, without the curiosity and clumsiness of contacting new things at all, and then skillfully changed it one by one.

Yao Shuo glanced at them, nodded at Kou Tong, and returned to his guest room.

After the initial shock calmed down, he no longer participated in group activities, and he didn't usually talk to others. He just huddled in the guest room of Kou Tong's house, and basically couldn't see his people when he didn't eat. Occasionally, he has to talk to others, and he is not as aggressive as when he first appeared.

I have to describe it, Yao Shuo is like a child who has just survived the intense college entrance examination. The heaviest burden on him for a long time suddenly disappeared, and all the things that were pressing on his shoulders disappeared all at once. Now, this seems to make him a little relaxed and don't know what to do. Every day is like sleepwalking, and even his eyes are confused.

He Xiaozhi is more straightforward, like a ghost. The state of the whole person is good and bad, and when it is good, he can be like a normal person, but his reaction is a little slower, and he doesn't look very energetic. When he is bad, he is forced. Although they said hello in advance, Kou Tong's mother was still frightened by the infrequent sudden emotional outbursts of this young man.

He may suddenly become irritable while talking, and then refuse to communicate with others, or simply lock himself in the bathroom, as if he is in great pain, there are intermittent howling, while He could be heard digging at the wallpaper with his fingernails.

The howling sound was so mourning, Kou Tong's mother could still hear it in the huge roar of the range hood, she popped her head out of the kitchen a little worriedly, glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and asked Kou Tong in a low voice: " Is the kid all right?"

Kou Tong told her that this was one of his patients. He temporarily brought it home for two days to assist in the treatment. He dropped the bag of rat poison, washed his hands, put up an index finger at her, and made a He made a small gesture, then knocked on the bathroom door, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Zhi, open the door, it's me."

There was a cry and hysterical voice from inside: "Go away!"

Kou Tong reached out and twisted the bathroom door, and found that it was locked from the inside, so he simply sat down against the wall, the frosted glass door could not see people, from the inside out, only the shadow of a person could be seen sitting outside waiting.

Kou Tong listened to the cry of great pain inside silently, lit a cigarette, and waited patiently at the door.

Huang Jinchen looked up at the chandelier in the living room and said helplessly, "This house really looks like a mentally ill shelter."

Manman's attention was diverted from the TV. There was an old cartoon on the TV, and the picture quality and movements were not very smooth. For some reason, her big eyes made Huang Jinchen feel a little uncomfortable. Probably too pure things will always make people feel this uncomfortable.

Manman asked, "Uncle, are you also a mental patient?"

Huang Jinchen thought for a while and said, "I don't think I am."

"Oh," Manman said, "I don't think I am either."

"Then why don't you talk with your mouth?" Huang Jinchen asked.

Manman thought for a while, and told him very deeply: "Existence is rational."

Huang Jinchen: "..." He finally made sure that this kid has read every book.

After an unknown amount of time, He Xiaozhi exhausted himself and came out of the bathroom, only to find Kou Tong sitting on the ground with his back to him, with a small ashtray under his feet, with some thin cigarette butts in it, he heard a voice, He raised his head and said softly, "Calm down?"

He Xiaozhi was so tired that he could barely speak, and nodded lightly.

Kou Tong stood up. He suddenly opened his arms and wrapped his arms around He Xiaozhi's shoulders. The boy's head was just on his nose. He lightly placed one hand on the back of He Xiaozhi's head and pressed the boy's face on his shoulder. , hugging him like a child.

There was a particularly good smell in his arms, as if it was some kind of wood fragrance, like sandalwood, but softer and lighter than sandalwood, he took a deep breath, and there seemed to be some kind of sweetness in it similar.

He Xiaozhi closed his eyes, he heard Kou Tong say, "It will pass."

What can hit people's hearts directly is sometimes not a word, but a temperature, a taste, or the shadow that seems to be waiting for a hand on the edge of the cliff at the end of the road.

He Xiaozhi burst into tears again without warning. This time, he didn't shout, and even the choking sound was barely audible. Only when the tears fell gently, it brought out the warmth of life.

Huang Jinchen watched coldly, suddenly, the corner of his clothes was gently pulled, and Manman held her doll in one hand and demanded, "Hug."

Huang Jinchen was silent.

"I want to hug too." Manman insisted.

Huang Jinchen looked down at her condescendingly, the cynical smile on his face faded, revealing the deep-rooted indifference that he seemed to have carved into his bones and soul.

"You can line up to go over there." He suggested to Manman, "Doctor Kou, who is helping people in distress, will carry you all over one by one."

"I don't like hugs that don't have the purpose of moving, especially to people." After Huang Jinchen finished speaking, he touched Manman's head, turned around and walked to the bedroom.