Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 26: magician


Kou Tong hesitated for a while, sighed, raised his hand gently, and pressed Huang Jinchen's back.

In this place where the real and the false mix, in this place where everyone is lost in their own hearts. Kou Tong asked himself, who wants to wake up from a sweet dream? Who wants to open their eyes and face the coldness of a world that has nothing to do with them? Why am I awake when everyone is sleepwalking

But... that's impossible.

Kou Tong sighed deeply, thinking quite self-deprecatingly in his heart, although there is a handsome man with thorns who took the initiative to give him a hug, there is an ageless beauty who "recommends a pillow seat", and there is a little bit like a personal computer angel who often makes some friction, but...

How can people be so obsessed with the non-existent nothingness that they clearly know the falsehood

What is the difference between denying oneself if one cannot confront one's own past that actually happened

If even the genes have been doped into other people's things, and you have to deny the memory, even the soul, and the whole world that you have experienced, what is the difference between an ostrich with its butt exposed and its head buried in the sand Woolen cloth

If a pair of gloomy eyes and a mouthful of fangs are exposed in the dark, the protagonist makes an "Ouch", stuffs himself under the quilt from head to toe, pretends to be invisible, and then closes and opens his eyes, the day will be bright Now, everyone can eat, eat and sleep - those horror movie writers who are racking their brains and trying to scare people are still in the ass

Kou Tong's fingers went down Huang Jinchen's spine to soothe him, like smoothing the fur of some kind of injured large animal - they just warmed each other up, licked the wounds that were surprisingly similar in shape to each other, and after a while, they were gone. All right.

In the face of a very fucked world, they can only live invincible and invincible only if they are more fucked than this world. They all understand this very well.

At this moment, suddenly, with a "sizzle", the lamp on Kou Tong's desk flickered and went out.

The faint sound of the TV from the living room was gone, and the door of the study was knocked gently. The person who knocked on the door was not very energetic, like a kitten scratching the door. Kou Tong pushed Huang Jinchen away slightly, opened the door, and saw Manman standing at the door holding her new love bear, raised his head and said, "The power is out."

Kou Tong pressed her little head: "Oh, maybe the fuse is blown, I'll check it out."

Manman nodded obediently, and then turned his eyes to Huang Jinchen behind him. Huang Jinchen still had a confused look on his face, and his eyes were slightly red. Manman looked at him for a while, and suddenly said calmly, "Hey, the most important thing in being a person is to be happy."

Kou Tong tripped over the small stool on the ground and nearly fell to the ground.

Huang Jinchen's expression became more and more complicated and almost distorted. After holding it for a long time, he said, "I'm not happy, do you want to give me a bowl of noodles?"

Manman ran out, took a box of instant noodles from the closet, and held it up in front of Huang Jinchen.

Huang Jinchen: "..."

Kou Tong looked at the circuit at home and found that the fuse seemed to be fine and had not tripped before. He wanted to go out and ask the neighbors to see if there was a collective power outage in the community, but he found that the whole sky was overcast.

Kou Tong turned his head to the side, narrowed his eyes and looked out carefully, only to find that the flying cloud was not an ordinary dark cloud, but a huge black screen. Looking closely, it was actually a dense mass of dark clouds. raven.

Kou Tong didn't make a sound, walked silently to the window, put one hand in his pocket, frowned and observed.

He saw the lights in the city light up one by one. For a moment, the lights in the world covered the whole earth, as if it had become night. Then, the lights went out one by one, and the fragile stars seemed to be on fire. It can be destroyed with a twist.

What followed was endless darkness.

What is terrifying is that the birds that covered the sky and the sun flew by, and there was no bird song.

"What's wrong?" Huang Jinchen walked over from behind, holding Manman by one hand.

"Shh." Kou Tong raised his finger and gestured, but his eyes hadn't taken back from the window, "Don't disturb others—look."

He stretched out his hand and saw that there was a lot of traffic on the street, everyone was doing their own thing, the traffic lights were no longer on, many cars were stuck on the road, people were scolding, anxious, calling or simply going to the roadside to buy something to eat, it was very normal, it seemed Not a single bit of vision was found in the sky.

"Crow?" Huang Jinchen raised his eyebrows.

"A crow that only certain people can see." Kou Tong said softly.

At this moment, Yao Shuo's door opened, and the middle-aged man came out with a solemn expression: "What's going on? What are those things outside?"

He Xiaozhi also followed - although he was still dazed and said nothing.

"It's a magician," Manman said.

"Okay kid, from today onwards, you are not allowed to watch TV dramas and cartoons." Huang Jinchen sighed, "Keep me watching the news broadcast and weather forecast every day, and the newspapers can only read the People's Daily to ensure that you are too easily polluted. the purity of the little mind."

"A black magician who can manipulate crows and mice." Manman said, a room full of adults, she always raised her head when she spoke, maybe because of the light, her eyes seemed to be covered with something. It looks a bit dreamy, "Come here from there, there is an unnamed island."

She stretched out her fingers, pointing in one direction.

Kou Tong squatted down: "How do you know it's Nameless Island?"

"It's written on the map," Manman said. "I read it when you bought the map."

"Who taught you the magician's words?" Kou Tong asked.

"I saw it." Manman whispered, "A man in a robe seems to have come out of a piece of paper, with rose flowers embroidered on his clothes, but holding a very fragrant white flower in his hand. "

"How did you see it?"

"I don't know either." Manman tilted her head and thought for a while, then she turned to look at Huang Jinchen and said, "I can still see him crying, he has become a child, about my age, holding a With a round…”

"Okay, I see." Kou Tongsheng was afraid that she would say the word "seed", so he would ask Master Huang to kill her.

Yao Shuo gave Huang Jinchen a strange look, while Huang Jinchen stared sharply at Manman, looking like he really wanted to kill her.

Then he bypassed Manman without saying a word, and returned to his room. After a while, he carried a bag out. According to the size of the thing, Kou Tong judged that it contained something that could shoot a person in the head. murder weapon.

"Let's go." Huang Jinchen said to Kou Tong without looking back, full of arrogance, "Let's go out and shoot down that guy who is covered in flowers, and let him know that nympho must have principles."

Kou Tong remembered that birds seem to have a very bad habit - like to defecate anywhere. He looked up at the sky and saw the dark, dense crowd of crows, like the army of crows rushing in for the Spring Festival, and felt his scalp itchy. stand up. Huang Jinchen stood not far ahead and glanced at him with murderous eyes, meaning that you are still dawdling, not keeping up

Kou Tong had to take out the car keys from the living room: "Mom, I'll drive your car out."

The ignorant Kou Tong's mother said fearlessly: "Oh, come back from shopping, bring three kilograms of minced meat, and eat dumplings at noon."

Kou Tong: "..."

Kou Tong's mother remembered something and said, "Oh yes, I'm out of facial cleanser, bring me a tube back."

Kou Tong looked at her face that was always young and indifferent, and said very weakly: "Would you like a pack of sanitary napkins too?"

Kou Tong's mother said without hesitation: "Yes!"

Kou Tong sullenly picked up the car keys and left.

The two drove the car all the way to the nameless island. Kou Tong circled the streets very skillfully, avoiding the main road that was blocked into a pot of porridge. Huang Jinchen sat in the co-pilot with the pair on his lap. I don't know when the map came out of the study, and suddenly pointed to a point on it and said, "Go to the TV tower."

Kou Tong tilted his head and glanced at him.

Huang Jinchen said: "This is the highest point near Wuming Island. I like high places, so it is convenient to judge where this charlatan is."

Kou Tong asked, "What if this person also likes heights?"

Huang Jinchen licked his lips, smiled softly and said, "One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers."

Kou Tong nodded: "Very good, I'll take you to the TV tower, call me when you're done, and I'll pick you up."

Huang Jinchen looked at him sideways: "Friend Ji, even if you're not a mother, I won't despise your presence on the top of my mountain."

Kou Tong said calmly: "Very good, I will not give up - but I am going to buy sanitary napkins for the mother-in-law."

Huang Jinchen was silent for a while: "Your mother is too bad, you will be regarded as a pervert, handsome."

"It doesn't matter." Kou Tong said bitterly, "That thing is really good as an insole, it's soft and absorbs sweat."

Huang Jinchen: "..."

Suddenly, Kou Tong slammed the steering wheel, and a crow that hit the windshield like a small cannonball flashed past. The beast roared past, and Kou Tong seemed to hear the strong wind blowing from its wings.

"It's bad, how did we find out?" Kou Tong said, and then, if it was true, three suicide bird bombs rushed over like them, and the air raid began.

A pile of bird corpses, feathers, and unknown liquid appeared on the windshield. The windshield wiper had been broken. In the blink of an eye, the glass had been damaged, and soon a spider web-like crack appeared. , Huang Jinchen took out a small pistol from his pocket.

At the moment when the glass shattered, Kou Tong bowed his head to dodge, Huang Jinchen pulled the trigger quickly, the crow was shot and fell to the ground, but turned into a small piece of black paper.

"That's why I hate these remnants of feudal society the most." Huang Jinchen put the pistol aside, took out a machine gun from the big bag he was carrying, pulled down the car window on his side, put it on his shoulder, and stared out the window for a while. straf.

"Damn it! Huang Erpang! This is in the city! No one else can see these crows, can you make a little noise in the slaughter!" Kou Tong's roar came from the gunfire and chaos, "How can I get along with you later? The police explained? Did someone put a bunch of kicks in the exhaust pipe?!"

Huang Jinchen laughed loudly: "Expert Kou, the most charming thing about you is that you can still live your creative ideas even when you are the most difficult!"

Kou Tong raised his hand and grabbed the neck of a crow that broke into the car. After it turned into a small piece of paper, he scolded lowly, and then took out a lighter from his pocket: "What's the use of killing them? then!"

He slammed on the accelerator, then the steering wheel swung hard to one side, knocking off a bunch of birds, then raised his hand and threw the lighter out of the shattered windshield.

Huang Jinchen immediately understood and hit it accurately. Kou Tong's speed was astonishingly fast, and he passed through the underside before the flames fully exploded. After the small explosion, a big fire started - because of those paper birds who kept up with each other. turned into fuel.

But I don't know why, they still flew in like moths, descending from the sky, where a whirlwind of smoke and fire, black crows was formed.