Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 34: hide


On this day, Kou Tong and Huang Jinchen kept fighting until the end of the night.

The fighting method is as follows - Kou Tong perfected his hiding method countless times, kicked Huang Jinchen out countless times as a guinea pig, and Huang Erpang was like a stray dog who knew his family, he successfully retrieved it again and again, and the speed was getting faster and faster. quick.

When he climbed out for the last time, everyone had been tossed down by Dr. Kou, who was a little perfectionist. Only Master Huang smiled and showed eight shiny teeth, like an advertisement for toothpaste, with open arms. Said: "Dear princess, your warrior is back, give me a hug!"

Kou Tong adjusted his glasses and said unsmilingly, "Oh, it's time to eat."

As if to prove like his mother, that he is not a casual person.

"This is the key." Kou Tong pointed to the oddly shaped pendant in Huang Jinchen's hand. It was about the size of a thumb's fingernail. It was a polyhedron made of soft pottery that Manman played with, and a small mirror was glued to the outside. "Everyone takes a pair when they go out, point the tip of the mirror at the corner of the wall, and then unscrew the water pipe to open the 'door', otherwise the real water will flow out."

Huang Jinchen lifted his trousers to show everyone his wet body.

"What if someone knows this method and steals the key in some way?" Yao Shuo asked.

"The passage can only be passed by one person." Huang Jinchen said, and then made a gun gesture with his thumb and index finger, "Why, doesn't the old general have the confidence to handle him?"

"Then what if we are not at home?" Yao Shuo asked, "What if there are only children or people who have no ability to protect themselves?"

"Go to Uncle Tian's place along the time line. If Xiaozhi can open the line freely, he can go to Uncle Tian's place to hide first. As for Manman, we will leave at least one person at home to accompany the children in the future."

Kou Tong's mother also stood aside and listened to Kou Tong's detailed description of the hidden "home" and the method of opening the door. For some reason, Huang Jinchen felt that maybe "she" appeared because of Kou Tong's wish, so she simply She even shared the database in her head, no matter what strange things she saw, she could keep her calmness as she should - even if her son was confessed affectionately by a man.

Kou Tong analyzed the danger of this paranoid patient from a professional point of view, and then a few people secretly held a small meeting in the living room after Kou Tong's mother went to sleep early.

Kou Tong said: "She sees this place as her own world, and we are all invaders, so she will definitely destroy us at all costs."

Yao Shuo interjected, "Is there no reason?"

"Yes." Kou Tong said, "but her logic is different from ours, and this reason is beyond our understanding."

He Xiaozhi was the hardest working day, but he did not complain, and even seemed to be much better than usual. Kou Tong brought water and medicine and motioned him to take it. He Xiaozhi smiled and thanked him, saying, "Kou The medicine prescribed by the doctor is very helpful, and it has been a long time since I felt as good as I am today."

Kou Tong said casually, "It's up to you to insist on taking the medicine."

This sentence is simply a booster for He Xiaozhi. It works better for him than any antidepressant. His eyes lit up in an instant.

Kou Tong's palm made a brief contact with his body, and he pressed He Xiaozhi's shoulder with his palm, like the feeling of intimacy between companions fighting side by side. Others may not have noticed his action, but He Xiaozhi suddenly felt a sense of belonging.

I don't know how long he has been missing something in his heart. He Xiaozhi feels that this feeling is about to drive him crazy, because he doesn't know what this kind of thing is. Without it, he feels more and more empty in his life. I was almost overwhelmed by that emotion, and almost jumped from the tall building.

Now, he finally understands - it is a feeling of being needed, protected by others, and also needed by others, belonging to something, or a family, or a group of friends, or a team a feeling of.

After days of tossing, Kou Tong was finally tired, even if he was a hard worker. He didn't go to the study all night, but went back to his bedroom. After Huang Jinchen accompanied Manman to watch the old Star Wars movie review, he returned to the bedroom. Inside, he found that the owner of the bedroom, who had been occupying the magpie's nest for several days, didn't even take off his clothes and shoes, and his two long legs were half hanging outside the edge of the bed, and he fell asleep like that.

Huang Jinchen walked over and took off his crooked glasses. Kou Tong woke up instantly, blinked hard, then rubbed his hair and sat up. After a while, he said hoarsely, "Oh, I'm going to take a shower."

Huang Jinchen sat on the side, watched him sway to stand up, and suddenly asked, "Did you...are you hiding something?"

Kou Tong looked back, probably just woken up, the corners of Kou Tong's eyes looked a little red, as if he couldn't open them. He looked sideways at people, and there was a peach blossom in his eyes. Huang Jinchen felt a little itchy in his heart, thinking that if a person is also a collectible, it must be very honorable to be able to collect this person.

"What am I hiding?" Kou Tong asked.

"You said outside just now that the woman will treat us as intruders and attack us indiscriminately. I don't think it's true." Huang Jinchen said, "We are the only ones who have seen her, so don't go around in circles."

Kou Tong woke up a little, he was silent for a while, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Yao Shuo is an old otaku. I found that for some reason, he doesn't seem to like to communicate with others, and he probably knows that he doesn't speak well, so he spends all day reading the Internet in the house, doing nothing." Huang Jinchen watched with good eyes. He looked at him, "He Xiaozhi is a little otaku, I have never seen him talk to anyone other than you, especially when he is sick, he can't be seen at all. After coming to your house, he has never been there, let alone Manman, that's a little TV potato, although the kid is annoying, but fortunately let him do whatever he wants, he will never go out and run around."

Kou Tong lowered his eyes expressionlessly.

Huang Jinchen observed him with interest, and said, "To sum up, it is enough for us to hide at home, not on that ghostly island, not on that little girl's territory, she can't really House-to-house searches—even if she does house-to-house searches, you can get away with it, there's no need to hide your home."

Kou Tong nodded irrefutably.

Huang Jinchen continued to analyze: "Unless you want to do something - I guess, you have to start looking for the control box."

Kou Tong hesitated for a moment, then nodded again.

Huang Jinchen relaxed and leaned on the head of Kou Tong's bed. Kou Tong's bedroom was not very big, so it would seem crowded if two men with long hands and feet were pretending to be. Huang Jinchen said, "Oh, I see, you and that The basic contradiction of the girl, in addition to being unreasonable, is that she refuses to return to the outside world - she regards it as an illusion, but in fact she subconsciously knows that what you said is not nonsense, and the two of you can't talk about this issue, She then automatically thinks that you betrayed her."

Kou Tong sneered, took out a cigarette and lit it from his arms, raised Erlang's legs, bent down, put his elbows on his knees, and brushed the hair that fell from his forehead with his hand holding the cigarette: "Expert, I see you Much more professional than me."

Huang Jinchen said, "Sit up straight, don't tempt me."

Kou Tong rolled his eyes: "Wake up, don't be sentimental."

Huang Jinchen just smiled, and then he lowered his voice and said, "Why, are you afraid they are the same as that... Qin Qin?"

"After all, not everyone is like Laotian." Kou Tong sighed and looked tired. For others, small movements are done unintentionally, and words are relaxing or chatting. For Kou Tong, whether it is language or body. Language, a lot of times, is a skill.

Just like chatting in one’s native language, one might only feel dry in the throat after chatting for an afternoon. If it is changed to a foreign language, one will feel tired at the same time.

"Qin Qin has satisfied his desire for control here, He Xiaozhi has found a sense of being needed here, Lao Yao has no pressure from family and career, he has completely relaxed, and Manman can communicate with others." Kou Tong said in a low voice, "You said... If they fully knew the truth, would they stand on the side of the nameless island, or on my side?"

"What about me and you?" Huang Jinchen asked. "If I don't want to leave here, do you think I will be a huge resistance?"

Kou Tong smiled bitterly: "Then I really have to fight alone."

Huang Jinchen was silent for a while, and suddenly said solemnly: "I don't want to leave. What this program gives me is different from theirs."

"How?" Kou Tong asked.

A lewd smile appeared on Huang Jinchen's serious face: "Because what I got is a big baby I like."

Kou Tong suddenly remembered what happened during the day, rushed over and pinched his neck, gnashing his teeth: "You bitch who specializes in snitching."

Huang Jinchen stuck out his tongue in cooperation: "Murdered my husband!"

Kou Tong grinned: "Huang Erpang, do you want to be smashed, or smashed, or smashed?"

Huang Jinchen grabbed him by the waist, threw Kou Tong off, and threw a wink: "Baby, you are so unrestrained, people are embarrassed."

The two people's activities before going to bed have returned to the level of preschool children. You pinch my face and I will squeak you. Who knows, after rolling a few laps, Huang Jinchen suddenly froze. Kou Tong raised his hand and pushed him, and finally felt his own His knees lightly brushed something... um, something hardened, so his expression suddenly became a little weird, Huang Jinchen jumped up from the bed, and said without blushing, "This is an accident."

Then he rushed into the bathroom without looking back.

Kou Tong tugged at the tossed collar, shook his head and laughed.

The next day, Kou Tong went out early in the morning, and the evening newspaper of the day published a notice of finding objects—all seven consciousness subjects were found, and they could start looking for the control box.