Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 36: memory chip


Lao Tian looked at Huang Jinchen with a very strange expression, hopped on the chair happily, put his front legs on the table, stuck out his tongue, and stared at Huang Jinchen with big ignorant eyes.

The eyes of one person and one dog pulled Huang Jinchen out of his confused state, and then he finally realized that he had done something stupid.

Lao Tian laughed, and Huang Jinchen said quickly, "Uncle, just pretend that I was sleepwalking just now and talk nonsense."

Lao Tian touched Huanhuan's dog's head and said, "My youngest son asked the same question as you, but it was when he was a teenager."

The corners of Huang Jinchen's mouth twitched, trying to explain that he was not actually a teenager. Later, he felt that it was too silly to say this, making him look like a little virgin who wanted to make it clear, so he restrained himself and waited to listen to this man. The high opinion of the seniors.

Lao Tian said: "There is a sentence in Yuanqu that I think makes sense. You can listen to it."

Huang Jinchen said with a paralyzed face: "It's over, I don't understand this, I just know 'bright moonlight in front of the bed, two pairs of shoes on the floor'."

"I don't know Acacia in my life, so I only want to think about love, and I'll hurt Acacia." Lao Tian ignored him and read slowly, watching the puppy lose interest in Huang Jinchen, a lost older teenager, and began to play with the tablecloth, "Sometimes, alone I will never understand the meaning of this sentence for the rest of my life. Whether it is a little girl who dreams of romantic love every day, or those of you who think you have become old fritters and no longer believe the words in the play, you don't actually understand what it is. That kind of feeling."

Huang Jinchen thought for a while and said, "I'm not an old fritter, Kou Tong is."

"I mean, people, when are they going to say something, some people don't believe in 'sudden heartbeat' all their lives, and some people just think that there will be 'love at first sight' between people, in fact, it is right or wrong. It is relative. If you believe, but you will never meet such a person in your life, then you believe it wrongly, but if you don't believe it, one day you will understand what it is because you really don't know what to do. 'Acacia will cause lovesickness'." Laotian said, "There are some things in the world, which are very mysterious, cannot be explained by your theories, and are difficult to understand. You have to taste it yourself to know the ups and downs. Now Didn't you taste it?"

Huang Jinchen felt that the sentence "old and not dead is a thief" makes sense. At least he felt that he was persuaded by Laotian, so he asked: "Then how do you think this happened?"

"Who knows then?" Lao Tian was amused by him, "Young man, let me ask you, in one's life, there are so many medicines, so many ways to maintain health, can prevent all kinds of diseases, and have so many safety measures, To prevent all kinds of accidents, why is it so strict to guard and be cautious, but everyone has the day to die?"

Huang Jinchen thought for a while, and replied, "Animals have a lifespan, and any machine that has been used for 180 years should be scrapped."

"The parts can be replaced." Lao Tian said, "I used to think so anyway. Now that technology is so advanced, I heard that even genes can be transplanted at will. What is an organ? It turns out to be an organ from a living person. Transplantation can be artificially cultivated now, why can’t you replace it when it breaks, can’t people live forever?”

"Even genes can be transplanted at will." The smile on Huang Jinchen's face suddenly disappeared, his eyes sank, and the puppy with the tablecloth on the other side of the table felt something, and flinched, with a little fear He Yan glanced at Huang Jinchen, and then called out "woohoo" twice, jumped into Laotian's arms, and stopped playing.

"Yeah," he said in an unusually flat tone, "even genes can be transplanted at will..."

"But no, people still can't live forever." Lao Tian didn't seem to notice his abnormality, and then said, "You think again, why carbon is an element, if you assemble it, it will either become black ash, or diamond, or flesh and blood. What about the body? Assuming there is a scientific basis, why is it so coincidental that an animal like a human is formed? There are so many elements in the human body, and the elements become molecules, and then cells. There are so many types. You can't go wrong at all. Where does such a big project come from? Even if you know these things and give you the same amount of materials, you can't conjure a person, at most a body, but that's also not human… "

"Dr. Kou said that psychology is actually a kind of physiology. You can discuss this with him." Huang Jinchen was a little impatient and interrupted him casually.

Lao Tian didn't care about his rudeness, just looked at him with an almost insightful look and said, "A psychologist is not omnipotent, and no expert is omnipotent-because living itself is a miracle."

"Don't be obsessed with 'where did it come from', like don't be attached to 'what did people evolve from', 'why am I me and not someone else' 'whether the chicken or the egg came first' These questions are the same." Laotian concluded at the end, "They are meaningless, because even if there are two timelines, it is impossible for people to explore back to the past, you are just the present you."

Huang Jinchen's eyes were fixed on Lao Tian, his eyebrows were long and slightly thick, like a thick stroke of color, his eyes seemed to have weight, and there was a strange pressure inside, which made people unable to lift their heads. Huanhuan raised her neck, the tip of her tail trembled nervously, and made a "wow" out of tune. However, Lao Tian looked at him with a calm expression - as if he had reached the end of his practice, and he had no doubts or fears.

After a while, Huang Jinchen nodded slowly and said, "It sounds reasonable."

Then he laughed: "But why do I feel that you are fooling me with a lot of things going around?"

Huanhuan tilted her head to look at his smile, slowly calmed down, her tail stopped shaking, and her expression was a little puzzled. Huang Jinchen stretched out his arm and touched its head. It cautiously approached it and smelled it carefully with the tip of its nose, as if to confirm whether this person was someone he knew.

When Huang Jinchen went back, he found that Kou Tong had already gone home. He felt that he had only been sitting at the old man's place for a while, and it was already dark here. Sure enough, it was easy to cross the two timelines by jumping back and forth. Kou Tong was playing with a small black box in his study alone.

Others don't recognize this thing, but Huang Jinchen can see it at a glance - it is the same as the thing that Kou Tong dug out from under the tree when he first entered the big boiler, it is the control box here.

However, looking at Kou Tong's solemn expression, he knew that it was not that easy.

"What?" Huang Jinchen asked.

"I don't know," Kou Tong lifted the cover of the control box to check carefully, "I found this from an old man who sold second-hand furniture. I don't know what happened. It seems that he was sold to him as an old home appliance, but there seems to be a shortage of them. Here's a piece... Jin Chen, pass me the screwdriver."

Huang Jinchen responded with a sound, visually inspected the type of screws, picked up a screwdriver from the tool box spread out beside him, and handed it to him. Kou Tong picked it up without raising his head, without judging the exact distance, it happened to be in Huang Jinchen's He grabbed it in his hand, and then reached for the screwdriver. After pulling it twice, he couldn't pull it out of Huang Jinchen's palm, so he glanced at him suspiciously.

"Ah... oh, here it is." Huang Jinchen came back to his senses and let go in a hurry. When Kou Tong didn't notice, he looked at the place where he accidentally grabbed a hand with a complicated look.

It's really different, Huang Jinchen thought seriously, why does the place he touches feel so different

Kou Tong unscrewed the cover of the control box, and inside the circuit was a coil, and the coil was connected to the chip. Kou Tong frowned after turning it a few times: "The core memory chip is gone."

"Ah, what?" Huang Jinchen was still immersed in the nonsense question just now, and his IQ had sunk to the bottom, and he didn't even hear what Kou Tong said.

Fortunately, Kou Tong was facing a serious problem and did not find Master Huang's short circuit. He took out the design draft from the encrypted safe very carefully, checked the components in the control box bit by bit, and checked it again. , and then the screwdriver turned slowly between the fingers, and it fell on the table with a "click".

Huang Jinchen sat down opposite him, Kou Tong opened the top line: "Look, this layer is the central processor, there are a total of six chips, of which this core memory chip is the most important, storing the entire projection. The equation of space generation, without this, means that we can't know which route we 'come' here, and we can't connect with the machines outside... Why is this piece missing? Hell."

Huang Jinchen reluctantly focused on this crucial box: " shouldn't have been taken away on purpose, if there is such a person who wants to prevent you from getting the control box, he can take the entire control box. Take it away, this thing is not big, there is no problem of inconvenience to carry."

Kou Tong sighed irritably, leaned back on the chair, sighed, clenched his fists, and the knuckles of his fingers made a crunch—without the core memory chip, even if he was an immortal, he could not calculate the formation of this complex interface. The formula, let alone contact with the outside world, the control box is equivalent to no.

If, as Huang Jinchen said, the chip inside was accidentally taken away, would something so small and fragile be lost? Will it be damaged? Maybe it was just a curious teenager who took it and put it on one of his electric cars, and threw it away when it didn't respond, maybe...

"Are there any spares?" Huang Jinchen asked.

Kou Tong shook his head and said weakly: "This is a spare. When I was involved as the main body of consciousness, the real control box was damaged because I was forcibly deprived of authority."

Huang Jinchen doesn't know what to do anymore - he's not a technical talent, and now his focus is on "other" things, and he doesn't really care about whether he can go out.

Kou Tong sat there struggling for a long time, but couldn't come up with any ideas, so he took a deep breath, jumped up from the chair, swept away his decadence, and said with full air: "It's okay, the car must be in front of the mountain. There is a way, anyway, General Zhong and the others will find out the problem with the projector sooner or later, and the technicians at the base are not for free, so I will think of other ways..."

He pushed open the door of the study and shouted to the kitchen, "I'm starving to death, Mom, what do you have for dinner?"

Kou Tong was biting his finger just now. Huang Jinchen looked at his back and thought silently. After a long period of observation, Huang Jinchen found that Kou Tong didn't make any small movements. Perhaps because of his professionalism, he had more control over his body language than he did. The average person was much stronger until just now.

The moment Kou Tong leaned against the back of the chair, Huang Jinchen saw an uncontrollable anxiety on his face. This anxiety made him not even realize that his finger was bitten and bleeding. However, within five minutes In less time, he actually jumped up and down again.

Heartless and extremely resistant to blows... Huang Jinchen sat there and imitated Kou Tong's actions just now, biting his thumb lightly, thinking madly: Yes, I like it.