Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 37: scanning


The Zero Team couldn't always stay at the ST base, because General Zhong was a Grande, and he definitely didn't have the budget to let so many people eat for nothing, so after two days of hard work in Changdou and the elites, they couldn't get Kou Tong and the others out of the way. After the unfortunate was released, Hu team decided to go home and do what everyone should do.

Chang Dou was stunned when he heard it. He hadn't decided the winner with the nasty ghost Wu Xiangxiang, so Chang Tech decided to work all night that night, and he must find a way to find out the clues to the ghost-like procedure that Dr. Kou did. .

General Zhong looked at him and hesitated, but Captain Hu followed his gaze and looked at Chang Dou, and said very politely: "There is no urgent task to cooperate with recently, Chang can stay at the base first and assist you both. Find Yao Shuo and the others."

Wu Xiangxiang's eyes flashed like ghost fire, and she stared at Chang Dou's back resentfully. Chang Dou just wanted to be proud, but when he realized what Team Hu said, he became even more embarrassed, and asked weakly: "That... Did Team Hu say that I would Are you left alone?"

Got an affirmative answer, Chang Dou was like an abandoned puppy, rubbed beside Fang Xiu, a pair of eyes still emitting a light of incomparable resentment through the thick eyes, especially emphasizing the "one person". "Three words, said again: "Leave me alone."

Fang Xiu was browsing the web page with his mobile phone. This is a phishing website. People need to keep an eye on the trends on it at any time. He didn't understand what Chang Que said, so he nodded casually: "Yeah."

Chang Dou waited for a while and found that he had no other reaction, so he said disappointedly: "Oh."

He was shocked and realized that he was so unimportant, so he shrank back, like a frosted eggplant, shrank into the corner of the sofa, holding the laptop pitifully, staring at the screen with a dull expression The program that was running automatically, the fire of the battle just now seemed to suddenly go out. Even Wu Xiangxiang's provocative gaze and the gesture of touching his beard could not attract his attention.

Su Qing stepped on Fang Xiu's instep, stepping him out of the intricate information collection work, then looked to the ceiling and coughed dryly. Fang Xiu just turned his head and found that the cloud cover above his head, and he was about to turn into a bunch of mushrooms.

Fang Xiu's expression was tangled for a while, Su Qing turned the sole of the shoe still on his foot, and twisted it on the back of his instep.

So Fang Xiu had to sigh, and reached out to touch his hair like a bird's nest: "You can do this job right now. Stay at the headquarters for a while. We'll come and pick you up when the task is completed."

Wu Xiangxiang's hateful eyes turned to Fang Xiu, but unfortunately they were rough-skinned field workers, and Wu Xiangxiang's gamma ray-like gaze couldn't penetrate Fang Xiu's skin at all.

Chang Dou raised his head and glanced at him: "Are you coming to pick me up?"

...Hu Dui and Su Qing looked at each other and found that they had become the neglected "men".

Fang Xiu struggled for a while, then nodded reluctantly and said, "Yes."

Chang Dou suddenly regained his energy, hugged the computer happily, a pair of chicken claws seemed to have suddenly developed a strong diamond finger, and the keyboard ping-pong sounded.

Wu Xiangxiang said sourly: "Hmph, gay."

Chang Dou retorted without raising his head: "Hmph, goat."

Wu Xiangxiang: "Four-eyed mushroom."

Chang Dou: "Pointe-footed enoki mushroom."

Wu Xiangxiang: "The keyboard is not a Rubik's cube. Even if you knock it down piece by piece, you won't be able to find a satisfactory solution."

Chang Dou: "With your IQ, you must have done this... Wait!"

His words faded, and he suddenly jumped up from the sofa, pointed at Wu Xiangxiang and said, "I have a solution!"

Wu Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, and Chang Dou said like a popping bean: "The Rubik's Cube is a space, and there are limited kinds of transformations in it, which are the rules of motion. Every space, no matter how many times it is, has its rules of motion, just like high-level spaces. A matrix in a linear space defined in algebra is the same!"

Wu Xiangxiang sneered: "Of course I know that the equation conversion of motion and rules corresponds to one of the basic principles of the existence of projection space."

"The so-called ghost program that we can't find is essentially a kind of space, but its rules have been tampered with by Dr. Kou himself, whether intentionally or unintentionally." Chang Dou said quickly about most of the earth If it is difficult for people to understand, the eyes are bright like a 100,000-volt light bulb, "Plane scan, you can use plane scan!"

Wu Xiangxiang's eyes widened: "Do you mean to reduce the dimension of all levels in the projector, and then scan indiscriminately?"

Chang Dou said, "That's right!"

Wu Xiangxiang shouted: "You are really a barbarian! You have been using leverage since Archimedes, but you are going to sweep!"

Chang Dou also shouted, "Excuse me, Dr. Wu, is your fulcrum the same as the universe we are in?"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Wu Xiangxiang and rushed out with his notebook.

Wu Xiangxiang followed and chased out: "Then do you know what will happen after scanning? Every time the dimension is reduced, there will be indeterminate constant terms. Do you know how to deal with it, you know... "

General Zhong and Team Hu stared wide-eyed, thinking that these technical houses, which are bright with a little sunshine, would be a terrible thing once they got up.

Fang Xiu smiled, lowered his head and continued to browse the web page. He felt that sometimes it was like a good plant. If it was neglected all the time, it would wilt. Then, after being watered suddenly, it would be full of vitality again. It will never be used again. Too much trouble, although there is no special sense of existence, but watching him jumping and jumping always makes people feel like they are supplemented with chlorophyll and sugar, and the mood becomes happy.

Kou Tong is trying to use the simple equipment in his study to read all the components with memory function in the control box. The amount of information is very large. He seems to have returned to the time before liberation. I have to work overtime again until dawn.

Then I don't know when, I lay on the table and fell asleep, as if I had a dream in a daze. Kou Tong usually doesn't remember his dreams. Only when he is too tired or not feeling well, he will have That kind of conscious activity is strong and profound, and after being awakened, it can still clearly repeat the dream until the next day.

And this dream is usually the same.

Perhaps it was the pressure of lying on the table, Kou Tong felt as if he was entangled in something, knew that he was asleep, but it was difficult to wake up, and then a familiar mirror appeared in front of him, with a body in it. In the dark, with an indifferent face.

Kou Tong sat cross-legged on the ground, but the person in the mirror was still sitting on the chair in a very upright posture, like a robot, with two faces with similar heights looking at each other through the mirror.

"I'm still alive," he said to the man in the mirror. "I believe in miracles. This thing can't hold me."

When he said this, I wonder if some kind of strong will played a role, and the icy smoke around him suddenly became warm, wrapping him in it, and the nervous nerves slowly relaxed, Kou Tong Laughed, but the person in the mirror didn't.

"Even that kid He Xiaozhi is struggling to find a way to survive and get better, can't I find it?" He stood up, picked up the chair that appeared next to him at some point, and weighed it in his hand. , and then slammed into the mirror as if he had done it countless times, as if he had smashed his head in the face.

"Don't show up."

The mirror shattered, but it made a "drip" sound like something was receiving a signal.

Where did the signal come from? Kou Tong felt confused.

Then he suddenly woke up as if someone had poured a pot of cold water on his head.

When he sat up, Kou Tong realized that he did not know when a piece of clothing had been approved. In addition to the machine and drawings, there were more people beside him—Huang Jinchen was sitting under the lamp that was not very bright, with one hand resting on his chin, straight stared at him.

Kou Tong felt that he had not woken up from his dream, and was confused for two seconds, then looked at Huang Jinchen blankly: "Why are you sitting here?"

"Watching you sleep." Huang Jinchen said.

Kou Tong frowned, feeling that he was not normal, but he was probably not very awake, so he asked without thinking: "What do you see?"

"Good-looking." Huang Jinchen's face showed a smirk unique to second-hand goods, which seemed to have a dreamy color.

Kou Tong was smart for a moment, woke up, was dumb for a while, and asked cautiously: "The... that uncleaned rat medicine in the house, you didn't eat it by mistake, right?"

This time, Huang Jinchen didn't speak, just stared at him with sleepwalking eyes, and saw a coolness rise from Kou Tong's back.

The control box on the table beeped again, which attracted Kou Tong's attention. He lay on the table and looked carefully, and found a sine wave-like ups and downs on the screen. signal of.

Without the control box of the core memory chip, it is like a mobile phone without a sim card. It can be turned on by itself, but cannot make calls. So where does this signal come from

Kou Tong thought for a while and said to himself, "Could it be that General Zhong and the others found this place?"

The two of them sat for a while with big eyes and small eyes, and found that the control box had no other response, but received this strange signal intermittently for a period of time.

"No... They shouldn't have been able to locate us, maybe they used some method to scan indiscriminately." Kou Tong stood up and said to Huang Jinchen, "Come on, let's go out, this kind of signal appears periodically, it is very likely that Because this space was sewn into a closed loop by me using the timeline, we went out and tried to see if we could receive other things."

Huang Jinchen stood up after him from the four virtues, and followed behind him like an asshole.

Kou Tong finally felt that something was wrong with him, so he tested the temperature on his forehead with the back of his hand: "Isn't it really a fever?"

Huang Jinchen grabbed his hand, squeezed it tightly, and stopped suddenly.

Kou Tong blinked.

Huang Jinchen looked at him with that chilling look behind his back, and announced, "I've made a decision."

Kou Tong nodded, saying that he would listen to Master Huang's brilliant decision.

Huang Jinchen said: "In the whole life of a person, the heart is never better than the action. No matter what, it is not enough to supplement the brain. You have to wait until you really start to know how deep the water is."

Kou Tong hesitated for a moment, then nodded again, thinking that this sounded logically, and there was no problem.

Huang Jinchen gave a "um" and said solemnly, "So I plan to chase you from now on."