Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 4: projector


Huang Jinchen felt that the voice on the phone was slightly different from Kou Tong's usual voice. He couldn't tell what it felt like. As a sniper aiming in the dark, he was much more sensitive than ordinary people in some aspects. .

When Kou Tong's voice came through the phone in a messy background, Huang Jinchen suddenly felt that they had returned to the way they first met. Listening to that person's voice, he seemed to be able to get some kind of magic from it. of tranquility and serenity.

"General Zhong asked us to come over today—Doctor Kou, how is your beggar drumstick?"

"It's alright, I'll go to the hospital to take a mud shot in two days, and it'll be ready to serve—where can I see you? I'll take a taxi over there."

"No, I'll pick you up by the way." Huang Jinchen put on his coat and asked casually, "Where are you? You're not in the hospital, why does it sound so messy?"

Kou Tong paused and reported an address.

Huang Jinchen: "...what are you doing?"

Kou Tong laughed dryly: "Rest, take a rest."

Huang Jinchen took the key and went out. Before leaving, he subconsciously touched the mezzanine in his living room. He opened a drawer and saw a drawer of pistols, sniper rifles and even cold weapons. After a while, he remembered that he would no longer need these old buddies. He couldn't bear it. Zhu scratched his head, suddenly a little at a loss, and then he shook his head and smiled, but in the end he couldn't help but hide a small pistol under his trousers, and then he opened the door and walked out.

Kou Tong was in a smoky board game room. When Huang Jinchen looked for it, he found that the angel in white, Dr. Kou, in his mind, was dragging a lame leg and playing mahjong with others. Mahjong was not counted. Individuals also have more or less a dozen playing cards on hand.

What? Pure children do not understand

Anyway, Brother Huang understood at a glance that this Doctor Kou, who is a bit unprofessional, but still bears the name of a state official, did not draw circles with his fingers on the top of the bald scoop like Brother Yixiu did—he was gathering a crowd to gamble. .

I saw Dr. Kou spit a bunch of smoke rings out of his mouth, tilted his plastered leg, pushed the cards with arrogance, and knocked on the table: "Nah, comrades, take the money!"

A bearded brother next to him counted a few poker cards for him, and a middle-aged man with a horse face pointed at him and laughed: "Old bear, you are really good, how much did Kou Tong take away this night?"

The bearded brother waited for a pair of small black eyes, and glanced at Kou Tong pitifully: "He's always under the hood!"

"You old gunner, you little Vietnamese gunner." Kou Tong turned back and nodded to Huang Jinchen, and stood up with his support on the table, "Come here, settle the account, I won't play today, I'm alive."

The old bear looked at Huang Jinchen gratefully, as if he was a Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who helped the suffering.

A few people didn't know how to calculate the money. Anyway, Kou Tong took it for a while, and when he returned, he shoved a red grandfather Mao into his arms, and showed a bright and undeserved smile like a lucky cat, and followed Huang Jinchen. went.

Huang Jinchen helped him into the car and put the crutches aside: "There is a way to make money, I admire it."

Kou Tong gave him a meaningful look: "Little comrade, hang out with me and have meat to eat."

Huang Jinchen turned his face sideways and smiled at Kou Tong very naturally. Kou Tong himself travels east and west all day, and is a self-acquaintance. Huang Jinchen's sideline is busking off the subway, and unfortunately, he is also a self-acquainted. The two seemed to have known each other for many years, rambling all the way to the place where General Zhong picked them up.

ST base is a very mysterious place to the outside world. Even if it has become the final contact base in the war with the Utopian terrorist organization under the condition of complete failure of government agencies, it is only an unknown "related" when it is normal. department". A very remote location, state-of-the-art technology... and the most pristine living conditions.

For example, a section of road near the base is not even accessible by highway, it is completely dusty dirt road, and it feels like riding a roller coaster. The hills behind the base are a small river and vegetable fields, and there are also several small villages whose residents mainly rely on farming.

It was very late when they arrived. General Zhong said that Lao Yao would not arrive until the next day. Kou Tong went to adjust the equipment. Huang Jinchen squatted in the yard for a while and looked up at the bright sky. The air of the mysterious base is much better than that of the city, and the stars are as clean as they have been washed with water.

He took a deep breath, sat in the middle of the yard, and found an apple he didn't know where it came from. He hadn't washed it, wiped it with his sleeve, and then nibbled it, suddenly feeling a little confused.

Kou Tong debugged the equipment of the base. This huge "projector" is also called "multi-dimensional frequency conversion space". It can project people's consciousness into a space with a special frequency, and even allow the person involved to go in and follow the one he usually carries on his back. Compared with a small projector, it is the difference between a cannon and a shotgun.

From the design to the later improvement of this huge projector, he has put a lot of effort into it. Kou Tong saw it as if he saw his wife, and rushed to fiddle with it with red eyes.

General Zhong followed behind him, and when he saw that his legs and feet were inconvenient, he stretched out his hand to help him. The two seemed to be old partners, and there was a silent tacit understanding. He opened his mouth: "I transferred Jin Chen to your side without discussing it..."

"Hmm... eh?" Kou Tong was stunned for a moment and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, he's a very easy-going person."

General Zhong stared at his back for a while, and was silent for a moment: "Jin Chen wants to retire from the army, but he doesn't want to let him go. When Lao Yang mentioned this to me, I suddenly thought of you. You... alas, you It’s also a big person, and it’s always like this, and it’s not bad to have someone more reliable to take care of each other in the future.”

Kou Tong said boldly: "I'm quite reliable."

General Zhong slowly pointed to his beggar drumstick and said, "Then how did you get this?"

Kou Tong stopped talking, fiddled with the equipment, and after a while, he suddenly smiled: "Anyway, he won't stay long, I don't have any opinion."

Kou Tong swayed and reached out to grab the crutches. General Zhong supported him by the elbow and helped him stand up. Kou Tong glanced out the window. Huang Jinchen was waving the apple core to aim at the tree. The little bird on the top, the little bird on the tree was jumping, and the man who looked like a lunatic was completely ignored. As a result, a strong wind hit, which unfortunately turned into a bird tragedy - being bitten by one The pitted apple core hit his head and fell straight from the branch.

"He is a man of great ability." Kou Tong put his hands on his chest, squinted for a while, and commented, "In his teenage years, it was when other children were still in their youthful rebellious period. When people go to that kind of place, they grow up lonely little by little. After so many years, they have been so bloody and bloody. Now that they suddenly come back, there will definitely be a gap. I will take him in for a few days. After he thinks about it, what should he do? what to do."

General Zhong followed his gaze and nodded, "Thank you."

Kou Tong lowered his eyes and smiled: "Instructor, why are you being polite to me? You need to help me with a single word, nothing else. Just don't give me another care for the orphan."

General Zhong's expression softened: "This..."

Kou Tong turned his head and looked wretched: "But it's no problem to ask his wife."

He was slapped on the back of the head by General Zhong.

Huang Jinchen was thinking about whether to burn or roast the captured bird when he heard a noise behind him. Looking back, he saw General Zhong nodded to him and left, Kou Tong was leaning against the door and beckoned to him: " 007, come here!"

As soon as he saw his festive smile, he felt that everything was going well, Huang Jinchen patted his butt, got up in a good mood, and strolled over: "What's the matter, handsome guy?"

"Show you the guy we're eating."

Huang Jinchen walked around the world's most powerful projector with great interest, and commented very pertinently: "It looks like a big boiler."

Kou Tongdun saw his confidant: "Yes, I designed it, and the reference is the big boiler that boils water in the cafeteria."

Huang Jinchen felt that Dr. Kou was really talented, so he leaned over to touch it up and down a few times, and asked, "How does this thing work?"

I saw Kou Tong standing next to the big boiler, grinning badly, quickly calling up a control panel from the "big boiler", and entering a series of programs into it.

Huang Jinchen felt dizzy, his whole body seemed to be squashed, and he quickly fell into a black hole. He was startled, and subconsciously squatted down and rolled himself into a ball, ready to get out at any time, his hand touched his own feet.

However, he did not fall hard. He landed gently and found himself on a soft sandy beach. Huang Jinchen raised his head in astonishment. Kou Tong was sitting not far from him. The strange thing was that the crutches in his hand were missing. , the plaster on the leg was gone, as if unscathed, standing firmly.

The two of them stood on a lonely island with white sand at their feet, and occasionally a seabird drifted by.

The island is very small, with only a small piece of forest, but there is a tall tower in the middle. The color of the tower is very heavy, there are no doors and windows, and I don’t know who built it. Point, it seems to have been inserted into the sky.

Surrounded by the boundless ocean, the slightly salty sea breeze blows over, the sound of waves all around, the sea and the sky are the same color.

Huang Jinchen relaxed slowly, turned to look at Kou Tong who was staring at the tower: "This is... in that big boiler?"

"It can be said that." Kou Tong stood very straight, "The projector is a special space instrument, it will bring people into different spaces, the frequency of the space is adjusted according to the set program, and the thinking of the person who enters. Coincidence, what I just debugged is for all people who enter the space, that is to say... "

He smiled vaguely: "This is the result of the intersection of our two consciousness spaces."