Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 47: lovers


Dr. Kou looked up at the sky and felt that the future was bleak, but he was optimistic after all, because the next moment, he compared himself with Yao Shuo, and when he thought that the old guy didn't even have a water gun, his heart was very balanced.

Elephant nemesis - Kou Tong tore off the label, thinking that the name sounds domineering, I hope the function is also domineering.

Kou Tong walked along the narrow road unhurriedly, like a wandering tourist. Then he came to the end and found another fork in the road—

Kou Tong stopped, put his slender fingers into the trigger of the water gun, and turned the light water gun around his finger.

Choice is a very magical thing. When there is no choice, it is painful, and when there is a choice, it is also painful. Some economists have proposed the concept of so-called "opportunity cost" in order to make it appear easier for humans to understand.

The cost of taking one path is to give up another path.

Kou Tong thinks this is very reasonable, and this is the pain of the choice - no extra points for the right choice, and deduction for the wrong choice. No matter how you choose, the future is unknown, and there is a high possibility that you will regret it, or... there may be the same goal.

Probably one person cannot occupy too many social resources. According to the ideas of some men, the concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards and the seventy-two palaces should be the ultimate dream, but didn’t Emperor Jiajing almost let the palace maids strangle to death? For an emperor who has to flip the brand every night and plans to rest for a while, he will be suspected of having problems by people from all walks of life. If you think about it carefully, it is actually no different from a duck.

Confused when the future is uncertain, and confused when the future is diverse, because no one can be separated, no matter how good a person is, it is impossible to walk two completely different life paths.

Kou Tong stood on the spot and glanced at the left and right sides. He felt that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous. On his left, there was a clean path with emerald green vines extending out on both sides. What kind of flower looks like the promenade that the newlyweds will walk side by side at the wedding scene in the wild. It is very beautiful - of course, the fly in the ointment is that Qin Qin is standing at the end.

On his right hand, as if to explain that "heaven and hell are only separated by a thin line", the sun can't even shine in, it's so dark that he can't reach his fingers, Kou Tong forgot to look over there, feeling blowing inside icy wind.

Kou Tong retracted his feet, waved his hand in Qin Qin's direction, and asked, "Can you speak? Isn't it soundproof?"

Qin Qin's expression was still the same as that of a hungry ghost staring at a steak, with a morbid and crazy obsession, and the expressionless face showed some kind of calm before the storm.

"Okay," she nodded, "I can hear you."

Kou Tong tilted his head slightly and asked, "Can't you come over?"

"No," Qin Qin said, "this is the rule of lovers. Only those who stand at the fork in the road can choose which side they want to go. You can only come over, I can't go."

Lover's Rules - According to Lao Yao's theory, tarot cards have their own rules, Qin Qin is familiar with these things, and her paranoia convinced her of them, so she is temporarily unable to transcend these rules in this space of consciousness projection , but when she becomes more and more angry, frustrated and wildly reckless, she will ignore all morals and rules - even if they are her own.

That's when she loses control of all the cards.

Kou Tong rubbed his chin with his index finger.

Qin Qin stretched out a hand to him: "Come, come here, come to me. I was wrong that day, I won't lose my temper again in the future, I don't blame you for breaking my two cards, I It will be very good to you, come with me."

Kou Tong smiled and didn't answer her directly, and asked again, "Then tell me, what are the rules of this card?"

"It's a choice from the bottom of your heart." Qin Qin said, "Every time you walk through a fork in the road, you will face a dilemma in your heart. I'll take this card back soon."

Kou Tong raised his eyebrows, so his current choice is Qin Qin and pain

Obviously, whether deep down or shallow, Dr. Kou was 100% sure that he didn't have such a painful idea. It was definitely the result of Qin Qin, who was convinced and imposed her will on the card.

So he raised his head, leaned against the low wall next to the fork point, took out a cigarette, folded his hand to block the small yin wind from the right, lit it, and was silent for a moment.

This made the man's habitually gentle face stained with an indescribable arrogance, and his eyebrows and eyes drooped slightly, as if suppressing an inhuman cynicism.

"Qin Qin." Kou Tong finally spoke when he was about to finish a cigarette, "I always remember what my profession is, and I sympathize with any patient who was sent to me or other colleagues, I also know , sometimes, it's not their fault that they do unreasonable things, I am a doctor, and it is my responsibility to accommodate my patients."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a fleeting sneer, and then pinned the cigarette butt on the wall: "But that doesn't mean that I'm just a piece of dough that people can knead casually, and the Virgin who accepts mortals without limit. In my whole life, I have experienced life and death things, I don’t know how many things, if you let a little girl hold it like this, you will have no face to live in the future if you say it.”

After he finished speaking, he calmly put his hands in his coat pockets, turned around and walked the other way.

Just as Kou Tong took another road, a high wall automatically grew on the ground behind him, sealing off the other side—probably Qin Qin forgot to mention that there is another rule in the lover card: buy, stop, leave. hand, do not regret the card.

As a result, the handsome Kou Tong stepped into a big swamp-like pit with his first foot. Dr. Kou was silent for two seconds, then bent down and pulled out the calf that was stuck in the mud like a radish: "Fuck it. !"

He stood alone in the same place, and after a long time, he took out the lighter, and after turning it on, he took a picture forward—I saw a huge swamp in front of him, and there were bubbling bubbles from time to time, as if there was something to be desired. It was like crawling out of the inside, and on the left was the corpse of an unknown animal. There was a gloomy ghost all along the road, just like the scene of a haunted house. A bat flew into the sky under the light of his small fire. Showing a pair of blood-red eyes.

Further ahead, there is a dense forest that can't be seen to the end, with thorns and thorns, and the shady wind shuttles through the sinister plants, simulating a sound like the howl of some kind of beast.

Faced with this situation, Kou Tong was silent for a while, then turned around suddenly, scratching the wall desperately: "I was wrong, I was wrong, girl, I was a bit sloppy for a while, I didn't see the difference between the pink skeleton and the real skeleton, you put it I'll go back and choose again, I'll definitely choose you without negotiation..."

The icy wall did not move. Dr. Kou was stunned. He paused on the ground for a while. With the help of his small lighter and the blisters floating on the swamp, Gu Ying took pity on himself for a while with difficulty, and sighed with emotion: "Beauty has a bad life."

The swamp wickedly popped two bubbles in response.

Kou Tong picked up a thigh bone from the side, and sturdily tapped on a large vine hanging down next to him. There was a rustling sound, and Kou Tong quickly shrank his hands, leaving a shadow of yellow feces. In a flash, I saw a snake's head appearing on the vine, coiled into a pile, stretching its neck, staring at the weak technical doctor Kou with a look ready to attack at any time.

"What are you looking at..." Kou Tong took a small step to the side, "Have you ever seen a handsome guy?"

The big snake really had never seen a handsome guy before. It swayed twice on the tree, and suddenly rushed towards Kou Tong with the ferocity of a predator. Kou Tong's eyes sank, and he quickly turned to the side. The upper thigh bone hit the big snake seven inches with an unbelievable head, and neatly rolled up the beast and threw it into the swamp, watching them struggle together, and then devoured by the black monster.

Kou Tong rolled up his trouser legs expressionlessly, pushed aside the vines where the snake lived, and pulled off a long branch from the dead tree behind him. A traveler who walks on a road of no return without hesitation.

Kou Tong is actually very good at dealing with crisis in the wild. After all, as a traveling doctor who can't find anyone when others use him, he has a wealth of traveling experience that others can't imagine.

He has climbed snow-capped mountains, made close contact with glaciers, stumbled and fell into a lake at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, crossed a large uninhabited plateau on a bicycle with a group of young people, drilled through virgin forests, and passed through the Golden Triangle. After getting lost, I was confused to find someone to sleep with. After staying for half the night, I realized that something was wrong, and only then did I realize that I was staying at the home of a drug dealer.

Knowing that the sky is high and the earth is different, he did not realize that the universe is infinite, but instead became more and more fearless.

How to do it? When he was free, Dr. Kou also pretended to be anxious to think about it. If he continued like this, he would not be able to marry a daughter-in-law. Maybe one day, he might die and no one would know. He once wondered if the gene that the seed had implanted in his body many years ago had damaged the nerve that controls his fear, but after thinking about it with his toes, he realized that of course it was impossible.

Why is that

Perhaps he was too curious, Kou Tong thought.

He has experienced many good things and many bad things, but he still maintains a high degree of curiosity about everything in the world, just like a squirrel emerging from a tree hole for the first time after a winter. Everything feels new, and I want to see everything when I see it.

Perhaps this unusual vitality is what gene transfer really left him - he feels like the wind, he can't stop for a moment, and the wind will dissipate when it stops. If he stops, he will find that it is actually I am not as omnipotent as I imagined myself to be.

You will find... All his time is actually stagnant in the late autumn of his tenth year... As soon as he thought of this, Kou Tong simply cut off his own thinking, so as not to do anything insulting Terrifying, like a yellow spring on the road.

Then Huang Jinchen hummed Huang Jinchen's mobile phone ringtone in a desolate tone, making even the bats go crazy, and ran away quickly.

The author has something to say: when Chang Dou was a child, the teacher gave such an embarrassing evaluation - you say this child, smart is quite smart, and he learns things faster than other children, but... maybe a little... What should I say? Well, if it sounds good, it's a bit stubborn, and everything is one-sided.

In the first grade, the teacher taught: "Students should be like this: Sit well in class, keep your feet flat, look at the teacher, and have clear ears. If you want to speak, raise your hand first... What's the matter with you, classmate Chang? "

Changdou put down his raised hand and said, "Teacher, I'm hungry, when can I go home for dinner?"

teacher:"… "

"The speech cannot be anything unrelated to the class!"

Since then, this sentence has become a golden rule for always teasing children, so one day, he wanted to pee, often teasing children to endure, endure, endure, and can't bear it anymore, what should I do

I really want to go out to the toilet... But the teacher said, raise your hand before speaking, and can't say anything unrelated to the class.

Oops I can't stand it anymore...

The children at the same table glanced at classmate Chang Dou curiously. He never dared to talk to classmate Chang Dou because he thought he was an alien—the proof was that Chang Dou had a bigger head than all the children.

Later... Later, when I used to tease the children, I would pee my pants gloriously.

When I was in junior high school, once the math teacher drank too much and ran into the class to talk nonsense. Everyone looked at each other. The teacher waved his pen and left a homework question, saying that whoever solves this question will get full marks at the end of the term. , exempt from examination.

The teacher was so drunk that she didn't even know her mother. When the children were still learning how to prove congruent triangles, she wrote a mathematical and physical equation problem with four axes... Well, it's also called partial differential equations.

Of course, that is impossible, but everyone knows that a math teacher is good at everything, but he likes to run the train with his mouth full after drinking too much.

He thought about eating, walking, and even dreaming. After class, he went to the community library to look up materials. If he couldn’t find it, he begged his father to take him to the city library to find it. Now, while walking in full view of the public, he bumped into a telephone pole, and he was stuck on his forehead for three days.

But in the end, there was no solution. Chang Teo was extremely aggrieved and felt that he was stupid. He was too embarrassed to cry, and finally got sick.

When his parents went to school to ask for leave, the math teacher was still surprised, how could this child be so sick - it can be seen that there is only one person in the world who is still thinking about that question.

In a word, he is the kind of person who hits the south wall with his head and doesn't look back.

Strictly speaking, Chang Dou is not a genius in the traditional sense. He has never attended the junior class, and he can't even do the homework left by the teacher when he is drunk. At best, he can only be an elite who relies on his own efforts.

He worked very hard and was admitted to a key high school, and he was admitted to a key university very hard, and finally, he continued his studies very hard, and finally worked hard to enter the legendary reset team, realizing his childhood dream. - Study hard, be a useful person, like those heroes in the movie, hum haha, kill the bad guys!

Although the logical relationship between "Hum ha ha can kill bad people" and "study hard" has always been puzzling...

Ahem... Let’s get down to business, after joining the Zero Team, Chang Dou has become a competent technician, working very hard, his grades are very good, and he has gradually become important—but he is not yet a core member, the entire technical department, There is only one core member, who is a real genius. Chang Dou has always admired Dr. Xu, the core member of the technical department, and feels that he can do everything, so amazing, and he has invented so many things.

Every time I see the core members fighting side by side like a family, laughing and sparring, Chang Dou will be very envious, especially a person from the Field Department, called Fang Xiu, when I see him, Chang Dou feels like I see it. He had the same ideals from childhood to adulthood—he felt that a real man should be like that, and he didn’t care about anything. When others celebrated, he silently opened a bottle of beer next to him, showing a cynical smile, even if he came back from injury, he could laugh Angry, so handsome.

While working very hard, Chang Dou thought that it would be great if one day he could be like Dr. Xu.

But one day, he really replaced Dr. Xu and became the coveted core member of the technical department, but he found that he was not happy at all - because Dr. Xu died.

No one accepts him. Although everyone is very kind to him, Chang Dou still feels that he is being rejected-maybe in their hearts, only Dr. Xu is their family, and Chang Dou is just a poor substitute. All he can do is continue to work very hard, let everyone see his efforts, and hope that at least... get a little approval from everyone, get the... approval of the person he has been watching silently.

This stupid chicken coop head, so he began to think about it and hit the south wall again.