Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 48: Elephant Buster


He killed three snakes along the way, a vampire bat of unknown species, didn't pay attention to the bottom of his feet, and made a three-legged toad, each of which had one experience of getting stuck in the mud, and now they look symmetrical .

I couldn't dodge in the middle, and I was swept up by a plant vine that didn't know what cannibalistic properties. This process was very exciting. Dr. Kou felt like he was sitting in an "earth-shaking" in the playground. It's a pity that this entertainment facility The safety factor is not high. In the end, if he hadn't decisively hugged this pipe and threw away the big vine, he might have died of gravity.

Then he found... After all the hardships, there was another fork for people to choose. At that moment, Dr. Kou's heart was filled with boundless bitterness, and he couldn't even put it into words.

As long as the road does not come to an end, there will be endless options, and he must keep walking.

If killing the unknown is the eternal place of despair, what can kill the choice

Kou Tong didn't rush to see his choice this time, but sat down at the fork in the road, took off the shoes that could no longer be seen, and patted the mud down in a very unsightly way, pondering while patting. .

After thinking about it for a long time, he could only think of the phrase "same destination by different paths". If he continued on this road, he would encounter countless forks, and the multiple-choice questions he needed to do were endless.

And if the information provided by Qin Qin is true, these choices will gradually penetrate into his heart. Kou Tong feels guilty and knows that his heart is not as bright and strong as the surface. Maybe when he is calm, but now... He looked down because On the way just now, the forearm that began to ooze blood again sighed—I felt that it was better not to act rashly until I figured out a solution.

Kou Tong leaned against the wall, the sky was still gloomy above his head, and all kinds of strange sounds came from behind. He took out the cigarette case again, lit a cigarette, stretched his legs, bare feet, and threw his shoes. On the side, try to relax yourself as much as possible.

Everyone has moments of irritability. For Kou Tong, he is very similar to Huang Jinchen. Probably in the early years of Seed's experience, they both hated being restrained. This is manifested in Dr. Kou's travels, and Master Huang. on the shocking world.

And now, Kou Tong feels like being tied up in boxes one after another - the projector is one layer, and the lover card is actually added another layer.

However, this irritability was quickly suppressed by his deliberate breathing and slowing of movements. In boredom, Kou Tong began to fiddle with the only weapon on his body - a small water gun.

Why is this thing called Elephant Buster? Kou Tong thought and fired a shot at the air opposite him, and then something miraculous happened, the water column stood up, vaguely transformed into an elephant the size of a slap, rejoicing in the terrifying gloomy darkness Running in place.

Kou Tong didn't hold out much hope at first, but after watching it for a while, he couldn't help but let out a "pochi" laugh.

If he goes out, he decides that he must communicate more feelings with the hidden orangutan brother in the future. Good things can always heal people.

After the water gun shoots such a small thing, a small screen lights up on it, and several options pop up on it. There are "rat", "pig" and "rope".

Kou Tong chose "mouse" at the elephant, and another water arrow was sprayed out, turning into the shape of a small mouse. The elephant, who was running happily, paused, as if it suddenly braked, and then scared the whole body. They were all deformed, and dashed in the opposite direction quickly. The little mouse ran faster and got into the elephant's trunk in one fell swoop.

Then the water exploded, pouring Kou Tong all over, the elephant and the little mouse were gone.

Kou Tong suddenly had a little interest in having fun. His spirit of entertainment regardless of time and occasion once again overcame the feeling of hardship and dominated Dr. Kou. He began to try the options given by the water gun one by one.

"Pig" is a sudden water blade that cuts off the trunk of the elephant, so the elephant becomes a pig. The "rope" option is pressed, and the elephant's trunk will be beaten like a rope for a knot, and the water mass will start to tangle in various ways, making a "crashing" sound, and the final result is still a burst of water.

Kou Tong entertained himself for a while, and suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind - the rope and... Knotted

He slowly raised the muzzle and fired a "rope" command at a vine above his head, then watched it as if it was stimulated by something, agitated, and then, like an elephant's trunk, slowly Slowly hit a section.

This is reliable!

Kou Tong sat up quickly—according to the rules of lovers, he chose one road, and the other road was automatically closed, so as long as the chosen road was tied into a knot like the trunk of an elephant, it would naturally go back to the previous one. The fork in the road, because the other road has been closed, the choice does not exist.

Kou Tong wanted to laugh three times, and decided that the first thing after returning home was to take Manman to have an ice cream hot pot. He had to order two, eat one and pack the other!

He got up from the ground whistling, put on his shoes, casually aimed at the choice on the right, and fired a "rope" command.

The sound of shaking came from the ground, and Kou Tong watched happily as the straight road was bent like a knotted rope, so he stepped in, and was relieved to hear the rumbling sound of the high wall rising behind him.

The miserable wind and bitter rain just now was turned into another world by a wall, and there was a slight light ahead.

Kou Tong walked forward happily. He knew that the next time he returned to this fork, the rules of the lover card were broken. No matter what the choice of this road was, it only took a short period of time. …

At this time, Kou Tong suddenly saw what was in the light not far away, and he lifted his footsteps as if he could no longer put them down.

There was a small medicine chest with an open lid, containing only an empty vial of quick-acting heart pills and nitroglycerin.

They lay there alone, like empty eyes.

At that moment, Kou Tong's hands and feet were cold, and every second in front of him seemed to be elongated and elongated, and his whole person seemed to be frozen into a portrait.

Suddenly, Kou Tong groaned and grasped the wound on his arm. The wound, which had been healing under Huang Jinchen's careful handling, seemed to have been slashed hard by someone with a knife. The wound suddenly became deep and bone was visible. Blood quickly emerged from between his fingers, dripping down the back of his muscular hand to the ground.

"I... need to go out now, yes... I'm going down this road." These words appeared in his mind, and then he walked out like a marionette.

The blood spilled all the way.

When the rules of the lover card failed without warning, Huang Jinchen realized that he was actually standing on the original path and walked a few steps forward. He raised his eyebrows, wondering which of his two companions was so magical. Vast, breaking the "lover" rule.

Huang Jinchen put down the gun in his hand, turned his head, and saw Yao Shuo on the other side, the crazy woman Qin Qin was farther away, looking at them with hatred, Kou Tong with his back against the wall, standing at the intersection. He immediately rushed over with a smile on his face: "Baby Tong Tong, let me tell you, I just saw a row of you dancing striptease in front of me, hey, I ran over without thinking, and the result..."

His steps stopped suddenly.

The corners of Kou Tong's coat were already wet with blood and turned scarlet.

"Kou Tong?"

Kou Tong looked up at him very slowly, his eyes were too distracting to take back, then his body swayed and suddenly fell down.

Huang Jinchen felt his breathing and heartbeat stop at the same time.

When he reacted, he had already caught Kou Tong's fallen body. He instinctively turned his gun and pointed at Qin Qin who was looking at them indifferently not far away.

Yao Shuo was taken aback by the two of them. Without thinking about it, he immediately jumped up and pressed Huang Jinchen's muzzle. Almost at the same time as he pressed the muzzle, Huang Jinchen pulled the trigger, and the bullets interfered with Yao Shuo. It missed and hit the wall next to Qin Qin, bounced, and fell to the ground against her body.

Huang Jinchen raised his head and glanced at Yao Shuo, his eyes almost made Yao Shuo's scalp go numb, he grabbed Huang Jinchen's collar and shouted, "Do you want to murder? Go out and want to eat in prison?"

Huang Jinchen's cheeks clenched, and the killing intent seemed to solidify, pointing directly at the man standing in front of him.

Yao Shuo's grip on his collar loosened involuntarily, he couldn't help but took a half step back, but he held back his face pale in the end, he pointed at Huang Jinchen and cursed angrily: "What the hell are you? Don't think about who you are? Are you a bandit or a drug dealer, if you say you kill someone, you will kill someone? Is the meat ball on your shoulder a nightpot?!"

A scream came from the air, and a bird-like woman flew down from above, grabbed Qin Qin's hand, pulled her up from the ground, and flew into the sky.

Yao Shuo keenly noticed that Huang Jinchen's hand with the gun moved, and he immediately felt blessed for some reason, and shouted into his ear: "The projector is made by Kou Tong, and if there is an accident, he will be jointly and severally responsible. A dead person, do you want to implicate him to death?!"

Huang Jinchen's eyes were fixed on the direction Qin Qin flew away, his eyes were always calm, looking at them as if he were looking at some dead thing, until they disappeared from sight.

Yao Shuo quickly took the opportunity to check what happened to Kou Tong's ancestor, and found that he had no other trauma except for the scary wound on his arm and the slightly bruised ankle exposed under the rolled-up trousers. It's just that his face was not good-looking, but his breathing was still stable, so he finally slowed down his voice and said to Huang Jinchen, "Let's take him home first and see if he needs to be sent to the hospital, or..."

Before he could finish his words, Huang Jinchen looked away, nodded to Yao Shuo, put the gun in his waist, bent down and hugged Kou Tong, carefully adjusted his posture, hugged him and strode back go.

Yao Shuo looked at the big sack that Huang Jinchen had thrown aside and forgot to handle.