Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 55: Abyss One


In the evening, Chang Dou fell asleep on the table in the ST base laboratory, and was suddenly pushed rudely awake. He opened his eyes in confusion and looked around for his glasses.

"Here." Wu Xiangxiang shoved the cold glasses into his hands and said solemnly, "Come here to see, it seems that something happened."

Chang Dou was stunned, rubbed his eyes hard, stood up in a hurry, and bumped into the leg of the table: "What's the matter?"

"It's a signal."

The research on the big boiler has always been in the bottleneck period. They all know the principle of this thing, but they opened it up in time and smashed it into pieces, but they couldn't figure out where Kou Tong and the others fell into. An impromptu program written by Dr. Kou, As long as it wasn't for the roundworm in his heart, it would be difficult to analyze where he improvised.

The disadvantage of the projector is obvious at this time - its internal structure is too complicated.

Even Kou Tong, the designer, could be trapped inside, but for more than ten days, a group of technicians who had participated in the maintenance or construction of projectors had no way to deal with it.

In short, the big boiler is a bottomless pit. Now they know that Kou Tong has fallen into it, but they can't see what the structure is inside. He grabbed the rope himself and climbed up.

Chang Dou was afraid that Kou Tong would not be able to receive the signal due to some unexpected reasons, so he never stopped scanning and signal transmission. Just now, the projector suddenly issued an early warning and forcefully stopped Chang Dou's signal intervention.

"What's the matter?" Chang Dou asked.

"There has been a change in a certain space, I don't know if it's a fault or a man-made one." Wu Xiangxiang was rarely serious, and then he turned to Chang Dou with the next sentence, "It's all your fault!"

Chang Dou widened his eyes.

"There is no reason to mutate, it must be that you scanned randomly, and the signal made the program inside recognize the fault!"

Chang Dou rolled his eyes, didn't even want to ignore him, and silently squatted down to check the possible cause of the malfunction.

At this moment, his phone rang, Chang Dou looked at it, and immediately became excited. It was Fang Xiu who called!

He picked it up almost tremblingly, and said tremblingly, "Hey..."

The other side was very noisy, as if there were many people searching for something, Fang Xiu explained something to the person next to him, and then said to him, "Changdou, you can come back from the base."

Blink often.

"We brought up an illegal Utopia den today and found the thing from it. Team Hu said that Yao Shuo's suspicion should be ruled out. We don't care if he has any other problems. You can withdraw from the base."

Chang Dou said: "But..."

Wu Xiangxiang heard their conversation with sharp ears, and showed her face as expected. This is the expression of an idiot who ran away when he got into trouble. Changdou's hand tightened while holding the phone.

"Huh?" Fang Xiu asked, "What else?"

Chang Dou pursed his lips: "Doctor Kou... What should he do?"

"Kou Tong?" Fang Xiu paused, "Don't worry about him, Kou Tong is a scourge, and the scourge has lasted for thousands of years, and he can't die."

"But… "

Fang Xiu had limited patience with him, he frowned, and his tone became a little hurried: "What's wrong?"

Chang Dou thought for a while, and said cautiously, "Can I... stay for two more days? It's just two days. Now there is a problem here, but it will be fixed quickly. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble to everyone on purpose. , in just two days, I think maybe we will reach the crux of the problem right away..."

His voice was getting smaller and smaller, he couldn't hear Fang Xiu's answer, and his heart became more and more empty. Chang Dou is like this. I don't know why, but I always have a little low self-esteem. I always need a lot of encouragement from others. When someone praises him, he can be happy for a long time.

Fang Xiu was silent, and often teased and thought to himself, it must be very embarrassing, and I have caused trouble for others again.

"I'm sorry, or I'd still..."

"You can stay there temporarily." Fang Xiu said suddenly.


"Let me tell Team Hu, there's nothing urgent recently, so I can give you two days off." After a short pause, Fang Xiu added, "Be tough outside, don't let that goatee pervert bully you all the time. ."

"Um... um!" Chang Dou suddenly felt full of power—power only when he likes someone.

"I don't think the fault was caused by the signal." Chang Dou hung up the phone, stood up, straightened his waist and said to Wu Xiangxiang.

Wu Xiangxiang sneered: "Hum hum hum, sophistry."

"It's not a quibble." Chang Dou frowned, "The signal I sent is a special recording signal in the projector. It does not affect the gamma tomography, and definitely does not affect the spatial synthesis mechanism of different dimensions. This is beyond doubt."

Wu Xiangxiang said: "You know..."

"This was left by Dr. Kou, do you question him?" Chang Dou asked aggressively, "You are not the inventor of the projector!"

Wu Xiangxiang's facial features are all wrinkled - Dr. Kou is his death point. He has always felt that Dr. Kou actually has a goatee, and must be forced to pretend to be an ordinary person for some inhumane private reasons.

Well, if Dr. Kou knows about it, he will be very pleased that he has such a curious admirer.

"So it should be caused by human factors." Chang Dou said, "We all know that the projection space will collapse due to the collapse of the consciousness of the space subject, but there is a chain mechanism that can lock the space and prevent this from happening."

"The chain mechanism is forbidden to use, you idiot!" Wu Xiangxiang rolled her eyes and shouted, "Dr. Kou said at that time that if the main body of consciousness collapsed and he was forced to stay in the space, it would definitely cause harm to himself, so there was no such thing as Set this option."

"Of course I know, but there is an accident!" Chang Dou also shouted, "Accidental, do you understand? In theory, when multiple consciousnesses are combined, there will be some kind of influence between them, and the projector cannot distinguish the consciousness of the two people. It can be clearly distinguished that they affect each other to a certain extent, and it is still a technical difficulty that is difficult to overcome, so the overlapping projection of multiple people is unstable, but even if it is a small probability event, it still exists.”

"So what?!" Wu Xiangxiang shouted back in a louder voice, as if the louder the voice, the more confident she was.

"So when a conscious subject is so powerful that it affects all the conscious subjects involved, there will be something like a chain mechanism between them, affecting each other, and locking the space to prevent it from collapsing, in a spatial dimension When it exists, drag the entire space into another dimension! Understand?!"

Wu Xiangxiang: "..."

Chang Dou rolled his eyes to the sky: "You idiot, I finally know that having a goatee has irreversible damage to the IQ development of primates."

Wu Xiangxiang was defeated.

"In a space where multiple consciousnesses overlap, there will inevitably be some collisions between conscious subjects, which is why Manman can always feel a lot of things in advance, and when a certain conscious subject's emotion is too strong, And among all the involved conscious subjects, there is a certain resonance to this overly strong emotion, which will cause the so-called chain mechanism." In the projector, Kou Tong explained to Huang Jinchen, "Yes, that's us. Current situation."

"and then?"

"Then the collapse of a conscious subject caused by too strong emotions will cause a chain reaction among all people, the space is locked by the chain mechanism, and a very special situation will occur. When a dimension exists, all consciousness The subject is dragged into another dimension."

Kou Tong stopped and said softly, "That is to say, in this world now, apart from the conscious subjects involved, no one is awake... because they all belong to another dimension."

Huang Jinchen noticed that Kou Tong's fingertips were trembling slightly. Kou Tong took a deep breath. After a while, he closed his eyes and opened them again, and said in a low voice, "I should have thought of it earlier."

"What should I do now?" Huang Jinchen asked, he suddenly realized that Kou Tong's mother... is not a living person, will she be... kept in another dimension forever? He couldn't help lowering his voice, for fear that a louder voice would frighten Kou Tong.

"We..." Kou Tong's lips turned blue, and the words below were stuck in his throat, so he couldn't say it.

"We..." He repeated again, and then smiled bitterly, closed his eyes again, and remained silent for a long time, his shoulders that had been straight were bent involuntarily.

"Let's go back." He finally finished this sentence, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he walked heavily towards the direction of home.

They opened the door, but the space sewn by the mirror was broken—because the mirror was broken several times, He Xiaozhi banged on the mirror frantically, crying hysterically, Manman was wearing a nightgown, curled up on the side with his knees on his back, and raised his head blankly. She started to look at Kou Tong, she seemed to express something, but Kou Tong couldn't hear it.

- No one can hear, jumped the dimension, she can no longer communicate with people through brain waves.

Kou Tong looked into the bedroom through her eyes. The immortal woman was like a lifeless puppet, lying there motionless, her face pale. Kou Tong felt that his feet were filled with lead. He walked over step by step, stared at her for a long time, and gently put his fingers under her breath, his heart suddenly became a mess.