Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 6: Lao Yao (1)


The two recovered from the high-difficulty three-legged 3P strenuous exercise on the beach against the steel beauties, rested for a night, and saw the legendary Lao Yao the next day.

Lao Yao is about the same age as General Zhong, and is extremely thin. Huang Jinchen looked at him coldly and found that he looked a bit like a big green mantis with a triangular face, but he didn't say it - after all, he and Kou Tong were wearing a virtuous white coat, and he felt that he had So a little bit of the meaning of beasts.

He still couldn't understand what the mystery was in the big boiler yesterday, what was the projector? Kou Tong said a series of theory combined with practice. To be honest, he was dizzy. Science fiction often said something like "getting into people's brains", "getting into people's dreams" and so on. Say no, space is real...but how can it be real

If it's true, why does Kou Tong have the final say over that leg

If it is true, then if the boat capsized in the gutter yesterday and was accidentally stuffed between the teeth of the girl with thin breasts and thighs, wouldn't it really only live in the hearts of comrades forever

And... If it's a space where consciousness intersects, why is there such a strange tower in it? Why is there a monster trapped in the tower

After the tower was smashed by the monster, it was a metaphor, why did Kou Tong hurriedly call up the controller to bring him out

Before he could regain his senses, he heard that Kou Tong was being reprimanded by Lao Yao yin and yang. The reason was that Dr. Kou was used to being informal, the top of the white coat was not properly buckled, and he had a lame leg. His style is very challenging to tradition. As a result, Lao Yao was not happy when he saw it at first sight. When he turned around, he asked General Zhong shamelessly: "This is from your department? Are the staff here just so free and unrestrained? I don't know the rules. Appearance? Young people these days... hey!"

With such a "hey" smile, Huang Jinchen looked at his facial expression and trembled in fear, for fear that he would suffer a stroke and facial paralysis.

Kou Tong has a good temper. After being stunned for a while, he raised his hand and fastened a series of buttons tightly, and then made a difficult salute with a cane: "Old Yao..."

He probably wanted to say a title similar to "Chief", but Yao Shuo sneered again, passed directly between Kou Tong and Huang Jinchen, took off his gloves, and threw it gently to the side: "I said, Comrade researcher. , you don't do this, who out of your base is not of a higher level than me? My useless old thing is afraid of losing my life."

Huang Jinchen frowned, just about to open his mouth, when he turned his head, Kou Tong, the three-legged man who was on the ground somehow, moved a little faster than him, and turned around and flashed in front of him, still with the expression of a lucky cat with a spring breeze on his face. , his face is as immobile as a mountain, as if it was honed in the customer service department of China Mobile Unicom.

Before he had time to admire, he saw Kou Tong turned around and lowered his voice and said in his ear: "If you want to do our job, the first trick you need to practice is not to fight back, not to scold."

Huang Jinchen was speechless, his face full of interest. Kou Tong sighed inwardly when he saw it, thinking about this Huang Jinchen, but he was really an uncle who came out to experience life when he had nothing to spare.

Then Kou Tong glanced at General Zhong, and General Zhong was shocked, and always felt that Kou Tong's eyes were very meaningful.

A long time ago, there was a saying in the base - don't be afraid of Kou Tong being a hooligan, just be afraid of Kou Tong being serious. General Zhong suddenly had an ominous premonition. He felt that Dr. Kou was beginning to be serious, and he suddenly had a headache.

The four of them went straight to the "big boiler". Yao Shuo frowned and looked up at the most advanced instrument in the world. He didn't mean to pay homage at all, and he was rather disgusted. Saying that everyone in this base is higher than him, facing Kou Tong, he still looks like a bossy senior: "Tell me, what is this thing for?"

"It's a simulated training ground." Kou Tong supported the pair of flat glasses on his face, and smiled quite bookily, "It's such an old chief, you know, ST base is not under emergency preparations, Usually used as a training ground, so we wanted to…”

Lao Yao interrupted Kou Tong again, as if he deliberately did not let Kou Tong finish a sentence, without looking at General Zhong's face, he compared his thumb to himself and said, "Of course I know that, You have a high level of secrecy, that's it, you won't show your face until the critical moment, unlike us soldiers, who have to throw their heads and shed their blood wherever there is a natural disaster, it's worthless."

Huang Jinchen watched the excitement from the corners and corners, thinking that this big mantis was here to beat him today.

What Lao Yao said was very wrong, and even General Zhong's face was not good-looking. Secretly, he said that the base was noble and glamorous and did not work, and would not show up until the last moment. The base is really a place for raising uncles. When these "uncles" are at their most dangerous, they have to die. He said this in front of General Zhong, the head of the base who had just recovered a small life from the hospital. It hurts people's feelings too much.

Kou Tong pretended not to understand, turned his back to them to adjust the equipment, turned his head and said to Lao Yao, "Old Chief, please bring your weapons and stand here, Jin Chen, come here, General Zhong, please step back. "

Yao Shuo hesitated for a moment: "Do you want to bring your own weapon?"

When he turned his head, he saw that Huang Jinchen had taken off the white coat that had bound him for a long time. Inside was a tight jacket, like an arms dealer, with a pistol hanging on his waist and a sniper rifle on his back.

Realizing that he was being watched by a group, Huang Jinchen imitated Kou Tong's appearance and squeezed out a gentle smile: "You can just be like me."

For some reason, he felt Yao Shuo's cheeks twitch again.

However, after entering the projection space, Huang Jinchen realized that he seemed to be nervous this time. According to Kou Tong, the consciousness of the two of them was blocked by the machine this time, and what they entered was completely Yao Shuo's consciousness projection space.

It can be said that people are more popular than people. Huang Jinchen looked at the high-rise buildings and neon streets in front of him. Compared with the experience of the previous day, he felt that he finally understood the gap between developed and developing countries.

There are still people coming and going on this street. There is a sweet smell of dessert shops in the air. There is a crossroad in front of it, and behind it is a huge billboard and a large villa area. There are many luxury cars and beauties entering and leaving. , all kinds of women with fragrant temples and handsome men pass them by, just like a group of celebrities.

Yao Shuo just came back to his senses. At this time, he pointed at the traffic light that had just been changed and sneered at Kou Tong: "This is the simulated training ground you said? What is the training content, eat, drink and have fun?"

Kou Tong said without blushing: "That's why our equipment needs to be debugged, and sometimes there will be all kinds of confusion due to the different qualities of the entrants - Jin Chen and I accidentally fell into it during the test yesterday. In a sea, it was chased out by a big octopus. That's why we are cheeky and asked General Zhong to contact you and some other friends to help through some personal relationships. "

Yao Shuo waved his hand: "Okay, okay, can you go out?"

"Not for the time being. In order to keep the equipment stable, there is a certain maximum and shortest time to control entry and exit." This Kou Tong said nonsense and didn't even type drafts. He could pretend to be better than his undercover agent, Huang Jinchen thought in amazement.

Yao Shuo snorted, turned and walked down the street, walking straight to a cafe.

Huang Jinchen took the opportunity to hide the murder weapon on his body, dragged Kou Tong, who was already on the ground, and walked behind, asking business questions: "Didn't you say we were blocked, why are your legs better?"

"The meaning of our being shielded is that as a fixed parameter, some simple settings can be made - for example, I think it is very unlikely that we will directly enter the battlefield of two Iraq, so I set a box for the gun you carry."

"I still don't quite understand the mechanics of the projector."

"The operation of the human brain is extremely complex. Many people may not only be unable to control their thoughts, but also not even realize what they are really thinking - of course, I am not talking about a specially trained person like you." Kou Tong and Yao Shuo maintained At a certain distance, he followed behind and lowered his voice to explain patiently to Huang Jinchen, "In the human mind, we don't know how much work is being done at the same time. Based on this, it is difficult for us to connect the consciousness of two people, and it will be extremely confusing."

Huang Jinchen nodded hurriedly.

Kou Tong went on to say: "So by using special space technology, we use the projector, not to let you enter someone's mind, but to materialize this thought and synthesize a complete, with some special rules. The space, by adjusting the frequency, coincides with our real space. In this way, the client and our staff can enter this space together.”

Huang Jinchen hurriedly asked, "Who came up with the big monster we met yesterday? I don't have one."

Kou Tong said patiently: "I didn't either. That is some kind of result of the coincidence of our two subconscious minds. What does it mean? I lack parameters, so it's hard to say. Unscientific. In addition, the consciousness projection of a single person is relatively clear, and there will be unified rules and logic in it, but it is very difficult to say that the consciousness projections of multiple people overlap, and sometimes it is very unstable.”

"Then... in case when we work in the future, we also encounter the unfriendly friendship cameo of the big girl yesterday. It's really honorable. Are you a martyr?"

Amused Kou Tong: "Don't worry, you won't die. The projector is in non-death mode."

Huang Jinchen frowned, his expression a little confused.

"Let's make an analogy." Kou Tong drew an orthogonal coordinate axis on his hand, "Do you understand this thing?"

Huang Jinchen nodded, saying that even if he entered the big social class early, he still received basic education: "The math teacher said this when I was a child, isn't it an x-axis and a y-axis?"

Kou Tong said: "Yes, it's almost the same, whatever the axis is called - if every point on the vertical axis can be mapped to the horizontal axis in some way, for example, two One-half, then if the interval on the vertical axis is one to two, then the horizontal axis is one-half to one, right?"

Huang Jinchen nodded. After a while, he suddenly realized that he said, "Oh, so after the projection is over, it will be a bit less than before. For example, the reel of blowing the lamp and pulling out the wax will be pinched and will not be broadcast, right?"

"That's it."

"Then what are we running for?"

Kou Tong smiled: "If you don't hang it on the wall, it doesn't mean you can't die in the space, but the default mode of death here is that the space is forcibly destroyed, and to be honest, the taste of dying is not so comfortable. ."

Huang Jinchen was eager to try it, intending to be curious.

Kou Tong pretended not to see it, quickened his pace, and secretly said to Huang Jinchen: "Come on, the old thing was fooled by me, let's follow him, this is his own projection of consciousness, although he doesn't know it, he instinctively know where to go.”