Itinerant Doctor

Chapter 9: Lao Yao (four)


Kou Tong said, "What did you say?"

Huang Jinchen thought about it for a while, and didn't know why he suddenly felt so uncomfortable when he came up with such a sentence. He felt a little talkative, so he scratched his hair, but thought again, and asked all the questions. That's fine, so he said, "It's nothing... The main thing is that I see that the two of you are always flirting with each other."

"Is it like this?" Kou Tong took off his beast-like glasses, and stunned Huang Jinchen with his smiling eyes. "I have a lot of friends, and they add up to a table of Three Kingdoms Killing. Would you like to come?"

Huang Jinchen immediately looked Kou Tong up and down, and said with a big smile, "No problem, I can have this!"

Kou Tong: "Huang Jiyou!"

Huang Jinchen: "Friend Koji!"

Then Huang Jinchen opened his arms, turned his face to the side, and smiled like a bright spring dog's tail flower: "Come on, Jiyou, have a mouth!"

Kou Tong leaned on crutches, walked out staggeringly, passed him calmly and calmly, and said like a dog: "This style is too unrestrained, it's not good, since I'm a conservative person, it's not as good as us Start by learning from each other and making progress together.”

Huang Jinchen watched him walk out with a deep foot and a shallow foot, and he had to hold his chest up, as if a red heart could illuminate Kyushu, he felt deeply entertained, and burst into laughter.

After he finished laughing, he realized that Kou Tong had no idea where he had gone, and Huang Jinchen just remembered that Dr. Kou had left the key question to him and didn't ask anything!

So the very active gossip heart in his chest was ignited with fighting spirit, and he felt as if he was suddenly possessed by the elder sister-in-law and the little wife who had three mice and four eyes in the streets and alleys, and developed a strong interest in the love history of Dr. Kou.

Kou Tong returned to his room and replayed all the footage captured by the surveillance system. While watching, he took notes on the paper, with flat eyes hanging on his chest, and some neglected hair hanging down on his forehead. When I got down, the longest strand could already be on the bridge of my nose.

The video lasted for more than an hour. Kou Tong replayed it seven or eight times from beginning to end. Occasionally, he would stop and study on a certain screen for a long time. When he was almost finished, he realized that it was very late. It was completely dark, and he got up all the time, with a "clack" sound on his back, which was sore and uncomfortable.

He tapped twice on the table with his pen finger, then took out the phone and dialed a number.

After two calls, a man answered the phone and said in a lazy tone, "Huh? Is it Dr. Kou?"

"Yes," Kou Tong narrowed his eyes and smiled, throwing the pen in his hand aside, "I didn't wake you up from someone's bed, did I?"

"What do you think?" The man seemed to be deliberately laughing in an unusually sexy voice, "What's the matter with me?"

"I want to ask you about someone." Kou Tong took out a photo of Yao Shuo. The person in the photo had a very serious expression. Facing the camera, his face was tensed and he didn't have a smile at all. It was probably because he was getting older and his cheeks were a little bit darker. The relaxation made his cheekbones protrude a little, and the corners of his mouth were pressed down, looking a bit mean, "Have you heard of Yao Shuo?"

"Yao Shuo?" The man paused, "Well... I seem to have some impressions, wait a moment."

There was a low voice of conversation on the other end of the phone, Kou Tong was not in a hurry, he waited with the phone in hand, and pointed his finger on a small line of words, "voluntary request to step back to the second line", he thought about it, and then "voluntarily" two more. The words underlined lightly.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and Dr. Kou, who was one-legged, had to jump over with one leg to open it. He saw Huang Jinchen standing there with a plastic bag in his hand. After leaving the house, he pushed away a lot of messy things on his table, opened the bag that he brought, and a smell of food came out. Kou Tong touched his stomach, and actually felt a little hungry.

The man on the phone didn't make him wait too long. After a while, he told him, "I'll find someone to check it for you tomorrow, and then send you the specific information."

Huang Jinchen looked at him with a soft smile and said "Okay", put down the phone, and the fire of gossip suddenly ignited again: "Ma Zi? Jiyou?"

Dr. Kou sat down with a knife, rubbed his hands, took a chicken leg very proudly, and winked at Huang Jinchen happily: "What do you think?"

Huang Jinchen Xizi held his heart and said, "You're so heartless!"

Kou Tong quickly expressed his intentions, and said vaguely: "Don't be friends, in fact, the person I like the most is you."

Huang Jinchen blinked.

Kou Tong hastily wiped the oil on his mouth and said, "Because you brought me something delicious."

Huang Jinchen was silent, feeling that his class friendship with Dr. Kou was actually only built on a fat chicken leg.

He moved a chair, sat next to Kou Tong, reached out and turned over the messy notes Kou Tong made, and saw that in the middle of a series of dense and unintelligible nouns, Kou Tong used a black pen to write a word in the middle, I also drew a circle on the periphery, as if the key point was: mid-life crisis.


"What does this mean?" Huang Jinchen asked.

"Well, literally." Kou Tong's cheeks were bulging, and the speed of destroying food was astonishingly fast. I wonder if he missed dinner and got hungry. He moved his fingers together and swept the thousands of troops like a swarm. "When some people reach a certain age, they have more and more responsibilities, but they are more and more physically incapable, their careers may enter a plateau, or they may begin to decline. Because of their good face, they are more inclined to avoid other people's evaluations. Indulge in the glory of the past, the ability to accept new things is reduced, the ability to learn is reduced... How can there be peppers in this?"

Huang Jinchen said, "Let's eat it, what's wrong with it - listen to what you mean, that old Yaotou who is talking about it, just because of this shit?"

"When menopause meets adolescence, people of this age may be tired of the constant family life, or poor communication will cause tension in the parent-child relationship, so there will be dual pressures from family and career. Due to his too strong self-esteem, even his The pressure is beyond the ability to bear, and there is no desire to talk or ask for help, but it turns into an extreme desire for self-protection."

After listening to it, Huang Jinchen thought about it carefully, and felt that it really made sense, so he nodded slowly: "Don't say it, it's really a bit of a trick, it's not completely fooling people."

Kou Tong spit out the chicken bones, trying not to leave any meat residue on it, and throwing it out would not take advantage of the dog, so he glanced at Huang Jinchen in his busy schedule, thinking to himself what he was asking about, this big man could be true. Are you planning to change careers

Huang Jinchen was named in the ST base. In order to prevent him from disrupting the normal work of the base, General Zhong gave him a shove to him as if he were a partner. Of course, he could not be expected to do anything serious.

In the past few days, Huang Jinchen has also been in a state of enthusiastic onlookers, watching the fun and doing nothing.

Kou Tong knew that he was more confused now, like a string that was tensed all the time, suddenly relaxed, there was really no other way but to tremble for a while.

Huang Jinchen has no goals and no beliefs in his life. The coolness in his eyes actually comes from indifference - nothing and no one can arouse his interest. life, but could not find a new way of life.

Kou Tong thought for a while, and felt that he had almost eaten, so he bent down, took out two bottles of beer like magic from the small cabinet under the table, and skillfully rubbed the mouth of the bottle under Huang Jinchen's teasing eyes. , he rubbed off the lids of the two bottles of beer, and then he opened the drawer again, took out a bag of oily fried peanuts from under a pile of serious documents, tore the plastic package and threw it on the table.

"Come on, let's have a drink and talk."

Huang Jinchen unceremoniously picked up the beer bottle and took a gulp: "Fuck it, it's so cool! Where did it come from?"

Kou Tong grinned and whispered, "Hidden, no alcohol in the base, keep a low profile - come, let me tell you about the Yao Shuo case, what we have mastered so far..."

So that night, Huang Jinchen, who was full of food and drink and listened to the case analysis class on the combination of theory and practice, simply stayed at Kou Tong's place.

Kou Tong has a bad habit of sleeping later than a dog and getting up earlier than a chicken.

When the genius was bright, he felt that he woke up vaguely, and before he opened his eyes, he vaguely saw a cloud of white fog. Kou Tong watched for a while in front of Bai Wu, feeling very helpless - this scene was too uncreative and too familiar. He seemed to have become a skilled worker, so he reached out and grabbed a handful in boredom. Bai Wu was like a Like a ball of cotton, it was pulled into his hand with a cocoon and silk, and it was pinched into a rabbit shape and a bun shape.

Behind the white fog, a mirror slowly appeared. An identical Kou Tong, who was holding the white fog, sat there and looked at it through the magical reflection without saying a word. There was no smile on his face. The eyes looked a little cold for no reason.

Both the person in the mirror and the person outside the mirror are in a large darkness, only the flat glasses for radiation protection hanging on his chest reflect a little faint light, the milky white light seems to only cover on himself. Kou Tong took a deep breath and smiled at the mirror, but the person in the mirror was still indifferent.

Kou Tong's smile slowly cooled down. He stretched out his finger and touched the mirror lightly, as if he had touched a layer of water. With a slight movement, the ripples spread out.

The shadow of the person inside was blurred, but after a while, the mirror surface calmed down, and he was still sitting there like a statue, his long, shimmering eyes quietly looking at the person outside the mirror, like a cold-eyed outsider. .

Kou Tong sighed, then he stood up, lifted the stool under his buttocks very skillfully, smashed the mirror hard, and the mirror shattered—he seemed to have repeated this action a thousand times before throwing it down. The stool, without looking at the silhouettes reflected in the fragments, strode to a darker place.

Violent light poured in, Kou Tong finally opened his eyes, and saw a faint whiteness in the dim sky light, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little cold, and most of his body had no quilt - it was snatched by Huang Jinchen.

Kou Tong rubbed his face and sat up, feeling a little stiff in his sleep.