Jade Moon

Chapter 31: Extra episode [30]


Originally going back from Xuanri Hall, it was a straight green brick road, but Xiang Yi turned around the corridor, and this time it took a long detour. The sky has just revealed some light, the sun has not yet come out, the sky is extremely thin blue-gray, it looks like a thin kiln vase, faintly revealing the meaning of clouds. Along both sides of the winding path, there are flower stands built, leading the vines and walking the vines. The wind blows and the dew drips. Xi'er is afraid that Xiangyi will catch the cold, so she whispers: "Miss, let's go back and have a rest. It's been almost a day." All night."

Xiangyi was blown by the wind, and felt much refreshed. She raised her head to look at the sky, and said, "Don't sleep anymore, it's almost dawn."

Going back to the upper room to wash, Xi'er waited for her to change her clothes again and was combing her hair when the inner officer suddenly came to report: "The prince is back, I will go to see the young master later, I am afraid that I will come to the princess soon."

Sure enough, after a while, Prince Yu came in, told her a few words about the young master's condition, and read the prescription drawn up by the imperial physician, because it was already the time, so he changed into the court clothes and wanted to go to the court, Xiangyi looked at three or four A servant girl knelt there to change his clothes, and suddenly said: "When will the prince leave?"

Prince Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was asking him when he would leave for Shangyuan, so he replied: "Qin Tianjian picked an auspicious time and will leave Beijing tomorrow."

Xiang Yi bowed his head and thought for a while, then asked: "If the prince is fine, can you come back earlier today?"

Prince Yu hesitated for a moment, but immediately agreed to her.

In the months since they got married, she had never specifically begged him for anything, so he kept it in his heart. It just so happened that there were few things to do this day, when the court came down, the cabinet discussed a few important matters and then dispersed. Although Prince Yu had a few irrelevant entertainments, he casually pushed them away and went straight back home. Unexpectedly, just after passing the sedan chair, before walking out of the palace gate, an internal official chased after him, calling only "Prince" repeatedly.

When Prince Yu heard the voice in the sedan chair, he knew it was Qin Song, the internal official of Ciyi Hall, and immediately ignored it. Qin Song chased after him, holding on to the pole of the sedan chair panting, walking all the way, all the way through the window of the sedan chair, he said: "The lord... the lord is only a poor slave... If the lord walks away like this, the heads of the slaves will be hard to protect... the lord..." Because of the sedan chair Husband walked fast, Qin Song only panted and begged, "My lord... I beg you to say something... My lord will not look at the face of the monk, but also at the face of the Buddha..." Gritting his teeth, he said, "Is it true that the lord? Have you ignored him for the rest of your life?"

When Prince Yu heard his last words in the sedan chair, his heart sank and he finally stopped. The sedan chair came down slowly, Qin Song smiled openly, stepped forward to open the curtain of the sedan chair, and said, "I know that the prince is most considerate of the slaves."

On weekdays, the Hall of Ciyi is burning with high-quality aloe incense, which is faint and faint. Qin Song led him into the Nuan Pavilion, and retreated quietly. In the Nuan Pavilion, it was quiet, only Cui Wan waited in front of the curtain, saw him, silently bowed his knees and saluted, opened the curtain for him, and waited for him to enter. Also quietly withdrew.

Behind the double curtain are eighteen red sandalwood lacquer screens, engraved with gold and jade, flowers and birds, figures, colorful and beautiful. He went around the screen, the curtains were layered, and he could faintly see the eight-treasure gums deep in the curtains. Although there was no incense in the room, there was a delicate fragrance, as if it could eat bones. He sat down in front of the Pear Blossom Table, took the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, sipping it silently.

The tea was already lukewarm, but it tasted bitter and astringent in the mouth, just as he was in a trance, he suddenly felt a faint fragrance, and sure enough, a pair of plain hands stretched out and said with a smile: "This tea is cold, please be careful to hurt your stomach, my lord."

He casually put the cup on the table, and said indifferently: "I'm here too, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Rushuang chuckled, because she just got up from her afternoon nap, she was only wearing a plain gauze gown, and she didn't have a comb, her long hair fell like black jade on the silver gauze gown, which made her look so perfect that she didn't wear makeup With a clear face, the eyes are brighter and the teeth are brighter, and there is still a girlish charm. Her eyes were full of tears: "So you are still angry? If I had known, I would not have sent someone to invite you in. I will talk about it when you are no longer angry." Seeing that he ignored her, she sighed quietly and said, "I thought It's nothing important, that's why I didn't wake you up, if you blame me for this, you will be wronged." Seeing that he still remained silent, he said again, "Actually, I have something serious to discuss with you, so tomorrow you will I'm leaving, since you're worried, why don't you take her to Shangyuan, so that you won't be suspicious of me."

Only then did Prince Yu take a look at her: "She is an honest person, don't think about it."

"Yo," Rushuang couldn't help laughing again, "I just plotted against you once, and you took me as a villain to guard against. She is an honest person, if she was honest, why would she send people around to look for you in the middle of the night ?”

Prince Yu stood up suddenly, Rushuang suddenly stretched out her arms, and wrapped her arms around his neck, the light gauze sleeves were pulled down, revealing a pair of ivory-like jade arms, wrapped around his neck like cream. Prince Yu said angrily: "Let go quickly, if people see it, what will happen?"

She became stubborn: "I won't let you go. If she misses you for a day, she can find you. You just need to protect her. I'm living hard in this palace. When did you think about it for me? It's been two or three months , I finally came here last night, and got up in the morning and lost my temper because of a trivial matter." As he spoke, tears began to fall, and Prince Yu was about to pull her hand away, but just as he pinched her wrist, he heard She said "Aiyo". Xiumei frowned slightly, as if in pain, he looked down, and saw a circle of black and blue on that jade-like wrist, it looked really scary. But this morning, he had an argument with her, and when he walked away, he forcibly broke her hand away. After all, he was the one who hurt her too much by exerting too much force. Rushuang buried her face in his chest, sobbing like a child. Prince Yu felt his lapel was slightly cold, presumably her tears had soaked his clothes, he sighed, and finally did not push her away.

Because the days of autumn were short, it was already dark in a short while, and the lamp was passed on in the palace. Xi'er waited on Xiangyi for dinner. Seeing Xiangyi sitting alone at the table, staring at the lamp in a daze, she couldn't help asking: "Miss, are you still doing needlework tonight?"

Xiang Yi described it as lazy: "Forget it, go to bed earlier."

So Xi'er took people to make the bed and put up the curtains. Xiang Yi was someone who was worried. After tossing and turning for a long time, she fell asleep dimly. I didn't sleep well this time, it was hazy as if it was dawn, I was alone in the garden, surrounded by flowers and trees, but I didn't even see a person, and Xi'er was not around, thinking in my heart, where is this girl going? Be naughty. Thinking like this all the way, walking along the gravel path all the way, walking, a man suddenly appeared from the other side of the rockery barrier, which frightened her, Ding Qing took a closer look, it was Prince Yu. Only then did she lose her heart, and she went up to meet her and called "Your Highness", who would have thought that Prince Yu would draw his sword and stab her in the chest without saying a word. The sword had passed through her chest, and she screamed in pain: "My lord!"

"Princess! Concubine!"

Xi'er called her several times before she gradually woke up. It turned out to be Nankey Yimeng. The pillow was already wet from crying, and her chest was still aching. She didn't know whether it was a dream or not. Xi'er poured a cup of tea, and she ate it slowly, only then did she feel able to regain her composure. Xi'er said: "What's wrong with the princess? It seems like a nightmare."

She sighed, and Xi'er said again: "Didn't the lord just send Zhang Haishan back with a letter from home yesterday? Don't worry too much about the wangfei. In a few days, the lord will be back."

Yes, in a few days, he should be back.

Thinking about it this way, my heart gradually settled down.