
Chapter 13: I am hard


Today’s weather is clear and windy. To be honest, it’s very suitable for shooting this kind of beach advertisement. Even because the sun is too good, the surrounding area has been cleared early. There is no one on the nearby beach, and the sea water is much quieter and purer. The sun shines directly into the seabed, and the sea water is actually a bit cleaner than before.

There is a small wind blowing slightly, and there are seabirds quacking above the head, gliding from time to time, adding a bit of agility and vitality to the photographic image.

On the beach, the director was wearing a big-brimmed hat. He was half-squatting in the sea, holding a cucumber covered in underwear in one hand and a fish tank in the other. He slowly sank the fish tank into the water, and soon the tentacles of the small jellyfish followed the current. After drifting out of the fish tank, the director whispered while shaking his panties and cucumbers: "Quick! See this? Come and entangle this! Quick! Quick!!"

Hua Ji could hardly bear to look directly at such a stupid director. He told the director that the little jellyfish could definitely achieve the shooting effect. After thinking about it, he held back. Give it a try!

He watched helplessly as the little jellyfish floated out of the fish tank, watched helplessly as the little jellyfish dashed towards the cucumber that kept shaking panties, and watched as the long, barbed tentacles swished like lightning, rubbing The panty cucumber goes through the director's arm and hits Huanglong somewhere in the jeans! !

Director: "Ahhhh!!"

Hua Ji: "… "

Hua Ji held his forehead with his hand, the jellyfish was too ruthless, people don't care about panties and cucumbers, and people directly entangled the director's baby brother and pulled hard... It's really miserable.

Jellyfish: Let him despise me!

The director almost subconsciously threw out his panties and cucumbers, let go of the fish tank, jumped straight up in a squatting position, and jumped out of the water, swooping towards the beach like a frog = =

Everyone was frightened by the director's magical skills. The manufacturer lowered his head in disbelief and said to the assistant, "Good work! This is how real people don't show their faces!!"

His assistant nodded again and again, and even took out a small notebook from his arms, and deliberately drew two horizontal lines on the director's name = =

The director fell back to the beach in the pose of a ninja frog. Everyone was startled at first. The director's assistant was the one who responded the fastest. The assistant hurried up and tried to help the director up, but the director said with an extremely frightened expression, "Let me go. Farther away! Farther away!! Don’t irritate the jellyfish!!”

Only then did the assistant realize that the director's posture was very beautiful, with his legs wide open, where the exposed place... Well, the seemingly petite jellyfish tightly wrapped around the director's baby, this, this...

The assistant said tactfully, "I'll call 120!"

The manufacturer said smoothly: "Wazi fights 120 animals to see a doctor, and if you attack wild creatures, you still need to call the police! 110!"

The manufacturer's assistant made up for the knife by the way: "You can also call 119!"

Hua Ji couldn't stand it any longer. He strode forward, kicked the director's assistant who was in a hurry with one hand, and turned the director to the ground with the other hand!

Everyone around: Wow! !

The director fell on his back, Hua Ji stepped forward and sat on the director's chest, directly reaching out to touch the little jellyfish, looking at the little jellyfish that was about to touch a baby brother, the little jellyfish suddenly stretched out a tentacle and snapped. He patted the back of Hua Ji's hand.

The people around exclaimed: wow! Brother Hua was stung by a jellyfish? Really want to call 120! !

Hua Ji didn't change his face, he said like a child: "Dear, come down, you like to stay on other people's dick so much?"

The director is about to collapse, how can this be useful? He just coaxed jellyfish like this, what happened? As a result, he was attacked! !

Who would have thought that as soon as Hua Ji's voice fell, the jellyfish loosened, and it slid onto Hua Ji's arm like a snake. Hua Ji got up, but the director didn't respond for a while, he twisted on his back on the beach , Huh, is a certain sense of restraint that made him indescribable gone

The manufacturer paced and stood beside the director and said with a smile: "What? Do you really want to have a hot blowjob?"

The director turned over and immediately turned over. He looked down at his jeans, which were actually smashed by the long tentacles of the jellyfish = =

What the hell is a jellyfish? Stronger than a steel whip! !

He looked at the jellyfish in Hua Ji's hand with a complicated expression, Hua Ji coughed and asked, "Do you want to try?"

The director gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I have to try."

But this time he instructed Hua Ji to experiment. Hua Ji had a dark face, holding the panty cucumber in one hand and placing it in front of the jellyfish, and said angrily: "You have to be gentle..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a black shadow flashing in front of Jellyfish's eyes, and with a swish, the panties, including the cucumber, were torn in half.

Hua Ji: "… "

Until now, no one has seen the long milky tentacles waving in the air.

Everyone was silent.

After a while, the director said slowly, "Let's use crabs."

The director thought very well, but for some reason, no matter what aquatic creatures come over, crabs, sea cockroaches, shells, sea urchins, these creatures will flee in panic as long as they approach the nearby waters.

The director was puzzled: "How do these crabs run so fast? When did the sea urchins grow legs?"

The owner of the fish shop who followed the sea creatures said: "General creatures don't do this, unless there are things nearby that make these little guys scared. For example, when sharks come, there will be no fish swimming in the nearby waters."

The director was taken aback for a moment, something that made these creatures feel terrified...

He subconsciously looked at the jellyfish in Hua Ji's hand, and then shook his head again, no, the jellyfish is just a low-level creature, it doesn't even have a brain, and some people even say that jellyfish can't even distinguish colors, only Knowing how to float and float in the water, how can it be possible to deter other creatures from being around

In order to verify his point of view, the director asked the owner of the fish shop to send a big turtle over.

Don't turtles eat jellyfish, so it should be fine, right

Hua Ji saw that this was not the way, he said, "Don't call the director a turtle, let's try again."

The director stared deeply at Hua Ji and said in a low voice, "Hua Zai, are you not afraid that this thing will give you that... click away?"

Hua Ji's mouth twitched: "Don't worry, I'm hard!!"

The director took a deep breath and patted Hua Ji on the shoulder with admiration: "Huazi, what a man!!"

He also doesn't want to delay the time, and one day's worth of wages will be charged for one day's delay!


Sunshine, sand, sea, coconut trees and… Countless people swimming and playing in the sea.

Just at this moment, a big wave came, and a small transparent jellyfish seemed to fall into the sea with the wave.

The water near the beach was turbid due to the constant running and swimming of people. In the joyous room, the transparent little jellyfish stretched out its hideous black hands.


Group Actor A screamed.

the second!

Group Actor B screamed again.

The third!

Group Actor C stumbled into the water.

The crowd on the beach became terrified, and they all ran back to the shore. Only a handsome black-haired man was still swimming in the sea, with white streaks in the waves, and his muscles were very beautiful.

Someone yelled at the beach: "There is something in the sea, come back quickly!"

The handsome black-haired guy jumped out of the sea, splashing all over the place. He stepped on the beach, stretched out his hand and tugged at his swimming trunks, showing off the logo on the swimming trunks. There was also a jellyfish hanging outside the swimming trunks. , shaken, the jellyfish was shaken on the beach by it.

The handsome black-haired guy raised his head, wiped his hair, and showed a hot smile, his contemptuous little eyes almost instantly killed all the men on the beach.

"I have ##pants, invulnerable!"

The group ABC immediately got to the camera and made a wow-wow expression at the same time, so the commercial was over.

As soon as the director called the card, Hua Ji immediately bent down and picked up the jellyfish and put it into the shallow water, for fear that he would be dehydrated.

The director here watched the film once and nodded with satisfaction. He said to several group performers: "You guys did a good job this time!" He pointed to the scene of screaming on the screen: "Look, you do with this expression. It's very in place, and the emotion in the eyes is very rich!"

The group performers wanted to cry without tears: "Who is acting like that! It really hurts!!"

The director clenched his legs subconsciously, and skipped the topic awkwardly: "Okay, the jellyfish scene is over, come and come and make up a few more shots to end it!"

At the end of the day's shooting, Hua Ji left with the fish tank in his arms.

In the fish tank, the ups and downs of jellyfish suddenly said coldly, "Is there anything else going on?"

Hua Ji was stunned: "It's gone for now. By the way, I asked someone to make a film about the memory crystal ball you gave me last time. I want more people to see the birth of this planet..."

He looked at the little jellyfish in the fish tank: "Do you agree to the release?"

The jellyfish greatly raised the small umbrella cover. Maybe it was an illusion. Hua Ji always felt that the jellyfish was watching him deeply.

After a while, Jellyfish said: "Let's show it publicly. It took billions of years for Blue Star to grow, but it only takes a century to destroy it."

Hua Ji was stunned.

Jellyfish was very reluctant to talk about this issue, he said: "I will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow, and I will temporarily withdraw the consciousness of this little jellyfish."

Hua Ji said: "Well, you should work hard for the exam."

the day after tomorrow? It seems that the little girl He Baiyu is still playing with Mrs. Baimei

Oh! Happy to hear it! Book a ticket in no time! Go give the jellyfish a test!