
Chapter 7: Ah


Hua Ji was heartbroken after being issued a good card by a chicken.

He ate the black pepper beef fillet rice bowl silently, feeling extremely depressed, the little rooster next to him didn't pay attention to Hua Ji's mood at all, and was still talking about the Shenbao Club exam in BlaBla.

Yes, the little rooster Ji Hong also went to B City to take the exam of the Shenbao Club, and strived to pass the test once to get the social relations such as the household registration ID card, academic resume and so on.

Hua Ji said casually: "Then you don't have an ID card yet? How did you buy the train ticket?"

"My friend who went down the mountain two years ago specially issued a fake certificate." Ji Hong said carelessly: "He heard that I was going to go down the mountain to take the test, so he helped me to get an ID card so that I could go to City B by car."

He said happily: "Fortunately, he helped, otherwise I would have flown all the way."

Hua Ji almost spit out the rice after hearing this. Who said roosters can't fly? Cock sperm can do it! !

The little cock is still babbling about the exam with him.

"I don't know if the exam questions of the Shenbao Club this year are difficult or not. It is said that last year was particularly difficult, and basic spoken English was added. I don't plan to go abroad. Why do I take the English test?"

Hua Ji knew a little about this.

In these years, opening to the outside world is popular. Not only the flower-growing country should be opened, but the cows, ghosts, gods and snakes of the flower-growing country must also keep pace with the times, and be in line with the messy forces abroad. There are priests, Jehovah and vampires in other countries. No matter how the officials of the flower-growing country want to ignore the goblins , In the face of foreign non-scientific creatures and abilities, they have to use the abilities of monsters.

Daomen? Oh, Daoist disciples are really good, but they have principles in their work, and monks don't kill. If they encounter some gray problems, the officials must ask spirits to take action.

So a serious question was born. The monsters don't understand the language of birds. How can they be in line with international standards

don't know? Then no ID card! Exam is required! !

After listening to Hua Ji's explanation, the little rooster said with emotion: "It's hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be a monster!"

Hua Ji has a lot of love in his heart.

The little rooster looked at Hua Ji: "Are you going to take the exam too?"

Hua Ji shook his head: "I'm not going, a senior is going."

He pointed to his head, and the jellyfish slowly stretched out a tentacle, and the long coiled tentacle changed from transparent to milky white.

He waved his tentacles at the little rooster and said hello.

"Hello, I'm Shuimu."

Hua Ji added: "It's the jellyfish in the sea."

"Jellyfish?" The little rooster was very surprised: "What is this?"

Forgive the cute little rooster's ignorance. As a chicken living in the mountains, he has never seen such a magical creature as a jellyfish.

Hua Ji was surprised: "Don't you know about jellyfish? This is common sense!!"

The little rooster was scared to death: "Really or not? I haven't seen it before! What if I take this exam in the exam? I have memorized the Shanhaijing, but there are no jellyfish in the Shanhaijing!!"

Hua Ji said speechlessly: "Compared to Shanhaijing, you might as well watch the BBC and practice English listening."

The little rooster said: "What is the BBC?"

"A documentary about the world from a certain country." Hua Ji recommended: "The content is good, the English reading is extremely standard, and you can watch it online."

The little rooster wants to cry but has no tears: "But there is no Internet access on the mountain."

Hua Ji said politely: "Or you should go down the mountain and live for two years first. Don't you have friends? Well, the friend who issued the fake certificate just now?"

Ji Hong was extremely frustrated: "He's a duck, and we eat the same food. It would be nice if he didn't drive me away."

Hua Ji was dumbfounded.

"And it's very dangerous down the mountain." The little rooster said with his fingers: "I encountered all kinds of big monsters after I went down the mountain. They all have chickens in their recipes. I can only take a detour and try to stay in a crowded place. , Donald Duck is the only monster that doesn't eat me anymore..."

As long as he passes the examination of the Shenbao Club, Ji Hong can get the nameplate issued by the Shenbao Club. All the monsters in the flower-growing country cannot attack the registered monsters for no reason, let alone the Daoist disciples, so the little rooster hurriedly went to the examination when he got off the mountain. Pass the exam and get a nameplate.

Hua Ji shrugged, he couldn't help it.

The little cock took the time to dig out the English book in the backpack and tried to look.

Hua Ji closed his eyes and rested, suddenly the loud voice of jellyfish sounded in his mind.

"Is the exam of the Shenbo Club difficult?"

Hua Ji said in his heart, "I haven't taken the exam."

Yes, as a big fox who roamed the mainland before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hua Ji's ID card was handled by the Republic of China.

He roughly explained it to the jellyfish, and the jellyfish was greatly surprised.

"In that case, why can't you see the little cock around you?"

Yes, the jellyfish greatly discovered that Hua Ji, the red-haired fox, was extremely slow at times, and it didn't look like a big fox that had been wandering in the world for two hundred years.

Hua Ji was silent for a long time, he raised his hand and stroked his eyes, his expression slightly grim and distorted.

He said, "Because my eyes are blind."

When Hua Ji first opened his mind, it was the end of the Qing Dynasty. He was really stupid and sweet at that time. He thought that the food down the mountain was delicious. As a result, he was beaten by a little Taoist when he got off the mountain. The peach wood sword was blinded.

He desperately ran away, the hatred in his heart was higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea.

If he followed the normal routine, Hua Ji would have turned into a demon fox who hated human beings to the point of being slaughtered.

But God has the virtue of good life. When Hua Ji was about to die, he was rescued by a lady from the official family who went out for an outing. The lady took Hua Ji home and took care of the little fox with good intentions until the lady got married and the little girl The fox was released back to the forest by the lady's father because he was blind.

The fox is an extremely intelligent creature. He learned a lot of human rules in the official family, and he said goodbye to the silly white sweet. Later, he practiced for several years, and cultivated the demon pill. .

"Even if I can see things, I still lose some basic abilities that belong to every monster, such as the ability to see through other spirits."

Hua Ji smiled lightly: "Fortunately, I'm very smart, aren't I? Those who are deliberately approaching me need my help, and those who are less powerful than me will not act rashly. Slowly, I think it's good that I can't see through. ."

The jellyfish stretched out its tentacles, brushed Hua Ji's eyes lightly, and said after a while, "It doesn't matter if your eyes are blind, as long as your mind is clear."

After a pause, he said again: "And before I eat the little bat, I will watch it for you."

Hua Ji's heart warmed, and I have to say that although Jellyfish's strength is unfathomable, his temper is really good!

He smiled and said, "If you say that, I don't want that damn bat spirit to come to the door."

Jellyfish said calmly: "That's okay, if you can provide something better..."

Hua Ji was stunned, he remembered something.

"What's more delicious? What's your food, Jellyfish?"

"In theory, I eat seawater, but seawater is not nutritious." The large tentacles of the jellyfish subconsciously curled up and twisted a few times, as if smashing their mouths: "So I eat all powerful liquids, understand. ?"

"I see, so you want to eat that vampire? Because there is power in his blood?" Hua Ji suddenly realized: "Then the blood of spirits in our country all contain demonic power..."

Jellyfish Avenue: "Yes, just like you, you also smell good, and it should taste good too."

Hua Ji shivered, and he said dryly: "I don't eat jellyfish at all!"

"Really?" Jellyfish was noncommittal: "I encountered a lot of monsters this time at sea, but none of them smell as good as yours."

He regretted: "If the bat spirit refused to be an employer, I could eat you."

Hua Ji wants to cry but has no tears. Does he still want to be grateful to that vampire

He said pitifully: "Jellyfish make me die, why do you think I'm delicious?"

Jellyfish greatly comforted: "Don't worry, I am also very professional."

Jellyfish has lived for too long, he is not a short-sighted generation, and he will naturally not go back on his promise to the little fox.

"I've met bat spirits, turtle spirits, butterfly spirits, rooster spirits, and the Taoist priest and the little girl that day. Among them, you and that little girl are the most fragrant."

Hua Ji was relieved when he heard Jellyfish Dada's professional ethics, and became curious again when he heard the latter sentence.

He said, "Why?"

"That little girl exudes the fragrance of the shade of sunflower water, and you... little fox, you haven't mated, have you?"

The jellyfish gently stroked the little fox's head: "In your words, your Yuanyang hasn't leaked yet?"

Hua Ji's expression was particularly sinister after hearing this.

After a while, he said viciously: "For a vixen, I'm still underage for a mere two hundred years!!!"

Jellyfish: "Huh."