Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 109: A side story, Su Han and Yuren Kui Er


The white light dissipated, and a man leaned on the stone platform with his chin lightly supported.

When Yu Renkui saw the man clearly, he not only took a deep breath.

The person in front of him has long dark blue hair and black eyes that are as mysterious and deep as the stars. Yu Renkui believes that he has inherited the unparalleled appearance from his mother and concubine, but the man in front of him is like a heaven and a man, and he is evil and handsome. Ultimately, his hair was hanging down on the side of his face, his front was wide open, revealing a piece of firm and firm chest muscles, and a faint smile appeared on his red lips, he sighed lazily, his eyes did not blink. Staring at Yu Renkui blinking, his hot, unconcealed exploratory eyes made Yu Renkui feel his cheeks get hot.

Yu Renkui couldn't describe the shock that this man brought him. He seemed to exude a strong erotic aura all the time. With one look, he felt a sense of shame that he had been stripped in public. There seemed to be countless expressions in those eyes. Earth Spring Tide, just stare at it for half a second, it will be overwhelmed by the torrent of desire, and it will fall uncontrollably.

Yu Renkui clenched his fists and took a step back subconsciously.

This man is dangerous, very dangerous, and this is the first message from his restored calm mind. Is such a dangerous alien beast really summoned by himself

The man's eyes were still rolling on Yu Renkui's body, and he could see the change in Yu Renkui's expression. He narrowed his eyes and said lazily: "It's only now." The voice was hoarse and magnetic, and it was so hard to hear the bones of the people, and even the tone of voice. There is a trace of petting and hatred in it.

Yu Renkui took another step back in shock: "You, what are you?"

The man frowned slightly: "You don't know?"

Yu Renkui shook his head. He regretted and recklessly summoned this alien beast, because there was a voice in his heart reminding him that he couldn't control this alien beast.

The man propped up his body, letting his loose clothes show more chest and abdominal muscles as he got up. He stepped down from the stone platform and walked towards Yu Renkui. Every step Yu Renkui took, Yu Renkui felt that there was some kind of danger. Approaching him, he couldn't help but tremble.

"You don't know... What am I?" The man narrowed his eyes and his tone became cold.

Yu Renkui bit his tongue and forced himself not to back down. This is the alien beast he summoned, and he is the master! He stood still and said loudly, "Answer my question, Soul Beast, what the hell are you!"

A dangerous emotion flashed in the man's eyes: "You want to know, why not summon my body."

"I'm still injured, so I can't just waste my soul power." Yu Renkui swallowed. He didn't want to admit it, but he was really afraid of this man. He gritted his teeth and said, "What's your name."

"... Su Han."

"Suhan..." Yu Renkui repeated softly, in a daze, he suddenly felt something warm stick to his face, he looked closely, it turned out to be a finger of Suhan, slowly raising his jaw.

Suhan said in a deep voice, "You don't remember anything, do you?"

"remember what"

Suhan looked at him blankly for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Yu Renkui waved his hand away, furious: "What the hell are you talking about! Tell me what kind of beast you are, or I'll..."

"Otherwise what will happen to you?" Su Han stared at him.

"Otherwise I'll... let you stay in that spear."

Su Han hooked his lips and smiled: "Do I need you, or do you need me?"

Yu Renkui was speechless, just staring at this alien beast angrily. Are all heaven-level soul beasts so arrogant and presumptuous? Forget it, he endured it, Suhan is right, he needs Suhan, he needs a heaven-level soul weapon, he gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what you are, now make a contract with me."

Su Han chuckled: "You want me to form a contract with you? Why should I choose you as my soul soldier?"

Yuren Kui Lang said: "I am a fourth-level spirit soldier, and the second prince of Tianling Kingdom. Is there a better soul soldier than me in this world?"

"I don't care about any of this." Suhan smiled lightly, "If you want to be my soul soldier, you only need to do one thing well."

Yu Renkui narrowed his eyes: "What?"

Suhan licked his lips lightly and smiled evilly, "Let me fuck you anytime."

Yu Renkui's face changed greatly, and he shouted angrily, "Bold! Say it again!"

"I said, you want to be my soul soldier, be my person first."

Yu Renkui grabbed the spear and pointed it at Suhan, and then remembered that the spear was Suhan himself, and that his gun made of Heng fell on the shore while he was drinking water. He recalled every word Suhan said just now, trembling with anger, such a request was a deep insult to him! What he hates the most is the matter of men and men, not to mention that this unbridled evil beast dares to hit him! He scolded sharply: "Beast, you don't know what's wrong, I'm the prince of Tianling Kingdom, how can a strange beast be involved!"

Suhan said with a low smile: "If you don't want to, I can't force you, then you go."

"You..." Yu Renkui gritted his teeth, "Don't you want to sleep in the soul weapon forever?"

"I don't care." Suhan raised his eyebrows and said, "I think it's you who cares more."

"You're just..." Yu Renkui was so angry that his chest heaved violently. For a while, he had no choice but to take Su Han, asking him to betray himself for a heaven-level soul weapon. Where would he put his dignity as a prince? What's more, the thought of being a man... He felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, he remembered the dream he had a few days ago, the real spring-dream that seemed to have happened. In the dream, he was being do whatever he wanted by a man. Could it be that the dream foreshadowed something? No, impossible, he would never want to make such an exchange!

Suhan lay back on the stone platform again, and said lazily, "I only accept the marriage contract, otherwise you can go back."

Yu Renkui trembled: "I can promise you countless gold and a hundred beauties, I will do whatever you want..."

"I, I want you." Su Han's voice was not loud, but the words were loud and clear. Although his tone was not hurried or slow, the sentence "I want you" was actually domineering and tough, which made the top of my heart tremble.

Yu Renkui said sharply, "Dream!" He withdrew his soul power and threw Suhan back into the soul weapon.

The cave was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling. The long spear lay quietly on the ground. Everything that happened just now seemed to be an illusion. It seemed that there had never been a dangerous, evil and charming beast who told him about killing thousands of knives. if.

Yu Renkui sat down on the ground, stretched out his hand and stroked the mottled body of the long spear, his fingertips trembling slightly.

He came all the way here, damaged all his men and horses, got separated from his subordinates, lost his way, don't go into danger, and almost lost his life. All of this is to get a heaven-level soul weapon that suits him, but the result How? He did find the one that fit him, but this damned soul beast made the most unbearable request!

Yu Renkui felt that he had never made a more difficult choice than this in his life. He can't force Suhan to form a contract with him. If the alien beast is not willing, even if he reluctantly forms a contract, he will not help himself, but he wants to put himself in such an unbearable situation for a soul weapon. I really can't do it. In the future, the two will be inseparable, wouldn't that wicked beast do whatever he wants? Thinking of this, Yu Renkui couldn't stop backing down.

What should he do? What else could attract that beast

Feeling exhausted, he lay down unconsciously and fell into a groggy sleep.

When he woke up, looking out from the waterfall, it seemed that it was already dawn. After hesitating for a moment, he grabbed the spear and began to look for the way out of the cave. He decided to bring the spear back to Tianao City, and slowly negotiated terms with Suhan. For more than 20 years, he had finally found this heaven-level soul weapon that suited him, and he could not give up no matter what.

After looking around, I found that the cave is not big, the only way out is to go back the same way and go through the waterfall.

Yu Renkui was worried that if he dragged on like this, he would become even more hungry, so he gritted his teeth, grabbed the spear and jumped into the water. The water was icy and biting, and almost instantly stabbed every inch of his skin, giving him the illusion that he was about to fall into the abyss. Holding the spear tightly, he swam down from the water surface while holding his breath, and swam nearly 100 meters in one go before he surfaced.

The water was rushing there, and before he could catch his breath, a wave of water hit his face, making him unable to open his eyes.

The current was too fast, and he was pushed by the waves to swim in one direction. With the help of the waves, he tried his best to swim to the shore, just before he felt numbness in his limbs and was about to lose consciousness. , and finally reached the shore.

After climbing ashore with both hands and feet, Yu Renkui was lying on the rock, his upper and lower jaws collided with the cold, and both calves cramped at the same time, causing him to shiver with pain. He moved his fingers, but only his fingers could move. He knew that he would freeze to death if he climbed down like this, so he used all his strength to completely climb out of the river, and after landing, he immediately summoned the storage bag.

He started a fire, took off his wet clothes, wiped his body dry with a towel, and wrapped himself in dry clothes. As he approached the fire and his body began to regain consciousness a little from the ends of his fingers and toes, he felt like he was about to The delusion that the fire of life that is extinguished is also becoming vigorous.

It was not until the body completely recovered the temperature that Yu Renkui was sure that he had survived again.

He grabbed the spear, went back to the river, squatted for a long time, and finally caught a fish weighing more than two kilograms. He was so hungry that he wanted to eat the fish raw, but he still restrained the fish and put it on the fire to grill.

The smell of the fish quickly wafted away, and Yu Renkui kept swallowing. For him now, nothing is more important than eating. He doesn't care that the fish is undercooked or hot, and he has caught the fish. , on the fish scales that had not been cleaned up, he took a big bite and devoured it.

He had just taken a few bites when suddenly he felt a dangerous aura, he raised his head suddenly, his face paled in shock, and a group of eagles flew in the sky, exactly the same as the one that caught him by the river, but even bigger Some, those eagles were swooping down toward him.

Yu Renkui grabbed the spear and held it across his chest, but looking at the dozens of big eagles, he didn't even have enough food for them... He was not a match for these evil beasts at all!

Seeing that the eagle was less than twenty meters away from him, its sharp beak was like a sharp knife, rushing straight towards his eyes. He had never felt that death was so close to him, and he let out an angry roar from his throat. :"brute-"

He suddenly poured all his soul power into the spear.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dark, the wind and clouds changed color, and there were several muffled thunders from the sky, which made the eardrums tingle. down.

A strong soul power escaped from the spear. Yu Renkui already knew that the soul power of this alien beast was very domineering. This was not the first time he had experienced it, but he still felt extremely shocked. Seeing the devil in hell, he retracted his body in mid-air and screamed sharply.

The white light of the long spear suddenly appeared, and Yu Renkui looked at the big eagles who fled, shaking with excitement. That's right, this is what he wants to see. He wants all the people and beasts in this world to be afraid of him, kneel down on him, and obey him!

He didn't feel complacent for long, and suddenly found himself shrouded in a huge shadow like a mountain. He was terrified and turned his head tremblingly.

Behind him, a huge mountain-like alien beast was baring its sharp teeth, staring at the group of eagles with eyes like torches.

That alien beast had a tiger body and an ox face, two huge horns on top of its head, wings on its back, and its whole body was covered with dark blue hair. The roots of the hair were as thick as a hedgehog.

Yu Renkui's knees went weak. If he hadn't used his spear to support him, he would definitely kneel on the ground.

This is not a heavenly soul beast! Yu Renkui roared in his heart. Since he was a child, he has rummaged through the books of alien beasts, and he knows the thousands of alien beasts in the world. He can be sure that the behemoth in front of him is definitely not any heaven-level soul beast. According to its appearance, it should be an ancient alien beast. Poor odd!

Suhan lowered his head and chuckled, "Are you scared?"

Yu Renkui's lips were trembling, and he was almost speechless. His voice was hoarse and lazy, and it was clearly the same as the man in the cave yesterday. Together!

Su Han's body flashed white light and quickly shrank, turning into a human shape.

Yu Renkui watched Su Han approaching step by step, he took a step back in shock, and he looked like a heavy stone, pressed against his chest, and his brain was in a mess now.

Why, why did he summon an ancient alien beast? Could it be that the god-level soul weapon... is not a legend? !

Suhan grabbed his arm, stabilized his shaky body, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, I was summoned by you, but you are so scared?"

"Why? You are Qiongqi... Why did I summon Qiongqi!"

"Because when it's time for me to wake up, you will definitely appear." Suhan stretched out his hand, gently stroked Yuren Kuidi's face, and smiled ambiguously: "You are very beautiful, I like..."

Yu Renkui took a step back and said in a trembling voice, "Don't touch me." If yesterday's Suhan had already made him afraid, then seeing the real Suhan of Qiong Qi had already made him feel the deepest fear. He didn't know why he summoned ancient alien beasts, what does this mean? Is it good or bad

Suhan smiled sarcastically: "I thought you had already made up your mind before calling me, but you just wanted to use me to disperse those beasts?"

Yu Renkui gritted his teeth and said, "You don't want me to die either."

"Naturally I don't want to, I haven't tasted your taste yet." Su Han licked the fingers that had just touched Yu Renkui's cheek, his eyes fascinated.

Yu Renkui said angrily, "Presumptuous!"

Suhan hummed and said with a smile: "If you still don't want to, then leave as soon as possible, otherwise if I change my mind, it may hurt you."

Yu Renkui didn't get angry but smiled: "You were summoned by me, do you want to use force on me? It's ridiculous."

"I said yes, yes, but that would be tedious, and I want you to be willing to undress me and open your legs..."

"Shut up!" Yu Renkui was so angry that his scalp exploded.

Suhan smiled and said: "I ask you, why did you run into this deep mountain and make yourself so embarrassed?"

"In order to... find a soul weapon."

"Why are you looking for a soul weapon?"

"Naturally make yourself stronger."

Suhan glanced at him up and down: "Let me guess, you said that you are the second prince of Tianling Kingdom, so there is a first prince on top of you? The emperor must have no role in establishing the heir. You look like It doesn't look like a weak person, so you want the throne, right?"

Yu Renkui was startled, and after a few words, Su Han was in one sentence.

Suhan had a panoramic view of Yu Renkui's expression, he said with a low smile: "As expected, you want the throne, you can get it at your fingertips."

"What do you know?"

"As a prince, you should have the best news, but seeing you so surprised when you see me proves that you don't know our existence, so it is very likely that I am the first ancient beast to awaken." , "Do you know what an ancient alien beast is? Destroying the sky and destroying the earth, moving mountains and seas, and a mere throne, what is it? If you want, don't ask your father, you should ask me."

Yu Renkui's body trembled, and the veins in the hand holding the Suhan Spear were protruding, enough to see how much strength he exerted. Every word of Suhan poked into his heart, and he subconsciously refused to listen to what Suhan said, but he knew that every word Suhan said was correct.

He wants the throne, and what he desires most is the golden throne that represents the highest power in the Tianling Continent. He seems to be unable to ask for it. He can only compete with his brothers and sisters. What happened. But now he has Suhan, an extremely powerful ancient alien beast on the ground, a legendary god-level soul weapon, and he does not need to recall those deified descriptions of ancient alien beasts. He has already seen that Qiongqi is terrifying. Cold, the throne is at your fingertips!

Su Han saw that Yu Renkui had been shaken, and his smile deepened. He liked to watch the prey walk into the trap step by step. The confusion, worry, nervousness, and helplessness on the prey's face were very cute, which would make him when receiving the goods. , tasted exceptionally sweet. He said in his hoarse and magnetic voice: "You are tempted, right? I have lived for too long and have seen too many dynasties. Power is the most useless but also the most intoxicating thing. I can see your eyes - naked. - Desires naked, I like people who have desires, because I can satisfy all your desires."

Yu Renkui took a deep breath: "The throne... How do you want to give me the throne."

"As long as you form a contract with me, I will be your only soul beast. You can take me back to the imperial capital. I don't even need to do anything, just show my true body..."

Yu Renkui imagined the picture described by Suhan. Indeed, Suhan didn't even need to do anything to make Yu Renxiao obediently give up the crown prince. He had longed for something all his life, and Suhan could give it to him without any effort. An unspeakable sadness rose in his heart. At the same time, his brain filled with desire completely broke through his last persistence.

Suhan smiled softly: "Take off your clothes and let me take a good look at you."

Yu Renkui bit his lower lip and threw the Suhan Spear on the ground with a thud. He closed his eyes and opened them again three seconds later, his eyes became extremely firm. With trembling fingers, he undid his clothes.

If this is the price to be paid for the throne, then he recognizes it. This is what he desires most in his life, and there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed, including himself. Besides, this is not to kill him. If he can suppress the disgust in his heart and endure it for a while, he will be able to pass!

He slowly took off his clothes, revealing a slender and well-proportioned body, with lean muscles covering his body, making his body strong and flexible, not as powerful as a man who has practiced martial arts all the year round, but looks extremely strong explosive force. He has been pampered since he was a child, and his skin is as delicate as silk and satin, there is not even the slightest scar, and even that place is clean and pink.

Su Han's hot gaze swept over Yu Renkui's body, swept across almost every inch of his skin, he felt like a lamb to be slaughtered, waiting for some kind of torture to come without any resistance.

Suhan came over, lifted his chin, lowered his head and gently covered his lips.

Yu Renkui's body stiffened, resisting the urge to push Su Han away, and passively accepted the kiss.

Different from the danger Suhan gave him, this kiss was gentle and lingering, squeezing his lips and entangled his tongue. Although the movements were soft, there was an undeniable force, sweeping every inch of his mouth. .

Yu Renkui resisted at first, but slowly he was dazed by the kiss. Suhan's skills were too tricky, he never dreamed that his legs would become weak and it would be difficult to breathe because of a kiss. It did.

Yu Renkui couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Su Han away suddenly, for fear that he would be confused by such a kiss.

Su Han's interest was interrupted, and he was not annoyed, but licked his lips aftertaste: "Are you ready, my highness?"

Yu Renkui said bluntly: "You give me the throne, and I will give you what you want."

With a flash of light in Suhan's eyes, he suddenly pushed Yu Renkui to the ground, trapping him between his arms, and said with a wicked smile, "Have you heard the legend of Qiongqi?"

Yu Renkui swallowed his saliva: "Ancient beasts."

"Oh, so that's what humans said about me." Su Han smiled, "Well, I just want to tell you that I have been holding back for thousands of years, and I will never stop if I don't have enough fun. If you take me back in the middle of the weapon, Li... You can naturally do this, but once you do, I will not help you again, and then you will be fucked by me in vain."

Yu Renkui's eyes were full of anger, and he swallowed his breath: "I, no, you have to do it quickly!"

Suhan lowered his head, his lips crossed the tip of his nose, then landed on his cheek, and finally, stopped by his lips: "Do you know how the name of the lecherous beast came from?"

Yu Renkui pursed his lips and said nothing.

"I can make people feel extremely happy." Suhan's hand touched Yu Renkui's waistline, "Whether it's a chaste girl or a man who has never been masculine, when you get under me, you will release the most lewd and most lewd. On the loose side, you will even be addicted to it and cannot extricate yourself, I really look forward to what you will be trained by me, my highness."

Yu Renkui said sharply: "If you want to do it, do it quickly. This kind of thing wastes your energy and doesn't make any sense. Don't expect me to cooperate with you half a point!"

Su Han laughed until his shoulders trembled, and he squeezed between Yu Renkui's legs: "You actually say that this matter is meaningless, don't you ever get the slightest pleasure from this matter?"

Yu Renkui's face turned red. On the one hand, he was cold. On the other hand, he had never been so humiliated as today. If one day he sits on the throne of the Holy Emperor, fortunately no one knows how he got it. of.

Su Han grabbed his earlobe and said in a hoarse voice, "I will let you experience the bliss of the world, let you toss and turn under me, make sounds that even you can't imagine, and let your body be without me for a day. No way!" He squeezed Yu Renkui's chin, blocked the pair of lips with force, changed his gentleness just in time, and plundered violently and enthusiastically.

Yu Renkui grasped the stone at hand tightly, folded his fingers together, and the sharp stone sank into the flesh. He tried to use pain to divert the confusion that Su Han had exerted on him, but it didn't help at all, and Su Han kissed him dizzy. Endless, almost lost myself.

A fear arose in him, and he had begun to regret accepting the cold conditions, but from the moment he took off his clothes, he had completely sold all of himself, whether it was soul or body, to this bird. The ancient vicious beast, for the sake of the throne, he has no way back, and this vicious beast will never let himself go back. Even though he was trembling with fear, everything was irreversible.

Suhan's kiss moved all the way down from the lips, biting his chin, Adam's apple, and collarbone lightly, and finally stopped on the light-colored little meat ball, licking and sucking thinly, while one nipple was sucked up and swollen. At the same time, his hand grabbed Yu Renkui's genitals and stroked it skillfully.

Yu Renkui closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and comforted himself in his heart that he should be punished and endure it.

But Suhan would not let him go easily, those fingers scratched and kneaded Yu Renkui's genitals, teasing the round pouch, and rubbing the sensitive flesh with the pulp of his fingers, Yu Renkui soon trembled all over, unable to restrain himself. hardened.

Yu Renkui said angrily, "Do what you want, don't play tricks."

Suhan smiled and said, "I have read all over the world of beauties, and there is no one in the world who knows more about bed tricks than me. It would be a pity if I didn't use it."

"You!" Not knowing whether he was angry or ashamed, Yu Renkui's face was crimson.

Suhan raised one of his thighs and put it on his shoulders, looking at Yu Renkui's exposed lower body with deep eyes.

Yu Renkui was so ashamed and angry that he had to cover his eyes with the back of his hand. He couldn't face his shameless posture, and he couldn't face what Suhan wanted to do to him.

Suhan chuckled happily: "So shy, have you never tasted the beauty of sex?"

Yu Renkui gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up, shut up."

"Don't worry, I'll let you taste the marrow." Su Han stroking Yu Renkui's tight waist and flexible buttocks, while speeding up his desire to caress.

Yu Renkui's lower body was extremely hot, and he bit his lip tightly. Several of the girls in his palace have been specially trained. Although bed affairs are a little pleasant to him, they are far less attractive than power. It can make his blood boil, and experience a completely different pleasure from before. He bit his lip desperately, not wanting to make a sound, but his body's reaction couldn't stop it, and finally he shot it out of Suhan's hands in shame.

After ejaculation, Yu Renkui's body slumped. He stared at the top of his head with wide eyes, only to feel that his mind went blank.

"It seems that His Royal Highness Second Prince has accumulated a lot. Why, can't your palace servants satisfy you?"

Yu Renkui didn't say a word, he just hoped that this "punishment" would end soon.

Suhan bowed his head and kissed him: "It's so pitiful, I will feed you every day in the future."

Yu Renkui turned his face away.

Suhan smiled dotingly: "It's not a small temper." He put the clothes under Yu Renkui's buttocks, raised his waist, and put his hands covered with sticky semen to the round buttocks.

When Suhan's fingers squeezed into the buttocks and lightly touched the tightly closed flesh, Yu Renkui was shocked and couldn't help but fold his legs.

Suhan squeezed his body between his legs, preventing him from coming together. Instead, he pulled the leg hanging from his shoulders further apart. His slender fingers smeared all the semen on the edge of the meat hole, and then lubricated it inside. drill.

"Hmm..." Yu Renkui frowned deeply, trembling with shame, wishing he could just disappear.

Suhan's fingers swirled in and out in the wet flesh, as if to appreciate Yu Renkui's shyness, and tried his best to tease him: "And Your Royal Highness, can you relax a little? The little mouth below you. It's too tight, it's hard for a finger to get in, how can I eat my baby in a while."

Yu Renkui wished he could bite him to death, he blocked his eyes, as if he could see and hear, but even so, the feeling that the most private parts were being played with is impossible to ignore.

Su Han waited for the little hole to soften a little, and inserted two more fingers in one breath.

Yu Renkui cried out in pain and arched his waist.

Suhan pressed him back onto the cloak, and the index finger of the other hand also drilled in, gently pulling the flesh hole to both sides.

"Don't... ah..." Yu Renkui wanted to kill him. He practiced martial arts all the year round. This pain was nothing to him, but the shredded self-esteem made his heart ache.

Suhan chuckled: "It's so hot, so tight, I can't take it anymore." He put three fingers together and drilled back and forth in the meat hole. Hearing the sound, people blushed.

Tears of humiliation oozed from the corners of Yu Renkui's eyes. He told himself over and over again that this was his choice, and this was the price he paid for the supreme throne. Even if he repented now, it would not change anything. From that moment on, he has thrown away a lot of things and can't pick them up again.

After the small hole had been slightly opened and shrank in the air, Su Han couldn't take it any longer. He folded Yu Renkui's legs to his chest, and thrust his strong waist into the corridor!

"Ah—" Yu Renkui let out a short, painful cry, and he immediately gritted his teeth and refused to make any more sound.

Su Han took a deep breath: "It's so tight... Your Highness, Second Prince, don't open your eyes and take a look at your first man."

Yu Renkui turned a deaf ear. The pain of tearing was something he had never experienced before. At that moment, he really wanted to take Suhan back, as if nothing had happened, but remembering what Suhan said, he had already suffered this. How can I turn back at this time.

Suhan patted his buttocks: "Relax, relax, let me in, let me feel how hot you are inside."

Yu Renkui's eyes leaked from the corners of his eyes, he shook his head desperately, and his silky silver hair fluttered with his movements, so beautiful that it was suffocating.

The tight and hot flesh hole seemed to have a huge suction force, forcing Su Han to squeeze in a little bit. The long-lost pleasure filled his blood and made him lose patience. The astonishingly long giant stabbed into the depths of the intestinal wall.

"Ah—" Yu Renkui groaned in pain, scratching the ground with both hands, losing the pain that relieved the shame, but it didn't help.

Suhan lowered his head and kissed his lips, and said vaguely between the kisses, "Be patient, you will be comfortable soon."

Yu Renkui's tears rolled down his cheeks, he could no longer think, and he wished he could kill himself in shame.

Suhan put his hands on his side, his waist swayed, and he began to pump slowly.

Yu Renkui was dizzy with pain, but as Suhan continued to manipulate more deeply, he gradually realized a strange numbness that melted into his limbs little by little, and finally transmitted to his brain, causing him to shrink involuntarily. back hole.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Han's mouth. He was immersed in sex all the year round, and it could be said that his whole body was covered in love potions, but anyone he touched, no matter how upright and stern when he was awake, would show the most lewd and shameless side under him.

Yu Renkui bit his fingers in disbelief, the strange changes in his body frightened him.

Seeing that Yu Renkui had gotten used to it, Su Han began to speed up and increase his strength, his powerful waist twitched rapidly, and madly fucked the wet and soft kinky pussy.

Yu Renkui couldn't help groaning unbearably, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes shone brightly, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Suhan stuck in a face-to-face posture for more than a hundred times, turned him over, and knelt humbly under him.

Yu Renkui seized a trace of clarity in the frantic pleasure, trying to resist such a humiliating gesture, but before he could say a word, the sturdy giant drove straight in again, reaching the depths of his intestinal wall.

"Ah... Suhan... Don't—" Yu Renkui yelled frantically, and his reason fell again.

Suhan never gets tired at all, he is an insatiable lecherous beast, he changes postures and angles and ruthlessly fucks the noble and arrogant silver-haired beauty under him, his penis is constantly and constantly in the red. , in and out of the small meat hole that could not be closed, and the intense pleasure of friction made both of them go crazy.

Yu Renkui no longer had any sense of reason and shame, he let out a lewd scream, he took the initiative to hook Su Han's waist, he urged Su Han to fuck him harder and more fiercely, as if there was a lecherous beast living in his body. , was completely released at this time.

That day was a start for Yu Renkui, because from that day on, he fell into a dream of heaven and hell intertwined. He was repeatedly violated by Suhan, and he forgot the day and night. He fell into a coma and woke up again and again. He experienced the madness and extreme pleasure that made him alive and dead. During those three days and three nights, he felt that he had been turned into a coma by Suhan. Another person, at least, his body has been completely changed by Su Han...