Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 112


Yu Renshu lowered his eyes, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and he felt overwhelmed by Tian Rong's straightforward feelings. If possible, how much he hopes that there will never be a "backlash", then he can trust Tianrong wholeheartedly, and take Tianrong all over the world and travel overseas until the end of his life.

But he was raised as a prince, and he was instilled with the precept that he could not trust alien beasts. The alien beast is a living tool, and the heavenly alien beast is an individual with mutual benefit. What he has to learn is definitely not how to make friends with alien beasts, but to control and control them, and to get powerful help from them. , and always beware of their backlash.

This is what the spirit soldiers of the entire Tianling Continent understand to get along with alien beasts. However, Tian Rong changed him.

Tian Rong squeezed his chin and forced him to raise his head: "Do you know that Xie is a loner beast?"

Yu Renshu nodded slightly.

"After giving birth to a cub, he never paid attention to it and left it to fend for itself, so no one knows who their parents are, and only a very small number of cubs can survive without opening their eyes. At first, they were starving, freezing and hunting, learning to hunt and protect themselves. Few who survived and grew up in the end were very few, so they would have no companions in their entire lives." Tian Rong leaned down, his amber beastly eyes tightened. Staring at Yu Renshu's eyes, "But I know now that having a company is not a bad thing, at least I like your company."

Yu Renshu said softly: "Tianrong, I also like your company. I said that when everything is over, I will take you to travel around. It's true."

Tian Rong's fingertips slid across his cheek, and finally landed on his lips: "But he never trusted me."

"I… "

"Because I'm a beast? Because I might 'backlash' on you?"

Yu Renshu took a deep breath and sighed: "Tian Rong, I am not only a human, but I was also a prince of a human. Even if I say something, you can't understand it."

Tian Rong said seriously: "If I promise, I will never 'backlash' on you?"

Yu Renshu was surprised: "Tian Rong...?"

"I'm willing to only be your soul weapon." Tian Rong said hoarsely, "If this can make you stop guarding against me..."

Yu Renshu said in a trembling voice: "Tianrong, if I die, you will continue to return to the weapon."

"You're dead, and I don't want another soul soldier. Just let me sleep forever." Tian Rong paused, "Will you believe me? Humans never trust others."

Yu Renshu looked at Tian Rong with his blue-blue eyes without blinking, his heart was filled with an inexplicable emotion. Looking at Tian Rong's serious and unhesitating expression, he knew what Tian Rong said. It's true, after all, this man, no, this strange beast that has always been lonely, never bothers to lie. He doesn't know what he is and what he can do to make Tian Rong treat him like this. He only knows that he is so moved now. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Tian Rong's shoulder: "Tian Rong, I believe in you. With your words, I have no more worries. I'm sorry... I... "

"Why are you sorry?" Tian Rong said, "My decision has nothing to do with you."

Yu Renshu gritted his teeth: "Many people think that I have courage, but sometimes I feel like I am a weak and timid person... Why do you still treat me so wholeheartedly when I let you go everywhere? I gave it to you What? What can I give you?"

"You made me see the world again, this alone is better than a lot. As for what else you can give me, I don't know, I only know that it is enough for me to be able to fight side by side with you. "Tian Rong frowned slightly, "But if you... treat me like Jiang Chaoge, that's even better."

Yu Renshu was slightly startled and hesitated.

Tian Rong lowered his head and touched Yu Renshu's lips lightly: "I used to think that you didn't like males, but now it seems that you just don't like me."

Yu Renshu's body didn't move, but his eyes were a little dodged.

"I want to... I also want to mate." Tian Rong took his hand, "If you want."

Yu Renshu said hoarsely, "I... can't..."

Disappointment flashed in Tian Rong's eyes.

Yu Renshu looked up at him: "But you are one of my most important people. No matter what happens, this will not change."

Tian Rong nodded: "You are also the only important person to me."

Yu Renshu put his arm around his shoulder: "Thank you, even if I don't have everything, I still have you."

Tian Rong said firmly: "Even if you don't have everything, you will have me."

Yu Renshu closed his eyes and pressed against Tianrong's broad and warm chest, which made him feel extremely at ease. This kind of tacit understanding and inseparability of life and death could not be given to him by anyone, not even Jiang Chaoge. In the blink of an eye, he has surpassed the existence of soul beasts and has become a companion that he cannot part with.

Yu Renshu recovered quickly under the repeated treatment of several senior soul guides.

From Long Xiang, Ruan Qiansu to Yu Renshu, Jiang Chaoge watched his companions return to their places one by one. While feeling extremely relieved, he also missed Yunxi even more. He is actually a cold-hearted person, but once he really puts his feelings into it, he will be more focused than ordinary people, and because he is used to being in a high position and has a strong sense of responsibility, he feels that he has formed this team by himself. , Everyone in the team is his responsibility, so even if one is missing, he will force himself to take it.

One day, Jiang Chaoge and Yu Renshu talked about what happened after they separated. Yu Renshu was captured by You Shi and returned to the Mingyin Guild. At that time, he and Tian Rong fought against You Shi. He almost killed You Shi's Soul Soldier, but in the end, due to the huge disparity in strength, the success was all in vain. Jiang Chaoge listened to the description, You can also imagine the tragic situation at that time, and the hatred for the beasts is even deeper.

Jiang Chaoge decided to wait for Yu Renshu to recover, so he set off to Kunlun Mountain to find Yinchuan and Yunxi. Although he was very confident in Yinchuan's strength and wisdom, the thought of Fen Nian and You Shi going to encircle Yinchuan , he was still very worried, worried about the safety of Yunxi.

They lived in the city for half a month, and Yu Renshu was finally able to move freely. Jiang Chaoge couldn't wait any longer, and everyone decided to set off for Kunlun Wonderland.

It is not far from Kunlun Mountain, but there has been no news of drinking the river, which is really worrying, so as soon as they set off, they are almost at full speed, non-stop.

Thinking that he will be able to go home soon, Sisi was so happy that his mouth could not close, and he seriously discussed with Cracked Yu how to show off his divine bow when he returned to the village, and also Cracked Yu to cooperate with him and support himself.

Long Xiang said: "Brother Si Si, even if you have already agreed with Crack Yu, what should you do if he forgets everything when he returns to the village."

Si Si widened his eyes: "Bah, bah, how come you don't have a good word in your mouth, how can there be such a coincidence!"

Ruan Qiansu said with a smile, "It's not impossible. In just half a month, he has already forgotten about it three times."

Cracked Feather frowned, his face not very good-looking.

Si Si quickly touched his hair: "It's okay, I'll tell you how many times you forget it."

Cracked Feather nodded.

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "I don't know about the great witch in your village. Have you found the witchcraft that sent us back to the other world? It's feasible to go back from Mei Jianghu, but it's too troublesome and may not be successful."

"The Great Witch is very powerful, so I should have found it." Si Si said with a straight chest, "Speaking of which, has Zhuoyan received our letter, did he not receive it? It is also possible that the bird's soul power is not enough, and I am afraid it will not be in the middle. know where it is."

Jiang Chaoge shook his head: "I can't take care of him right now. If he, Suhan and Zhongming can always be like this and don't help anyone, it's a temporary help."

Long Xiang said: "Yeah, we can be on par with those beasts... By the way, isn't the last alien beast awakened? Bi Fang, what's it called?"

"Xiaofei." Hong Yuan said lazily, "That kid is a lunatic."

King Ren sarcastically said: "Xiaofei is an upright and upright person, how can you be so embarrassed to say that others are insane."

Hong Yuan raised his eyebrows: "King Ren, you are always mocking others in such a sanctimonious manner, what's wrong with me? I'm a beast, not a human, how can you see me with human thinking."

King Ren smiled and said, "Even as a beast, you didn't go anywhere normally."

Jiang Chaoge pouted: "There are a few normal alien beasts." He thought about it carefully, King Ren might be the most normal, Yin Chuan is hard to say, Yin Chuan is as noble as a god, but it doesn't seem real enough. Other alien beasts... Jiang Chaoge Glancing at Zhi Xuan, who was holding a jug beside him, he sighed inwardly.

Zhi Xuan felt his gaze and pouted, "What are you trying to say, I'm not normal?"

"Are you normal?"

"I'm not human, why do I have to be normal."

Jiang Chaoge reluctantly said, "You're always talking too much."

They talked and chatted along the way. In order to save time, they stayed with King Ren. After a few days, they successfully entered the Kunlun Mountains.

The last time they came to Kunlun Mountain, they were looking for Yinchuan. They didn't expect that almost a year later, their purpose of coming to Kunlun Mountain was still looking for Yinchuan, but this time, Jiang Chaoge was not what it used to be.

The Kunlun Mountains were still windy and snowy, and the weather was extremely harsh. Their speed was much slower. After two days of trekking, they once again stood in front of the huge Dijiang statue.

Seeing the Dijiang statue proves that the entrance to Kunlun Wonderland is very close to them.

Everyone looked up at the huge shadow hidden in the wind and snow. From time to time, strong winds blew past, revealing a section of its face.

Zhi Xuan said: "Last time I saw it, I said I would destroy it, but Yinchuan would not let it."

Jiang Chaoge nodded: "Yinchuan obviously still cares about his old relationship with Dijiang."

"Hmph, stupid." Zhi Xuan said disdainfully, "You shouldn't have regarded the lackeys of the gods as friends in the first place."

King Ren sighed, "I'm afraid things are not as simple as you think."

"Could it be that when Di Jiang killed him, he still cares about his old love, isn't that stupid?" Zhi Xuan said angrily, "The existence of this statue is basically mocking Yinchuan and his wholehearted desire to protect mankind, but in the end, mankind united. The gods will destroy him!"

Hong Yuan looked at the statue without blinking, and murmured, "This statue really doesn't need to exist, it's ugly."

Jiang Chaoge said, "Let's not waste time on a statue. Before it gets dark, let's enter Kunlun Wonderland."

King Ren finally looked at the statue and ran in the direction of Kunlun Wonderland. He was as familiar with Kunlun Mountain as Zhi Xuan.

Just when they were about to reach Kunlun Wonderland, King Ren felt something, and his figure immediately slowed down.

"King Ren, what's wrong?"

"Xianyun..." King Ren gritted his teeth, "I smell Xianyun's breath."

Jiang Chaoge's heart tightened, Xianyun came here before? Then it proves... Liu Qing has also been here!

Zhi Xuan said sternly, "The wind and snow are so strong that the smell is blowing everywhere, is Xianyun still here?"

Hong Yuan shook his head: "I can't feel it."

"Damn it!" Zhi Xuan angrily roared towards the open mountain forest: "Xianyun, get out of here!" Zhi Xuan called out a few times, but there was no response.

"I'm afraid he has already left." King Ren narrowed his eyes, "Did he leave Kunlun Mountain or entered Kunlun Wonderland..."

"I think, I'm afraid we went in." Yu Ren said, "Fen Nian and You Shi have already come to Kunlun Wonderland, Xianyun should be able to predict that we will come to Kunlun Wonderland, so I will wait for you in advance."

King Ren coldly snorted: "The ghost doesn't disperse, do I really think I'm afraid of him?"

Zhi Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "It's better for him to be in Kunlun Wonderland, so I don't need to look for him."

"Everyone calm down, most of Xianyun entered the Kunlun fairyland, the most important thing now is the comfort of Yinchuan and Yunxi." Jiang Chaoge clenched his fists, "Lord Ren, please speed up, we must rush to Xuanyuanqiu immediately. ."

Without saying a word, King Ren rushed out like an arrow, running towards the entrance of Kunlun Wonderland.

They saw the rolling hills appear in their sight, which is the only way to enter the Kunlun fairyland. They once fought bloody here, and they were deeply impressed.

Just when King Ren was about to rush into the hill, his body suddenly froze, and Zhi Xuan shouted, "King Ren, stop!"

King Ren's momentum was too great, and his speed was astonishingly fast. Although he wanted to stop, his body couldn't stand the momentum and slammed into it.

With a loud bang, King Ren slammed into something, Jiang Chaoge felt like his body was hit by a blunt weapon, and was shot flying out! Everyone in King Ren suffered the same fate as him.

Jiang Chaoge's mind went blank after being hit, and his body flew into the air like a kite with a broken string. He only had a trace of reason left, which helped him to summon the fat legacy, but it was too late to return to his senses, and his body was still heavy. The ground fell into the snow. Fortunately, the snow was thick enough to not hurt him, but he was completely dizzy.

He rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

"Chao Ge!" Zhi Xuan ran over and dragged him out of the snowdrift.

Jiang Chaoge shook his head, but he didn't realize what was going on. There was clearly nothing in the direction they were heading in. King Ren was like hitting a wall of air, and the hit was quite hard...

"Chao Ge?" Zhi Xuan patted his face, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Jiang Chaoge shook his head and struggled to sit up: "What about the others? How's it going?"

"The snow is so thick that you can't fall to death."

Jiang Chaoge looked at King Ren who fell to the ground in the distance. The blood spurting out of King Ren's forehead stained a large area of snow and looked shocking. He trembled: "What's going on?"

"It's a sorcery." Zhi Xuan gritted his teeth, "There is a great sorcerer who set a sorcery at the entrance of Kunlun Fairyland. Damn it, we neglected it."

Jiang Chaoge felt a chill down his spine. What kind of powerful witchcraft can actually turn the air into a hard wall, causing even the ancient alien beasts to smash their heads into blood? ! The most terrifying thing is that this trap is clearly waiting for them.

King Ren struggled to get up from the ground, and picked up Liu Qingming, who was dizzy from the fall, from the snow.

Liu Qingming grabbed Prince Ren's hair and said dumbly, "Prince Ren, I'm sorry, I took your eyes..."

King Ren said calmly, "It has nothing to do with you." He stared coldly at the air in front of him, his eyes filled with boiling murderous aura, which made people daunting.

Liu Qingming poured his soul power into repairing the wound on King Ren's head, and the others also stood up one after another. Because of the snow, they didn't break it, but they were so frightened.

Zuiyou stroked the air in front of him with his hand: "It's really an air wall, and I don't know how big it is. Can we go around it?"

Zhi Xuan frowned and said, "Air is not the ability of Gonggong, Gonggong controls water, what's going on here, is there another great witch ancestor?"

King Ren said: "We don't know much about witchcraft, maybe this air wall has nothing to do with the Great Wuzu's own attributes, it's just a general witchcraft." He said gloomily, "But it is certain, whether it is Lu Wu or Gonggong , with what we know of their strength, it is impossible to create a large air wall, and this air wall must have holes."

"Let's find the hole and go around it!"

Everyone summoned a variety of exotic beasts to explore the hollows of the air wall, while they rested in place.

Sisi lay on the ground in the snow, wailing in frustration: "It hurts so much, I almost fell to my death, what kind of bastard is the great witch ancestor, and he won't even let people go home."

Jiang Chaoge grabbed a ball of snow, ignoring the icy coldness, and squeezed the snow ball tighter and tighter until the soft snow turned into a solid ice ball. Blocking the air wall will not cause any real harm to us, it will only block us for a while. Why block us, this is the most important thing."

Sisi gasped nervously: "My village will be fine, right?"

"Your village is still a long way from Xuanyuan Qiu, so it should be fine. The dangers are Yinchuan and Yunxi." Jiang Chaoge threw the ice puck into the snow, "Yunxi... Yunxi has no ability to fight. …”

Zhi Xuan put his arm around his shoulder and said softly, "With Yinchuan here, Yunxi will not die."

Ruan Qiansu also said: "Yes, with Lord Yinchuan here, Yunxi will be fine."

Jiang Chaoge's gaze pierced through the wind and snow, through the mountains and forests, and was eager to see the distant Xuanyuanqiu. Yinchuan, can I trust you, no matter what, you have to protect Yunxi...

They rested in place for nearly two hours, but it was the Si left by Meng Lao who found a hole for them that only one person could pass through. Jiang Chaoge touched Na Si's head, silently thinking of his gratitude to Elder Meng.

The alien beasts turned into human figures one after another and passed through the void. This air wall is really amazing, and the area is so huge. If the Great Wuzu is really alive, could it be possible to use the air wall to cover the entire Kunlun Mountains

After crossing the air wall, they finally entered the Kunlun Wonderland. This time, King Ren was much more careful and did not dare to run at high speed.

The Kunlun Wonderland was foggy as before, but they no longer needed to worry about getting lost, and they quickly passed through the foggy area. At this time, it was also dark, and the Eryu village was less than a hundred miles away from them, but Jiang Chaoge still decided to temporarily Do not go back to the village, go straight to Xuanyuan Hill.

Although Sisi was homesick, he knew the importance and had no objection, so they continued to rush to Xuanyuanqiu non-stop.

The closer they got to Xuanyuan Hill, the stronger the familiar scents of Zhixuan, King Ren and Hongyuan in the air. They could smell the smell left by Fen Nian, You Shi and Xianyun, but the only ones who didn't drink Chuan, I'm afraid Yin Chuan has always been there. Xuanyuanqiu never left.

At dawn, they encountered a wall of air again, which isolated them at a distance of no more than two hundred miles from Xuanyuan Hill. They once again released alien beasts to find the hollow, but they couldn't find it since early morning to noon.

"This air wall is likely to cover the entire Xuanyuan Hill." King Ren said, "The air wall can isolate a lot of things, so there must be something wrong."

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth and said, "Since we can't find any holes, let's destroy the air wall." He took out a bunch of weapons from his storage bag and tried them with bullets. He didn't give up, and changed the grenade again, but it still didn't work. Finally, he took out the most lethal weapon he could get on the black market - T10 explosive, "If the explosives can't explode, Then there's nothing I can do."

Jiang Chaoge set up the explosives, walked to a safe distance with a group of people, and ignited the leads of the explosives.

Seeing the flames of the lead drilling through the snow, finally, there was a loud bang and the explosives were detonated. Suddenly, thick smoke billowed, and the heat wave shot into the sky. , the distant mountain peaks unceremoniously avalanche, but fortunately they can't be hurt.

After the power of the explosives subsided, they ran back to the air wall. At the place of the explosion, a huge pit was blown out on the ground. As usual, even the copper wall and the iron wall were already blown to pieces. color transparent air wall.

"Fuck!" Jiang Chaoge scolded angrily.

"Shh..." Hong Yuan motioned them to be quiet, closed his eyes and stroked the air wall with his hands. After a while, he said, "I felt the magic power flowing on the air wall. The Great Wuzu has repaired it."

King Ren said: "The Great Wuzu's magic power is also limited. If it can be bombed a few times, it will definitely explode."

Jiang Chaoge said helplessly: "Most of the explosives were used up when they were in Qingqiu Mountain, and those were the only ones left."

Zhi Xuan snorted, "What kind of explosive do you use, I'll knock it away."

"Zhi Xuan, no." Jiang Chaoge said without hesitation.

"No, if you don't have a powerful weapon, then this is really the only way." King Ren looked at Jiang Chaoge and said seriously.