Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 113


"You guys really want to bump it away." Hong Yuan frowned and took a step back, "I will never bump it, it will hurt my feathers."

Zhi Xuan gave him a white look: "No one expects you, go away."

Hong Yuan happily took Ruan Qiansu's hand: "Sister, let's go further."

Ruan Qiansu looked at him: "Are you really not helping?"

Hong Yuan widened his eyes: "Why do you want to help?"

"Didn't we come together?"

"So what, you want me to hit the wall?!" Hong Yuan exclaimed, "I wouldn't do such an unbeautiful thing."

Ruan Qiansu narrowed his eyes: "At this time, you are still thinking about whether you are pretty."

Hong Yuan said seriously: "Shouldn't a beautiful beast like me think about this?" He shook his hair, the bones of his body and face changed a little, and suddenly he became a lot softer and more charming, and his voice changed. Feminine, the whole person turned into a female in an instant, and he showed a sweet smile: "Sister, will you be more pity for Xiangxiyu?"

Ruan Qiansu said with a cold face, "Go and help."

Hong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "You ordered me?"

"Yes, go and help."

Hong Yuan narrowed his eyes: "A mere human, dare to order me."

Ruan Qiansu looked at him blankly.

Hong Yuan's cold and stern expression suddenly changed, and there was a hint of shyness on his face: "Sister looks pretty good now."

Ruan Qiansu rolled his eyes: "Come on."

Hong Yuan pouted, and reluctantly turned into a beast.

Zhi Xuan shook his head and charged towards the air wall at high speed from a few hundred meters away. He slammed into the colorless and transparent barrier with his shoulder blades and back.

With a loud bang, Xuanyuanqiu trembled violently, Jiang Chaoge almost fell to the ground, and he barely grabbed Zhi Xuandao before he stabilized his body.

Zhi Xuan was knocked away by the recoil, and his four claws grinded four deep pits that were 100 meters long on the ground before he could barely stop. In order not to give the Great Wuzu time to repair the air wall, King Ren stepped up and slammed into the position Zhi Xuan had just rammed into.

There was another "earthquake". Although everyone was prepared, their hearts were still beating wildly.

After King Ren bounced off, Hong Yuan also flew towards him without hesitation. Due to his size, the impact force was several grades worse than that of Zhi Xuan and King Ren, but his power was not small.

The three alien beasts used their bodies to hit a fixed point on the air wall in turn. When they hit the seventh round, waves of visible ripples appeared in the air in front of them. The ripples became bigger and bigger, and finally produced The traces of the cracked ground were seen, and finally, a burst of soul power was released like a bomb explosion, immediately sweeping the entire Xuanyuanqiu and overturning everyone to the ground mercilessly.

The air wall is broken!

"Heaven...the essence of heaven and earth!" Zhi Xuan's body was flaming with flames, his face was as ferocious as hell, and his two flaming pupils were staring into the distance.

King Ren and Hong Yuan were both motionless as if they had lost the body-fixing spell, and their bodies even trembled slightly.

Jiang Chaoge's eyes widened: "Have you felt the essence of heaven and earth?"

"This air wall may not be to prevent us from entering, but to protect the breath of the essence of heaven and earth..." King Ren took a deep breath, "The essence of heaven and earth has really awakened."

"Come in and have a look!" Jiang Chaoge climbed onto Zhi Xuan, "Did you feel the breath of Yinchuan?"

Zhi Xuan shook his head: "The aura of the essence of heaven and earth overwhelms everything."

Everyone ran towards the depths of Xuanyuan Hill. They were not unfamiliar with that direction. It was the place where Yinchuan was once awakened. But the more they went inside, the more unfamiliar they were with this place.

On the road leading to the old land, the corpses of alien beasts were piled up, whether it was a weak raised father or a huge fat beast, without exception, they seemed to be torn apart by something, and died tragically on the side of the road. It was like being hurt by a strange beast, and it was not like killing each other. Death seemed to be an instant thing, because the surrounding vegetation was not damaged in the slightest, and there was not even a trace of the beast stepping on it.

This bizarre scene stretched for several miles, and everyone walked all the way, all with chills on their backs. Xuanyuanqiu has become a hell filled with death. In the mountains and forests, there is not the slightest sound of alien beasts or animals. There is a suffocating silence. Jiang Chaoge feels that they are not walking a road, but wading through a sea of corpses. .

Si Si trembled: "This... Is this all the work of the Yuan of Heaven and Earth?"

"Can the essence of heaven and earth kill?" Long Xiang said solemnly.

King Ren said solemnly: "I don't know, but with such a great power, I am afraid that only the Yuan of Heaven and Earth can do it."

"If all the creatures in Xuanyuanqiu...then Yunxi them..."

The hearts of the people were hanging in their throats, and the dead aura that filled the mountains and forests seemed to climb up along their ankles, covering their whole bodies with stickiness, dragging them into the abyss of fear.

Ruan Qiansu gritted his teeth and said, "They won't die so easily."

Zhi Xuan's speed was getting faster and faster, and soon, he came to Yin Chuan's former residence - that cave full of organs.

The sight in front of them made everyone forget to breathe.

In the open space in front of the cave, several people were lying on the ground, just like the beasts they had seen along the way. They were covered in blood and soaked in the snow under them. It was motionless, as if there were no signs of life.

"Cloud Breath!" Even if it was a back, Jiang Chaoge recognized the thinnest one at a glance. He jumped off Zhi Xuan, his heart clenched into a ball. , Even if he crossed into the Tianling Continent strangely, he never begged for the help of the gods, but at this moment, he only hoped that God would open his eyes and let Yunxi live and live!

He almost flew to Yunxi's side and picked up the thin young man from the ground. When he felt that the body he touched was still warm, he only felt that his heart came alive at that moment.

Yunxi didn't know how much blood was left, and his body was covered with terrifying cracking wounds, including his face. Looking at the ground beneath him, it was a miracle that he was still alive.

"Cloud breath..." Jiang Chaoge stretched out his hand tremblingly, and probed for his breath, he was really breathing! He shouted, "Yunxi is still alive!"

"Yunxi!" Everyone gathered around, looking at the hideous scars on Yunxi's body and face, they all showed unbearable expressions. The wounds on his body were exactly the same as those of the dead alien beasts, as if it had been blown apart by something, his flesh turned out, and it was extremely cruel.

"Yinchuan!" Not far from Yunxi, King Ren found a blood-stained Yinchuan. Yinchuan's eyes were tightly closed, and he was also wounded. Although he knew that he would not die no matter what, his dying appearance still made him look like he was dying. People are startled.

"What happened..." Ruan Qiansu looked around, "Xianyun, Fen Nian, You Shi, and their spirit soldiers are all here, and everything has seriously injured them here."

"Besides the essence of heaven and earth, there is no other possibility." Hong Yuan said solemnly, "Look at their wounds, they have been injured for a while. The air wall is really not to stop us, but to prevent the release of the essence of heaven and earth. Power to destroy the Kunlun Mountains."

"The Yuan of Heaven and Earth has never released such lethal soul power." King Ren looked around, "Now it has almost killed all the creatures in Xuanyuan Qiu."

Jiang Chaoge said in a trembling voice, "Let's bring Yunxi to heal."

"No need." Zhi Xuan said, "He can't die." Zhi Xuan's voice was indescribably solemn.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chaoge said anxiously, "Now is not the time to waste time!"

King Ren glanced at Jiang Chaoge with a strange look, "He has the aura of a great witch ancestor, but the aura of the essence of heaven and earth here is too strong, I can't smell which great witch ancestor it is."

Jiang Chaoge's eyes widened, and his heart was suddenly hit hard.

Their guess came true. From the moment the goddess appeared, they secretly suspected but dared not say the guess that it was true. The soul soldiers of the ancient alien beasts are all reincarnations of the great witch ancestors!

Zhi Xuan returned to his human form. He lowered his head and clenched his hands hidden in his long sleeves into fists. He took a deep breath, slowly turned his head to look at Jiang Chaoge, and said in a cold tone he had never seen before: "what are you?"

Jiang Chaoge was taken aback: "What... what did you say."

"I said, what are you?" Zhi Xuan stared at him without blinking, his golden eyes flashing dangerously, "If Liu Qing is Gong Gong, the goddess is Lu Wu, and Yun Xi is also the great witch ancestor, Then what are you?"

Zhi Xuan in front of him suddenly made Jiang Chaoge feel a little terrified. He knew from the beginning to the end how much Zhi Xuan hated and disliked the Great Wuzu. If he really was the reincarnation of the Great Wuzu... Right, what is he? He opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Zhi Xuan roared, "Jiang Chaoge, what are you!"

Jiang Chaoge only felt a surging anger go through his throat, and instantly opened his voice, his eyes were red, and he roared in a louder voice: "I don't fucking know! I don't know! I am Man, I'm not a goddamn witch!"

Zhi Xuan looked at Jiang Chaoge, but his eyes could not find the warmth of the past. Instead, he was a little bit defensive. He murmured, "This is a conspiracy, this is the conspiracy of the Great Wuzu."

Jiang Chaoge said in a trembling voice, "Zhi Xuan, if I am the Great Wuzu, am I not Jiang Chaoge?"

Zhi Xuan's eyes suddenly turned red, he shook his head, looking at Jiang Chaoge with indescribably complicated eyes, his voice revealed a heartbreaking choking: "Why are you the Great Wuzu, I hate the Great Wuzu the most..."

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not the Great Wuzu, I'm Jiang Chaoge!" He put down his cloud breath and walked towards Chao Zhi Xuan.

Zhi Xuan closed his eyes, staggered and took a step back: "...don't come near me."

Jiang Chaoge only felt a dull pain in his heart, he looked at Zhi Xuan in disbelief, and said in a hoarse voice, "Are you fucking crazy, I'm Jiang Chaoge, what great ancestor, I don't even remember the fart, Why should the grudges from your thousands of times be counted on my head?!”

Zhi Xuan abruptly opened his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "There can't be such a coincidence, this is all your conspiracy, you have planned everything, become our spirit soldiers, control us, what exactly do you want to do! "

"I don't know!" Jiang Chaoge roared hoarsely, "I don't know anything like you!"

Zhi Xuan glanced at Jiang Chaoge, the emotions contained in that glance were too complicated to interpret, he turned around and ran into the forest, and soon disappeared.

Jiang Chaoge stared blankly at Zhi Xuan's back disappearing from sight, and did not regain his senses for a long time.

Why were things going in the direction he least wanted to see? He is actually the Great Wuzu... What is he? Why would he become the soul soldier of the mortal enemy ten thousand years ago? Zhi Xuan was right, this was a complete conspiracy, and this may have been a conspiracy he was involved in, but now he has completely forgotten about it. So he felt wronged and innocent, how could Zhi Xuan alienate him because of his previous life? He is Jiang Chaoge!

Jiang Chaoge turned around and found that the expressions of King Ren and Hong Yuan were also very stiff. Liu Qingming and Ruan Qiansu looked at each other, both at a loss.

The atmosphere was extremely gloomy for a while, and it blended perfectly with the surrounding dead aura.

Yu Renshu was the first to come back to his senses, he said solemnly: "Everyone, calm down first, even if we know... Nothing can change now, we should wake them up quickly so that we can know what we want to know."

King Ren sighed deeply.

Liu Qingming "looked" at Prince Ren with his white-free eyes, and whispered, "Prince Ren..."

Prince Ren raised his hand and said indifferently, "Now, don't tell me anything."

Liu Qingming frowned and lowered his head, his expression very lonely.

Ruan Qiansu and Hong Yuan looked at each other and turned their heads.

Jiang Chaoge scratched his hair and forced himself to calm down. He said, "Where is the essence of heaven and earth, and what should we do with Xianyun and them?"

King Ren whispered: "The essence of heaven and earth is in the cave. As for Xianyun and the others... No matter whether it is an alien beast or a great witch ancestor, it is impossible to kill them, so they can only be left like this."

"Zhi Xuan said..." Jiang Chaoge felt a pain in his chest when he thought of Zhi Xuan, "He said that the real Qilin fire might be able to kill the Great Wuzu."

Hong Yuan said: "It's just 'maybe'". The only thing that can really make the soul of the alien beast or the great witch ancestor fly away is probably only the fire essence that burns smoke. The essence of smoke, unless you don't want to cultivate for ten thousand years, you will not use fire essence to desperately. "

Looking at the beasts who were still unconscious, Long Xiang said unwillingly, "Could it be that with such a good opportunity, we can't kill them?"

King Ren shook his head: "I finally know why Xiaoxue let us rescue Yu Renshu so easily. The awakening of Liu Qing and the goddess must have allowed him to know the identity of the Soul Soldier one step earlier than us, and whether we No matter how you fight to the death, it is impossible to kill each other in the end, so he does not fight with us."

Sisi said irritably: "So we can't destroy them, and they can't destroy us, so what's the point of us grabbing the essence of the world now?"

King Ren turned his head to look at the cave, and said softly: "The essence of heaven and earth may be the thing that can really destroy us. You have also seen the soul power released by it, so the essence of heaven and earth is our last hope."

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "Go in and have a look, to see the true face of the Yuan of Heaven and Earth."

"Don't waste your energy." A weak voice sounded behind them.

King Ren turned his head abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, "Xianyun..."

The man in Tsing Yi who got up from the ground tremblingly was Xianyun, Xianyun's body was shaky, but finally stood up, he stared straight at King Ren: "You can't get in, if you can, we will What are you doing here?"

Hong Yuan walked to the entrance of the cave and reached out to touch it. He instinctively thought that the entrance of the cave might also be blocked by the air wall, but as soon as his palm touched the air at the entrance of the cave, he suddenly screamed and retracted suddenly. In the hand, I saw his fingers that were as white and delicate as green onions, melted away like cream! The white fat mixed with red blood dripped to the ground, and the melting trend hadn't stopped, and it began to spread towards his wrist. Ruan Qiansu quickly released his soul power and repaired his palm in a competition with the strange melting power.

Hong Yuan grabbed his wrist, his body trembled and turned his head, staring fiercely at Xianyun, his deep and beautiful eyes flashing vicious and cold light: "Xianyun..."

Xianyun said coldly: "Now you know it."

Jiang Chaoge picked up a few stones and threw them into the cave. The stones melted away without a trace. Jiang Chaoge threw the stone in his hand to the ground irritably, thinking about Zhi Xuan's cold and distrustful eyes, thinking about his back when he turned away, thinking about this damn cave, the damn essence of heaven and earth, and this damn group The fierce beast, the resentful and irritable emotions in his chest were about to explode in his body, he couldn't help roaring lowly, the veins on his forehead burst, and the whole person was full of aggression like a hedgehog.

Yu Renshu said in a calm tone, "What happened to you, why did you get hurt like this?"

Xianyun said: "After we came to Xuanyuanqiu, we felt the aura of heaven and earth, and Yinchuan was guarding outside the cave. He didn't allow us to go in, and in fact no one could. The soul soldier of Yinchuan awakened. At this time, the agitation of the essence of heaven and earth became more and more intense. When we wanted to leave, we found that we were trapped in the air wall. After that, the essence of heaven and earth awakened and we lost consciousness. , until now." Xianyun looked around, "I can guess what happened."

King Ren sneered: "Xianyun, your organs are exhausted, I probably didn't expect that the last blow to you would be the essence of heaven and earth."

Xianyun's deep pupils narrowed slightly: "King Ren, do you know why I always want to see you?"

"What else do you want to say?"

"I want to say, I definitely didn't lead the Great Wuzu to the human world to slay alien beasts. The essence of heaven and earth is the Jade Emperor's thing, it was stolen into the human world, and the Jade Emperor will take it back sooner or later, it is Yinchuan. Over and over again, he has prevented the gods from taking back the essence of heaven and earth, and even in order to obstruct the gods, he did not hesitate to deceive you and lead you to snatch the essence of heaven and earth. , and there will be no ending that we are sealed into the soul soldier!"

Prince Ren said sharply, "Then why did you collude with the Great Wuzu in the first place!"

"Because I know that only by letting them take away the essence of heaven and earth can we replace the peace of the human world and our eternal life!"

Everyone was silent, and even the sound of breathing was deliberately weakened. These alien beasts insist on their own words, who is the truth? Under this dark cloud full of conspiracy flavors, what should they believe

King Ren clenched his fists: "Why should I trust you?"

Xianyun said hoarsely, "We used to be close friends, why can't you believe me."

King Ren's lips trembled slightly: "You... I only know that you led the gods to the lower realm to surround and suppress us. This is what I saw."

"You are all confused by Yinchuan. I just want the gods to control you, take away the essence of heaven and earth, and replace the world with peace, but then things got out of control, and the battle between alien beasts and gods could no longer be quelled. I always thought they couldn't kill us, but I didn't expect them to seal us into weapons... After Liu Qing awakened, I realized why they could seal us, they sacrificed themselves." Xianyun gritted his teeth, " In order to take the essence of heaven and earth as his own, Yin Chuan planned all this! In the end, he not only failed himself, but also let everyone, alien beasts, great witch ancestors, and human beings, all be buried for him. This is the drink that you trust more. Sichuan!"

Jiang Chaoge looked at Yinchuan, who was still in a coma, his brain was buzzing, and he lost his ability to think at that moment. He thought happily, if Yinchuan woke up now and the two faced off on the spot, what would it be like? Fans of wonderful scenes, think about it makes people look forward to.

Prince Ren's expression was also full of confusion, and he didn't know what to say for a while: "Wait... When Yin Chuan wakes up, I will ask him."

Xianyun said solemnly: "The Great Wuzu became our soul soldier, it must be to control us, we can no longer be used by Yinchuan, nor can we be subject to the Great Wuzu forever, we need the essence of heaven and earth, only those who absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Only with huge soul power can we be reborn." Xianyun emphasized, "King Ren, we are the same kind."

Liu Qingming looked at Prince Ren, although he couldn't see anything, because at this time, Prince Ren refused him to borrow his eyes, but Prince Ren still seemed to feel Liu Qingming's sight, he turned his head to look at Liu Qingming, and looked at Liu Qingming's hollowness Although he couldn't express anything with his eyes, he didn't say a word, but King Ren felt that he felt something strange. King Ren secretly took a deep breath: "Xianyun, until I find out the truth, I can't answer you anything. I only hope that the disaster ten thousand years ago will not be repeated in the world."

"If we don't want to repeat the same mistakes, we must come back to the world, with the real us, not the soul beasts of the great witch ancestors." Xianyun hit everyone's hearts word by word, "Sooner or later, the Jade Emperor will take the essence of heaven and earth. Take it back, he will not let our hidden dangers go, are you really willing to disappear forever?"