Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 32


The next day, Jiang Chaoge found Yu Renshu and Tian Rong during the meal time, and revealed his plan.

Yu Renshu frowned as soon as he heard it, "You are too bold. If Qi Lingfeng knew that you let go of that woman, we would even lose our last friend."

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate well, I will make Qi Lingfeng think that Qi Ranjun has let Ruan Qiansu go."

"Then how do you explain Qi Ran-Jun?"

"As long as he doesn't admit it, even if Qi Lingfeng thinks he let it go, he can't do anything about it. When Qi Ranjun pleads again, Qi Lingfeng may forgive her."

"Have you told Qi Ranjun about this plan?"

Jiang Chaoge blinked, "No."

Yu Renshu was slightly angry, "So so far it's all your wishful thinking, you went to see Ruan Qiansu without discussing it with me, and you told Ruan Qiansu that he would be loyal to Qi's family without seeing Long Xiang, which means that you You don't have any chips, but you want me and Tian Rong to act according to your assumptions, and then use these assumptions to ask Qi Ranjun to intercede for Long Xiang! Jiang Chaoge, Jiang Chaoge, don't you start building a house without a cornerstone?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "I will give you a story of our world."

"I don't have time to listen to stories."

"Listen, it's very interesting. The story goes like this, the poor boy fell in love with the city lord's daughter, but he knew that the city lord would never allow him to marry his daughter. A wise man decided to help him, and the wise man went to the biggest gold shop in the city first. , asked the boss of Jinxing, if you would like to hire the son-in-law of the city lord to be your steward, the boss of Jinxing, of course, agreed, and then the wise man went to the city lord and asked him if he would like his daughter to marry the biggest in the city. When Jin Xing's steward heard it, the city lord felt that his daughter liked it, and the young man was so decent, so he readily agreed. So the young man had both fame, wealth and beauty, the city lord's daughter married a young and promising sweetheart, and Jin Xing got the city lord's son-in-law to be the steward. The city owner sees his daughter happy." Jiang Chaoge chuckled: "I have always appreciated this story, not because it taught me how to create something out of nothing, but because it taught me that satisfying the interests of all parties is the most perfect deal."

Yu Renshu was stunned and looked at Jiang Chaoge with an incredible look.

"Shu, cooperate with me, and in the end we can all get what we want."

Yu Renshu paused, "Okay, tell me what to do."

"You go to Qi Ranjun yourself and tell him that Ruan Qiansu promised to leave Qi Mansion with my help. Ruan Qiansu doesn't want to owe him favors or accept his help, so we'll do it on condition. It is to let me see Long Xiang before the trial, and he wants to plead with Qi Lingfeng to pardon Long Xiang, and the price is that Long Xiang will atone for his sins and be loyal to the Qi family."

Zhi Xuan snorted coldly, "A human woman is really inexplicable, someone is willing to let her out, why doesn't she do it, does she like being locked up?"

"I guess, Qi Ranjun must have expressed the intention to help Ruan Qiansu regain his freedom, but to be his person. Even if she didn't say it directly, she could hear it. That woman was very proud and definitely disagreed."

Yu Ren said: "In the identity of Qi Ranjun, it is impossible to marry her, and her reputation is so bad, I'm afraid she can't even be a concubine, she can't accept it."

Tian Rong said: "Then what if Qi Ranjun does not agree and let Ruan Qiansu go, won't he get it?"

"I don't think Qi Ranjun is that kind of person." Jiang Chaoge patted Yu Renshu on the shoulder, "It's up to you to persuade him. To put it more emotionally, Qi Ranjun is soft and not hard."

"What if he is?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "If so, I have other plans."

Yu Renshu was skeptical, but finally agreed.

Everything went smoothly according to Jiang Chaoge's plan. The next night, the night before the trial, he was secretly taken to the dungeon to see Long Xiang.

When Long Xiang saw him appear, he was not surprised at all, this young man still maintained his maturity and arrogance beyond his age, and looked at him fixedly.

Jiang Chaoge shrank his neck, "This dungeon is so cold, can you sleep well?"

"Not being able to sleep has nothing to do with being cold."

Jiang Chaoge smiled, "Yes, you may lose your head tomorrow."

Long Xiang said: "It's not necessarily the case if you come, tell me, what do you want to do."

Jiang Chaoge sat down opposite him, picked up the shackles on his hands and feet, and asked bluntly, "Do you want to live?"


"I have a way to live here, do you want to listen?"


"Tomorrow's trial, if you refuse to admit that you killed the Qi family, Qi Ranjun will intercede for you, and let you forgive your sins and be loyal to the Qi family from now on."

"I said, I..."

"Listen to me." Jiang Chaoge stopped him. "After saving your life, the third prince will ask Qi Lingfeng to help us find the heaven-level soul weapon with you. Then you can leave the Qi residence and regain your freedom."

"You help me like this, what do you want?"

Jiang Chaoge said rudely, "I want you to follow me."

Long Xiang sneered, "What's the difference between staying in the Qi family?"

"Of course, you hate the Qi family, but you don't hate me. Besides, I will pay you a lot, much more than the bounty you earn by running around. The most important thing is that you are always Free, if you don't want to follow me, you can leave at any time."

Long Xiang's bleak blue eyes flickered, he was weighing Jiang Chaoge's words.

Jiang Chaoge increased his tone, "You want to live, this is the only hope."

Long Xiang shook his fiery red hair, his eyes became firm, "Okay, if I can leave Qi Mansion, I owe you a favor. I will never leave until I find a heaven-level soul weapon."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "Okay!"

After solving Qi Ranjun and Long Xiang, the rest is how to get Ruan Qiansu out of Qi Mansion. In fact, he doesn't need to worry too much about this. Qi Ranjun is much more active than him. They plan to find Tianji when they set off. When the soul weapon was used, Ruan Qiansu was taken away.

Jiang Chaoge was not eligible to participate in Long Xiang's trial, and Yu Renshu went. Although he was confident, he was still somewhat nervous, and felt a little anxious all morning.

Zhi Xuan watched him walking around the room, and finally became impatient, "Can you sit for a while, you will shorten your lifespan like this."

Jiang Chaoge laughed, "How does this reduce lifespan?"

"I heard that human beings will lose their lifespan as long as they have intense emotions. Eating too much will reduce their lifespan, not exercising will reduce their lifespan, they will lose their lifespan when they are cold and hot, and they will lose their lifespan when they cry and get drunk... How can human beings be so troublesome? "Speaking of the end, Zhi Xuan got angry.

Jiang Chaoge laughed and said, "You are right. Humans are so fragile, but sometimes they are strong, so although they are short-lived, they can reproduce for thousands of years."

"It just doesn't make sense. Why is there only one ancient spirit beast like me, and there are thousands of humans who are as small as ants. It is clear that I am strong and long-lived."

"Perhaps because of this, you are a single one. If there are many, many unicorns, I am afraid that the world can't bear it, and other races will be extinct, so the world can only create one unicorn."

Zhi Xuan nodded, it seemed that he was very comfortable saying this.

At this time, Yu Renshu came back, and Jiang Chaoge hurried up to greet him, "How is it?"

Yu Renshu was a little excited, "Everything went well, Long Xiang refused to accept the account, Qi Lingfeng was shaken, and Qi Ranjun would be a lobbyist."

Jiang Chaoge breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is no immediate trial, it proves that Qi Lingfeng's determination to kill Long Xiang is not strong, and things will definitely turn around.

"In addition, Qi Lingfeng, based on the clues of the great national master, helped me find a place where a heaven-level soul weapon may have fallen. It is on the Shaoxian Mountain, which is seven hundred miles east of the prison and law city. Alien beast, no one dares to go, we can set off at any time. According to what you said, I told him that we are looking for a specific soul weapon, and if it is not that one, we will give him the heaven-level soul weapon we found."

"Very good, we will set off immediately after Long Xiang is pardoned."

After waiting for two days, Qi Ranjun brought good news, saying that after Long Xiang agreed to serve the Qi clan, Qi Lingfeng decided to pardon him, and Yu Renshu immediately proposed to take Long Xiang to Shaoxian Mountain to find a heaven-level soul weapon. , Qi Lingfeng, because of Yu Renshu's face, felt that something was not right, but he had to agree.

On the day of departure, Qi Ranjun sent someone in advance to hide Ruan Qiansu in the camera obscura of their carriage. The carriage contained the food and clothing expenses that Qi Lingfeng prepared for them, which was specially made by Qi Ranjun.

Qi Lingfeng sent them to the gate of Qi Mansion, while Qi Ranjun wanted to escort them out of the city.

After walking out of the prison city for more than ten miles, Qi Ranjun stopped his men and horses, he turned over and dismounted, and released Ruan Qiansu from the camera obscura.

Ruan Qiansu changed into a plain black dress, her long hair was pulled into the simplest bun, and her face was as cold and attractive as white jade. The air of a person is a bit more sassy than that of a man.

Qi Ranjun looked at him sadly, "Qiansu, are you really leaving?"

Ruan Qiansu said indifferently: "Even if the Prison City still has a place for me, I don't want to waste my time here."

Qi Ranjun's resolute face was full of sadness, "Qiansu, I want to give you a lot, but you refuse to ask for it. Why are you so stubborn."

"Second brother, we have said many things countless times, don't say it anymore." Ruan Qiansu looked at Qi Ranjun, his eyes were a little sad, "Thank you for taking care of me for many years, otherwise I will live in Qi Mansion. It will be more difficult, and if there is a chance in my lifetime, I will definitely repay you."

Qi Ranjun couldn't help holding Ruan Qiansu tightly in his arms, his fists clenched tightly and his body trembled slightly.

Ruan Qiansu sighed, "Second brother, thank you... I'm sorry."

Qi Ranjun took a deep breath, let go of her, and took out two bright and sharp mandarin ducks from the horse bag, "Your weapon."

When Ruan Qiansu saw the mandarin ducks and tomahawks, her eyes brightened. She caressed them carefully, cherishing them very much.

Qi Ranjun took a step back and forced himself to turn around, "Let's go. Qiansu, don't forget the second brother."

Ruan Qiansu said softly, "Never forget each other." She got on her horse and walked forward without looking back.

Jiang Chaoge looked back and saw her following, and shouted proudly, "Let's go."

Towards the unknown danger, set off.