Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 42


During the period when He Bo recovered his soul power, he first treated Yu Renshu with medical skills for a few days, and then bought a lot of good medicine with the money Jiang Chaoge gave. Yu Renshu's wounds healed well, but he couldn't move freely.

During this period, Jiang Chaoge took Zhi Xuan for a walk in Daliang City, and at the same time inquired about Wang Qin's whereabouts. After two days of inquiries, he found nothing, but unexpectedly found out why Uncle He, a soul guide, could get along so poorly. It turned out that there was another soul guide in the city, who was a guest of the noble family, and his level was actually comparable to Uncle He. , but will be flattered. After climbing up to the nobles in the city, they will run against Uncle He everywhere. There are some rumors that are very unfavorable to Uncle He. If he hadn't seen Uncle He healed Jiaojiao with his own eyes, Jiang Chaoge, an outsider, would certainly have Believe.

Jiang Chaoge also turned around the city's Horcrux shops, animal material shops and auction houses. As a city that is not too small, there are actually no storage bags here, and many people have not even heard of half-horcruxes. It seems that only places like the imperial capital can have everything, but unfortunately he has no time to purchase in Prison City.

He sold a few bulk materials that took up a lot of space at a low price, earned more than 600 silver coins, freed up half of the space in the storage bag, bought a few barrels of wine for Zhi Xuan, and stocked up some food. The most amazing thing about this storage bag is that no matter how much food you put in it, it will not spoil. It seems that the space inside is constant.

Zhi Xuan was the happiest when he was shopping. As soon as he saw a good thing, he would wrap his arms around Jiang Chaoge's neck and shake it vigorously: "I want that, I want that, I want this, I want this."

Tired of shopping, Jiang Chaoge took him to rest in a teahouse. The two of them sat by the window with a row of snacks on the table. Zhi Xuan sat cross-legged on the table, drinking and eating snacks, while Jiang Chaoge stared out the window in a daze , completely disregarding the strange glances that other guests cast at them, after all, it is not every day that a three- or four-year-old child can be seen drinking and an adult doesn't care.

Suddenly, Jiang Chaoge felt something sweet on his lips, he looked down, a piece of jujube mud cake was placed beside his mouth, Zhi Xuan looked at him, and said simply and rudely, "Eat."

Jiang Chaoge opened his mouth and took a bite.

Zhi Xuan said: "Why are you in a daze, and you don't eat."

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Chaoge asked, "Aren't you worried that King Ren will find the essence of heaven and earth first?"

Zhi Xuan shook his head, "If the essence of heaven and earth were to appear in the world, I would immediately feel it, no matter how far it is."

"What is the essence of heaven and earth?"

"In fact, no one has seen it, because no one has really owned it. It releases a strong energy and attracts us. As long as we get close to it, we feel very energetic. I don't know how to describe it, but I really want to get it. It appeared once. In Kunlun Wonderland, Yinchuan was the first to discover it and guarded it for thousands of years. Later, more and more exotic beasts knew the essence of heaven and earth and began to fight for it. Before I was sealed by Wuzu, the capital of heaven and earth was It's still in Kunlun Wonderland, but it must be sealed now, otherwise I can't feel it."

Jiang Chaoge was shocked. Could it be that Zhi Xuan wanted to go to Kunlun Wonderland not for drinking the river, but for the essence of heaven and earth

Zhi Xuan could see what he was thinking at a glance, "If the essence of heaven and earth is sealed, it is impossible to find it, before it appeared, we lived for 10,000 years, and we never knew there was such a thing, so I went to Kunlun. Wonderland is to find Yinchuan." He thought for a while, "Of course, maybe Yinchuan knows the whereabouts of the Yuan of Heaven and Earth. After all, no one knows more about the Yuan of Heaven and Earth than he does, and he is probably the only one who has seen it. The person of the essence of heaven and earth, but he refuses to tell us what the essence of heaven and earth is."

"I think it is precisely because he knows what the essence of heaven and earth is that he will keep silently guarding it and stop you from arguing over it."

Zhi Xuan snorted, his eyes shone brightly, "You idiot, if he used the primordial order of heaven and earth to command all sentient beings from the beginning, there would not have been a thousand-year war of scuffle between alien beasts, and as a result, the human world turned into purgatory in the end. He suffers unbearably because of this. He is obsessed with his own thoughts and Tao, which sounds like shit to me. No matter how well he understands human nature, he is not a human after all. He is neither an adult nor a complete beast. If I get the essence of heaven and earth, I will definitely dominate the world and make every grass and tree in this world obey me, only then can there be real peace.”

Jiang Chao Ge secretly agrees with Zhi Xuan's thoughts. He is very similar to Zhi Xuan. If they can really rule the world, they will not be benevolent rulers, but will use repressive means to make all bridges return to bridges, roads return to roads, and the world will return to the road. They operate under the rules they set to achieve the peace they want. Just like what Zhi Xuan said, Yin Chuan, who read the book of sages, was probably mistaken by the book of sages.

"King Ren has always respected Yinchuan very much, but no one listened to Yinchuan's advice at that time, which eventually led to the wrath of the gods. I think that King Ren wanted to find the essence of heaven and earth earlier, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes."

"After all, you are already soul beasts now. You are not alive, and you cannot die again. How can you repeat the same mistakes."

"Haven't you heard of backlash?" Zhi Xuan stepped on his shoulder, "Backlash means that if a soul beast is strong enough, it can be reborn with the soul power of a soul soldier."

Jiang Chaoge narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have heard of it, but it is said that the probability is very small."

"Of course it's very small. The premise of the backlash is that the spirit soldier must be strong enough, at least to reach the strength of the sixth-level spirit soldier or above, and then there will be strong soul power to support the soul beast. The more soul power, the stronger the soul beast, but at the same time, the higher the autonomy of the soul beast, if you don't control it, you will be sucked up in the end."

Jiang Chaoge was terrified when he heard it, "What will happen to the Soul Soldier after being drained of his soul power?"

Zhi Xuan shrugged, "The positions of the Soul Soldier and the Soul Beast will be swapped. If the relationship is good, the Soul Beast will keep the Soul Soldier's life, but usually they choose to kill it, because the Soul Soldier also has the opportunity to regain the master. control."

"Isn't that very dangerous?"

"Yu Renshu will definitely defend Tianrong, and backlash is not so easy to happen." Zhi Xuan snorted, "However, if it is an ancient alien beast, the chance of backlash is much higher. We move and fight."

Jiang Chaoge shook and said with a mocking smile, "There will be a day when you won't kill me, will you?"

Zhi Xuan touched his chin, "Don't worry, you are my servant, and I will keep you."

Jiang Chaoge already felt that many people were watching them, so he hurriedly settled the bill, hugged Zhi Xuan and walked away. On the way, he asked, "Why do you know so much? Aren't you not interested in human affairs?"

"As early as our time, humans have already started to use Horcruxes, and these are known to everyone and beasts." Zhi Xuan paused and narrowed his eyes, "It's just that I never thought that one day I would be It will become a soul beast. If it weren't for our fighting for thousands of years, the soul power consumption would be too great, and it would not be sealed by Wu Zu. I can't remember the name and appearance of the Wu Zu who sealed me, but I will always remember him. If I see his reincarnation, I must tear him to shreds!

Jiang Chaoge said helplessly: "Since it is a reincarnation, how can I remember the past life."

"I don't care. When I recover my true body, I will eat all those nasty things."

Jiang Chaoge thought to himself, it seems that this little thing is really unaccustomed to anyone, and it is always going to eat this and bite that. However, this also made him faintly worried. He didn't even dare to worry about such distant things as backlash. He just worried that once Zhi Xuan recovered his true body, he would be able to control it.

"So do you know why I can't make a contract with you now?" Zhi Xuan said suddenly.

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a while, he didn't expect Zhi Xuan to suddenly mention this, it seemed that he had been racking his brains for a while to get Zhi Xuan to form a bond with him, but he didn't dare to push too hard, Zhi Xuan always knew.

Zhi Xuan didn't wait for him to answer, and said, "I just want to keep you alive because you are my servant, because once you and I form a contract, unless you die, I can't have another soul soldier. Let’s make a contract. In case you’ve been such a waste all the time, and there is a more powerful spirit soldier that fits me, you say, shouldn’t I kill you?” Zhi Xuan looked at Jiang Chaoge without blinking, that childish There was a hint of anger in his face.

Jiang Chaoge said cautiously, "I will become stronger."

"Hmph, who knows when you will become stronger. Summoning the true body is already my bottom line, otherwise I will have no face to see Yinchuan." Thinking of being ridiculed by King Ren, Zhi Xuan was annoyed again, "If you arrive Before the third level, there is a spirit soldier who is stronger than you, and I don't want you, but as long as you don't make a contract, at least you can live, and I will still take you by my side to protect you."

Jiang Chaoge smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for being old."

Zhi Xuan hugged his neck, rubbed his forehead, and hummed, "No thanks."

Jiang Chaoge felt that he had little hope of forming a contract with Zhi Xuan in advance, so he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, but he felt that Zhi Xuan was right. After all, if a more powerful soul soldier appeared, Zhi Xuan might really abandon him. His thirst for strength was no less than his, and even because Zhi Xuan was strong in the past, it was even more difficult for him to accept his weakness at this stage.

When they returned to the suburban compound, they actually saw Ruan Qiansu teaching Jiaojiao to play with her mandarin ducks and tomahawks. Jiaojiao adored her.

Seeing them coming back, Ruan Qiansu smiled brightly, "What delicious food did you bring back?"

This smile bloomed like a hundred flowers, it was so beautiful that it made Jiang Chaoge faint, and he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you in such a good mood."

Ruan Qiansu came over and took the things from their hands, "I didn't have so many peers to play with me when I was young." She looked at Jiaojiao and said softly, "This child really looks like me before."

Zhi Xuan said bluntly, "You were also like a little beggar before?"

"Before Qi Lingfeng took me back to Qi Mansion, I didn't even have a fixed place to live." Ruan Qiansu shrugged, "They said my mother was a prostitute, but I never saw her, but it should be, right? Otherwise they wouldn't throw me on the street."

This is Ruan Qiansu's first time talking about his life experience. Although he used a nonchalant tone, Jiang Chaoge was still a little uncomfortable.

He was also living on the streets when he was young, and even now he has a vague memory of what his parents looked like. He couldn't understand the feeling of being helpless and wandering around.

Yu Renshu was lying on the reclining chair basking in the sun, and he was muttering words. Jiang Chaoge walked over to take a look and found that he was talking to Tian Rong. In order not to attract attention, Tian Rong and Zuiyou did not come out of their weapons.

Yu Renshu looked up at him, "I'm back."

"Well, where are you chatting with Tian Rong?"

"He said he was bored and wanted to go out for a walk, but unfortunately I can't move around now."

"How's the leg?"

"He Bo said he would heal me the day after tomorrow." Yu Renshu said, "How are you? Do you have any clues about Wang Qin?"

Jiang Chaoge shook his head in disappointment, "No, the city of Great Liang is not big, but no one has ever heard of this person. Could it be that he is not a spirit soldier? I asked in the wrong direction from the beginning?"

"It's not impossible." Yu Renshu looked at him, "Have you ever thought about what happened after you found Wang Qin? According to Shen Yansui, there is probably an organization for people from other worlds. Do you want to join such an organization? "

Jiang Chaoge shook his head, "I don't know, maybe they are all trying to find a way to return to their own world, but after so many years, they have not made any progress except for the name of sneak attacking the great national teacher, which proves that their efforts are going in the wrong direction. ." He would rather have no companions than pig-like companions, so he can only take one step at a time.

Yu Renshu smiled, "You've always been so decisive, I like that."

"Without this determination, I would not dare to take you away, Your Highness."

Yu Renshu laughed and scolded: "Don't make fun of me."

At this time, Uncle He came over with a bowl of soup medicine: "Master Yu, it's time for you to drink the medicine." He handed the soup medicine to Yu Renshu.

After Yu Renshu took it, he raised his nose and sniffed, and his face immediately showed a retching expression, "What is so stinky!"

"Today's medicine contains Leopard Blood and Zhu Yangan, which are very effective for wound healing. Most people can't afford such expensive veterinary medicinal materials."

Yu Renshu frowned and shoved the medicine bowl into Jiang Chaoge's hand, "If you don't drink it, it will stink to death."

He Bo advised: "Sir, please bear with it and drink it, it is very good for your injury."

"No, I'm going to vomit when I smell it." Yu Renshu got up from the reclining chair and jumped all the way back to the room. Leaving He Bo and Jiang Chaoge to look at each other.

He Bo said: "Sir, are you going to persuade him?"

"Okay, leave it to me."

"By the way, sir, have you heard about the person named 'Wang Qin' these two days?"

Jiang Chaoge shook his head, "No, it seems that there is no such person in Great Liang City."

"If he has soul consciousness, no one will know him."

"I think so too, maybe he's just an ordinary person, Uncle He, you can help pay more attention."


Jiang Chaoge went to look for Yu Renshu with the medicine bowl in hand. Uncle He looked at his back and his eyes sank.

As soon as he entered the room, Tian Rong was already standing in the room with his chest folded, and said in a reprimanding tone, "You are still not a man, yet you don't drink medicine because it is unpleasant to drink."

"Anyway, Uncle He will heal me, so what if I drink less." Yu Renshu retorted, "Do you know what a man is? What men value is ability, courage, and responsibility, not willingness to drink or not. A bowl of medicine."

"I don't even dare to drink a bowl of medicine, what kind of courage do you give me?"

Yu Renshu raised his voice: "When did I dare not drink it, I don't want to drink it!"

"What's the difference?"

Jiang Chaoge handed the medicine to Tianrong, "How about you solve it yourself?"

Tian Rong took the medicine bowl and glared at Yu Renshu fiercely.

Yu Renshu took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and gritted his teeth, "Give it to me."

Tian Rong handed the medicine over, Yu Renshu took it, took a deep breath, and slammed a bowl of medicine into his mouth.

The stench was faintly wafting in the air, and just smelling it made people nauseous.

After Yu Renshu finished drinking, he slammed the medicine bowl, covered his mouth and retched for a long time, his face flushed red, Tian Rong patted his back and let him breathe, "It's alright, it's done. , don't spit, swallow."

Yu Renshu just swallowed the medicine, coughing until tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

Zhi Xuan laughed and laughed for a while, then suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Chaoge, and said solemnly: "See, if you don't listen to me carefully, your life expectancy will be shortened, and you will have to drink such unpleasant medicine in the future. "

Jiang Chaoge said: "Oh, it's scary." He suddenly remembered something, "Where are Long Xiang and Zuiyou?"

"Zuiyou insisted on going out to play, and Long Xiang took him out."

Zhi Xuan yawned, "What's the use of hiding like this? Anyone with soul consciousness knows that I am a soul beast."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "That's true. However, people with discernment know what not to ask. Besides, it's not so strange to have a Celestial Soul weapon. If three appeared at once, Uncle He would be scared to death."

Yu Renshu gave Tian Rong a gloomy look, "If you hear me, hurry back to the weapon."

"I can go back, but I will still supervise your medicine." Tian Rong's wild eyes showed a hint of domineering.

"It's alright, alright, I know."

The third prince, who has been pampered since childhood, has tasted all the hardships he has not suffered in more than 20 years in just a few months. In this way, he has no complaints, but has always implemented his goals. This is Jiang Chaoge's most admired him. the point.

A few days later, He Bo's spirit power recovered almost, and he began to heal Yu Renshu's injuries. Yu Renshu's injuries were no worse than Jiaojiao's. After an afternoon of repairs and the help of expensive animal materials and herbs, he finally recovered. .

One of the goals of coming to Great Liang City this time has been achieved, and the next step is to find Wang Qin with all his strength. They were used to living in the compound, so they planned to continue living there.

During this period, Ruan Qiansu and the children in the compound got along better and better. Jiaojiao was always a little bit fierce towards others, but Ruan Qiansu said "Sister Qiansu" very sweetly.

One day during dinner, Ruan Qiansu suddenly said, "If I stay here... what do you think?"

Jiang Chaoge was stunned, "Here? Great Liang City? In the courtyard?"

Ruan Qiansu nodded and said hesitantly, "If I were here, they would definitely not worry about food and clothing."

"But you will kill them." Long Xiang said bluntly, "Have you forgotten that you are the target of Shaxue now?"

Ruan Qiansu didn't seem to be surprised by this answer at all, she just stared absently at the white, tender and crystal grains of rice in the bowl and nodded, the momentary hesitation disappeared without a trace, she said calmly, "I don't forget. I'm just talking casually."

Jiang Chaoge knew that Ruan Qiansu and Jiaojiao had been getting along day and night during this period of time, and they were already quite affectionate. This kind of friendship that Ruan Qiansu could not understand from others, so it resonated with her, and even had a hazy feeling. A sense of belonging.

Zhi Xuan pouted, "Why do humans have to live in groups?"

"It's too lonely to be alone." Jiang Chaoge said.

Zhi Xuan looked at him without blinking: "Are you lonely too?"


"But you have me." Zhi Xuan said seriously.

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "So I'm not lonely now."

Zhi Xuan showed a satisfied expression of "it's almost the same", and allowed Jiang Chaoge to peel the peanut shells for him and eat them one by one.

In the blink of an eye, they had been in Great Liang City for half a month, Yu Renshu was already alive and kicking, and Wang Qin's whereabouts were still unknown. Jiang Chaoge felt that he couldn't continue to consume like this, but he finally came to the north, and he was unwilling to give up easily. After thinking about it, he decided to use some special means. In the past, when they were on the road, to find someone, they often had a faster way than Jingcha.

He found Uncle He and asked Uncle He to lead him to find people like the head snake in Daliang City.

Uncle He was surprised: "Do you want to find Wang Qin through them?"

Jiang Chaoge nodded.

He Bo hesitated for a moment, "Sir, can I ask, what are you looking for that person for?"

"This is inconvenient to report."

He Bo whispered: "It's useless for you to find them. If you want to find someone, I have a better way."

"Oh, you say?"

"Have you heard of Shaxue? It is the largest intelligence agency in the north. As long as you are not short of money, they will definitely be able to find the person you want."

Jiang Chaoge's eyes changed, and he said calmly, "I can't pay the commission for the blood, so let's forget it."

Uncle He nodded, "Okay, I don't know the forces in the streets and alleys of Daliangcheng. I'll help you find out."

"Okay, as soon as possible."

In order to find Wang Qin, Jiang Chaoge has been running for several days in a row, wasting time in the daytime looking for people, and spending his rest time cultivating at night. That night, he was practicing with his eyes closed. Suddenly, Zhi Xuan, who was sleeping next to him, jumped up from the bed, frightening his soul power to dissipate. , opened his eyes in sweat.

Zhi Xuan stood on the bed, his bright golden eyes were frighteningly bright, his small fists clenched tightly, his body trembled slightly, he gritted his teeth, his expression was serious and stern, and even faintly excited.

Jiang Chaoge said in shock, "Zhi Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

"I heard King Ren's voice."

"King Ren?" Jiang Chaoge pricked up his ears and listened hard, but heard nothing.

"In a far distance, King Ren is roaring, it is a provocative voice, he has encountered other ancient beasts!"

Jiang Chaoge's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, if it wasn't for an equal opponent, Prince Ren wouldn't have made such a tiger roar." Zhi Xuan paced back and forth on the bed, "Who could it be? Not Yin Chuan, Yin Chuan wouldn't fight Prince Ren Yes, who would that be?"

Jiang Chaoge hugged him and injected soul power into his body, "Calm down, concentrate, and listen carefully, which direction is it from?"

Zhi Xuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and listened carefully, "It is less than four hundred miles to the east of us, and it is very likely that we have left the north, at least in the area where the north meets the middle."

"That's the generation of Beiyue Mountain?"

"That's right." Zhi Xuan's voice even trembled with excitement, "Who exactly did Prince Ren meet, I really want to go and see."

Jiang Chaoge thought for a while, then turned over and got out of bed, "I'm going to find Yu Renshu. I'm afraid I can't hide the secret of the god-level soul weapon."

Yu Renshu was awakened from his dream by Jiang Chaoge in the middle of the night, and was about to lose his temper. When he heard Jiang Chaoge's reason, he suddenly woke up and said decisively, "Go, go and have a look!"

Less than 400 miles away, Tian Rong ran with all his strength, and they could arrive in three hours. They must go and see what the other ancient alien beast encountered with King Ren!

After the few people rode out of the city on horseback, they immediately sat on Tian Rong's back and galloped towards the east.

Yu Renshu's face was anxious, and Jiang Chaoge's heart was also up and down. If the news of the awakening of the ancient alien beasts spread throughout the Tianling Continent, what kind of panic would this land fall into!