Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 59


At this time, wisps of sunlight penetrated the thick fog and scattered in, making this chaotic Kunlun Hill show its true face, the shadows of alien beasts hidden in the thick fog are also looming, and the valley is full of chilling hairs. Upside-down screams, the fog made it difficult for the air to flow, and the smell of blood was so thick that it made people sick.

When they saw the figures of hundreds of alien beasts covering the valley, they all shuddered. Those alien beasts are like cubs waiting to be fed, just waiting for them to put themselves into their mouths, and one step forward is the abyss of slaughter.

They slowed down and walked on the snow and the corpses on the ground. The alien beasts in the thick fog were also about to move, and the killing intent was stagnant in the air, making it hard to breathe.

When the disaster was approaching, Jiang Chaoge was not afraid, he sighed: "If this is all killed, how much money can be exchanged."

Yu Renshu said helplessly, "You are still thinking about money at this time."

"What can I support you without money?" Jiang Chaoge got angry when he talked about this, "Ruan Qiansu is a prodigal..."

Ruan Qiansu's voice came from above his head: "What happened to me? I'm listening."

Jiang Chaoge swallowed hard and said disappointedly, "Even if you kill him, you won't be able to take it with you."

Yunxi's trembling voice also came from the sky: "With a storage bag, you can take it away."

"Really? Does the storage bag have this function?"

Long Xiang said: "As long as it is not a living creature, it can be carried, and a dead alien beast is no different from the pig, beef and mutton we bought." Before, he stared straight ahead with bright eyes, "However, I guess you don't have time to put them in."

Jiang Chaoge wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes with his sleeve, and the wound on his shoulder that was scratched by the owl was affected, causing a dull pain. The heavy Zhi Xuan Dao gave him a sense of peace of mind, and he gritted his teeth: "Yes, because we want to kill all the way. past."

Tianrong and Zuiyou ran from slow to fast, and finally rushed towards the depths of Kunlun Hill almost like a fly. In the sky, Zhengchen was carrying Ruan Qiansu and Yunxi to fly, and four poach birds spread their huge wings in front and back. Escorting left and right, the hissing sound from the sharp beak seemed to be poisonous.

Yu Renshu holds a mace in his hand and wears a battle armor. His silver hair, which is softer than Yuehua and smoother than mercury, dances in the wind. The color of his body is cold metal and the unrestrained amber color of Tian Rong is unrestrained. Killing beauty. Yu Renshu took a deep breath, and a burst of soul power followed Tian Rong's mace, and it split the thick fog abruptly!

All kinds of ferocious beasts rushed forward with their teeth and claws, Jiang Chaoge really felt like he was in a wolf's den, but they were not lambs to be slaughtered!

Yu Renshu jumped up, the Tian Rong mace was inserted vertically into the ground, and there was a loud bang. Jiang Chaoge felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly, and a wave of soul power spread out with Yu Renshu as the center, like a sharp sword shooting in all directions. Killing all directions, the ground was accustomed to a cracked hole by Tian Rong, and those slightly weaker beasts were knocked out by this spirit power.

A badger with one eye and five tails wanted to attack Yu Renshu from the rear, but Tian Rong flew towards him.

Long Xiang rode on Zuiyou and opened the way ahead. The Zuiyou halberd (bi) was five feet long, and with the halberd, he was taller than Long Xiang. The advantage of a long weapon was that it had a large attack range, and ordinary beasts could not approach him at all. The body, the halberd thorns swept through the air, sucking countless blood, and the crescent blades on both sides caused additional damage to the opponent. Zuiyou's elegant and pure green fox fur was covered with blood. The tail is upside down, sharp claws and sharp teeth are biting the enemy, and the degree of ferocity is much less than that of Tian Rong.

Jiang Chaoge and Zhi Xuan rode on Si's body and ran wildly on the bloody road that they drove out. Several Zhu Yan flew between the branches, evading Tianrong and Zuiyou's sweeping, and headed towards the weaker looking one. Si pounce.

Jiang Chaoge clamped Si's neck with his legs, twisted his waist, and danced with a big sword, cutting off a tree branch with Zhu Yanlian and a thick thigh. However, before he had time to turn around, he felt the cool wind blowing behind his head. He was surrounded by fog. If he could feel the wind, there must be an enemy behind him. dodge.

He could only hear Zhu Yan's human-like screams, and the smell of burns filled the air. Jiang Chaoge looked back and saw that Zhi Xuan had transformed into the attitude of a teenager. His hand was pinching a Zhu Yan's neck exactly, and Zhu Yan's entire head was on fire!

Zhi Xuan threw Zhu Yan, shook his hand in disgust, turned his head, and saw Jiang Chaoge looking at him in surprise: "What's wrong? Frightened stupid?"

"Uh, not..."

"Don't be in a daze!" Zhi Xuan raised a flame in his left hand and threw it behind Jiang Chaoge. An owl trying to sneak attack was so startled that it fluttered its wings and flew up.

Jiang Chaoge hurriedly turned around to meet the enemy, and he shouted in surprise, "I didn't expect you to help me."

Zhi Xuan snorted softly, "Whether I can help you or not depends on how much soul power you give me."

Jiang Chaoge laughed and said, "Okay, okay!"

In the sky, Ruan Qiansu made the mandarin ducks and tomahawks so magical that they roamed wildly among the birds of prey as if they were spiritual, and the tragic howls came one after another, and blood rained from time to time. With one bite, the smaller beasts will be killed on the spot, and the stronger ones will lose their ability to move.

Yunxi's face was pale, he was consuming a lot of soul power, and he was controlling four poisonous birds to form an encirclement, preventing the birds of prey from approaching them. He had never seen such a violent scene in his life, and he was inevitably afraid. At that time, he got involved in the battle between Zhi Xuan and Xiao Xue. First, he saw that Xiao Xue was too busy to pay attention to him, and second, the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, because he had never seen it before. The ancient alien beasts could not intuitively understand their power, but these hundreds of alien beasts were different, each of them was so hungry that they would swallow him alive, so he couldn't help but be frightened.

Ruan Qiansu felt his nervousness and whispered, "You have to calm down to reduce the waste of soul power, otherwise we will die faster."

Yunxi took a deep breath: "I... I'm a little scared."

"Then close your eyes."

"Close, close your eyes?"

"You give the soul power to the pooch, and they will attack the enemy themselves. You only need to control the output of the soul power, and leave the rest to me."

Yun Xi was a little hesitant. It wasn't because he had doubts about Ruan Qiansu's strength. It was because he was afraid that after closing it, he would never be able to open it again. If he really died here, he still wanted to see more of this world of ice and snow.

Ruan Qiansu emphasized his tone: "Leave it to me."

Yunxi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He also controlled the spirit power that he had just released due to nervousness. Sisi poured it into the poisonous bird, and even because of his concentration, he could feel the movement of the poisonous bird. Only injured, whichever is weak, are all under his control, allowing him to better control them. As a soul tool master and soul guide, you have no self-protection ability, and the summoned soul beast is the best self-defense weapon!

The group slashed the bloody road all the way, dyed the white snow of Kunlun Hill, and the smell of blood hit the breaths of people and beasts, stimulated their senses, and made them even more crazy and belligerent.

Jiang Chaoge hadn't killed so happily in a long time. In the battle of Twin Peaks, he was still a rookie who could only rely on other people's protection, huddled in a corner and relied on the terrain advantage and all-out strike to kill a long snake. In just a few months, he obtained the second-level soul soldier Strength, not only the soul power has greatly increased, but also the swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds under the guidance and sparring of Yu Renshu and Long Xiang.

Since he came to this world, all his previous fame and achievements have been turned into rubbish, and even the lifeless kung fu he practiced when he was in the Hei Dao is almost useless here, which makes him depressed, ashamed and angry. For a long time, until today, he looked at the broken body and the blood splattered under his knife. Even if there were multiple injuries on his body, he only had the word "pleasure". This is his Jiang Chaoge! This man who does not need to shrink back on the battlefield, but kills the enemy with all his strength, is his Jiang Chaoge!

Jiang Chaoge and Zhi Xuan were leaning against each other's backs, Tian Rong and Zuiyou opened the way in front, Yu Renshu and Long Xiang were on the left and right, and Ruan Qiansu and Yunxi were covering one side in the sky. It was light, but it was enough for them to be busy. Fortunately, the two of them had a very good tacit understanding. They followed their teammates along the way to fight a bloody road, and no one ever stopped.

Seeing that their murderous aura was too strong, more and more alien beasts began to hide from them. Everyone tried their best to slaughter them, and the speed of the attack became faster and faster. In the end, Yu Renshu and Long Xiang both returned to their respective soul beasts. At this time, no other beasts dared to stop them. They rushed through the continuous Kunlun Hills and officially entered the legendary Kunlun Wonderland!

They ran continuously for more than ten miles in one breath, feeling that there was no trace of the beast behind them, and then stopped panting.

Jiang Chaoge fell off Si and fell to the ground with a thud, breathing with his mouth wide open.

Zhi Xuan jumped to his side and helped him up: "Jiang Chaoge, where are you hurting? Come here, that soul guide!"

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "I don't mind, let him go to see if the others are seriously injured."

"I don't care." Zhi Xuan stared at Yun Xi, "Come here quickly."

Zuiyou shouted: "No, let's see Xiaoxiang first, he hurt his left rib." He hugged Long Xiang and stroked his face with a distressed expression.

Long Xiangjian frowned, bit his lip lightly, and refused to utter a word, but the sweat beaded on his forehead constantly, showing his pain.

Yun Xi strongly supported his body and walked towards Long Xiang. His soul power was almost exhausted, and his walking was weak. He squatted down to check it, then took out the medicine box from the storage bag, put medicine on Long Xiang, and then again He stuffed a soul medicine for qi and blood into Long Xiang's mouth: "I can't heal him right now, so I'll deal with it for now, and I'll talk about it when I rest tomorrow."

Zuiyou's face was full of anxiety, she gently stroked Long Xiang's hair, and said softly, "Does it hurt? Take it easy, look into my eyes, and don't think about anything."

Long Xiang hesitated and said, "Your tricks are useless to me."

"It may be useless in normal times, but now you are weak, listen to me, relax completely, just look into my eyes, and the pain will be relieved in a while."

Long Xiang took a deep breath, relaxed his body, and looked at Zuiyou's charming eyes, the tenderness in it could make people drunk. Although he is not afraid of Zuiyou's bewitching technique, he is somewhat jealous, so he never dared to look at Zuiyou's eyes seriously. Now he is staring intently. He can't describe how beautiful and charming those red eyes are. Just like a curved pool of water, quiet and mysterious, people unconsciously drown in it. He watched, his eyes gradually lost focus and became hollow.

Zuiyou said softly, "My dear boy, it doesn't hurt anymore, you don't feel any pain, you're going to fall asleep soon, it won't hurt when you fall asleep..."

Long Xiang's eyes slowly closed, his nose twitched gently, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Yunxi was quite interested: "This trick is good, better than anesthesia."

Zuiyou "shush" at him: "You hurry up and rest, Xiaoxiang's injury is not serious and must be treated in time."

"I know."

Yunxi treated Ruan Qiansu, Yu Renshu, and Jiang Chaoge respectively for large and small wounds. None of the three were seriously injured, at least they could understand, but they were all exhausted, and Tianrong and Zhengchen were even more tired and went back to their weapons to cultivate. Now, only Zuiyou insisted on taking care of Long Xiang outside.

Zhi Xuan let Jiang Chaoge lie on his lap and looked at Jiang Chaoge's injuries. Although most of them were flesh wounds, it still hurt his eyes. Jiang Chaoge reached out and touched his face, and smiled, "Don't look like that. This injury is nothing."

Zhi Xuan said with a sullen face: "Whoever said it doesn't matter, you are mine, a hair, a drop of your blood. A piece of skin is mine, and no one can touch it! Those evil beasts... wait for me to recover. If you die, you will raze Kunlun Hill to the ground.”

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but smile: "When you recover your true body, we have enough things to do."

"Of course, I have to show you thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Anyway, I run very fast. Wherever you want to go, I will be there in no time."

The smile on Jiang Chaoge's face grew stronger, thinking that traveling with Zhi Xuan all over the world should be a good experience. Compared with Zhi Xuan, his lifespan was as short as a snap of a finger. As long as he did not die, Zhi Xuan would obviously be with him for the rest of his life. He had never thought of spending his life with anyone before. He shouldn't pour too much affection into anyone, it's just asking for troubles and creating a prison, so he's alone, and he doesn't plan to get married, and he never wants to have any offspring. A kick. But now, he knew that he had a companion who was likely to accompany him for the rest of his life, and that was Zhi Xuan, and he didn't feel that something was wrong, instead he thought it was right, maybe only the destined bond between him and Zhi Xuan could give him Enough sense of security, let him know that this person will never leave him, at least, will not leave him first.

Jiang Chaoge looked up and saw many huge tree canopies through the fog. He murmured, "Okay, when you recover, we can go wherever we want, and no one can stop us."

Zhi Xuan lowered his head, ignoring the presence of others, and touched Jiang Chaoge's lips lightly. His long hair fell like a waterfall, which just blocked the faces of the two, but the ambiguous action could be seen without guessing. What are you doing? Jiang Chaoge pointed at his forehead and pushed his head away: "Don't make trouble."

"I didn't make a fuss, I just wanted to kiss you." Zhi Xuan said with unrepentant doubts, "I don't know why, I always want to kiss you, anytime, anywhere, why?"

His volume was low, but Jiang Chaoge was still afraid that others would hear him, so he quickly covered his mouth: "Okay, let's discuss this issue in private."

Zhi Xuan smiled and said, "I like to discuss in private the most."

Jiang Chaoge's little heart trembled.

Yun Xi was the least injured among them, and took the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking, but the injured people had no appetite, and after reluctantly ate the food, they went to rest.

The poisonous birds were stationed around their temporary camp. If it wasn't for the lack of strength, they would still want to find a safer place, but where is the safe place

Jiang Chaoge fell asleep and woke up again. He didn't know if it was dawn or dark. He was sore all over, and it was almost difficult to get up. He slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was on Tian Rong, Tian Rong. Is walking forward slowly.

Zhi Xuan patted his face lightly: "Awake?"

"We... how long have I slept?"

"I slept for almost two days."

"Where are we going now?"

The voice of Yunxi came: "I don't know, after entering Kunlun Wonderland, the compass will lose its effectiveness, and we have completely lost our way."

"And it's very likely that we will detour in the same place." Ruan Qiansu waved his hand, a tomahawk flew out, and sharply cut off a branch as thick as an arm. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the branch. There was a fresh branch cut, and the two cuts were exactly the same, just the mark Ruan Qiansu had just made a few hours ago.

Jiang Chaoge frowned: "So, we are really lost."

"It's more troublesome than getting lost." Yu Renshu said solemnly: "We are trapped in the mist. I heard that the mist in Kunlun Wonderland has a psychedelic effect. It's true."

Zhi Xuan said: "Yinchuan seems to have told me about the fog in Kunlun Wonderland..." He rolled his eyes, "But I can't remember."

Yunxi hugged his head: "Oh, you're going to be in a hurry."

Zhi Xuan snorted and turned his head arrogantly.

Jiang Chaoge said, "Since we are detouring in place, let's not waste our soul power, let's take a rest, and let Zhi Xuan think about it."

Everyone had to stop in place again.

Tian Rong said: "I feel that there is something following us all the time, and I am not sure."

Zuiyou said: "I feel it too, but it may not be directed at us, it may be a nearby beast."

Zhi Xuan scratched his hair, frowned and thought hard, before he muttered to himself, "What did Yinchuan say, what did he say..." Finally, he became angry, "He said too much nonsense, how could I remember it!"

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Don't worry, or I'll ask you, how did this fog come about?"

"It is said that it was originally the martial arts of a certain great witch in the Kunlun Mountains. In order to prevent outsiders from entering and disturbing their tribe, the thick fog later accumulated and eventually persisted all year round."

"Then is there anything magical in this fog?"

"It seems there is, but I forgot."

"How did you get in and out of Kunlun Wonderland?"

"I can get out in a few moments."

Jiang Chaoge sighed: "Just think about it again, don't worry."

Yunxi walked around, observing the nearby trees and flowers, with a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, Tian Rong pricked up his ears: "It's here again, that kind of spirit power that is elusive."

"What is it?" Yu Renshu yelled, "Come out if you can, don't hide."

There was silence in the forest, and there was no response.

Yu Renshu ruffled his hair irritably: "Damn it, damn it!"

Yunxi said: "Calm down, this fog is most likely to affect people's emotions, and you have already been affected."

Yu Renshu was stunned for a while, and seemed to have reacted. His temper was not so impatient on weekdays. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

The crowd fell into a long silence, seemingly helpless.

Suddenly, a strange laughter echoed in the forest. The laughter was like a ghost, and it was hidden behind the thick fog. It was terrifying!

Jiang Chaoge shouted: "Who! Get out!"

The laughter didn't answer, but after a while, it disappeared suddenly, as quiet as if it had never appeared before.

Ruan Qiansu said with some anxiety: "Could it be our hallucination just now?"

Everyone couldn't answer this question for a while, because the laughter came and went without a trace, it was really like an illusion.

After a while, the laughter sounded again. This time, he was no longer hiding in the depths of the thick fog, but it seemed that someone was leaning on his shoulders, laughing directly in your ear, making the hair stand on end!

Yu Renshu suddenly jumped up from the ground, pulled out his trump card, and roared, "Who is it! Who is it!" He shouted a few times and no one answered, so he couldn't help rushing towards the thick fog.

Long Xiang violently jumped up from the ground to stop him, but it affected the wound, and the pain made his complexion change.

Tian Rong jumped up, a paw like Yu Renshu was pressed to the ground, he shouted at Yu Renshu's ear, and Yu Renshu's face changed suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became clearer. Tian Rong said: "You consume too much soul power, and your physical weakness is easy to be taken advantage of by illusions. I will return to the weapon."

Yu Renshu shook his head vigorously, his face pale, looked at Tian Rong blankly, then shook his head, he stood up holding Tian Rong's neck, and said calmly, "Becoming a human."

Tian Rong instantly turned into a human form.

Yu Renshu squeezed Tianrong's shoulder: "Just stay by my side."

Tian Rong nodded.

Yu Renshu rubbed his aching head. During the battle, he had always consumed the most. At this time, he was inevitably exhausted and affected. He finally blocked his ears to resist the ghostly laughter that appeared from time to time.

The laughter appeared and disappeared again and again, and slowly, not only Yu Renshu couldn't take it anymore, but others also became irritable, anxious, and frightened. They felt like there were eyes staring at them in the thick fog, and there were enemies lurking around. , could rush to kill them at any time.

At this time, only a few alien beasts were not affected, but they couldn't stop their soul soldiers from falling into the trap of mist step by step.

Zhi Xuan saw Jiang Chaoge sweating profusely, his pupils dilated, falling into hallucinations constantly, and then being awakened by himself. This repeated mental torture almost exhausted his physical strength.

Zhi Xuan was extremely anxious and desperately recalled everything Yin Chuan told him about the Kunlun Wonderland. In the past, he always thought Yin Chuan was long-winded and never listened to him seriously. Now Zhi Xuan really regrets it.