Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 62


Jiang Chaoge stroked his back and changed the subject: "Oh, you can use several idioms again, so clever."

Zhi Xuan snorted, knowing that Jiang Chaoge was doing it on purpose, and he didn't want to bother with him. He just opened his mouth and grabbed his collar, grinding his teeth. Zhi Xuan used to bite his neck when he was unhappy, but now he is biting on the collar. The few decent clothes he only had, none of the collars were complete, and they were jagged like a dog gnawed.

The young people of the Erzu tribe led them into the village. All the men, women and children who were busy working in the village stopped their work and stared at them. Most of the people here may have never seen Kunlun in their lives. people outside the mountains. There was a commotion in the village, and all kinds of eyes came together, some curious, good hostile.

In the tree house of the thickest and largest tree, a white-haired old man with a cane walked out.

The young man pointed at Jiang Chaoge and others, and spoke their language to the old man.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, the whole face was like it was about to melt, and the eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the eyelids were slack, so that people could not see his eyes at all. He stretched out his finger, pointed at Jiang Chaoge and the others, and then returned to the house tremblingly.

The young man said: "The witch asked you to go up two people, and the others will wait here."

Jiang Chaoge took Zhi Xuan, and Yu Renshu walked up the tree house along the wooden ladder. Jiang Chaoge quietly asked Yu Renshu: "Is the great witch similar to the great master?"

Yu Ren said: "Yes, people who can become great witches must be born with some kind of spirituality. According to legends, most of them are descendants of ancient witch ancestors, so they are one in a million."

Jiang Chaoge thought to himself, would this great witch know how to return to his own world

They walked up the rudimentary wooden ladder. The wooden ladder was only half a meter wide, and there was no obstruction on the side. If they stepped on the air, they would fall from the big tree and die completely. The seven treehouses on this big tree are the most spectacular group of treehouses Jiang Chaoge has ever seen in reality. They are quite a bit like an elf community. The treehouses are built and fixed with the most primitive materials and do not look safe. , can really stand in it, and feel unexpectedly firm.

The great witch of the Erru tribe sat cross-legged in the largest tree house, and the sunlight leaking from the cracks in the trees hit his wrinkled face, making him look like a dried wax statue.

After waiting for someone to come in, the Great Witch suddenly raised his eyes. Those eyes were covered with a layer of white mist, and the crystal ball was cloudy. Even if he wasn't blind, he was definitely half blind. He raised his fingers like dead branches and pointed to the straw mat in front of him.

Jiang Chaoge and Yu Renshu sat down, while Zhi Xuan sat on Jiang Chaoge's lap, glanced at Da Wu rudely, and turned his face away.

The great witch made an old voice: "You, are the descendants of the Layi clan?" The Chinese language was actually very standard.

Jiang Chaoge felt that it was a bit tiring to lie so many times, but he could only bite the bullet and say, "Yes."

"Is there any proof?"

Yu Renshu's brows trembled slightly, sweating for them in his heart, but he was curious how Jiang Chaoge planned to keep pretending.

Jiang Chaoge's head turned quickly, this great witch looked very shrewd, but there was only one thing that could not be done, that is, the eyes, he looked left and right, and said, "My family's ancestral treasure, I only wish to show the great witch alone."

Da Wu paused, waved his hand, and the boy who led them hesitantly said a few words, but he was still pushed back by Da Wu. He at least walked outside the house with the other guards and lowered the straw curtain.

Jiang Chaoge took off his gloves and took off the black diamond ring. Even a child could see that this ring was new, so he bet the witch couldn't see it clearly.

Da Wu reached out to take it, but Jiang Chaoge withdrew his hand, just holding the ring, not giving it to him.

The big witch narrowed his eyes, trying to see clearly with his turbid old eyes, but he couldn't, and he could only vaguely see that it was a dark ring with an old color.

Jiang Chaoge said: "Lord Dawu, my ancestors have experienced many hardships and persecutions, and once almost got wiped out. , only this ring has survived to this day."

Yu Renshu squinted at him, Jiang Chaoge gave him a righteous look.

The big witch snorted twice: "A lie."

Jiang Chaoge raised his eyebrows and quickly thought about what might happen next and how to deal with it.

The great witch raised a dry finger and pointed at him: "You still have a map... The treasure of the Layi tribe, you came back for the treasure."

Jiang Chaoge's eyes lit up, treasure? Immediately, golden gold, lustrous gems, and priceless jades appeared in his mind. If he had those, he wouldn't have to look around for tattered animal bones for money! He paused for a while, and his voice was a little deeper: "I don't know what Lord Dawu is talking about."

The great witch brought the face that was about to melt, and a smell that seemed to be decaying also rushed into Jiang Chaoge's breath, he said solemnly: "You, know."

Jiang Chaoge took a step back, stood up abruptly, and pulled Yu Renshu up: "Let's go."

Yu Renshu glared at him with a "you act, you continue to act" expression.

Da Wu snorted coldly, "Even if you can leave this village, you will never find Xuanyuanqiu."

Jiang Chaoge's footsteps stopped, his fists clenched and loosened, looking very struggling.

The great witch said: "My clan can take you to Xuanyuanqiu. If you can find the treasure, you can all take it away. We only need 20%. If you can't take it away, then the rest will be ours, how?"

Jiang Chaoge turned around abruptly: "Okay, if you can lead us to Xuanyuanqiu, we will be very grateful."

"The treasure map..."

"When I arrive at Xuanyuanqiu, I will show it to your clan."

The big witch knocked on the cane, and the young man lifted the curtain and walked in. He said, "Arrange the guests to rest and find your brother."

The boy nodded, his attitude towards the three was much better.

The three walked down the wooden ladder, and the boy said, "You can go and invite your friends to the village."

Jiang Chaoge said, "Who is your brother?"

The boy blinked his eyes: "My brother is my brother, he is of the Erruo ethnic group, no, the best archer in the entire Kunlun Mountains." The boy's eyes were full of admiration, but he quickly turned down, "Where are you going? Look for him." He said to himself and walked away.

The teenager arranged for someone to take them back to the place where they came, and then picked up the others and returned to the village. He also arranged a few treehouses for them to rest. At dinner, he prepared hot food to serve them, although it was not delicious at all.

In the evening, a group of people had a meeting in Jiang Chaoge's room.

Yunxi looked at Jiang Chaoge adoringly: "Brother, how did you subdue them?"

Jiang Chaoge "shush": "I'll tell you when it's safe. In short, the Great Wizard will arrange for someone to take us to Xuanyuanqiu."

Yu Ren said anxiously, "We're like this... alright."

"That's it, okay, why don't you tell the big witch the truth, and then we have a fight to wash the ear and the tribe?"

Yu Renshu frowned and looked worried.

Jiang Chaoge put his elbow on his shoulder and sighed, "Brother, don't be too upright, learn to be flexible."

"Your name is... hey, forget it."

"I know that sometimes you can't be ashamed, but you have to remember that you are just you now, not anymore..." Jiang Chaoge lowered his voice, "The third prince."

Yu Renshu nodded with a hint of indifference in his eyes: "I have been away for so long, and I don't know what happened to Tianao City."

"You are still worried about Prince Kui, don't think about it, we are so far away from Tian'ao City, there is nothing we can do, why bother yourself." Jiang Chaoge patted him on the back, "Take a good rest, take care of your feet. Spirit, we still have a long way to go."

Zhi Xuan hugged Jiang Chaoge's neck and shook it vigorously: "Drink with me, tell me stories, drink with me, tell me stories!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chaoge found a jar of wine from the village. The wine was spicy in the mouth and sweet aftertaste. It was actually more exciting than they had ever tasted. He couldn't help begging for a few more jars. A large leg of lamb, a group of people gathered around and ate and drank happily.

It has been a long time since they had such a relaxing moment. The last time they could eat and sleep in peace, it seemed that they were still in the suburban courtyard of Daliang City, but that place had turned into a scar in everyone's heart forever. The flame of vengeance burns, urging them to keep going.

Jiang Chaoge grabbed the big bowl and handed it to Yunxi. He laughed and said, "Yunxi, why don't you drink it?"

Yunxi shook his head: "I won't."

"Is there anything wrong with drinking? If you can drink water, you will drink, drink!" Jiang Chaoge forced the bowl into his hand.

Yunxi held the wine bowl, swallowed, and forced a sip, his face was contorted with sourness.

Jiang Chaoge and Yu Renshu burst into laughter, and Long Xiang couldn't help but let out a low laugh. Ruan Qiansu said helplessly: "Okay, don't bully him." She took Yunxi's wine bowl and drank it. up.

Everyone cheered again and again: "It's done! It's done!"

Yunxi looked dumbfoundedly at Ruan Qiansu holding the big bowl and pouring it into her mouth without panting. Her slender neck was lifted up at the end, as graceful and beautiful as a swan neck. She put the dry wine bowl on the ground, fingers Gently wiped a drop of wine from his lips, he smiled and said, "Want to have a drink with me?"

Zuiyou filled her with another bowl, pinched her chin, and said with a charming smile, "Come on, I'll make a bowl with you."

Yunxi's eyes lit up and moved, and said, "Sister Qiansu..."

Ruan Qiansu patted his head, grabbed the wine jar, and filled everyone with a bowl: "I see who will fall first today."

"Let's see who falls first today!" Jiang Chaoge picked up the sea bowl and poured it out.

Zhi Xuan jumped with joy beside him, he wished he could bury his face in the bowl and drink happily.

Several people were making a noise until midnight, Jiang Chaoge was confused, was helped up and brought into the room. Lying down on the soft couch, Jiang Chaoge breathed comfortably, his body seemed to be floating in the clouds.

Zhi Xuan touched his forehead, sweating all over: "Are you hot?"

Jiang Chaoge shook his head, nodded again, and laughed slyly: "Long Xiang can't do it, Shu can't do it either, Qiansu can do it, I... I can do it too, hahahahaha."

With a smile on his lips, Zhi Xuan untied his thin jacket. There was a fire in the room, which was very warm. He quickly took off Jiang Chaoge's coat.

Jiang Chaoge rolled over and pressed against Zhi Xuan's hair. Zhi Xuan pulled his hair back, only to find that the end of his hair was caught in Jiang Chaoge's hand. Jiang Chaoge shook him with a smile, as if he was teasing him. I have never seen Jiang Chaoge's childish look, but I just find it very fresh and interesting. He leaned down and asked with a smile, "You like my hair."

Jiang Chaoge nodded: "Pretty."

"Where do you still like me?"

"Well, pretty."

"Where is it?"

Jiang Chaoge yawned, his eyes blurred.

Zhi Xuan squeezed his chin and kissed lightly on the lips. Jiang Chaoge didn't respond. He was a little dissatisfied. He bullied him and deepened the kiss, even probing the tip of his tongue as Zuiyou taught into Jiang Chaoge's mouth.

Jiang Chaoge has never been drunk since he came to Tianling Continent. This drunkenness can be described as a mess, as if he is in a dream in the clouds. Dream, there is a pair of soft lips kissing him, so soft, and the taste is not bad, he subconsciously thought it was his mistress, and responded cooperatively.

Zhi Xuan's eyes widened, he only felt that Jiang Chaoge's tongue was as flexible as a snake. He never thought that humans and humans could do this, and it would create an extraordinarily intimate atmosphere. Jiang Chaoge didn't seem to like it enough, so he hugged Zhi Xuan. His waist, struggling to turn over, pressing Zhi Xuan under his body, his hot lips turned against the guest, and sucking Zhi Xuan's lips with all his might, trying his best to tease him.

Zhi Xuancan's golden pupils were about to burn. He had never experienced such a feeling, as if the blood in his body was boiling, and every inch of his skin was clamoring for some kind of desire for Jiang Chaoge, but he couldn't describe what it was. Longing, he only knew that he wanted to kiss Jiang Chaoge, to hold him like this, but it was not enough, not enough, far from enough!

Jiang Chaoge kissed him and started to touch Zhi Xuan's back with his hands, but it didn't feel right. The shoulders were too wide, and the back was firm. He couldn't figure out what was going on, but he felt that something was wrong, so he climbed up. He got up and fell beside Zhi Xuan with a thud, falling asleep.

Zhi Xuan felt that his body was too hot. Seeing that Jiang Chaoge wanted to sleep, how could he let him go, he thought that kissing was the first step, and taking off his clothes was the second step, so he took off the clothes of the two of them decisively. Zhi Xuan stared blankly at Jiang Chaoge's naked body, his face became hot for a while. It was not the first time he saw Jiang Chaoge naked, but he didn't know why, since he felt that Jiang Chaoge was his female beast, There were always some weird fantasies in his mind. Those fantasies combined with Jiang Chaoge's appearance at this time, making his heart beat wildly and he was at a loss.

Since they met in Kunlun City, they had been on their way non-stop. He didn't have time to ask Zuiyou, what should he do after taking off his clothes

He leaned on Jiang Chaoge's body instinctively, and gently rubbed it up. The warm skin adhered to each other, creating an even hotter feeling. The more he rubbed, the more he felt a primitive impulse in his body burst out , but didn't know how to vent, so anxious that he simply deleted Jiang Chaoge's slap: "Hey, wake up!"

Jiang Chaoge suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him blankly, his eyes didn't focus at all, he just said "um" and was about to fall asleep again.

Zhi Xuan's qi was in a panic: "I-I want to mate."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a while, as if he had heard a joke, hahahaha laughed, laughed, his neck crooked, and he was about to fall asleep again.

Zhi Xuan tilted his head, shook him vigorously, grabbed his hand and pressed it under him: "It hurts here."

Jiang Chaoge vaguely caught something that felt quite familiar to him. His chaotic brain subconsciously felt that it belonged to him, so he patiently "served" it.

This service doesn't matter, it completely opened a door for Zhi Xuan Beast Sheng. His body went from stiff to slightly curled up, and then he couldn't help but feel extremely comfortable. It only took a few minutes, but these few minutes really let him down. He believed Zuiyou's words: it was a pleasant thing.

Jiang Chaoge woke up, so it was three poles in the sun. The fatigue and pain of the past few days made him sleep very deeply this night. Fortunately, there are several alien beasts who will never get drunk to let them out, otherwise they would not dare to sleep deeply no matter where they are.

He opened his sleepy eyes and felt something was pressing down on his body. When he looked down, it was a pitch-black plush head, and he reached out and patted it: "Zhi Xuan, you want to crush me, the bed is so small, you Just don't get bigger..." He suddenly realized that something was wrong, he felt it seriously, he and Zhi Xuan... were both naked!

As soon as he moved Zhi Xuan, he woke up and looked at him with his cheeks raised, his eyes blazing and terrifyingly hot.

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "What, what's wrong?"

A thin layer of powder appeared on Zhi Xuan's cheeks: "I know what the third step is."

"What?" Jiang Chaoge looked at him as if he had eaten and drank. If it wasn't for his body not feeling much, he would have thought that the two of them had slept yesterday. The current state of the two of them, and some unspeakable things in the quilt, finally realized what happened last night! At that moment, Jiang Chaoge really wanted to slap both himself, what did he do!

Zhi Xuan pounced on him, and rubbed his cheek affectionately against his face: "I thought we were mating, but I found out that there was no bond, so..." Zhi Xuan looked at him with bright eyes: "And the first Four steps?"

Jiang Chaoge was about to grab the ground with his head. He pushed Zhi Xuan away as calmly as he could, and coughed twice, "This... this... that's it..."

Zhi Xuan looked at him.

For the first time, Jiang Chaoge felt that his language ability was degraded. He took a deep breath and said cowardly, "I drank too much last night, I can't remember."

"It's okay." Zhi Xuan grabbed his hand and said excitedly, "Just do it again..."

Jiang Chaoge suddenly withdrew his hand, he now felt that the hand was not his, his hand should not succumb to alcohol and lose his mind! He reluctantly said: "No need, no need, there is indeed, there is a fourth step."

"So troublesome? How many steps are there to make love?"

"Uh... it could be a lot of steps, or a few."

"Then we will use the least amount."

"No, no, this is not something that can be decided by talking about it. This is very complicated."

Zhi Xuan frowned, "Why are human affairs always so complicated, if trouble is dead, beasts will be simple, if they like you they will keep you, if they don't like you, they will eat you, that's great."

"Well, I also think it's better to keep it simple." Jiang Chaoge pulled on his clothes and wanted to leave here quickly and be alone with Zhi Xuan. He didn't know where to put his face.

Zhi Xuan grabbed his arm and said happily, "This is more comfortable than kissing, what is this called?"

Jiang Chaoge bit his head and said, "There is no name."

"How come there is no name?"

"Just not."

"Alright, that's the third step."

Jiang Chaoge wanted to leave after putting on his clothes. Zhi Xuan grabbed his waist from behind and dragged him back to the bed. His broad shoulders and strong chest covered Jiang Chaoge's body. Jiang Chaoge was considered medium to strong among men. Yes, but compared with Zhi Xuan's tall physique, he was a whole circle smaller. The appearance of these alien beasts in human form is tall and big, only Zuiyou is an exception, the body can be described as graceful, walking with a swaying posture, even a strand of hair is full of charm, of course, the drunken beast The degree of ferocity of the type has nothing to do with the word graceful.

Zhi Xuan's chin rested on his shoulder, and he said domineeringly, "If you don't leave, you will stay with me today."

"There's still a lot to do."

"What's up."

"I want to practice."

"Just cultivating in the room, I'm watching you." Zhi Xuan said seriously.

"I'm also going to the Great Witch to ask, when will we set off and take us to Xuanyuanqiu."

"You asked this question yesterday, and the witch said to wait for the guide to come back."

Jiang Chaoge laughed dryly: "You have such a good memory."

Zhi Xuan's soft lips touched Jiang Chaoge's cheek lightly: "In the past, you were only mine, but now you spend so much time talking to others every day. If you knew this, it would be great for us to stay in Hu'an City."

Huancheng... Jiang Chaoge remembered the three months he spent with Zhixuan and Meng Lao in Huancheng. Compared with now, it was simply comfortable and peaceful. Unfortunately, from the moment he picked up Zhixuan's saber, he Every day in Tianling Continent is destined to not be comfortable.

Hearing Zhi Xuan's words, his heart suddenly softened a bit, his body relaxed, and he sighed, "Do you still remember what Elder Meng looked like?"

"I don't remember." Zhi Xuan tightened his arms, "Except for you, other human beings look alike in my eyes."

Jiang Chaoge laughed: "Does Shu and Qiansu look alike in your eyes?"

"After watching them for a long time, I can naturally see the difference. If Meng Sheng stood in front of me, I should be able to recognize it."

Jiang Chaoge felt a dull pain in his heart: "He won't stand in front of us any more." Every time he thinks of Lao Meng, he gritted his teeth with hatred for Shen Yansui, and sooner or later he would make a break with this enemy.

Zhi Xuan kissed his earlobe and neck: "Humans will die, only I will not leave you."

Jiang Chaoge's heart moved, but he couldn't refute this sentence, he nodded: "Yes."

"You can't leave me either."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "I won't leave you unless I die."

Zhi Xuan turned his face, kissed his lips tenderly, and murmured, "Don't die, never die..."