Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 74


"Chao Ge, Chao Ge."

In Jiang Chaoge's sleep, he felt that someone was constantly afraid of his face and buzzing around his ears. His arms felt sore and numb for a while, and then the sensations in his limbs were classified. Only then did he realize that there was no part of his body that didn't hurt, and his waist seemed to be broken, and he woke up with pain.

He opened his eyes blankly, and met a pair of bright golden eyes, deep and mysterious, as dazzling as sunlight, as pure as gold, and those eyes were looking at him with a bright light. He was startled, his brain was a little awake, and when he remembered what happened last night, his brain hurt even more, and his teeth itch with hatred. This can't blame him for being careful and demanding of a little virgin, but Zhi Xuan is really incomparably bad at work, what does Bai Chang do for such a long time, make him hurt all night, fuck... He turned his face away and couldn't look directly at him. Zhi Xuan's eyes muted, "Why did you wake me up?"

"You've slept all day, and you'll be starving if you go back to sleep."

"I slept all day? Why didn't you call me earlier." The two of them were in the cave, and they couldn't tell the difference between day and night.

"You seem very tired." Zhi Xuan lowered his head and kissed him. The joy was beyond words, as if he was about to escape from his body in the next second, he couldn't help kissing him again.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Jiang Chaoge's eyes, but he did it and regretted it. Although he wanted to slap Zhi Xuan's satisfied face, he dared not speak out. What came to his mind, "Where's the knife?"

"Outside." Zhi Xuan wanted to help him up.

Jiang Chaoge pushed his hand away, how could he accept this kind of care, he resisted the pain and got up, put on his clothes and walked out of the tent, then he was stunned.

A wide-handled large knife with a black body and a golden flame pattern was inserted on the ground. The knife was about a person's height. There was no trace of connection from the hilt to the blade. All revealing the power of deterrence, needless to say, this is a peerless magic weapon!

The ground was centered on the tip of the knife and cracked like a spider web. Jiang Chaoge stepped on the mottled ground and walked over step by step.

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the blade. The blade was as warm as Zhi Xuan's body, not as smooth as metal, but could clearly feel the dense and natural quality of the ancient. With the movement of Jiang Chaoge's fingertips, the golden flame The lines glowed slightly, as if they were alive, and they sensed the owner's touch.

Jiang Chaoge's fingertips trembled slightly, with excitement and awe. This is the true face of that obsolete ancient sword. Even if it has experienced thousands of years of devastation and corrosion, when the soul beast and the soul soldier forge a contract until death, it will return to its original appearance and follow its master to fight in all directions. Soldiers in the world!

Jiang Chaoge grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it up from the ground with force. He felt an electric current pouring into his body with his arm, giving him the illusion of being one with the knife. His body danced with the blade, and he felt like a duck in water. The smoothness of the sword technique surprised him even himself, and the ease and ease with which a sword was in hand made him ecstatic.

After a set of swordsmanship dances, Jiang Chaoge's breath was a little unsteady, and the pain in his body that he had forgotten for a while came to the door again. He whimpered softly and supported his waist. Zhi Xuan, a beast, can't be so "hushen" "Ah, almost killing him.

Zhi Xuan walked over, wrapped his arms around his waist, held his hand holding the hilt of the knife, and said with a chuckle, "This is what a unicorn horn should look like."

Jiang Chaoge sincerely praised: "It's really a good knife, very beautiful."

"It's even more beautiful when it grows on my head." Zhi Xuan pouted, "However, since it's in your hands, I recognize it." He kissed Jiang Chaoge's cheek, "I heard Zuiyou say that human beings are There is a token between the spouses, and this knife is the token I gave you."

Jiang Chaoge laughed: "Then what do I give you?"

Zhi Xuan shook his head: "I don't know."

Jiang Chaoge thought about it and took off the black diamond ring hanging around his neck: "Zuiyou must not know that in our world, tokens are usually rings, especially diamonds."

"Really?" Zhi Xuan fiddled with the ring, intending to put it on his finger.

"It's this one." Jiang Chaoge took the ring and put it on the ring finger of Zhi Xuan's left hand.

Zhi Xuan moved his slender fingers: "Why this one?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Why tell you later."

Jiang Chaoge thought to himself, I can't say that I'm afraid that you are too proud: "I can't explain it for a while, I will explain it to you when I have a chance."

Zhi Xuan thought he was too tired, so he accepted this statement for the time being. He stretched out his five fingers and felt that the black ring looked really good on his hand. Although it was the first time for him to wear human ornaments, how could it be appropriate? , after all, this is Jiang Chaoge's token to him, which makes him happy.

Jiang Chaoge said, "Put it on for a while and hang it around your neck, lest you lose it."

Zhi Xuan snorted, "Impossible, I'll never lose it." Having said that, he still took it off and hung it around his neck, but he still wore it around his fingers, looking very rare.

"Well, this material is not available in Tianling Continent, and it is very valuable."

Zhi Xuan gave him a white look: "I won't sell it if it's valuable."

Jiang Chao Ge smirked.

Zhi Xuan wrapped his arms around his waist and said awkwardly, "It was so comfortable last night, is it so comfortable to have sex?"

Jiang Chaoge suddenly had the urge to cry, and he said vaguely, "Well, probably."

"Then we do it every day, right?" Zhi Xuan said enthusiastically.

Damn you, uncle, Boss Jiang was furious. He shook his head again and again: "No, definitely not."

"why not?"


"Do comfortable things hurt you?"

"For humans."

Zhi Xuan said disappointedly, "Human beings are so fragile... Then how many days should we do it?"

"talk later."

Zhi Xuan saw his perfunctory attitude and frowned, "Don't you like it? Don't you feel comfortable?"

Jiang Chaoge didn't know how to answer for a while. He wasn't completely indifferent, but the pain was more obvious. Of course, he shrank back on the rights and interests of the two sides... But Zhi Xuan shouldn't be blamed for this, but he wasn't a masochist either, and he was willing to ask for it by himself. Guilty. He said cautiously, "It's alright."

Zhi Xuan frowned deeper: "Why? Why don't you feel comfortable?"

Can you say you're a lousy job? Jiang Chaoge screamed in his heart. He looked embarrassed, but he didn't know how to explain it so that Zhi Xuan could understand without hurting his self-esteem.

Zhi Xuan was very puzzled, he felt very, very comfortable, it was the happiest thing he had ever experienced, it was even more beautiful than the most beautiful wine, and it was countless times better than what Zuiyou described. Such a good thing, Jiang Chaoge Why don't you feel good? He was puzzled, so he insisted on asking, for he was afraid that Jiang Chaoge would not like it, and he would not be able to enjoy it in the future.

Jiang Chaoge was forced to do nothing by him, so he had to bite the bullet and say, "You...you're not very good at..."

Zhi Xuan was stunned. Although his knowledge and IQ were limited, he was instinctively sensitive, and he automatically converted this sentence into a criticism of his ability. exclaimed, "What do you want to say!"

Jiang Chaoge smiled bitterly: "Really, I don't know what I want to say."

Zhi Xuan felt that his self-esteem was hit like never before. He didn't even know what was hit, but the feeling really made him angry, his nose was red with anger, he was ashamed and angry, and he couldn't do anything to Jiang Chaoge. Finally just walked away.

Jiang Chaoge blinked his eyes and said "tsk tsk" twice: "The technique is so bad that no one can tell me." Fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was Yunxi who called him to eat. He watched Yunxi walk out of the cave in a daze. Seeing that it was noon outside, they were just getting ready to eat. Jiang Chaoge only knew how much he was when he smelled the barbecue. hungry.

He knew from the various hot glances of the crowd that they must have known it. On the surface, he appeared ordinary, but he was actually quite embarrassed.

Si Si handed Jiang Chaoge a big leg of lamb, winked and said, "Brother Jiang, eat quickly, you must be exhausted."

Jiang Chaoge rolled his eyes at him: "Can your legs move? Be careful I'll interrupt you again."

Si Si smiled and hid to the side, whispered something in Long Xiang's ear, Long Xiang glared at him, and then snickered, Zuiyou even more ambiguous smile.

Only Yu Renshu had a strange face, eating without saying a word, and looking at Jiang Chaoge from time to time, his eyes were a bit deep.

Jiang Chaoge was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he ate on his own. When he was almost full, he remembered that there was no one here: "Hey, where's Zhi Xuan?"

Yin Chuan pointed into the forest: "I'm angry."

Jiang Chaoge was speechless.

After he finished eating, Zhi Xuan didn't show up, he couldn't see that sticky monster for a while, he was really not used to it.

At this moment, Zuiyou came close to him and winked at him charmingly.

Jiang Chaoge said defensively, "Why?"

"I'm very curious, Zhi Xuan was so happy this morning, why did he come out of the cave, he was so angry, whoever talks to him, he's in a hurry, and now he's running into the forest to get angry." Zuiyou said He smiled, "What did you tell him?"

Jiang Chaoge said without changing his face, "I don't know, I just woke up."

Zuiyou obviously didn't believe it: "Really? I thought you were mad at him because of his poor bed skills."

Jiang Chaoge narrowed his eyes: "Aren't you too meddlesome?"

Zuiyou said sadly: "My sweetheart can only watch and can't eat it, so I have no choice but to pass the time."

Jiang Chaoge gave him an expulsion order with his eyes.

Zuiyou pretended he didn't see it, and said with a smile, "If you think his bed skills are too bad, I can help you."

Jiang Chaoge threatened: "If you teach him some more messy things, I will let Long Xiang lock you in the weapon. Don't forget that I am his boss."

Zuiyou hugged his arm, smiled and said coquettishly, "Don't do this."

Jiang Chaoge's eyes and voice were so crisp that his bones were almost softened, and he immediately woke up. This was the coquettish trick of a fox. He was just about to get angry, but Zuiyou had already got up and ran, leaving him with a mouthful of old blood in his heart. Want to hit someone.

After he finished eating, he drank the medicine that made Yunxi boil to death, and then found a place to avoid the sun to practice. The feeling of soul power flowing freely among the four meridians was very good, and the speed of cultivation was obviously accelerated. A lot, he was reluctant to waste time, and sat from dawn until the sun went down.

After twelve weeks of meritorious deeds, Jiang Chaoge opened his eyes, he felt refreshed, and his physical fatigue was greatly reduced. He looked around and found that Zhi Xuan had not come back. He touched his nose and finally couldn't sit still, and got up to look for Zhi Xuan.

When passing by Si Si, Si Si smirked "hehehehe", like I knew you were going to find him as a thief, Jiang Chaoge rolled his eyes at him and walked into the forest.

In the distance, he saw Zhi Xuan sitting on a stone with his back facing him - the child's version. Since he was injured, he has not given Zhi Xuan soul power anymore. After so many days, it has been used up, and it is bleak. The setting sun and the lonely back made it feel a little pitiful, and Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but want to laugh.

From Zhi Xuan's instantly stiff shoulders, he knew that Zhi Xuan heard his footsteps, but the little thing didn't look back.

He walked to Zhi Xuan's side, Zhi Xuan raised his head, and his little round face stared at him angrily.

Jiang Chaoge crouched down and said with a smile, "Why, there is no soul power anymore"

Zhi Xuan hummed, "Who wants your soul power?"

"Why are you angry, Ancestor." Jiang Chaoge pinched his cheek, "You are still cute like this."

It was originally an unintentional sentence, but it sounded wrong in Zhi Xuan's ears, and he said angrily, "You just dislike me... No! Even if I grow older, I won't!"

Jiang Chaoge didn't dare to tell the truth, he explained, "Oh, that's not what I meant, you misunderstood."

"Then what do you mean!" Zhi Xuan's little nose was flushed red with anger, his face was full of resentment, obviously he was really shocked.

"Uh..." Jiang Chaoge couldn't make it up for a while, so he had to say, "Anyway, I don't dislike you."

Zhi Xuan was not satisfied at all with this answer, he turned around and continued to turn his back to Jiang Chaoge.

Jiang Chaoge poked his back, "You've been sitting here all day, you're not tired, you're not bored."

Zhi Xuan twisted his body: "Don't bother me."

"Go back, I'll tell you a story."

"Do not listen."

"Drink with you."

"Don't drink."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Zhi Xuan was silent for a while, buried his face in his knees, and said in a muffled voice, "Go away."

Jiang Chaoge could not laugh or cry, is this really sad? Why is this ancestor so difficult to serve? He is clearly the one who feels good, and he is the one who suffers. Why do he have to coax himself? Fortunately, he has the self-consciousness of being a man. General knowledge. He drew a circle with his fingers on Zhi Xuan's back, and said softly: "Okay, don't be angry, are you going to sit here all night, go back and I'll hug you to sleep, okay?"

Zhi Xuan shook his head vigorously.

Jiang Chaoge was waiting for him beside him, waiting for him to hold back.

After waiting for a long time, Zhi Xuan didn't raise his head, he just said sullenly, "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but want to laugh, and felt a little warm in his heart. He stroked Zhi Xuan's hair: "This...everyone will be a little uncomfortable at first."

Zhi Xuan was silent for a while, then turned his head, his little eyebrows were still twisted, "Really?"


"Then will you still be uncomfortable next time?"


"How to make you feel comfortable."

Jiang Chaoge said embarrassedly, "Why don't you go and ask Zuiyou." Although he was rich in experience, he really didn't have the face to teach Zhi Xuan a lesson. He would use his body as a living body teaching. Who has such a big heart

Zhi Xuan buried his head in his knees again: "I don't want it, he laughed at me."

"Why did he laugh at you?"

Zhi Xuan said angrily, "As soon as I told him today, he laughed and kept laughing."

Jiang Chaoge was also so angry at Zuiyou that his teeth were itching for the same reason, he could despise his wife, but others couldn't, otherwise he would be slapped in the face, he said, "Okay, don't ask him, um, take it slow. bring it on."

Zhi Xuan muttered, "I'd better go and ask him."

Jiang Chaoge pinched his waist: "Okay, don't be angry, let's go back."

It took Zhi Xuan a long time to straighten up and whisper, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable anymore, my body recovers very quickly when I have enough soul power."

Zhi Xuan stretched out his arm towards him: "Then you hug me."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and hugged him.

Zhi Xuan buried his face in the crevice of his neck and said aggrievedly, "You dare to dislike me."

"Don't dare."

"I will learn, and I will try my best to make you feel comfortable." Zhi Xuan hugged his neck and said seriously.

Jiang Chaoge said helplessly: "Okay, you work hard."

Zhi Xuan said unhappily, "Why did you come to me now?"

"I'm practicing."

"You forget me."


"Have you always remembered here?" Zhi Xuan poked his heart with his fingers.

"Remember to remember."

Only then did Zhi Xuan show a satisfied expression, and hugged Jiang Chaoge's neck even harder, as if he was afraid that he would be robbed, full of possessiveness.

Jiang Chaoge walked back with him in his arms, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, what is his life like being a father, a servant, and a child bride

It seemed that he was still worried that Jiang Chaoge would be uncomfortable, or that he would not be able to control himself. After Zhi Xuan received his soul power, he still maintained the appearance of a child. He would sleep in Jiang Chaoge's arms as a heater for him at night, but he still looked unhappy, obviously. This hit him hard.

For the next few days, Zhi Xuan didn't ask for sex, which made Jiang Chaoge heave a sigh of relief. Their wounds have healed, and it is time to leave Kunlun Mountains.

On the day of parting, Yin Chuan stood in front of Qingshuang and said warmly: "Qingshuang, you are free now, if you want to leave with me, then leave with me, if you don't want to, go wherever you want. ."

Qingshuang bowed slightly: "Lord Yinchuan, ten thousand years ago, I have followed my master to many places, and I have seen all the mountains and rivers in the world. Only this fairyland that nurtured me is my eternal belonging, and I want to stay here. , protect you and your master forever."

"Okay, I hope one day, I can come back to see you."

Qingshuang said with anticipation: "Master Yinchuan, do you think the master will be reincarnated?"

Yin Chuan said softly: "It will eventually."

"Then I'll keep waiting." Qingshuang said firmly.

Yin Chuan gently stroked her silky hair: "Qingshuang, goodbye."

"See you again, Lord Yinchuan."

After leaving the cave, Jiang Chaoge asked, "Lord Yinchuan, you have already taken Qin away, what else is she protecting?"

Yin Chuan was silent for a long time before he said, "The skeletons of me and Di Jiang are still in Xuanyuanqiu."

"You are buried together?" Jiang Chaoge was a little surprised. All these signs indicated that Yin Chuan and Di Jiang's friendship was not ordinary. There was a hidden affection of Boya Ziqi, or even worse.

Yin Chuan smiled lightly.

With Yinchuan leading the way and the powerful spirit power he radiated, they traveled unimpeded along the way, and it took only three days to return to the village of the Eryu tribe.

The Eryu people were obviously already aware. After all, when Yinchuan woke up, there must have been an abnormal astronomical phenomenon. Others didn’t know what was going on. It was impossible for Dawu to not know. I dare not lift my head.

Si Si was surprised: "What is this for!" He jumped off Zuiyou, ran to Da Wu's side quickly, and said a series of words.

Da Wu looked up at him and continued to kneel.

Yin Chuan also fell to the ground, his voice was like a breeze in his ears, and he actually spoke the language of the Erji people. Although Jiang Chaoge couldn't understand it, he could probably guess what it was.

The Great Witch's body trembled, and with words in his mouth, he began to lead the clan to kowtow three times before standing up from the ground.

Then they were welcomed into the village as VIPs, no, just like gods.

The great witch and the patriarch were entertaining them respectfully, and other idlers were not even allowed to enter the house. Yin Chuan communicated with them all in the ear and Ruo language, and others couldn't understand it, so they just focused on eating.

After eating and drinking, Yin Chuan suddenly switched to Chinese and asked the question Jiang Chaoge wanted to ask, about how to return to his world.

After listening to the big witch, he nodded and said: "There is indeed such a witchcraft. Although I don't know it for the time being, I am willing to study it for you."

Yin Chuan said: "It's troublesome."

Jiang Chaoge also said: "Lord Dawu, I'll leave this to you. If you find a way to send me back, how can you inform me..." Jiang Chaoge was worried.

The patriarch said: "The owl of Sisi knows the way back to the village. Every once in a while, he can ask the owl to come back. If there is news, he will fly back to inform you..."

"Wait." Sisi interrupted the witch, "Grandpa, do you want me to go with them?"

The patriarch stared at him: "Don't you want to?"

Sisi cried out strangely: "Why should I be willing? I am alone in the world, and it is always safe and secure. If I walk with them, my legs will be broken. They are very dangerous."

"As long as you can provide a little help to Lord Yinchuan, everything you do will be meaningful." The patriarch glared at Si Si, "What else do you have dissatisfied with."

Yin Chuan smiled without saying a word.

Sisi was extremely aggrieved: "Is there anyone who sells your grandson like this? I am your eldest grandson, and the future patriarch of the Erru people. You are not afraid of my death?"

"Didn't you always want to be the patriarch? Besides, you are unrestrained and unrestrained. From the moment you sold your soul weapon, you are not worthy to be the patriarch." The witch said solemnly, "Go, go, you've always wanted to. Go to the outside world, this time you can go further, see more, and then come back after finding your own soul weapon."

The expression on Si Si's face was very tangled. He couldn't tell what emotion he was in. He took a sip of wine and got up and left.

Jiang Chaoge secretly rejoiced in his heart. Although Si Si is long-winded and skinny, he is really capable. He is the best scout and archer wherever he goes. He doesn't want to let go of such talents. It just so happened that the Erru people were afraid that Yinchuan would be angry because of what happened 10,000 years ago, and took the initiative to pledge the heir of the patriarch to them as a human being, which is really a good thing!