Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 88


After dawn, they continued to walk along the Meijiang Lake. It was incredible that such a large lake actually froze in autumn when it was not very cold. Combined with the dead bodies they saw along the way, it always made people feel that they were buried or buried. hide something.

Yin Chuan guessed: "I am afraid that the gods have frozen this place and made it the grave of the heavenly soldiers."

Yunxi shook his head: "If you really want to make graves for the heavenly soldiers, why leave them in this barren world."

Everyone is puzzled, and maybe they will have an answer when they see Zhuoyan.

Just when they were about to walk out of the area of Mei Jianghu, they sat on Yin Chuan and watched as an unusual shadow gradually appeared under the huge ice layer. The shadow area was so large that it was difficult to see the whole picture.

Ruan Qiansu asked Zhengchen to take her to the sky, and after flying to the sky to look around, she shouted: "There is a big ship under the ice!"


Everyone was shocked. Meijiang Lake is an inland lake with independent water collection. At least the surface has no branches of watersheds. How can there be large ships coming here? And still sealed under the ice? If Mei Jianghu was really frozen by the gods 10,000 years ago, doesn't that mean that this ship has been here for 10,000 years? But ten thousand years ago, human beings did not have the technology to build such a big ship!

Jiang Chaoge summoned Feiyi and flew into the sky curiously. When he saw the whole picture of the shadow, he was even more shocked. It was really a rather large ship. At a rough glance, it seemed to be a schooner, about 60 meters long. Some of the masts were broken. There are three standing upright, the hull is covered with water plants and rust, and it is impossible to see more specific. Jiang Chaoge can be sure that this ship could not be built by human beings 10,000 years ago, because even in the current Tianling Continent, it would be quite difficult to build such a large ship. What drives into the sea, in any case, cannot appear in a lake in a barren land.

He went back to Yinchuan, and explained what he saw and his analysis: "This lake is too strange. If Tianbing can barely explain it, how can this ship explain it?"

Yin Chuan was also shocked: "Indeed... this is really impossible. Whether this ship appeared before or after it was frozen, it is impossible for it to appear here."

Jiang Chaoge frowned and said, "This ship is extraordinary. I have a hunch that it can give us some inspiration." He secretly doubted that this ship might not belong to this world. He came from another world, so everything might be explained a little bit. He thought that Yin Chuan must have thought of this.

Yin Chuan nodded: "We should find a way to go down and have a look."

"Crazy!" Sisi shouted, "Even if you can cut through the ice, how cold it is down there."

"I'm not afraid of the cold." Yin Chuan said, "Zhi Xuan, are you going down with me?"

Zhi Xuan looked at the ice and shook his head: "I'm a fire beast, and ice water can overcome me, it must be very uncomfortable, I won't go."

"Okay, then I'll go down by myself." Yin Chuan sent the others to the opposite side, then turned back alone, jumped up abruptly, and started kicking the ice with his body weight and his hooves.

No matter how thick the ice surface was, he couldn't resist the blow of a thousand tons, and it soon cracked thousands of miles, and then the ice layer broke and appeared in a big hole.

Yin Chuan's body flickered and turned into a human figure. He was dressed in white and had white hair, jumping into the rivers and lakes like a ghost of snow.

Si Si shuddered and said with arms crossed, "How cold it must be."

"Yinchuan is originally an alien beast of the ice genus. It was not afraid of cold before, and it is even less afraid of becoming a soul beast."

"By the way, I have a fun one!" Si Si's eyes suddenly lit up, and he rushed out like a monkey and ran on the ice.

Ruan Qiansu shouted: "Sisi is back! Be careful to fall in!"

"It's alright, I'm light... Oops!" Sisi didn't finish his words, his feet slipped, and he fell on the ice and gnawed at the mud.

Everyone laughed unceremoniously, and there was also a smile on the young and indifferent face of the cracked feathers.

Sisi got up from the ice, pulled out his machete, and began to chisel the ice. After a long time, he made two ice cubes the size of his head.

He took the ice back, sat on the ground, and started to chisel the ice with a machete.

Jiang Chaoge squatted in front of him and joked, "You still play with this, what are you going to carve?"

"I grew up in the Kunlun Mountains. The Kunlun Mountains lack the most things, snow, ice. When I coaxed Asa to play, I carved ice sculptures and built a snow castle for him." The sharp machete cut out a rough human shape in a while, and it still needs to be refined.

Jiang Chaoge was even more curious: "What exactly are you going to carve?"

"Oh, Brother Jiang, I won't tell you."

Jiang Chaoge chuckled: "Okay, you can play."

While waiting for Yinchuan, Sisi carefully carved.

After Yinchuan went down for half an hour, Yunxi was a little worried: "The teacher will be fine, why haven't you come up yet?"

Zhi Xuan took a sip of wine comfortably, and said sarcastically, "What can happen to him? Dead?"

Yun Xi scratched his hair, and felt that his worries were a little unnecessary.

"Maybe Lord Yinchuan found something down there."

"I must have found something." Yu Ren said, "Actually... I suspect that this ship is not something from my Tianling Continent." After he finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chaoge.

Jiang Chaoge nodded: "I have the same idea, Lord Yinchuan went down, I'm afraid it's just to prove this."

"What if it's really something from another world? What can it explain?" Long Xiang said.

Ruan Qiansu said: "It means that not only people can cross, but objects can also, but what's the point of crossing a ship here and letting it be frozen here..."

"Maybe it was unintentional. I remember that when the great witch sent me here, he said something to me, to the effect that he didn't know where I would travel. So, maybe this ship appeared here, everyone Unexpected."

After drinking the river for a long time, Sisi had already carved a portrait after a long time. He offered his treasure and took it to the cracked feather: "Cracked feather, look, it doesn't look like you!"

Although the ice sculpture is not well-crafted, it is considered to be both physical and spiritual, with a long body and a blue silk shawl. It really looks like a cracked feather.

Crack Yu took the ice sculpture in a daze, looked at it for a long time, and then nodded: "Like."

"If there are tools for carving, I can do better." Si Si said proudly, "Cracked feathers, I know a lot of fun, you have to remember me, as long as you remember me, you will never be bored ."

Crack Yu looked at Si Si and smiled faintly, but the next second, his expression was filled with a hint of sadness: "I can't remember."

"You can remember, if I forget once, I will remind you once, if you forget a hundred times, I will remind you a hundred times, as long as you can remember your name, one day you will remember my name too. Yes." Sis said confidently.

Cracked Feather hesitated and said, "Really?"

"Really!" Si Si showed a cheerful smile, hugged Crack Yu's shoulders and laughed loudly, "Let's be good brothers, and we will be together until I die."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "Where's your other piece of ice? What are you going to do?"

Sisi smiled: "I want to carve a portrait for Sister Qiansu."

"Hey, what about us?"

"Go, go, you don't have it."

They waited for two hours, Zhi Xuan got impatient, and shouted directly at the ice cave: "Yinchuan, come up quickly!"

After a while, a snow-white figure floated up from the water and slowly rose into the air. Yin Chuan shook the water from his hair, landed on the ice, and walked towards them step by step. When he got closer, the water on his body had completely disappeared, but his face was pale.

Jiang Chaoge asked, "Lord Yinchuan, why did you go down for so long?"

Yin Chuan said regretfully: "I saw a lot of things I have never seen before, and I was reluctant to leave for a while."

"Oh? That ship really doesn't belong to the Tianling Continent."

Yin Chuan nodded, took out something from his sleeve and handed it to Jiang Chaoge: "Do you recognize this thing?"

Jiang Chaoge looked at it and saw that it was a golden jade flower with two dragons playing on both sides. It was inlaid with five oval gems, which were braided with fine gold threads. No matter where it is.

Yunxi took it over and looked at it: "This is not an object from Tianling Continent, and Tianling Continent has no such craftsmanship."

Yin Chuan said: "I looked at the boat carefully, there is a tiger head relief on the front of the bow, and the front of both sides is a dragon relief. I was afraid it used to be colored, but now it's gone, and there is a Peng bird painted on the top of the stern board. It is already blurry. Judging from the hull and the structure of the ship, the ship is definitely not a fishing vessel or a merchant vessel, but an official vessel."

"Tiger head relief?" Jiang Chaoge thought, "What is the tiger head relief like?"

Yin Chuan described it in detail.

Jiang Chaoge's heart tensed, and he suddenly remembered a project he visited a few years ago. It was a city that wanted to imitate the 2,000-material treasure ships in the fleet of Zheng He's voyages to the West, and planned to build a full-scale antique tourist attraction. Later, the project was stranded due to the disconnection of funds. When he went there, the project was funded. Sufficient and in full swing, he visited the already formed hull and was particularly impressed by the relief of the tiger's head on the bow. Coupled with Yinchuan's more detailed description of the hull, Jiang Chaoge began to wonder if this ship was one of Zheng He's treasure ships

Seeing that Jiang Chaoge's face changed suddenly, Yinchuan hurriedly asked the reason. Jiang Chaoge told his guess, but Yinchuan was so excited that he insisted on returning to the ship to find more evidence that might help Jiang Chaoge determine the origin of the ship.

It took more than an hour for Yin Chuan to go. This time, he brought more relatively well-preserved cultural relics with him. Although Jiang Chaoge did not play with antiques himself, there were too many antique bigwigs around him. There are a few objects that belong to the Ming Dynasty. At this point, he can be sure that this ship is from the Ming Dynasty, and at least 80% may be one of Zheng He's treasure ships!

Yin Chuan fell into deep thought: "If it's really the ship of your world, then it's something from six or seven hundred years ago, how could it be..."

Jiang Chaoge frowned and said, "Could it be that at that time there was a great witch from Tianling Kingdom in our world? But why did he send a ship here."

Yin Chuan shook his head: "There is no way that the ship was sent by the Great Wu. It is easy to send a person, but sending a ship with a draft of 1,000 tons to another world, even if Wu Zu is alive, may not be able to do it."

"If it wasn't for Da Wu, why did it appear here?"

Yun Xi said: "I think there is only one possibility, that it came to this world unintentionally."

"what do you mean… "

"This ship accidentally came to this world for some reason, and ended up in a lake that was already frozen, and could never leave again." Yin Chuan said, "I am afraid this is the only explanation that is slightly more reasonable, but there are still It doesn't make sense in many places."

"Is there a groundwater channel at the bottom of the river and lake?"

Yin Chuan nodded.

"Did it float in from the underground channel?"

"The ship is not like a sunken ship. The hull is intact. Except for some wood that was corroded by the lake water, the hull was not broken, nor was it hit hard by external forces, as if it was driven in."

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "Could it be that there is a passage to my world in the land of the rivers and lakes?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet.

This is really a bold guess, but it seems to explain everything.

First of all, the witch uses water as a medium to perform the witchcraft of crossing. If ordinary people pour a cup of tea on it, they can perform this witchcraft. The big ship may need enough water to be able to travel through space. Second, this is the only An argument that might explain what they're seeing and hearing today, though, it still sounds cryptic.

Yin Chuan said: "I turned around the ship for a long time and found nothing unusual. Moreover, even if there is such a passage, it is impossible for humans to pass through."

Jiang Chaoge sighed, "Yes, there are no submarines."

"What is a submarine?"

"It's a boat that can operate at a depth of 100 meters, or even a thousand meters."

Yin Chuan was surprised: "Kilometer? I had such an idea, your world has actually been realized!"

Yunxi also heard his eyes light up, "Is this possible!"

"Maybe." Jiang Chaoge affirmed.

Yin Chuan sighed lightly: "If possible, I will also go to your world to see, no, I must go and see the so-called scientific world you describe." His tone was full of strong yearning.

Yunxi also agreed: "Teacher, I'm going too, let's study those more powerful soul weapons together."

Yin Chuan gently touched his head: "Okay."

Jiang Chaoge squatted on the edge of the lake, looking at the big hole in the center of the lake, thinking about the boat below, and feeling overwhelmed for a while. At the bottom of an inland lake in another world, I saw a ship that might have been the fleet of Zheng He in the Ming Dynasty. What kind of spectacle is this? And at the bottom of the mysterious and deep lake, there might be a waterway that could allow him to go home, but he couldn't pass through it anyway, and he was really worried that even if he passed, what would be the other end of the waterway. This ship was so unlucky that it drove into an already frozen lake, and it has been buried for many years. What would he do if he walked over and found himself in an active volcano that was about to erupt? Nothing to regret.

Yin Chuan said: "This further confirms the connection between this world and your world. There has always been some kind of intercommunication between these two worlds, and maybe there is not only one channel that can be traversed, but we haven't found it yet."

"You said, is the time in this world synchronized with the time in my world?" Jiang Chaoge looked at the golden jade temple flower, "Under the water for six or seven hundred years, it will not rot. This is really unlikely."

"I don't think the ship's degree of decay seems to have been silent for six or seven hundred years, but there must be a hundred years. If there is a time gap of several hundred years, what caused it..."

Jiang Chaoge shook his head: "I have always felt that these two worlds are one and divided into two. Although they run separately from then on, their lifespans should be the same, but because of the different elements they have, the later development is also different. Very different. Maybe we were wrong and their timing was different."

Except for Jiang Chaoge and Yunxi, the others couldn't keep up with Yinchuan's thinking, let alone intervene in the dialogue between them.

Zhi Xuan was extremely impatient, he hated the feeling that he couldn't understand Jiang Chaoge's words, he snorted heavily: "The two worlds have been completely different since the day they separated, and maybe the speed of time is also different, if When you return to your own world now, it may only be one day, but it may be ten years."

Jiang Chaoge was shocked. He never thought about this problem, he just thought that he had been missing for so long, and the tens of thousands of family properties he had worked so hard to earn must have been tossed away long ago. This point from the pain and sadness at the beginning to the numbness later. , he has completely accepted it, but he never thought about it, maybe he has been here for more than a year, but not in his world.

Yunxi nodded: "If the time is different, it would be better to explain why Jiang's world has become a scientific world, while Tianling Continent is thousands of years behind."

"I think the difference between the two worlds has more to do with one with alien beasts and the other without." Jiang Chaoge said, "In our world, science is based on energy, but in this world, Horcrux, soul medicine etc., can be regarded as another kind of science, and this kind of science is based on alien beasts. The basis of the two worlds determines the difference in their development.”

"Chao Ge is right. This also makes me more curious about that world." Yin Chuan said more eagerly.

"Then what do we do with the ship below? Just leave it like that?"

"That's the only way. If I have enough time, maybe I can spend a few days trying to find the underground water channel, but compared to this, I hope to find the smoke quickly. Among the beasts, only the smoke and I have similar hobbies, knowledge, or the science that Chao Ge said, but he likes to study Horcrux, and I am interested in everything. I think, it is impossible for him not to know about the changes that have taken place in the rivers and lakes. Even if it happened after his death, as long as he came to see it, he would definitely be able to say something we didn't know."

Crack Yu said in silence: "Is the simmering smoke you are talking about my father?"


"Then he..." Cracked Yu paused, "Then will he remember me?"

"I think so. After we wake up, we still carry our previous memories. He has no reason to forget."

"But I forgot."

Sisi said without hesitation: "It's strange to say, that Zhuyin is as you said, so proficient in Horcrux making, how could he not even know that his son has recruited a soul of wisdom, he wouldn't do it on purpose Yes."

As soon as these words came out, Crack Yu's eyebrows wrinkled again, his shoulders were stiff, and the whole person exuded an aura of alertness.

Jiang Chaoge glared at Si Si, Si Si reacted vigorously, scratched his hair dejectedly, and whispered, "Maybe it wasn't intentional, it was an accident."

Cracked Feather lowered his head and said nothing.

Yin Chuan and Yun Xi looked at each other, and complex emotions flashed in their eyes. Jiang Chaoge guessed that for these two people who are also proficient in Horcrux making, their thoughts may be similar to Si Si, but Nothing was said. When summoning the beast soul, the three souls and seven souls are clearly defined, one less is not enough, at least that is what Yunxi said, but now it seems that one less soul may not be impossible, it is just incomplete, but this point, the Horcrux When the teacher summons the soul, he must know it. Why did Zhuyin make his son an incomplete soul weapon

They put aside the unresolved matter for the time being and continued on their way. Passing through the rivers and lakes, over a mountain, and sweeping away the frozen soil behind him, patches of green appeared in front of him, and the road behind was much smoother. Yinchuan ran as fast as possible within the speed range that humans can bear, and it took four days to reach the foot of Zhongshan.

Zhongshan is simply an immortal mountain outside the world, with strange rocks and peaks, immortal mists lingering, and there are scenes full of vitality everywhere, which makes people not just believe that they are in the northernmost part of Tianling Continent.

They started looking for Zhuyin in Zhongshan. Now Zhixuan and Yinchuan's noses can play a great role. If there is any strange smell within a hundred miles, they can smell it immediately, but they found it in Zhongshan. For four full days, he still did not feel the breath of the soul weapon belonging to Zhuyin.

Everyone had to give up: "It seems that it is really not here."

Jiang Chaoge said disappointedly: "Bai Lai... Hey, forget it, it can't be said to be Bai Lai." At least they made an astonishing discovery at the bottom of the lake.

Crack Yu stood on the top of Zhongshan Mountain, overlooking the small mountains, and after a while, he muttered: "I seem to remember this place."

Yin Chuan said: "This is where you grew up, you should remember."

"If my father isn't here, what about my mother?"

Yin Chuan said softly, "Your mother is a human woman with a lifespan of only a hundred years, and she is long gone now."

Hearing this sentence, Zhi Xuan suddenly grabbed Jiang Chaoge's hand, holding it a little tight, which made Jiang Chaoge feel a little bit painful. described as worrying.

Jiang Chaoge's heart suddenly throbbed. He could fully understand Zhi Xuan's thoughts at the moment. He gently scratched Zhi Xuan's palm with his fingernails, but he couldn't say anything to comfort him. He could never say that he would never die, because that is absolutely impossible. Knowing that the fate between them is only a few decades old, just thinking about it is heartbreaking.

(The golden jade temple flower, the two thousand material treasure ship and other information in the text, refer to Baidu Encyclopedia)