Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 90


Everyone looked at the water with bated breath, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe. Under the moonlight, the thousands of hideous corpses seemed to be ready for the army, and they would be dragged into the icy abyss as long as an order was given.

Yin Chuan said loudly: "Boil the smoke! Come out!"

Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake, and countless ice floes swirled around the whirlpool, and the whirlpool sank, finally showing a big hole.

Cracked Feather opened his eyes wide and stared at the center of the vortex without blinking, clenching his fists because of nervousness.

A person floated up in the center of the whirlpool. I saw that person was dressed in a red blood-like robe and had golden hair. The long hair was windless, and it danced with the cold wind, surrounded by black corpses, like a god of death. intimidating. He raised his face, he has a peerless handsome face that does not lose to any other beast, but his red eyes are deep and gloomy, his eyes are as cold as a thousand years of ice, and his body exudes an aura of death and terror.

"Boiled cigarettes..." Yin Chuan took a deep breath.

Zhuo Yan floated on the water, stood with his hands behind his back, looked around them coldly for a week, and finally his eyes fell on Kai Yu, and his eyes changed immediately.

Cracked Feather was stunned, at a loss.

Yin Chuan asked, "Zhuoyan, you've been awake long ago? Did you know that we came to find you... The boat at the bottom of the lake was removed by you, so what do you mean by summoning the corpse?"

Zhuo Yan slowly raised his hand, pointed his slender index finger at Crack Yu, and said solemnly, "My son."

Crack Yu swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice, "You... it's me..."

Yin Chuan increased his sigh: "Boil the smoke!"

Zhuoyan looked at Yinchuan and Zhi Xuan, and said in a low voice, "You shouldn't be here."

"What's wrong with you, why did you become like this..." Yin Chuan didn't know how to describe the current Zhuoyan. Although Zhuoyan used to be taciturn and cold in temperament, after marrying with his own female-beast and even giving birth to offspring, he once With so many warm sides, today's Zhuoyan is more gloomy and dangerous than any Zhuoyan that Yinchuan knew at any time.

"You shouldn't be here." Zhuo Yan repeated, "You can't leave now."

Zhi Xuan narrowed his eyes: "Zhuoyan, are you crazy, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I want your soul power." Zhuoyan said slowly: "I need a huge soul power to open the door to another world and recall the souls of my wife and my son."

"The gate of another world, right under this world?"

Zhuoyan's expression became a bit grim: "Yes, only the huge soul power can open it." He spread his hands, his thin lips slightly opened, and a luminous fire bead appeared in his mouth, which must be the fire of Zhuyin Jing, Huo Jing emitted a dazzling light, and the corpses floating around suddenly moved in pieces.

Zhi Xuan let out a roar: "Zhuoyan, you are courting death!"

"I'm already dead." Zhuoyan's long hair fluttered like a ghost in hell, "Now it's your turn!"

Yin Chuan said: "Zhuoyan, how do you know that soul power can open the so-called door to another world? Does the door to another world really exist!"

"Of course I know, because I have personally experienced its opening. The first time, I fought with the Heavenly Soldiers, my son died, and the soul was in another world. The second time, I duel with the Great Wu Zu Qiangliang, and the ship appeared inexplicably. This time, I will not miss the opportunity again, I will go to another world and summon their broken souls!"

Zhi Xuan shouted: "Nonsense, your female-beast died thousands of years earlier than your son, how could her soul wander into another world with Cracked Feather?"

"Because before that, the door to another world was opened once." Zhuoyan looked at Yinchuan and said gloomily, "Yinchuan, you should know better than anyone else that when you awaken the essence of heaven and earth, your soul power radiates. In the whole continent, the door to another world at the bottom of the river and lake once opened. At that time, my female-beast had just passed away. I set up a soul array for nine to eighty-one days. The three souls and seven souls have been summoned completely, and I didn't know where their souls went until I experienced the opening of the gate to another world!"

Everyone was startled and looked at Yinchuan in unison. Yinchuan awakened the essence of heaven and earth? !

Yin Chuan said solemnly, "Zhuoyan, things are definitely not what you think."

Zhuo Yan's expression was a little distorted: "What about that? Because of the essence of heaven and earth, I have not seen my female-beast yet, and because of the essence of heaven and earth, I and Crack Yu have both become soul weapons! Yinchuan , it's all because of you!"

Yin Chuan looked at Zhuo Yan silently, his eyes were very sad and full of helplessness.

"You should bear the consequences of what you have done. As long as this world is full of the soul power you released during the battle, the gate to another world may be opened again." Zhuoyan roared, those broken and twisted heavenly soldiers and Alien beasts, armed with weapons, unarmed with unarmed hands, rushed towards them fiercely, and at the same time, his body flashed white light, and a red human-faced dragon over a thousand meters long appeared in front of everyone, like a red cloud pressing the realm , obscuring the moonlight, allowing darkness to invade the entire river and lake.

Zhi Xuan and Yin Chuan also appeared beast-like, standing like two hills in the Jianghu Lake.

Jiang Chaoge hurriedly surfaced, and when his whole body was frozen to a rigid point, he just grabbed Zhi Xuan Dao and chopped an oncoming zombie heavenly soldier in half.

He climbed up on the ice floes, summoned Fat Yi, and asked Fat Yi to send him and a few drowning people to the shore. With the help of a few raptors, they finally all landed on the shore, but the zombies were in hot pursuit and attacked them in a black way!

The three ancient alien beasts met in mid-air, Yin Chuan was still a little hesitant and unwilling to confront Zhuoyan, but Zhi Xuan’s blood was already boiling with the combative factor, and when he jumped up, he was going to bite Zhuoyan’s neck and Zhuoyan The kilometer-long tail swung over and pulled it towards Zhi Xuan's head.

Zhi Xuan threw Zhuoyan into the water, and slapped Zhuoyan's neck with his huge claws. At the same time, Zhuoyan's tail also hit Zhi Xuan's left shoulder. The whole river and lake is like a hurricane, raging to the sky.

Yin Chuan said loudly: "Boiled smoke, this is a meaningless battle."

Zhi Xuan cursed: "Idiot, can you concentrate on fighting?"

Zhuoyan's long tail stretched into the lake, and in the next second, the lake water sank again. It looked like a giant object was about to emerge from the water. Sure enough, Zhuoyan actually dragged the 2,000-material treasure boat out of the water that they couldn't find anywhere. With a flick of the long tail, the big boat was thrown towards Zhi Xuan and Yin Chuan.

Jiang Chaoge was wielding a big sword, and the others were also busy dealing with waves of celestial soldiers and alien beasts. When he saw the boat being thrown out like a stone, Jiang Chaoge felt distressed, what a piece of antique!

Zhi Xuan had nowhere to hide, and collided with the treasure ship. After a series of loud noises, the hull of the ship cracked and fell into the rivers and lakes again. Zhi Xuan was smashed by the big ship to the point of staring at gold, and he was furious at the same time. He shook his head vigorously, roaring at the smoke.

Seeing this scene, Yin Chuan was not allowed to join the battle, hoping to take Zhuoyan in one fell swoop and explain it slowly.

Zhuoyan's Soul Soldier didn't know where he was hiding, but everyone could clearly feel that the Soul Soldier's spirit power was probably higher than Yu Renshu's. The corpse was actually able to fight Zhi Xuan and Yin Chuan for hundreds of rounds. Although he was always at a disadvantage, Zhi Xuan was the first person whose soul power couldn't keep up.

Yu Renshu smashed dozens of zombies with a single mace. The rotten limbs were flying all over the sky, and the smell was unbearable. His face was pale, and he couldn't bear it.

Tian Rong slapped the rushing zombies away with a slap, and said calmly, "If you don't like it, just stand behind me."

"Impossible." Yu Renshu flew up, and Tian Rong swept the Quartet, "We have always fought side by side."

A smile flashed in Tian Rong's beast eyes.

"Dirty! Dirty!" Zuiyou looked at his clean fur covered with dirt, and was so angry that he was going crazy. Long Xiang was by his side, trying to block all the approaching zombies for him. People kill all the way, and cooperate more and more tacitly.

Jiang Chaoge and Ruan Qiansu were also on the verge of killing. Only Yunxi held Yinchuan Qin and stood hesitantly against a tree, while Sisi was even more overwhelmed. .

"Cracked feathers, cracked feathers!" Sisi cried anxiously, "Don't be in a daze! Help me."

Cracked Yu said solemnly: "My soul of spiritual wisdom is really in another world?"

"If you don't help me, I, you won't be able to appear in this world if I die!"

Kai Yu glanced at Si Si, turned into a drum of exotic animals, and protected him in front of Si Si, but he did not take the initiative to attack, and his eyes always stayed on Zhuo Yan.

Si Si shouted: "Even if he is your father, but he is not very normal now, you will not really believe that he can go to another world to find your soul of spiritual wisdom."

"Why not?" Crack Yu turned his head and looked at Si Si faintly, his eyes twinkling strangely in the moonlight.

Si Si swallowed his saliva, feeling flustered for no reason.

The battle between the three ancient alien beasts intensified, and the rivers and lakes overturned the rivers and lakes, almost submerging a city. The broken ice and zombies floating on the lake made this lake like the Forgotten River in the Underworld, full of blood and death.

A large amount of soul power was released between heaven and earth during the battle. Zhuoyan was one to two, and was frequently suppressed. He was not an opponent at all, but his soul power was more abundant than Zhi Xuan and Yinchuan, and he desperately bit them and did not let go. The alien beasts were all red-eyed, tearing at each other's flesh and blood, slamming into each other's bones and muscles, turning the lake surface of Mei Jianghu completely red.

After all, Jiang Chaoge had just reached the third level, and his soul power could not last for long. Seeing Zhi Xuan's movements slow down, he was in a state of anger, but he was helpless.

At this moment, a bunch of crimson chains suddenly flew from the body of a zombie alien. A crimson clear oval spar was embedded in the chain end of the chain, and the chain seemed to have eyes as it attacked the clouds.

"It's Zhuoyan's Soul Soldier!" Long Xiang shouted and ran towards Yunxi.

Yunxi originally hid behind the crowd, but at this time the chain came straight towards him. In a hurry, he swiped his fingers over the Yinchuan Qin, and as the trembling sound of the piano spread, there was an invisible soul power wrapped around him. With the sound of the piano, it became a tangible weapon! The chain was struck twice by the sound of the piano, slightly deviating from the original track, but the momentum did not diminish, and it was about to reach Yunxi.

Jiang Chaoge, who was closest to Yunxi, rushed up and slashed with his knife, but the chain seemed to be alive. The red spar at the end of the chain avoided the blade, and swiped across Jiang Chaoge's left arm, and then the chain He circled Jiang Chaoge several times and helped him together with Zhi Xuandao.

"Chao Ge—" Yu Renshu rushed over quickly.

With a flick of the chain, Jiang Chaoge was thrown into the air and thrown towards the heart of the rivers and lakes.

Jiang Chaoge hadn't had time to fuck - his uncle had already been thrown into the lake, and he didn't even see the true face of Zhuoyan's Soul Soldier, only to hear Yu Renshu exclaiming, "It's you!"

Jiang Chaoge was already wearing wet clothes, he was shivering from the cold, and his body hadn't recovered yet. He was thrown into the water again, and suddenly felt that his limbs were paralyzed. In addition, his spirit power was consumed too much, and his physical strength was weak, and he didn't have the strength to float up again. Go, can only slowly fall to the bottom of the lake.

At this time, he felt a "wind" rising from the bottom of the lake. That's right, in a place surrounded by water, he actually felt a wind? Soon, he knew that it was not wind, but a vortex! And he, at the center of the vortex, began to rotate with the water, and was gradually drawn into the vortex. Jiang Chaoge thought that if Zhi Xuan didn't come down to save him, he would drown. He had thought of thousands of ways to die, but he never thought that he might drown.

In a trance, he heard Zhuoyan's excited dragon roar. He knew that the eddy current was probably a sign that the door to another world had opened. If he didn't drown, if he entered the gate of another world, would he be able to go home? He couldn't think anymore, the oxygen in his body was gradually running out, there was a sharp pain in his lungs, he couldn't hold it any longer, and a mouthful of water poured in...

Yu Renshu shouted: "Zhi Xuan, go and face off!"

"Chao Ge—" Zhi Xuan didn't care about the smoke, he plunged into the water with his head buried in the water, his body transformed into a human shape, his dazzling golden eyes shone in the water, searching for his female-beast.

Zhuoyan slammed into Yinchuan and shouted loudly, "My son!"

Si Si was still worried about Jiang Chaoge's safety, but in the next second, he was picked up by Crack Yu's claws and flew towards Zhuo Yan.

Si Si was stunned for a while, and struggled desperately: "Cracked feathers, what are you doing!"

Split Feather said solemnly: "You said, we will never be separated."

"I said, but where are you taking me?"

"Go find my memory." Cracked Feather looked at the huge vortex that appeared on the water, and flew over without hesitation.

Si Si also looked at the whirlpool, and screamed: "I won't go, I won't go, I won't go, I want—ahh—" Cracked Yu hugged him and jumped into the water, he suddenly took a big mouthful of water and held on. I had to roll my eyes, it was too late to shut my mouth again, and I felt suffocated.

In a daze, he heard many people shouting, but he soon lost consciousness.

Jiang Chaoge slowly opened his eyes, the scorching sun seemed to bake him, he unconsciously licked his chapped lips, and looked at the clear sky above his head absently.

Is he dead? Maybe not. This is where

A black spot flew across the sky, and when Jiang Chaoge saw what the black spot was, he bounced off the ground like a corpse.


Jiang Chaoge was so shocked that he looked around and found himself in a mountain, next to a quiet lake, which looked very similar to Mei Jianghu.

Around him, several familiar people were still in a coma, Zhi Xuan, Si Si, Zhuo Yan, Crack Yu, and a man lying on his back with his back to him, probably Zhuo Yan's Soul Soldier.

what happened? ! Jiang Chaoge's brain is not enough, how can there be planes in Tianling Continent? Could it be... Did they really pass through the gate of another world and return to his world? No, it's also possible that he was dreaming, after all, he only saw a plane, maybe he was dazzled.

He climbed up to Zhi Xuan and shook him: "Zhi Xuan, Zhi Xuan, wake up."

Zhi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and after seeing Jiang Chaoge, he suddenly hugged him and asked nervously, "How are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jiang Chaoge went to help Sisi up again. Sisi seemed to drink a lot of water, and his mouth and nose were full of dirty water plants. Jiang Chaoge gave him first aid and made him cough. A lot of water came out, his face recovered a little blood, and he woke up faintly.

Zhi Xuan looked around: "Is this place in the world? Why isn't the season right?"

"This may not be the sound of the rivers and lakes, at least it should not be the one we saw."

"What's the meaning."

Jiang Chaoge scratched his head: "You let me calm down, I'm also a little..."

"We've come to another world, right." Zhuoyan's low hoarse voice sounded behind them.

Jiang Chaoge turned his head and looked at Zhuo Yan defensively: "Maybe, thanks to you."

"Aren't you happy, as a foreigner, you should be the most wanted to come back."

"How do you know I'm an alien?"

"My soul soldier told me."

"Your Soul Soldier?"

The man lying on his back with his back to him slowly got up from the ground. He was tall but thin. He slowly turned his face. The moment Jiang Chaoge saw him, his whole body froze.

The man had silver hair, pale face and deep-set eyes. It was none other than the great national teacher of Tianling Kingdom who should have been dead for more than a year!

Jiang Chaoge jumped up from the ground, pointed at him and shouted, "You! How come you are still alive!"

The Grand Master brushed the sand on his body and said calmly, "It's been a long time, I'm even more surprised that you guys are still alive."

Jiang Chaoge grabbed Zhi Xuan Dao, pointed the blade directly at the tip of his nose, and said viciously, "Everything is your conspiracy! You faked death to frame Yu Renshu!"

The Great Master said: "I forced him to leave Tianao City for his own good. In my mind, he is the prince who is suitable to be the Holy Emperor."

"Stop the fucking bullshit, who knows how much conspiracy you have, how much You Zhun knows, and how much the eldest prince and the second prince know? Yu Renshu is the most innocent one. He doesn't know anything, but he bears grievances and grievances for you. Infamy for the ages!" Jiang Chaoge wanted to kill this insidious great national teacher, thinking of Yu Renshu's inner torment and the heavy burden on his shoulders.

The Grand Master shook his head: "What you see is one or two years, what I see is ten years and one hundred years, I knew the awakening of the god-level soul weapon earlier than you, and I spent half my life preparing for that moment to come. If Tianling Kingdom can still stand still after the catastrophe, then Prince Shu will become the best Holy Emperor. If Tianling Kingdom is gone, what does it matter if Prince Shu is a prince or a fugitive."

"You fart!" Jiang Chaoge sternly said, "Stand up and kill you, it's not a waste of Yu Renshu's unjust crime for so long."

"Now, I'm afraid it's not the time." The great national teacher looked up at the sky. When the blue sky and white clouds were flying, another plane flew by. This time everyone could see it clearly.

Zhi Xuan grabbed Jiang Chaoge's arm and said excitedly, "Is that the plane you told me about? Is it!"

Jiang Chaoge opened his mouth, as if he was suddenly dumb.

This time he can be sure that he is not dreaming, he is really back. He first crossed to the Tianling Continent, and it was the goal of returning home that supported him along the way. He thought that one day when he returned to his own world, he would rejoice and cry with joy, but there was nothing, and he could not feel too much Excited and joyful, on the contrary, he was worried about his companions who were still in Tianling Continent.

Zhuoyan grabbed the shoulders of Cracked Feather excitedly: "My son, your mother's soul and your soul's soul came to this world through the gate of another world. Only here can I find you who are intact."

Cleft Feather's lips trembled: "Can I get my memory back?"

"Definitely!" Zhuo Yan stood up, looked at the clear sky, facing the four walls of Cangshan, and laughed loudly, but at the end, the laughter was mixed with a trace of sadness, which made people feel a little moved.

Sisi climbed to Jiang Chaoge's side and said nervously, "Brother Jiang, where is this place, are they crazy?"

Jiang Chaoge rubbed his head: "This is my world."

"Your world? Another world?"


Si Si's eyes suddenly lit up: "I, I've come to another world?! I'm so powerful, I'm definitely the most powerful person in the history of the Erruo clan!

"Don't get excited yet, if we can't go back, you are just a person who can't see the dead or the dead to the Erqi people."

Si Si's face suddenly fell.

Zhi Xuan took Jiang Chaoge's hand, and seemed to be a little uneasy: "We really came to your world? Did we see the plane?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled reluctantly: "You always listen to me describe my world, this time you finally have a chance to see it for yourself."

"Then are we going back?" Zhi Xuan asked.

Jiang Chaoge couldn't answer for a while.

Are they going back? It is impossible for Zhuoyan and the others to stay in this world. Once they find the soul of their wife and children, they will definitely find a way to go back, but what about him? He has completed his original goal and returned to his own world. It stands to reason that everything should be counted as the end.


Jiang Chaoge looked at Zhi Xuan and Si Si and sighed in his heart. Without these two people, he could pretend that everything that happened in Tianling Continent was a dream, but he couldn't, he had a knife on his body, an ancient alien beast beside him, and a little brother, all of which belonged to him. Responsibility, he doesn't think that he can escape all this by returning to his own world, because everything is destined.

He took a deep breath, looked at Zhi Xuan and said, "Go back."