Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 91


Zhuo Yan looked at the great master: "This is the so-called other world? It looks no different from Tianling Continent."

Jiang Chaoge said coldly: "This is a deep mountain, of course it doesn't look any different."

"So what's the difference?"

"City." Grand Master said, "We need to find a way to go to the city and gather the materials needed to return to the soul array."

"Is the city far from here?"

"It shouldn't be too far. What we saw just now is a vehicle from another world. Where there are such vehicles passing by, it should not be a very remote area."

Jiang Chaoge narrowed his eyes and looked at the Great Master: "You know a lot."

The Grand Master did not answer him.

"Then fly to the nearest city." Zhuoyan said, about to change shape.

The great national teacher hurriedly stopped him: "Absolutely. The world is different from our world. There are no beasts in this world, only people and animals."

"No alien beasts?" Zhuoyan frowned, as if unimaginable.

Si Si was also surprised: "Is there really no alien beasts? Then how do you live?"

"How can we not live without alien beasts, we have high technology."

"What is high tech."

"Yes... Forget it, I'll take you to see it and you'll know."

Zhi Xuanlue said excitedly, "I want to taste the wine of this world."

"No problem, I'll buy it for you..." Jiang Chaoge suddenly remembered that he was penniless now. Well, it's not right to say that. He has a lot of big gold coins, but it is also a hassle to realize these things. To be targeted by jingcha. Besides, I don't know where this place is. Maybe it's a foreign country that is 108,000 miles away from his city. Even if he returns to his own city, will his properties and deposits still be there? He really returned to his own world, but there are countless headaches waiting for him, and the most headache is how to deal with these enemies in front of him.

Zhuo Yan said coldly, "Then how do we get to the city?"

Daguoshi pointed at Jiang Chaoge: "Then we have to ask him."

Jiang Chaoge sneered: "You can fly over if you have the ability. There are no strange beasts in this world, and you just let them see and see." Then he might have a chance to see the fighter, missile, cannon, and armored vehicles go into battle, blowing smoke into the air.

The Great Master said: "Young people, don't be impatient, I know that there are extraordinary weapons in this world, which may cause fatal damage to us. Besides, I believe you don't want to cause unnecessary panic to the people of this world, we just need to recall The souls of Yuan Ji and Crack Feather."

"What does this have to do with me."

"Don't you go back to Tianling Continent? Without us, how would you go back?"

Jiang Chaoge snorted coldly.

Grand Master advised: "Although this result is a bit unexpected, I have fulfilled my promise to you and brought you back to your own world. You don't have to be hostile to me."

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "Master Guoshi, you are probably mistaken, I am not hostile to you, I just want to tell you that I will not let you go, one day I will let you in front of the people of Tianling Kingdom. Apologize for the guilt and clear the grievances of Yu Renshu."

Zhuo Yanhan said: "Because of your own strength, the reason why you are still alive is just because you are still useful, it is best to keep your mouth shut."

Zhi Xuan bared his teeth, and his golden eyes flashed with ferocity: "Beast, you dare to speak to my female beast in such a tone."

"Female beast?" Zhuo Yan was stunned, his eyebrows twitched, and his tone suddenly became a bit deep, "You know that human beings only have a hundred years of life."

Zhi Xuan said angrily, "I don't need you to remind me."

Zhuo Yan sighed lightly, perhaps feeling pity for each other, so he fell silent.

Grand Master said: "The matter between me and the Third Highness will be discussed when we return to Tianling Continent. The most important thing right now is that we need each other, we need you to help us in this world, and you need us to return to Tianling together. Continent, I'm right."

Jiang Chaoge looked at him suspiciously: "How do you get back to Tianling Continent? Another fight?"

"As for the law of opening the door to another world, we have only touched the skin, so we can come here this time, to a large extent rely on luck, when we go back, we must work together."

Although Jiang Chaoge can't trust these people, but if he is relying on them, he will most likely not be able to go back. However, he still has one hope, that is, the great witch who sent him to Tianling Continent. If he can still find the old man, he can Leaving aside Zhuoyan and the great national teacher, for now, let's stabilize these two first, he said: "You are right. Since this is my world, from now on, you must obey my arrangements, and you must not Arouse suspicion in the world."

Zhuoyan's face was cold and undecided, but the Great National Teacher said, "Okay."

Jiang Chaoge looked at the sky and sighed: "Let's go, first determine the current position."

Sisi followed him for a few steps, then turned around suddenly and looked at Cracked Feather, who had been silent.

Crack Yu walked in the outermost circle of them, neither walking with Jiang Chaoge three people, but also keeping a distance from Zhuo Yan and Da Guo Shi, obviously distrusting anyone.

Seeing Si Si looking at him, his eyes dodged a little. After all, he finally obeyed Zhuo Yan's order and took Si Si into the lake without authorization. He looked at Si Si, obviously wanting to say something, but finally lowered his head. silent.

Si Si looked at him, but he hesitated to speak, the anger that had been stagnating in his chest dissipated a little, and when he saw him alone, he looked very lonely, and suddenly he felt a little soft-hearted. He walked over and didn't know what to say for a while. After thinking for a long time, he reached out to the cracked feathers. I used to have troubles with Asa. If Asa refused to go home, he would hold Asa. To him, Kai Yu, who was about the same age as Asa, was like his younger brother. Although he was not open-minded, he was still There is room for the next "brother".

Cracked Feather's shoulders were obviously stiff. Looking at Si Si's outstretched hand, he carefully stretched out his hand and clenched it tightly.

Si Si grabbed his hand, neither walking with Jiang Chaoge and Zhi Xuan, nor staying away from Zhuo Yan and the great national teacher, and silently followed behind them. Although the two of them were silent all the way, the estrangement in their hearts was melting little by little. .

After walking for a long time, they finally saw a village.

Jiang Chaoge almost cried with joy when he saw the second-story building and the agricultural tractor. He came back, he really came back! He coughed lightly: "Listen, you have to change your clothes. If you see someone in a while, no matter what I say, you must agree and don't talk nonsense." He looked at Zhi Xuan, "Especially you. "

Zhi Xuan narrowed his eyes: "What's wrong with me?"

"You have too much temper. Remember, you can't say things like stupid humans, low-level humans, evil animals, trash, etc."


"This is a society governed by the rule of law. It's not the Tianling Continent where people can swallow your words and deeds just by calling you an adult. I know you don't understand. In short, you just need to stop talking."

Zhi Xuan pouted in dissatisfaction.

Jiang Chaoge squeezed his cheek and said with a smile, "Be good, listen to me, I'll buy you a good wine."

Zhi Xuan's expression softened a little.

"Besides, unless I allow it, no matter what happens, you can't transform into a beast."

Several people nodded.

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "Let's go." He led a few people down the mountain mightily.

When they came to the village, a group of children who were playing at the entrance of the village were shocked when they saw their fancy clothes. They ran into the village excitedly and fearfully, shouting at the adults.

After a while, some villagers came out and saw that they all showed surprised expressions. Not to mention the strange clothes this group of people wore, they also carried a few weapons that were very expensive at first glance. More importantly, these people were men. How can she look like an angel.

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "My fellow, I'm sorry, we were filming a movie in the mountains, and we got separated from the company. Do you have a phone or computer here? Can you contact the company?"

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief: "Celebrity, I said how to dress like this, what series are you filming?"

"It will be released soon, and then you will watch."

"We have a phone and a computer at home!" a girl shouted boldly, then looked at a group of handsome men and snickered while covering her face.

"Okay, I'll go to your house."

Under the laughter of the villagers, the girl led them to the house.

"Girl." Jiang Chaoge asked, "Where is this place?"

The girl said, "This is Huanggu Village."

"Are there any big cities nearby?"

"A big city, the nearest is Ta'an City, which is more than 200 kilometers away."

As soon as Jiang Chaoge heard Ta'an City, his heart was half down. At the beginning, he was really afraid that the world he traveled to was not his original world. If it was some kind of parallel space, wouldn't he be able to return home in his lifetime, and he might not be able to return to Tianling Continent in his lifetime. However, Ta'an City is a little far from the city he came from, and it takes three hours by plane.

Jiang Chaoge also wanted to ask the question he was most concerned about, which year, month, and day today, but he was afraid that the girl would become suspicious, so he held back.

He quickly arrived at the girl's house, which was a newly built three-story western-style building. It seems that the living standard of this village is good, so he should be able to find a means of transportation to leave soon.

There were a lot of people living in the girl's house, and when they saw them, they all gathered around and watched without turning their eyes.

Si Si felt fresh, he was always smiling, the great national teacher was steady, and said nothing. Zhi Xuan and Zhuo Yan were both arrogant and arrogant ancient beasts. When they were surrounded by such impolite people, their eyes quickly burned.

Jiang Chaoge coughed twice to calm them down.

The girl took them into the house: "Here, the phone and the computer are all here, brother, let's take a photo and sign me."

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said, "No rush, no rush." He closed the door and took out a gold coin from his pocket, "Girl, we don't have any money with us, only this prop, although it's a prop, it's real gold, can you give it to us? Let's buy a few sets of fitted clothes, exchange 10,000 yuan in cash, and hire us a car? We want to go to Dongping City, and the rest of the money is yours."

The girl's eyes widened. If such a large piece of gold coin was real, it would be worth 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. She took the gold coin and said, "I-I have to find someone to verify the authenticity."

"You go to the test, after the test, buy us clothes, okay?"

The girl nodded and turned to go out.

As soon as she left, Jiang Chaoge rushed to the calendar, took a deep breath, and summoned the courage to look at the calendar—September 6th, 20XX!

Jiang Chaoge's legs softened and he almost knelt down. Actually, only seven days have passed!

Since he traveled from Dongping City to Tianling Continent, only seven days have passed in this world!

Jiang Chaoge didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. He was very fortunate. He was fortunate that he had only been away from this world for seven days, so as long as he returned to Dongping City, his things would still be his, he just needed to explain it. Where did he go missing for the past seven days; but at the same time, he was also worried, many evidences proved that the time of his world and Tianling Continent were not synchronized, for example, the duel between Zhuoyan and Qiangliang was ten thousand years ago, and The 2,000-year-old treasure ship is far from 10,000 years old. For example, what he is experiencing now, the time of these two worlds may be distorted when they travel through space. At least he can't see the pattern yet. He is worried that they will return to the sky. Ling Continent, it may have been a day, or it may have been ten years.

Everyone was very curious about everything in this room. Others were still holding it. Just looking at it, Sisi couldn't help it. Shaking in front of his eyes: "What is this?" After speaking, he covered his head, "A hat?"

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help laughing.

Sisi probably realized that he must have made a fool of himself, and threw the text-chest: "What the hell is it!"

Jiang Chaoge blushed with laughter, picked up a simple kaleidoscope and handed it to him: "This is suitable for you to play with."

Sisi was playing with the kaleidoscope, looked in front of his eyes, and suddenly exclaimed: "Wow, it's so beautiful inside, what is this? I'm going to take it back to Asa... Crack Yu, look!" Sisi was excited He put the kaleidoscope in front of Crack Feather.

Cracked Feather looked inside, and looked very surprised. The two of them grabbed the small kaleidoscope and studied it.

Jiang Chaoge picked up the phone and dialed a series of familiar numbers. It was the cell phone of one of his younger brothers. Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten it.

The phone was quickly connected: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Hey, Arvin."

"Big brother?" Awen was incoherent with excitement, "Big brother, is that you!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Brother, what are you doing... Where are you, you, you? Why did you suddenly disappear? You want to kill us!" Awen asked in a burst.

"Calm down, I'm fine, I'll explain it to you when we meet, and tell me what happened in the past few days."

"What else can happen? After you disappeared, we called the police, but the old man insisted that you were gone, and Jingcha couldn't find any clues. Now everyone is looking for you, and we are going crazy. Big brother, where did you go? Why did you disappear from that house? If you are alright, you should tell us, we… "

"Okay, don't be long-winded." Jiang Chaoge had a headache for a while, but he was relieved. Fortunately, nothing was messed up, he said: "This matter is a bit complicated, I was kidnapped, but I ran away again. Come out, two days later, you will come to Putian City to pick me up."

"Okay! Brother, where are you now? It's not as good as I am now..."

"That's it, in two days, I will contact you in Putian City." Jiang Chaoge hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

After the phone call, everyone in the room was looking at him.

Jiang Chaoge sighed: "Let's find a way to get back to my site first, and then I'll get you back the materials you need for the soul array. Once we're done with your business, we'll go back to the Tianling Continent immediately, the time between these two worlds is not the same. On the same track, I am afraid that the delay will be too long, it has been several years since Tianling Continent."

Speaking of this, the Great National Teacher was obviously also very worried, and said hurriedly: "Yes, we must go back as soon as possible."

After waiting for an hour, the girl came back, brought back clothes and cash, and said to help them find the car.

Jiang Chaoge took the clothes and glanced at them with disgust. When he first arrived at Tianling Continent, he was really down for a while, but soon he became prosperous again. He always had high requirements for clothes. When he returned to his own world, he had to wear this kind of clothes and he would buy them from the supermarket. His cheap sportswear really made him uncomfortable. He would never see his younger brother wearing this kind of thing.

Sisi excitedly took the T-shirt and jeans, took off his clothes and put them on on the spot, and kept taking pictures in front of the mirror: "Brother Jiang, do I look good in this? Does it look good?"

Jiang Chaoge tied his hair and put on a hat: "It looks good. Hide your hair. In our world, men generally don't have long hair."

Zhi Xuan stood aside, looking at the clothes, frowning.

Jiang Chaoge raised his jacket: "What's the matter, don't you like it? These clothes are not good. I'll buy you some good clothes when I get home."

Zhi Xuan said hesitantly, "You dress me."

Jiang Chaoge didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "This dress is very simple, look, it's a trouser leg, just put it on."

"No, you dress me." Zhi Xuan insisted.

Jiang Chaoge reluctantly said: "Then you have changed, go out and wait first."

"Change... this..." Cracked Feather looked at his clothes and felt that something was not right.

Jiang Chaoge glanced at it and almost vomited blood. What kind of look was that girl, she was dressed in non-mainstream rural clothes, and he never complained about his supermarket sportswear again. Letting a stunning young man like Crack Feather wear a colorful dress with crotch mopping the floor, it is really incongruous.

Zhuoyan glanced at his son, and was also very dissatisfied. Cracked Yu received Zhuoyan's eyes and was a little flustered. He never dared to talk to Zhuoyan, and tried to avoid it. Although Zhuoyan didn't embarrass him, he kept watching him.

Jiang Chaoge coughed lightly: "Don't pick it up, I'll buy you some normal things when you get to my place... Ah, no, better clothes, hurry up and hide your hair, and the color of your eyes should turn black."

After everyone changed their clothes, they left the room, leaving only Jiang Chaoge and Zhi Xuan to stare blankly.

Jiang Chaoge didn't want to waste time and went up to take off Zhi Xuan's clothes.

Zhi Xuan grabbed his hand and said hesitantly, "Your world is so strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"I haven't seen anything, I don't understand anything."

Jiang Chaoge looked at the dazed look in Zhi Xuan's eyes, and suddenly he seemed to have seen himself for many years. At that time, he was also unfamiliar with Tianling Continent, and he felt fear because of the unfamiliarity. Zhi Xuan must be a little nervous now because of the unfamiliarity. .

Jiang Chaoge smiled and patted his head: "It's alright, as long as I understand."

Zhi Xuan pursed his lips: "Then you are not allowed to laugh at me."

Jiang Chaoge laughed: "So you are worried about this, why am I laughing at you."

Zhi Xuan hugged his waist and said in a muffled voice, "In the Tianling Continent, you were originally only me, but here... you have a lot of acquaintances, possibly relatives and friends, you don't want to waste your time on them, no matter what. You will always be with me wherever you are."

Jiang Chaoge's eyes were full of smiles: "Yes, ancestors."

Zhi Xuan pressed his head down and kissed his lips: "Now change my clothes."

Jiang Chaoge took off his black robe and undershirt, put it in the bag, then took out a pair of briefs, and put it on Zhi Xuan from his ankle a little embarrassed.

Zhi Xuan's eyes were full of surprise: "Is this... wearing it there?"

Jiang Chaoge nodded.

"what is it call?"


"Then...then do you have one too?" Zhi Xuan couldn't help but start thinking about it, "This is so beautiful...I want to see you."

Jiang Chaoge patted his thigh: "What about getting dressed, just concentrate."

Zhi Xuan pouted, "It's really good-looking, take it back to Tianling Continent, and wear it in the future."

Jiang Chaoge casually put on his underwear, and then waited for him to put on his pants and clothes. Before Zhi Xuan could react, he quickly ended all this, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhi Xuan stared at the position of Jiang Chaoge's underwear with an unfinished expression.

Jiang Chaoge pinched his face and tugged: "Okay, let's go."

Zhi Xuan said expectantly, "Next time I'll put on your underwear."

Jiang Chaoge glared at him: "Shut up."

The rented car has arrived. It is a 12-seat minivan. The car is a bit broken, but its performance seems to be fine. With such a group of people, Jiang Chaoge can't take any public transportation, so he has no choice.

They bought some food on the road and set off. With his current physical strength, it is not a problem to drive continuously for a day and a night, and it is not a problem to reach Putian City within two days.

When he got into the car, Si Si said excitedly: "Brother Jiang, is this a car? It's different from our car. The wheels are so small, but it runs really fast."

Jiang Chaoge said, "This is a motor vehicle."

"Excited about the car? What if you're not excited?"

"In short, the transportation here does not use Horcrux, but energy, such as fire energy, wind energy, and solar energy."

"It's really a magical world." The great national teacher sighed, "There are similar human beings living, but they are so different from Tianling Continent."

Zhuoyan said lightly, "Yinchuan must really want to come here."

Zhi Xuan snorted.

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but stomped on the accelerator when he thought of his companions who were still in Tianling Continent. Right now, he was indeed racing against time.