Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon

Chapter 95


Before departure, the assistant called and said that he had found the whereabouts of the great witch. The great witch certainly did not expect Jiang Chaoge to come back, so he did not hide it on purpose, but he was harassed by Jiang Chaoge's company and temporarily went to the hotel to stay.

Jiang Chaoge postponed his schedule by a day, and brought Zhi Xuan and the great national teacher to find the great sorcerer. Jiang Chaoge felt that the Great National Teacher didn't seem to want to go. Although he didn't show it, Jiang Chaoge could still guess from the slight change in his expression.

In the car, Jiang Chaoge deliberately set his words: "Master Guoshi, guess who this great wizard is, why would he send people to Tianling Continent one after another."

The Grand Master said cautiously: "He must know something that you and I don't."

Jiang Chaoge smiled, his eyes gloomy: "I will let him spit out everything he knows."

The great national teacher was silent, not knowing what his plans were.

When he arrived at the hotel, Jiang Chaoge went straight to the room number his assistant gave him, and knocked on the door.

"Who?" An old voice came from the room.


After a while, the door opened, and when the people in the room saw Jiang Chaoge, their eyes widened and they showed disbelief, and they closed the door without thinking.

Jiang Chaoge held the room with one hand, stared at him grimly, and pushed the door open inch by inch.

"You..." The old man, the great witch who sent Jiang Chaoge to Tianling Continent, had panic in his eyes. He had obviously sensed Jiang Chaoge's reborn soul power!

The three entered the house and found that there was no one in the house, and there were three young people he had met at the time, all stood up one after another and rushed towards the door.

Jiang Chaoge grabbed Da Wu's neck and said coldly, "Stand there and don't move." He could feel that Da Wu's soul power was above him, but seeing his thin arms, he was not like a martial arts practitioner. It might not be the Soul Soldier. Sure enough, the Great Witch was restrained by him before he had time to dodge.

Da Wu looked at him in disbelief: "You, how could you..."

"How did I come back?" Jiang Chaoge sneered, "Thanks to you, I walked through the gate of hell, no, it should have been several times, but in the end, Lord Yan was not willing to accept me, so I came back to you to settle the account. already."

The Great Witch regained his composure: "Let me go first."

Jiang Chaoge not only did not let go, but tightened his fingers and pressed the witch against the wall: "Tell me, how can I thank you for making me who I am today?"

Grand Master said: "Let go of him first, don't you want to ask questions?"

Jiang Chaoge looked at the three young people who were about to move: "You guys, sit down with me honestly."

The three were dissatisfied and said angrily, "Let go of Grandpa!"

Jiang Chao Ge said coldly, "Sit down! I can break his neck in less than a second."

The three of them gritted their teeth.

Zhi Xuan bared his teeth and let out a deep and deep growl in his throat. The growl was not loud, but it shook the eardrums. All the windows in the room vibrated violently, and a terrifying chill seemed to pass. Climbed up on the spine.

The three of them were startled and took two steps back involuntarily, their throats seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, and the big witch's expression changed suddenly: "This... this is..."

"God-level soul weapon." Jiang Chaoge told him without hesitation, "You didn't expect it, didn't expect you to send me to Tianling Continent, but let me get it."

The Great Witch's face was ashen as he murmured, "Wake up, they really woke up..."

Jiang Chaoge said coldly, "Tell me everything you know, and I'll spare your life, otherwise none of you will want to leave here alive."

The big witch took a deep breath and said to the three young people, "You go out first."

The three of them gave Zhi Xuan a frightened look and left the guest room silently.

Jiang Chaoge threw the big witch into the chair: "I ask, you answer, if I find out that you are lying to me, I will let you taste the taste of life rather than death."

The great witch sighed, "You can ask."

"Are you from Tianling Continent? How long have you been in this world?"

"Yes, about seventy years."

"Did you send all the aliens from the Tianling Continent?"


"Who the hell are you!"

"I..." Dawu said solemnly, "I am a person who should not exist in Tianling Continent."

"What do you mean, don't beat around the bush with me."

The great witch's gaze moved to the great national teacher, "I think, you should know who I am."

Grand Master said: "I can guess."

Jiang Chaoge frowned: "If you have something to say, I don't have much patience."

The Grand Master respectfully said, "Your Excellency is His Majesty the Twelfth Holy Emperor of Tianling Kingdom."

Jiang Chaoge was shocked, Holy Emperor? Isn't the Sage Emperor long overdue? No, no, the passage of time in these two worlds is different, so it is reasonable for him to be alive, but the dignified Sage Emperor, even if he abdicates, he should be aged in the imperial capital, how could he come to him? from the world, and became a witch, trafficking people everywhere

The big witch closed his eyes: "Exactly."

The great national teacher touched the ground with one knee: "In the 17th national teacher of Xia Tianling, I met His Majesty the Holy Emperor."

The great witch waved his hand: "I am no longer a holy emperor, I am a sinner, and I am not qualified to accept the worship of the national teacher."

Jiang Chaoge said, "Since you are the Holy Emperor, why did you come here?" He carefully looked at the witch's hair, and it was indeed white with silver, but he never thought that this person was a royal family at first.

"I came here because of guilt." Da Wudao said, "Let the National Teacher speak."

The Great National Teacher considered the words and explained: "Have you heard a legend that there was a holy emperor in the history of Tianling Kingdom, in order to resurrect his brother, he made his brother into a Horcrux, but in the end he was coveted by him with different intentions. Brothers on the throne backlash..."

Jiang Chaoge made no secret of his surprise: "I heard, is he..."

The great national teacher nodded: "It is said that His Majesty the Holy Emperor drank poisonous wine and disappeared with his brother. The exact truth is unknown because it has been over a hundred years."

"Then how did you guess he was that person?"

"According to historical records, His Majesty the Holy Emperor was a soul guide with a suitable lifespan. At the same time, he was a descendant of the ancestors of Wushu, and he had a close relationship with the national master at that time, and secretly practiced martial arts. The secret histories handed down by the teacher. These secret histories have been accumulated one by one. When they are in my hands, they are quite different from the official history of Tianling Continent. There is also the code that is passed down orally among the national teachers, which ordinary people can't read. I saw his record in the secret history of the great national teacher back then, saying that he was commissioned to kill the Holy Emperor, but he couldn't do it, so I sent the Holy Emperor to a place that would never harm Tianling Continent again. These clues made me infer that this lord was the Holy Emperor of the year."

"What about your brother who was made into a Horcrux by you? Didn't he attack you?" Jiang Chaoge looked up and down the Great Witch, "Are you a human or a Horcrux now?"

"I am both a human and a Horcrux. I am the twelfth emperor and the ninth prince. We have almost become one. The one who sent you to Tianling Continent was actually the ninth prince."

Jiang Chaoge thought to himself, no wonder he felt that this great witch was a bit different from the old man at that time, who was more powerful and cold-hearted at that time.

"The ninth prince attacked me at first, but he didn't kill me. After he controlled me for a period of time, he was attacked by me again. We both lost in the battle of soul power. At the moment, neither of us could control the other, and we became weak. Unbearable, imprisoned by the Council of Elders, if it wasn't for the former national teacher who sent us here, we would have died." The great witch showed a wry smile: "I have killed countless people for my own selfishness, so I came to this world. After that, I only hope to atone for the Tianling Continent."

Jiang Chaoge said angrily, "Your way of atonement is to throw some innocent people into an unfamiliar world and let them endure danger and separate their wives and children?!"

Da Wu looked ashamed: "Actually, all of you originally belonged to Tian Ling Continent."

"What's the meaning?"

"It is said that when the gods divided the world into two, it was to create a clean and peaceful world without alien beasts and soul power, but when it was divided, it was impossible that there would be no fish that slip through the net, so this world also had alien beasts at the earliest. , but disappeared with the development of mankind, and of course there are people with soul consciousness, but most people have not been guided and will not know it for life."

"Why did the gods divide the world into two?"

The great witch shook his head: "The meaning of the gods is beyond me and other mortals can speculate."

"Then why did you send us back to Tianling Continent? Could it be that Tianling Continent lacks dozens of us?"

Da Wu looked at Jiang Chaoge fixedly: "It's for you."


"God-level soul weapons only have the only corresponding soul soldiers. Legend has it that there were soul soldiers who were thrown into this world. After all, I sent the soul soldiers of god-level soul weapons back to Tianling Continent."

"Where the hell did you get so many legends!"

"The old national teacher told me."

"You know that too?" Jiang Chaoge glared at the Great National Teacher fiercely.

The Grand Master nodded slightly.

"Then do you want to wake up the ancient alien beasts, or do you not want to? You keep saying that it is for the Tianling Continent, but you send back the soul soldier who can awaken the ancient alien beasts. Are you afraid that the world will not be in chaos?"

The big witch shook his head: "The awakening of ancient alien beasts is an irreversible destiny. Humans cannot reverse their destiny. Only by following the trend can they find a chance to survive."

Jiang Chaoge felt like he was going to vomit when he heard the word fate again. Dawu, Daguoshi, Dayinchuan, all of them were like goddamn sticks. The other half relies on guessing. The more he knows, the more confused he is. Sometimes, he has no idea why he is fighting. If it wasn't for his companions, he would not return to Tianling even if he died. Continental.

Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath and tried to calm the violent impulse he wanted to reprimand: "I ask you, what else do you know, about these two worlds, about ancient alien beasts, the essence of heaven and earth, anything, everything you know tell me all."

"Young man, what I know is mostly what the National Teacher told me back then. If you want to know more, you might as well ask the National Teacher."

The great national teacher hurriedly said: "I am also in the dark, and I don't know much. How can I tell you more?"

"The legend that ancient alien beasts must wake up, where did you come from?"

"Ancient witch book. The book says that the power of the seal is not permanent. After ten thousand years, it will lose its effectiveness. The ancient alien beast will merge with its own soul soldier and return to the world."

"What about the Yuan of Heaven and Earth, did you mention the Yuan of Heaven and Earth?"

The great national teacher nodded: "When the twelve alien beasts wake up, the essence of heaven and earth will appear again."

Jiang Chaoge thought, sure enough, the Yuan of Heaven and Earth has not appeared in the world for a long time, just waiting for the awakening of the twelve strange beasts, but what does the awakening of the twelve strange beasts have to do with the Yuan of Heaven and Earth

The Grand Master understood the doubts in his heart, and without waiting for him to ask, he said: "As for what the essence of heaven and earth is, I'm afraid as Zhuoyan said, only Yinchuan who has really seen it will know."

The great witch said: "May I ask, why did you come back?"

"At the bottom of the river and lake in Zhongshan, there is a gate to another world. In fact, in my opinion, it is a huge walking formation, and it requires huge soul power and magic power to function."

"There is such a thing..." Da Wu swallowed and said nervously, "Then... can you tell me what the situation in Tianling Continent is now?"

"The mountains and rivers are still there, but because of the awakening of the ancient alien beasts, it is now turbulent."

"When you leave..."

"When we left, nine ancient alien beasts had already awakened. Only Qinglong, Suzaku, and Bi Fang had no news yet, but this time it won't be certain."

The great witch sighed deeply: "If I can do my best..."

"Your Majesty, you can help us return to the Tianling Continent." The great country teacher said, "I am not very sure about opening the door to another world. If you add more magic power from you, the hope of success is greater."

The big witch nodded: "It is obligatory."

Zhi Xuan pointed at him with a frown, and asked Jiang Chaoge, "Is that so? Don't you want to eat him? Didn't you come to seek revenge from him?"

Jiang Chaoge felt sullen in his heart, but he had no choice but to say, "Forget it, don't eat it."

Zhi Xuan pouted.

Jiang Chaoge pulled Da Wu out of his chair: "Then come with us." After speaking, he took him out of the room.

"Grandpa!" The three young people gathered around, "Where are you taking him?"

The great witch said: "I have to go out for a few days for something important. You all practice hard, don't be lazy, I will be back soon."

"Grandpa, these people..."

"It's okay, don't worry about me."

The three looked at each other, and in the end they had no choice but to let Jiang Chaoge take them away.

In the car, Jiang Chaoge said, "Do those children know your identity?"

The big witch shook his head: "I don't know. I look for people with soul consciousness everywhere. If they are adults, I will send them to Tianling Continent. If they are too young, I will teach them to practice soul power. I thought that what I taught them was internal skills that were not passed on."

Jiang Chaoge sneered and said, "You've lost your conscience. You abruptly broke up other people's families, put people in a completely unfamiliar and dangerous world, and even tricked children from childhood. You are right, you are a sinner, and you are a sinner wherever you go. ."

The Great National Teacher hesitated, but he didn't know how to stop Jiang Chaoge from speaking, because Jiang Chaoge was not wrong at all.

Da Wu's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, his lips trembled slightly, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Jiang Chaoge snorted heavily and turned his head to look out the window.

Just when Jiang Chaoge thought that Da Wu felt guilty, he spoke again, but his tone was cold: "Born with soul consciousness, they are destined to be non-ordinary people, if the world of Tianling Continent is not guaranteed, this The symbiotic world is in jeopardy, and in order for these two worlds to coexist, it is no big deal to sacrifice a few people."

Jiang Chaoge turned his head abruptly, and saw that the great witch had completely changed from his eyes, to his expression, to his tone. Even though he had the same appearance and voice, he seemed to have suddenly become another sharp-edged person. This person was the one back then. The one who sent him to Tianling Continent!

The great national teacher said solemnly: "You are the ninth prince."

The big witch snorted coldly and didn't answer.

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth and said, "If these two worlds return to peace, you will have completed your so-called 'redemption' for the Tianling Continent, and then should you also 'penalty' for the people who have been harmed by you in this world? ?"

The great witch said: "If both worlds return to peace, I will apologize with death. But you can't stop me now. The three ancient alien beasts that have not yet awakened are not ferocious beasts, and they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. The Soul Soldier may still be in this world, so my mission has not been completed."

Jiang Chao Ge said coldly: "Okay, if you are not dead by then, I will personally take your life."

Da Wu closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Jiang Chaoge looked at his wrinkled old face, and didn't know what to think in his heart. There was hatred, but there was also a hint of sigh. If possible, he really hoped to kill him now to prevent him from throwing more innocent people to heaven. Ling Continent, Eternal is separated from his relatives, but as he said, now is not the time. If one day, the Tianling Continent can be restored to peace, Jiang Chaoge will do a good deed and find a way to send all those otherworldly people back to this world, so that he can accumulate virtue for himself who did a lot of wicked things when he was young.

They took the big witch home. All the things and people they were going to bring with them were ready. Jiang Chaoge took a last look at his home and breathed in the scent of the gardenia before getting into the car and driving towards the lake where they came.

After two days of trekking, the group returned to the lake connected to the gate of another world.

The lake surface is as smooth as a mirror, with occasional tiny ripples, which are pushed to the shore in waves.

Jiang Chaoge sent the driver who brought them away and sat by the lake until it got dark.

In the middle of the night, the moon was light and the stars were thin, and there were no people in a radius of more than ten kilometers. Jiang Chaoge and the great national teacher injected their soul power into Zhi Xuan and Zhuo Yan respectively, making them transform into beasts for the first time in this world.

When he saw the two huge ancient beasts with his own eyes, the great witch was so shocked that his legs were weak, and his mouth could not be closed.

"Let's get started." Daguo Shi said, "Inject all your soul power into the lake as much as possible."

Zhi Xuan and Zhuo Yan looked at each other, disgusted with each other, murderous and full of provocation.

Jiang Chaoge said, "Zhi Xuan, don't waste your soul power, hurry up."

Zhi Xuan snorted coldly and started pouring out his soul power, and Zhuo Yan did the same.

The great national teacher and the great witch drew a small walking array by the lake, and led the water in the lake to the shallow ravine where the walking array gathered. I saw that the walking array glowed slightly, and the light chased down the water ditches into the lake all the way. , and finally dyed a large area of the lake into a light golden color, which is as beautiful as a fairyland under the illumination of the moonlight.

The huge bursts of soul power made everyone gasp for breath. Jiang Chaoge felt that every time he took a breath, the air seemed to stick to his throat. It was very uncomfortable. Xuan's body radiates out, and it has been magnified more than ten million times.

The rays of light passing through the array became brighter and brighter. Gradually, a shallow vortex appeared in the center of the lake, just like the vortex they saw in Meijiang Lake. All the leaves and residual flowers were involved in the vortex and disappeared in an instant. When the vortex was large enough, the Great National Master shouted: "The door to the other world is open!"

Zhi Xuan turned into a human figure, flew over and hugged Jiang Chaoge, jumping into the vortex without hesitation.

Jiang Chaoge only felt choking on his mouth and nose, but he didn't hold his breath to stop him. The last glimpse he saw in this world was the round and big bright moon in the sky. It turned out that today is the night of the full moon. Jiang Chaoge felt melancholy for no reason. But soon lost consciousness.

"Chao Ge, Chao Ge!"

Jiang Chaoge opened his swollen eyelids, and the intense light pierced his eyes. It was the first time he knew how difficult it was to open his eyes.

"Wake up, wake up." A surprised cry came from his ear.

Jiang Chaoge opened his eyes with all his might, and the first thing he saw was Si Si's handsome young face, with a happy smile on his face, and then there seemed to be a small thing beside him... He took a closer look, and it turned out to be the long-lost three-headed body Zhi Xuan. !

Zhi Xuan's little paw snapped on his chest: "Why did you wake up, my soul power is exhausted, this monkey wakes up faster than you."

"I'm not a monkey, I'm a human being." Sisi defended dissatisfiedly, "Besides, I'm not a monkey. That's the father, and the father is not a monkey."

Zhi Xuan snorted, his face full of disdain.

Jiang Chaoge looked at Zhi Xuan's expression, and suddenly remembered the disdainful expression on his face calling him "trash" when we first met, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"Hahahaha, are we, are we back?" Jiang Chaoge asked while smiling.

"Well, I'm back, I'm still beside the rivers and lakes, but unfortunately no one is waiting for us." Sisi scratched his head, "I don't know how long it has been... Damn, what if Asa is older than me! "

Jiang Chaoge smiled, but a burst of sadness filled his heart. He used to think that the journey to Tianling Continent was a dream, but now he feels that the happy, comfortable and leisurely trip he took home was really a dream. A dream, a nightmare is always long, and a sweet dream is always short-lived, it's so sad to wake up so quickly.

Zhi Xuan frowned and said, "Chao Ge, are you alright?"

Jiang Chaoge sat up, hugged Zhi Xuan, rubbed his tender face hard, and said with a smile, "I like you the most."