Jiang Jiu

Chapter 1: Festival


"Coming Soon" Author: He Han/Yiyang Laifu

Zhou Bai: Tsundere attacking, conquering his wife.

Brief remarks: As a guarantor, cheated by her boyfriend, the house is mortgaged.

After getting married, I love dog blood short essays, and it is awkward to attack the wife. Duan Zishou let go of himself again.

EP 01

Zhou Bai is 35 years old and has been married twice.

currently single.

His father started out repairing bicycles, and then he started auto repairing. By the time he took over the family business, there were already 12 high-end car dealerships. While the real estate industry was just emerging, Zhou Bai established "Baisheng Real Estate", which further expanded the commercial territory of the Zhou family. In recent years, he began to enter the film and television industry. Zhou Bai's ranking on the rich list is not high, but he has always been on the list.

Zhou Bai is handsome, tall and has long legs. He is very eye-catching both inside and outside the industry. According to a survey conducted by a financial magazine, Zhou Bai is one of the young entrepreneurs who most want to marry. Among them, 45% of women and 55% of men choose him. In this era when same-sex marriage is common, it can really be said that both men and women are killing each other.

Although there are so many people who "want to marry" him, he wants to marry now but can't.

To be precise, it was not that he wanted to marry, but that his father was eager to find him a partner, and said that if he did not find a marriage partner as soon as possible, he would refuse to receive treatment for coronary heart disease.

Zhou Bai was deeply embarrassed.

His first two marriages ended badly. It wasn't that the married life was unhappy, and that there was no interference from the old king or the mistress next door. It was just because the people who married him were all dead.

EP 02

The first is Han Qing, the daughter of the Han family. This marriage is a marriage between the two Zhou and Han families. The relationship between Zhou Bai and Han Qing is not very deep, but they will not hate each other. . As a result, on the third day after receiving the certificate, Han Qing had a car accident and could not be rescued.

The second is Zhou Bai, the actress that the film and television company strongly supports. She is a very smart woman. She tried her best to get on Zhou Bai's bed, but she didn't make any excessive demands after that. The one-night stand relationship is rendered into a couple relationship. Zhou's father read the gossip news of the two people a lot, believed it to be true, and began to talk about marriage in Zhou Bai's ears. Zhou Bai was annoyed by the reading, so he simply pushed the boat and married the person. However, before the newlywed honeymoon could go, the elevator the actress was riding in broke down and fell from the 24th floor.

The actress died in a tragic state. The news caused a lot of trouble, and the story of Zhou Bai's first wife was also revealed. After that, there was a saying that Zhou Bai was hit with evil and defeated his wife.

As the reputation of "King his wife" spreads wider and wider, Zhou Bai fell into a delicate situation.

He has no shortage of lovers, but he cannot marry.

EP 03

Jian Ci thought of suicide.

The boyfriend who had been with him for three years raised money illegally, swept away all the money, and ran away. Those who have been deceived have come to the door one after another, asking him, the joint responsible person, for explanations and asking him to pay back the money. He's a fresh graduate intern, and where is the money to pay them back, his own student loans haven't been paid off yet.

After a series of intimidation, threats, and even personal injury, Jian Ci thought there would be no worse situation, and it was not until someone from the bank came to confiscate the house his parents left him, that he realized that he was wrong. The ex-boyfriend actually took his property as a mortgage, and did not know when he coaxed him to sign it.

Jian Ci was crying stupidly by himself.

However, the next day he went to work in the company where he was intern.

Standing downstairs in "Bai Sheng", you have to lift your neck desperately to see the top of this building, which is the third tallest building in the entire Z city. He thought that if he jumped from it, he would die very tragically.

In the morning, the manager of the personnel department talked to him and said that they had received many complaints, and the company security also stopped several people who came to make trouble. After questioning, it was found that they were all directed at him. The image and other employees…

Ah, all found here.

Jane's resignation didn't wait for the manager to finish it before he understood - his job was also lost.

So Jian Ci sneaked into the elevator that could go to the highest floor. He wanted to go to the top of the company and think about life.

He pressed the up button on the ninth floor. The elevator went straight up from the negative first floor to the ninth floor. When the door was opened, there was only one person inside.

Jian Ci didn't care who it was, he just glanced at the floor button and found that the top floor had been pressed, so he stood quietly in the corner in a daze.

EP 04

Zhou Bai glanced at the man's badge, it was an intern.

The intern was wearing a chicken coop head, looking in a trance, and his whole person exuded a pitiful aura. Just a quick glance, he was not bad-looking, a little baby-faced, but his face was pale, and the dark circles under his eyes were a little heavy.

Did he just come to work and take the wrong elevator

Does he have to go to the top floor without pressing other floors? Going to his office

Zhou Bai frowned, "What's the matter with you?" He didn't like people who rashly disturbed him.

Jian Ci looked back at him blankly, found that it was the boss, and quickly said politely, "Hello, Mr. Zhou, I'm fine."

The elevator lights jumped to the fourteenth and fifteenth floors.

"What are you doing on the top floor when you have nothing to do?" Isn't it more suspicious

Jian Ci was a little nervous: "I, I'm not going to the top floor, I want to go to the top floor."

"Go to the roof?" Zhou Bai asked.

"Just... I want to see if I can dance well." Jian Ci replied in a confused way.

"… "

Realizing what he said, Jian Ci laughed dryly: "Just kidding."

EP 05

20th and 21st floors.

Zhou Bai looked at him: "You want to commit suicide?"

"No... um, a little..." Jian Ci didn't know what he was talking about, "I haven't thought about it..."

"… "

The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth floors.

Zhou Bai suddenly said: "In this case, you can marry me."

Jian Ci: "... ah?"

"I want to get married, but you want to die. That's right," said Zhou Bai, who has been married twice and lost his spouse twice.

29th and 30th floors.

Jian Ci was stunned for three seconds before telling the truth: "I owe a lot of money..."

"How much do you owe?"

"320... Oh no, after the house is paid off, there are still about 2.2 million."

"You marry me, and I will help you pay it back. It's just a dowry."

Thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth floors.

Jian Ci was suddenly enlightened, and he said, "Oh, okay."

Zhou Bai laughed mockingly.

The thirty-sixth floor is here, ding-

They decided to get married.

EP 06

Zhou Bai asked, "How did we meet?"

Jian Ci replied: "It was a drizzly morning. I was buying pancakes at the food stall. When I gave money to my aunt, the umbrella in my hand was blown away by the wind, and then I chased and chased, and the umbrella happened to hit you. In the car, cover your windshield. Stop the car and give me your umbrella. To thank you, I treat you to a pancake. That's how we met."

Zhou Bai clicked his tongue: "I have no feelings at all, it's too fake!"

"Oh." Jian Ci adjusted his tone and recited affectionately, "It was a - it was a drizzle - in the morning, I was at the food stall - buying, frying, making cakes. Giving aunt money - when... "

"Stop! Still use the previous one."


Zhou Bai rubbed his eyebrows and continued to rehearse: "Next question, where is the food stall?"

"On Changle Road, the only way for you to go to work."

"What does the aunt who sells pancakes look like?"

"In his fifties, he often wears a red plaid apron."

"What's my license plate number?"

"Pit A3NR92."

"What's my favorite food?"

“Steamed sea bass.”

"Who is my favorite actor?"

"Uh..." Jian Ci got stuck.

Zhou Bai looked at him with an unhappy expression: "Can't remember this? Your brain capacity is only 1KB."

Jian Ci was in a hurry. He really didn't remember seeing this question, so he could only guess at random: "Is it the actress who fell off the elevator last time, she... What's her name?"

"How is that possible!" Zhou Bai said impatiently, "It's Leonardo DiCaprio!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I remembered this time." Jian Ci understood the truth of "the man who gave the money is the uncle", and said flatly, "I like him very much too. He finally became emperor this year. That movie..."

"Next question, how long have we lived together?"

"Two months and seven days."

Zhou Bai raised his hand and glanced at the time: "Okay, that's almost it, go see my father tomorrow."

"Okay, I know."

Seeing that he was submissive, Zhou Bai worked very hard to comply with all his requirements, and felt an inexplicable sense of comfort in his heart, so that he had a lot of business to deal with, but now he suddenly didn't want to do it.

He asked him, "Jianci, are you really ready to marry me?"

Jian Ci looked at him with soft eyebrows: "I'm ready."

Zhou Bai eased his tense expression.

"After all, you helped me pay off the money." Jian Ci said sincerely, "Don't worry, I'm mentally prepared, and I can accept any way of dying."

Zhou Bai's face was as black as the bottom of a pot again.

EP 07

Father Zhou was very surprised to see this handsome and gentle young man.

He wondered why his son had always liked girls before, why did he suddenly change his taste.

Zhou Bai saw through his thoughts and said solemnly, "I like him. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, so I decided it was him. I want to marry him."

With his rigid tone and expressionless face, Jian Ci couldn't help slandering that his acting skills were not as good as his own, and he "decided that it was him", is he a Pokemon

However, Father Zhou seemed to like it very much. When he heard Zhou Bai say this, he knew that he really made up his mind.

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