Jiang Jiu

Chapter 13: Festival


A crack finally appeared.

Qiao Zhiqi was satisfied: "Of course, you can wait for him to come back and confirm with him before signing. It's just that I'm short of time and I don't have much time for you to think about it. I'll tell you earlier, and you'll be mentally prepared earlier."

EP 64

When Zhou Bai returned home, he was faced with an empty house.

The agreement was spread out on the table, and the blank signature at the end... was still blank.

Zhou Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

But Jian Ci was not at home, so he made several calls, but Jian Ci didn't answer, and the phone was turned off when he called again.

It was the first time that Zhou Bai experienced such panic, and his anger could not be contained. He called Qiao Zhiqi and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you doing this? Are you so impatient?"

"..." Qiao Zhiqi paused for a while. He also just got the news from the board of directors, and he couldn't help but feel a little lack of confidence. "It's not my fault, you didn't tell me your plan."

Zhou Bai snorted coldly: "Now I've solved your problem for you. Five Dimension Entertainment has eaten up Qiao's brokerage company. You won the game against your eldest brother, but what about me? My wife was mad at you and ran away. !"

Qiao Zhiqi was at a loss for words: "That... Maybe he went out to buy groceries?"

Zhou Bai: "… "

"Ah, I have a meeting here, I'll hang up first." Qiao Zhiqi pretended to command the assistant on the other end of the phone, then turned around and said dryly, "Thank you."

"I thank your ancestors!"

EP 65

Zhou Bai has been looking around for a long time, and he has searched all the places where Jian Ci usually goes, such as companies, supermarkets, small parks, private restaurants, computer towns... There is nowhere.

Just when he was disheartened, the door of the house was opened by the key, and Jian Ci came back tired.

Zhou Bai suddenly stood up: "Where have you been?"

Jian Ci looked at him inexplicably: "Go to the police station."

"The police station?"

"Well, Officer Chen called me just now and said that several records about Ren Xu were not completed. Let me go over and add them. I have to sign again. It's very troublesome."

"Oh… "

Jian Ci glanced at the agreement on the table: "By the way, Mr. Qiao showed me this agreement today."

Zhou Bai was shocked, and felt that his hair was standing up one by one, and said hurriedly: "This is just an expedient measure, you believe me. I agreed to him out of resignation at the time, but I didn't really think about doing it. !"

"Is this really the case?" Jian Ci wondered, "Mr. Qiao suddenly signed an equity transfer agreement for me, asking me to transfer my shares to him, but I don't know anything about the shares at all. Do I have shares in Bai Sheng?"

Zhou Bai coughed in disguise: "You have. After marriage, I transferred 22% of Bai Sheng's shares to you. At that time, I asked you to sign a few documents, but you didn't read it carefully."

"Oh..." Jian Ci thought for a while, as if that was the case.

"22% of the shares, you are the second largest shareholder of Bai Sheng, Qiao Zhiqi wants your equity to back him up, and he hopes to rely on Bai Sheng to contain the Qiao family."

"Okay. Mr. Qiao is serious about talking to me. I thought you were going to divorce me. Only when I saw the agreement did I understand what he was talking about with me." Jian Ci took off the cap of the pen, "Then I will sign it now. ?"

"No, no need, the matter with Qiao Zhiqi has been resolved this afternoon."

Jian Ci blinked: "So what is the purpose of this show today?"

Zhou Bai: "… "

EP 66

After Jian Ci was in good health, he immediately returned to work. He went to work with full of enthusiasm and love for labor, because he found that as Bai Sheng's second largest shareholder, his annual dividend was dozens of times his salary.

"People can't be lazy." He said to Zhou Bai, "When people are lazy, they will lose their direction and go astray. So I can't wait to die. I want to work hard, not for money, but for dignity."

"I have booked a flight to Sabah, and I will leave on the 20th." Zhou Bai held out his iPad in front of him.

Blue sky, blue sea, cotton candy clouds. Mango, coconut, endless seafood.

"Okay, I suddenly remembered that I still have annual leave."

"What if the boss doesn't let you rest?"

"Then resign." Jian Ci said, "Life cannot be stagnant in one place. You should look at the outside world more. There is a saying that vacation is for better work."

Zhou Bai nodded in agreement.

So, they spent their wedding anniversary on a small island.

Zhou Bai's plan was to propose to Jian Ci in the company of fine wine and food on the beach under the moonlight.

Since they met, all the processes have been disrupted, completely out of the normal sequence of events. Engagement comes first, then comes marriage, then comes to each other, and finally comes love. Now that the chaos is messed up, it is too late to reorder it, but the missing links can be made up.

Zhou Bai deliberately arranged the right time, the right scene, and the right person, and prepared everything he thought would be the most seductive.

He was wearing a neat suit, a key to a new car and a ring box in his hand, and walked slowly to his partner.

Just when he was about to get down on one knee, the person on the opposite side stuffed a letter into his arms at a speed that could not cover his ears, and then ran away.

Jian Ci was wearing fancy pants, stepping on the waves with bare feet, and her hair was blown in a mess. As she ran, she turned around and shouted to him, "I owe you a confession! Mr. Zhou!"

He smiled shyly and cheerfully.

As for Zhou Bai, he could only open the letter speechlessly.

That love letter, to be precise.

EP 67

To Zhou Bai:

Hello, Mr. Zhou.

I'm glad you saw this letter. It was the first time I wrote a love letter to someone. I was a little nervous, and then the pen was leaking a little. I hope you don't mind. If there is something wrong, please correct me.

Well, how to put it, we had a sloppy and tedious start, but it fulfilled all my desires, got me out of trouble, and lived in anticipation every day after that.

I don't know how you remember that day.

When I recall it, it is still indescribable joy and happiness, and everything around me is brightened by your presence.

I don't deny that this has a lot to do with your looks and your money. Fortunately, you are tall, rich and handsome, otherwise I would definitely not be able to accept your proposal without any obstacles hahaha.

Well, I know you didn't laugh.

I also know that you are a very gentle person. Maybe other people don't think so, maybe they think you are awkward, grumpy, don't understand romance, have no fun... In fact, I think so too.

But, great, they don't know how good you are, only I do.

If I hadn't met you, I might have been destitute, and I might have lost a kidney due to debt repayment. Or, I will probably be in my own world, but also obliterate everyone.

And now

There is no better ending than this, this is a free "soon", and you and I have the right to find happiness in it.

I'm so happy, how about you

It's hypocritical to say thank you now, so let's sign it directly.

EP End

I love you, Jane.

-End of full text-



Summarize the order of the love development of Xiaojianjian and Xiaobaibai-

Acquaintance - engagement - marriage - run-in - love - (proposal) - confession.

This article should be regarded as a catch-up.

Very bland daily short stories, the small re-writing is very pleasant, I hope everyone will enjoy reading it, Bixin = 3=

May 24, 2016

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