Jiang Jiu

Chapter 7: Festival


The light under the fountain was very soft, making Zhou Bai's pupils very bright.

Jian Ci looked at him and swallowed subconsciously.

Zhou Bai paused for a moment, then said expressionlessly, "I'm going to kiss you, and it will probably take dozens of seconds."

Short words: "… "Excuse me?

EP 36

Jian Ci was stunned there, wondering if it was an illusion. The indignant and unhappy emotions in Zhou Bai before seemed to have disappeared at this moment, and he seemed to see endless tenderness in his eyes.

It's an unflattering "announcement," and it's pretty embarrassing to say the least. But after Jane came back to her senses, she didn't mean to refuse. He knew that Zhou Bai was fighting for him, supporting him, and the most important thing was...

Zhou Bai looks really handsome from this angle.

So he nodded stupidly: "Okay, okay."

Zhou Bai's expression was slightly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth pursed to hide the agitation in his heart.

To be honest, when it comes to kissing experience, he is definitely rich. Both ex-wives have praised him for his superb kissing skills, but there has never been a time when he was so helpless as this time, as if nothing was right. He didn't care about any posture or rhythm, he only knew how to stare at the lips of the person in front of him, and then slowly lowered his head stiffly and skilllessly to kiss.

Jian Ci is even more useless. Feeling the oppression that is approaching, he subconsciously wants to hide, which causes the two to lean forward and let the other back, which constitutes a rather funny picture.

Of course, in the eyes of others who don't know the truth, this is just a way of flirting between lovers. It's probably a little trick like "I want to kiss you", "I won't let you kiss", etc.

Zhou Bai was dumbfounded by Jian Ci, but he finally regained his pace. He held the back of Jian Ci's head with one hand, broke his back, and put his arm around his waist, and finally kissed him as he wished.

Hmm... The taste of juice is sweet and sour.

The upper jaw was swept lightly, and Jian Ci's hand tightened, wrinkling Zhou Bai's clothes.

He knew that there were people in two or three corners around him, and the feeling of shame and restraint was fighting against his physical instincts, and it was a bit tormenting. But in the front, he can still think about not being too forgetful, and then he gradually gets out of control.

Zhou Bai also seemed to be too deeply involved in the play. He didn't expect that kissing Jian Ci would be so pleasant. Jian Ci was obedient and smooth, neither youthful nor promiscuous. Anyway, it was just to satisfy him, and for a while he almost forgot the purpose of doing it.

Fortunately, dozens of seconds are not very long, and he can still stop it in time.

When the two separated, Jian Ci blushed as if he was about to drip blood, and was still panting slightly.

Zhou Bai wiped the corner of his lips for him, and glanced across the small garden.

He wanted to tell those people that they didn't get married to break feng shui or sex, but that they had reached a consensus and wanted to be together. Maybe the motive for "being together" is not pure enough, but they are normal, legal, and equal partners, and they will not be secretive, let alone hideous.

Kissing is for others to see, not in the name of love, but this is their attitude. Even if you can't completely stop those vicious mouths, you can let those people know that their marriage is not a joke.

They want to get married, want to show affection, want to take care of each other, no one can control.

Someone greeted them with a smile, someone left in a hurry.

Looking back, Zhou Bai smiled at Jian Ci.

EP 37

If it was in a TV series or novel, the pictures just now should be quite beautiful.

But Jian Ci was a more realistic person. He took a deep breath and quickly dragged Zhou Bai back to the room, ignoring Zhou Bai's expression of "How can you thank me for being so good to you", and said:

"Oh my God, it's so close to the fountain that half of the suit is wet!"

Zhou Bai: "… "

Jian Ci was still annoyed: "It's tens of thousands!"

Zhou Bai's temper returned in an instant, and he said with a straight face, "Don't worry about the suit, I have something to ask you."

EP 38

The posture of Xing Shi and asking for guilt was all set, but when the words came to his lips, Zhou Bai was suddenly a little hard to say.

How do you feel like a jealous woman.

Jian Ci was still quite calm, he nodded: "I saw that you had something on your mind before, what's wrong?" Then he took a few tissues and pressed them on Zhou Bai's wet suit, which could absorb some water.

I said don't care about suits, why are you so disobedient!

Zhou Bai watched helplessly as half of his body was covered with tissues... he didn't resist.

He finally said it: "What do you mean by posting so many pictures of breakfast a while ago?"

"Ah?" Jian Ci couldn't keep up with his brain circuit, why did he suddenly get involved with breakfast

"I thought you wanted to remind me to have breakfast, but I just found out when I picked up your friend's cell phone, maybe I misunderstood." Zhou Bai said, "Do you think it's boring and unappetizing to have breakfast with me? You You can tell me directly, I didn't stop you from letting you go out to eat."

This time Jian Ci understood clearly, but he still couldn't believe it, Zhou Bai was pranking

For this kind of thing

"What is your expression?" Zhou Bai glared at him with a frown.

"Well, I really didn't mean to remind you for breakfast..."

Zhou Bai's face was painted black again.

Jian Ci felt that the explanation was unclear. After thinking about it, he gave him his mobile phone and turned to those circles of friends: "I sent those photos to write down those stores, and then..."

Sure enough, in Jianci's circle of friends, many people liked and commented on him, but these people were not in the same circle as Zhou Bai, so Zhou Bai couldn't see any of them, causing him to think that Jianci was affectionate. It was sent to him on purpose.

Just when Zhou Bai was so angry that he wanted to return the phone to Jian Ci, he caught sight of the two conversations between Jian Ci and Zhao Qianqian.

Zhao Qianqian asked him why he kept posting photos earlier, and Jian Ci's reply was—

Mr. Zhou eats milk and bread every morning. It's too monotonous. I want to find a few delicious and clean breakfast shops that are not too far from home. I can buy them for him in the future.

At this time, Jian Ci was also saying: "This store and this store are very clean. Do you eat tofu brain? Would you like to try it next time you buy it?"

Zhou Bai continued to become angry and his ears were hot.

this person! Sure enough, it's still to tease me!

To tease me, I will do whatever I can! He even bought me breakfast!

EP 39

After the wedding, life returned to normal.

There seems to be something different between the two, and it seems to be the same as before. Anyway, it's a bit of a strange feeling, and it's everywhere.

The obvious change is that breakfast is much richer.

At the beginning, when Jian Ci bought it and brought it back, Zhou Bai still disliked the unsanitary situation.

Zhou Bai's perspective:

If you want to win a man's heart, you must first win the man's stomach - Zhou Bai feels that Jian Ci has worked hard in this regard, and has already achieved a little bit of success.

What can I say, his stomach and heart are very comfortable.

Brief perspective:

Jian Ci lay on the dining table and yawned: "I stayed up late last night to work overtime, I was so sleepy, can you bring me two Yaoji's buns? Just turn the second at that intersection..."

Zhou Bai put on his coat: "One meat and one vegetable?"

"Um… "

"Tsk, why are you so sleepy, lie down on the sofa and sleep for a while! I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

EP 40

Recently, Jian Ci has caught a cold, his head is dizzy, his eyes are sore and his nose is blocked, and he speaks with a nasal tone.

Zhou Bai suddenly discovered that he had a quirk, that is, he especially liked to listen to Jian Ci speak in a nasal voice, how comfortable it was, as if a feather was scratching in his heart, soft and itchy.

So he just teased Jianci to talk when he had nothing to do, one thing at a time, after asking this and saying that.

Jian Ci is also honest, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable he is, he will return to him.

Zhou Bai was addicted to hearing it, and after that, he couldn't help but want to provoke him, like a pervert with dissatisfied desires.

That night, the two were watching TV in the living room. Zhou Bai deliberately asked Jian Ci's opinion on a certain social news. Jian Ci commented angrily. Zhou Bai was stunned when he heard it, and leaned in to kiss him on the mouth.

Jian Ci was not frightened this time, but quickly pushed Zhou Bai away, covered his mouth and said, "Don't kiss me, I have a cold!"

Zhou Bai said: "Don't get rid of your cold, it's very exciting for you to talk like that."

Brief remarks: "… "What? What does it mean to be exciting

It's a pity that the day didn't go as planned, Jian Ci's cold was almost healed in two days, and Zhou Bai, the pervert, was punished.

He was recruited, and it was much more serious than Jianci.

EP 41

This cold came at a bad time.

Zhou Bai had a headache and a fever, coughed badly, and his voice became hoarse, but he couldn't give himself a vacation. Baisheng Film and Television originally negotiated with a first-line movie star, but who thought that something went wrong when it came to signing the contract.

This matter required Zhou Bai to go out in person, and he had to drag the sick body to catch the plane on the rest day.

Jian Ci was a little worried when he saw how sickly he was, so he prepared a mask and cold medicine for him early in the morning. "

"Where is the ulcer?" Jian Ci brought the watermelon frost spray.

"Three places..." Zhou Bai parted his lips, "here, here, and on the tongue."

Jian Ci admired: "You are too tragic, how anxious to get angry."

Zhou Bai's face was lifeless.

After spraying the watermelon cream, Jian Ci took his temperature: "37 degrees 8, or you should not go."

Zhou Bai was anxious: "No, they can't solve it."

"Okay." Jian Ci couldn't help sighing, "It's not easy to earn money from the big boss."

Zhou Bai suddenly said: "You and me