Jiang Jiu

Chapter 9: Festival


Jian Ci was afraid that he would fall off the bed, so he didn't dare to hide, so he let him look straight.

Oh, Baidu Encyclopedia.

Taking a closer look, Zhou Bai's ears also turned red: "Why do you search my Baidu Encyclopedia when you have nothing to do?"

"Well, just... just take a look."

Zhou Bai reached out and took his cell phone, turned a few pages, and said angrily: "What are you writing about! I'm 187, what 182, which eye sees me 182! The zodiac sign is not right, I'm a Leo, not a virgin. Block. The market value of Baisheng Real Estate is also wrong, tsk, it hasn't been updated for a long time, the column of spouse... "

Probably because he thought this topic was not very good, Zhou Bai automatically silenced.

Jian Ci is searching his Baidu Encyclopedia? If there is anything to search for, just ask him if you want to know anything, and the marriage is over, so what's the embarrassment. Zhou Bai sneered while sighing.

Then, inadvertently, he swiped to another tab.

Zhou Bai's face darkened: "Why are you searching Qiao Zhiqi's encyclopedia?!"

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Jian Ci is still the same sentence: "Just... just take a look at it."

"What's so good about him!" Zhou Bai crossed out the tab and taught him a lesson, "Jianci, let me tell you, your habit is very bad. If you want to know someone, what's the use of Baidu? The big living person is right in front of you, if you have anything you want to know, just ask me, and I will not ignore you."

Especially about his birthday, hobbies, and income, how can you trust Baidu Encyclopedia

Jian Ci smiled embarrassedly: "I'm mainly afraid of disturbing your rest."

"It's okay, I can't sleep now anyway." Zhou Bai said generously.

"Well, then I'll ask you." Jian Ci recalled what he just saw, "That Mr. Qiao Zhiqi is the son of the richest man Qiao Jianguo? But the five-dimensional entertainment he belongs to is not Qiao's business, right? "

Zhou Bai: "… "

It's good to ask about him! Why are you still asking Qiao Zhiqi! What is there to know about a broken Qiao Zhiqi!

However, the hole he had dug had to be filled while he was kneeling. Zhou Bai held back his anger and said, "He is Qiao Jianguo's adopted son. Qiao Jianguo had two wives before and after, three of whom had been raised by his side since childhood, and now they are fighting for the family property. My own son, Qiao Zhiqi is an adopted son whom Qiao Zhiqi entrusted to him halfway through, which round of Qiao's estate will get him?"

"So it is." Jian Ci nodded.

"Heh, don't look at his elegant and noble appearance, he is very philistine in his bones! As for the name of the son of the richest man, it is even more powerful. The five-dimensional entertainment under his control is less than half of our company's market value... " Zhou Bai finished showing off his wealth, and his sense of shame finally returned. He looked at Jian Ci, "Cough, of course, the value of a person's life does not depend on how much wealth he has, but on his character."

"Well, you're right. I also saw on the encyclopedia that Baisheng Group established a charitable foundation. I give you a thumbs up." Jian Ci gave him a thumbs up with admiration.

This can be, it seems that Baidu Encyclopedia is still a bit reliable.

"It's okay, it's right to make some contribution to the society." Zhou Bai decided to donate another sum of money to his foundation tomorrow. "Anything else to ask?" he said reservedly.

Jian Ci looked up at him, it seemed difficult to speak.

Zhou Bai returned the phone to him: "If you have something to say, say it."

Jian Ci said crampedly: "So, um... you and Mr. Qiao... "

Zhou Bai's expression was slightly stiff, and then he said disdainfully, "Me and him? It's just a partner."

"Oh." Jian Ci sighed in relief. After Qiao Zhiqi came, he didn't know whether it was because of the dialogue or the atmosphere. He felt that his chest was a little blocked, and it was much smoother now.

Jian Ci wondered if he was being too obvious, and if Zhou Bai thought he was controlling too much. Taking a peek at it, Zhou Bai didn't seem to mind his interference, and took the iPad to play flying chess.

Jian Ci happily picked up a bunch of grapes: "I'm going to wash the grapes."

Zhou Bai said with an "um", "Go and come back quickly, let's play flying chess together."

"Okay." Jian Ci walked out.

Zhou Bai quickly took his mobile phone and sent a message to the assistant: Re-edit my Baidu Encyclopedia, the column for the current spouse.

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After staying in the hospital for a week, Zhou Bai recovered completely and was discharged home.

He found that he had really adjusted to his married life now. He was worried about his business trips, accompanied him in the hospital, chatted when he was bored, and cared and looked after when he was busy. With this person by his side, he felt appropriate all over.

The only problem now is - Zhou Bai feels that there is still a little bit of seasoning in his life, that is, the kind of communication that transcends the soul and returns to the body, which makes him fall into some kind of entanglement...

For example: When he was in the hospital, he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and when he came back, he saw Jian Ci lying on his side on the bed, with his entire back exposed outside the quilt, and his cotton T-shirt lifted, revealing a white and smooth a slender waist. The dignified President Zhou, just by the faint light from the bathroom, looked at the waist cut, and he was so shameless and hardened for most of the night.

In short, Zhou Bai wanted to turn Jian Ci into bed, but he didn't know how to do it.

Zhou Bai thought he was not gay, and once thought that Jian Ci was just a nominal partner, but the development of things was not under his control, especially his lower body, which was even less under his control.

It's not that he didn't think about solving it by himself, but if such a person came to mind when he was self-reliant, it would definitely be hopeless. In addition, I can see this person swaying in front of my eyes every day, and it is even more difficult to control myself.

It's not that he is arrogant, he feels that Jianci is also interested in him, so the key point now is the right time and place.

Zhou Bai looked deeply at the yellow calendar displayed on the computer, but it was still those eight characters—

The sun is broken, and everything is inappropriate.


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Just when Zhou Bai was scolding feudal superstition in his heart, Jian Ci knocked on his door: "Mr. Zhou, do you take a bath first? Or should I?"

Zhou Bai said: "You wash first."


Jian Ci came out of the shower, her hair hadn't been dried, and suddenly it was pitch black.

He snorted softly, and then heard the sound of the door opening.

"Mr. Zhou?"



Jian Ci just came out of the bathroom, Yuba's brightness was very high, and he suddenly entered darkness, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He took a few steps forward in a daze, first hitting the table, and then hitting the person.

"Stop moving, close your eyes and get used to it."

"Well..." Jian Ci responded, subconsciously supporting the person in front of him.

Zhou Bai hugged Jian Ci's waist, and felt the slippery and wet skin in the gap between the home clothes and pajama pants. All of a sudden, his mind was full of the thin waist, just like it was printed on the retina, on the fingers. It also seemed to have a magnetic force and was tied to Jian Ci's skin. In the breathing room, the clean and refreshing breath after bathing penetrated into his nose, causing him to faint.

Zhou Bai used his strong self-control to tear himself apart a little bit, but before he could take his hand off, a soft object touched his chin abruptly.

Zhou Bai was stunned.

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That's the lips.

In the darkness, Zhou Bai's whole mind was drawn to the lips. He felt Jianci's lips trembling slightly, like a timid butterfly wing, and they touched it so lightly, as light as an inadvertent rubbing. .

Is it intentional? Unintentional

The warm aura belonging to another person gathered in his arms, Zhou Bai tightened his arms involuntarily. The chest and abdomen are pressed together, and the fast and violent heartbeat can be heard, and it is not clear who it is.

The second time, he kissed his lower lip.

Zhou Bai heard Jian Ci calling him cautiously: "Mr. Zhou..."

Now he was sure, it wasn't an unintentional touch, it was this person who was flirting with him!

This man, flirting with him again!

Zhou Bai felt that all the nerves in his brain would be snapped.

Going to his calendar is not allowed at all!

Zhou Bai suddenly pushed the person to the table, lowered his head and kissed him fiercely. If there was light at this time, he would see Jian Ci's blushing face and his almost concrete courage.

The joy of getting the response made Jian Ci smile contentedly and roll his eyes, and put his arms around Zhou Bai's neck.

He didn't know what he was thinking, but when Zhou Bai was supporting him, he suddenly had the idea of desperate.

Either life or death, or annihilation, or sinking.

The lips and tongues intertwined, making a wet and sticky sound, and the obedience of Jian Ci made Zhou Bai more restless, even a little out of control. He couldn't help stroking Jian Ci's back and waistline with his palm, probably touching the sensitive point of his waist, Jian Ci flinched and snorted slightly.

The two of them pressed their stomachs tightly against each other, and they both sensed each other's changes.

Sweat oozes from Zhou Bai's forehead, and he feels too hot. But Jian Ci added fuel to the fire, one hand slid down his body and rested on his trousers tremblingly: "Mr. Zhou, I... I... "


The light in the room is back.

They were disheveled and unsteady looking at each other.

In Zhou Bai's eyes, Jian Ci's face was crimson, his eyes were bright, and he looked completely seductive. In Jian Ci's eyes, Zhou Bai frowned, breathing hot, forbearance and ready to go.

However, they were stopped by an emotion called "embarrassment".

The heat was gradually fading, and Zhou Bai moved first.

He let go of Jian Ci, walked near the entrance, turned on a control panel, and pulled down the air switch in this room.


Everything returned to darkness, and Jian Ci was dragged into the master bedroom by a force.


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Zhou Bai's bed was much bigger and softer than Jian Ci's, and Jian Ci fell on his back.