Jiang Jiu Ge
Author: 林深
Latest: Chapter 725
Status: Completed
Genres: Classical Romance
There are lone geese in the north, but nine songs fall. That year, the Gu family was slaughtered. He drew his sword, knelt before his relatives, and vowed revenge. Once the dynasty changed, he became the noble king of Tan, the power was in the hands of the court, and he was jealous of others. Because of her meritorious service in rebelling against the rebellion, the Feng clan rises, and she becomes the superior princess. Above the court, she is at ease, but her hidden identity is related to the events of the previous court. Annihilation,...
北有孤雁,惟落九歌。 那年,顾氏被屠满门,他拔剑,跪在众亲前,发誓报仇。 一朝换代,他成为尊贵的檀王,权倾朝野,被他人忌惮。 因平叛有功,风氏崛起,她成为高高在上的郡主。 朝堂之上,她游刃有余,隐在背后的身份却关乎前朝大事。 灭族之仇,...