Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 115: Have fun


Suddenly noticed that the waist was soft, and looked up, I saw Gu Beiyan embracing her in her arms, with her long arms resting on her slender waist, and her low voice slowly said, "This king just said, ninety-nine but Yes?"

Feng Jiuge's eyes changed slightly, and his brows slowly curled up.

Just now? She only agreed very much.

Feng Jiuge hadn't thought about it for half a minute, and the soft voice of the woman came into her ear again, and she blushed for a while.

"You!" I knew that Gu Beiyan was not serious, but who would have expected that he would be able to talk to her so frankly and unimpededly at this time and place. It's not enough to mention it. When Feng Jiuge is mentioned, he subconsciously thinks of the confusion and love that day.

In the past, she would have to touch less spirits and go in and out with Gu Beiyan less.

Seeing the flushed face of the woman in her arms, Gu Beiyan chuckled in a rare good mood, and whispered again in her ears, "Ninety-nine, this king is serious."

If he is still King Tan in this life, she is his own Princess Tan.

If she is empty, she is her own wife, the only wife.

What he wants to give Feng Jiuge is all prosperity, wealth, peace and prosperity, and freedom.

Feng Jiuge was emotionally moved, fell into his beautiful eyes, and almost nodded in a ghostly manner. Apart from him, no one in this world can let himself be like this.

The old bustard led them to the innermost side, where there was a faint sound of silk and bamboo, soft songs and soft tunes, accompanied by the soft and soft voice of the woman.

Feng Jiuge's eyes deepened, seldom interesting. The old bustard was about to lead them in, but Kan Feng Jiuge hooked her finger at her and leaned forward.

In this world, it is necessary to talk about black hearts, but no one can be more black than Feng Jiuge.

Wouldn't our seven princes want to be drunk and gentle, then she will give him a hero's grave and a gentle town.

The two clasped fingers exchanged glances, and then they heard the old bustard shouting outside the door, "Master, there are nine girls in the building today, with outstanding looks and beautiful looks. Can the prince tell her to come into the house to serve? "

Feng Jiuge knows that Luo Qiran, who has always loved to play and appreciate beauties, will definitely not refuse. Sure enough, there was a low voice of laughter from inside, followed by a good voice.

Pushing the door and entering, you can see the fragrant screen and the brocade couch, and the bead curtain Mu Cui has a panoramic view. Yuzhan delicacy, fine wine delicacy, everything you need. Around the banquet, beauties are surrounded, the sound of silk and bamboo is crisp, and the singing and dancing are so uncomfortable.

And Feng Jiuge's gaze swept across this luxurious and extremely luxurious room, and then fell on the man lying on the brocade couch.

He is dressed in a miserable green robe, the blue silk is tied up by a bamboo hairpin, his face is like a peach and apricot, his eyes are like a star, his posture is leisurely and elegant, and the sky is glazed. He is like a round of stars and moonlight, shining gradually.

At this moment, Luo Qiran squinted his eyes halfway, and watched in a trance as a woman with a veil walked slowly towards him, with a graceful posture as he walked towards him, still showing a lonely and thin snowy frost.

"Can singing and dancing?" The delicate woman serving by the side peeled the grape skins and handed the crystal clear flesh to Luo Qiran's mouth, with a submissive and well-behaved appearance.

The sound of silk and bamboo in this room has the momentum of high mountains and running water, and the concubine meaning of Langqing.

It is said that Luo Qiye will enjoy it. This time Feng Jiuge has seen a real deal. However, after staying in Jianghuai for a day, Luo Qiran couldn't bear to go out for recreation, and it happened to be the most famous in Jianghuai city. Of the brothel.

Even the old bustard knows his identity. It must be the servant who blurted out and put on the prince's arrogance. Thanks to these women, they wanted to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. After taking care of them, Luo Qiran might be called to the capital to enjoy the blessing, so they all dressed up. From this kind of gentle and virtuous person.

The small face under the veil was cold and cold at the moment, Feng Jiuge curled his lips upon hearing the words, and said calmly, "No."

Luo Qiran asked: "Can you play music?"

Feng Jiuge replied: "No."

"Can you chant poems and paint?"

The princess has always been handsome and handsome, and answered, "No."

"Then you only have this empty skin bag to enter the brothel, and you didn't learn some other skills. What did you come in for?" The old bustard actually pushed this person in and waited.

"The king's princess is not good at poetry, singing and dancing, and playing the piano, do you want to give some pointers?" Just when Luo Qiran Yangyang wanted the old bustard to coax the woman away, a voice that couldn't be more deserted came in.

The brocade boots are in the eye, and further up, there are the outstanding looks and the trimmed clothes.

The long hair is like ink scattered in white clothes, and the whole body exudes an icy breath. The facial features carved like a sharp knife also have the four characters "Don't enter the stranger. Deeply seeing the invisible ink eyes are shooting the blade, this kind of bullying Saixue, this kind of coldness and fierceness, except Gu Beiyan, no one else has such an aura.

Wait, he just said something.

princess? !

Luo Qiran glanced at the left hand with his eyes, and saw Feng Jiuge sitting on the soft collapse at some point, her misty eyes filled with a cold smile at the moment, she glanced at the woman surrounded by all colors, and joked. , "If the Seventh Prince likes an arty woman who knows how to chant poems and paint, this princess doesn't mind watching it again."

The beautiful women who were playing music all put down the bamboo music in their hands and saluted tremblingly.

"Meet King Tan, and see the princess."

Luo Qiran was enjoying himself extremely comfortably, but he was simply disrupted. But Luo Qiye also had misery. Unexpectedly, King Tan was the one who killed people without spitting out bones. If he dared to say something, he might have been After playing Baihualou, the face lost will be even greater.

The wine glass was spilled, and Luo Qiran woke up most of the wine at this moment, slowly got up, and said with a pleased expression: "Little Geer naturally doesn't need to learn these vulgar things."

The women who had originally played music softened their knees after hearing this.

Seven princes, but the song they just made is vulgar? For fear that the grace hasn't ended yet, they will lose their lives.

"Fine, go out to receive the reward, this king doesn't need you to wait on here." Luo Qiran waved his hand and let a group of women retreat.

These seven princes came to visit the brothel, which is also a big shelf. There are no less than 20 dancers in the room, and there are even dozens of people who play the piano and compose music. I am afraid that this old bustard will fill the building with all the outstanding women in the building. Came in.

It's just that, Luo Qiran had the intention to watch but didn't care about favors, so she had the wrong mind.

"Little Ge'er, King Tan, how would your couple come here?" Luo Qiran held a white jade cup in his hand, there was a kind of inexplicably handsome, elegant and elegant.

Gu Beiyan walked to the side of Feng Jiuge and sat down next to her. Zheng was worried that there was no soft felt for him to rely on, and Feng Jiuge lay down in the arms of the man.

"If you can come here to have fun, then we can't come to have fun?" The cold voice slowly spit out.

Luo Qiran looked at Feng Jiuge, Mo Yu's eyes were lightly smiling, and the bottom of his eyes was a deep pool, not bottomed out, and said lowly: "This king just didn't expect that your husband could allow you to visit the brothel. ."

The teasing in the words is undoubtedly revealed, and it is such a lack of smoke.